
Facebook Lie-ves

Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
JS69's post about social media made me think of my experiences on Facebook and Instagram.

It's amazing how many totally messed up people I know (drugs, alcohol, sex with underage students you're teaching) who present their lives as a fairy tale on Facebook. In real life they can't hold anything together yet on social media they're constantly posting all the awesome things they're doing and the money they're spending. It's no wonder there are so many dissatisfied housewives running around these days!

Instagram seems to be a more honest experience (at least with strippers). There are lots of posts with drug use, rants about depression, etc. mixed in with the typical "look at my awesome life" posts.

The thing that helps keep IG more honest than Facebook is the "story" feature at the top of IG. Because these stories act a lot like Snapchat and disappear after 24 hours or less, dancers (and women in general) let their guard down and film themselves in their regular lives. You get to see their messy apartments, lots of SS (my car broke down, send money to link in profile), and pictures with boyfriends and smoking weed. There are tons of posts about "being sick" and not going to work in the morning, followed by posts of them eating at their favorite Pho soup shop with friends in the afternoon. It's an interesting and eye-opening insight into their worlds.

What are your experiences with the carefully crafted social media facades?


  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Since her family and non-stripper friends are on Facebook, she'll behave with more decorum, and the posts will generally just paint a completely misleading portrait of her life. Her on facebook: "Pic of me and my Chad, soooo in love with him." Her at the club: "Chad's in jail again for beating on me, because I yelled at him for fucking my best friend."

    The one place you can get some real insight into her: there will be posts from older members of her family, like her mom or aunt, or her friends: "Honey are you ok, haven't heard from you." I would often have a stripper go completely silent on me for days, and wonder if she'd given me the heave-ho, and realized she's just on a several day drug-fueled bender and wasn't replying to anyone, not even her family or friends.

    Instagram is for her friends only, so she'll be racier there. If she's a bit more sophisticated, she'll have a special stripper instagram to build her "brand", and the raciest pics will be there
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    "Pic of me and my Chad, soooo in love with him." Her at the club: "Chad's in jail again for beating on me, because I yelled at him for fucking my best friend."

    Hit the nail on the head.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    That’s most people. Some people air all of their dirty laundry and rant about misjustice on Facebook, and some pretend their life is perfect. I mostly use it for the groups, and never update my stuff. It does come in handy for connecting w old friends.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    BJ99: agree, the pattern I described is universally applicable ... although strippers lead more extraordinary lives than most, so the degree might increase a bit :)
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Ugh Facebook. I never post anything (maybe 2 or 3 photos of my and my buddies together a year), but I was constantly checking it on my app daily.

    At night over dinner with my wife I’d always comment on what her nutty friends or coworkers were up to, until it got to the point where she said “enough!” So, I finally deleted the app on my phone, and I’d like to delete my account but can’t since I need it to stay somewhat connected for work.

    I changed my settings so nobody can tag my name and nobody can post on my “wall” so if I don’t check it for a long time I won’t get surprised by anything.

    Side note - it’s been about 5 weeks since I last checked it and I’m perfectly fine with that.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    NOt just FB, snap, IG. Plenty done on both SW and here at TUSCL. Anywhere and everywhere.
  • BBBC
    7 years ago
    I fucked an instagram hottie
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
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