SCing in the Snow
954 (South Florida)
This is probably a dumb question, and I imagine a similar question has been asked at some point there any advantage to SCing in snow or other bad weather conditions? On one hand, I'm thinking fewer guys will be out and there may be 'deals' to be had. On the other hand, it's Saturday night and most PLs here are probably used to driving in snow.
This stuff is supposed to keep falling until midnight and I think we're supposed to get about 5 inches. Right now I can't tell where the driveway ends and the street starts. I'll probably wait until Monday, but if there's a chance at a discount...well, it wouldn't be the first dumb decision I've made.
This stuff is supposed to keep falling until midnight and I think we're supposed to get about 5 inches. Right now I can't tell where the driveway ends and the street starts. I'll probably wait until Monday, but if there's a chance at a discount...well, it wouldn't be the first dumb decision I've made.
You might find a few more deals. Than again you might find yourself in a five car pile up.....
Dog sled sounds cool, but I don't have any dogs. It'd be cool to pull up at the club with eight huskies, though.
I enjoy going in the pouring rain (or what counts as a hard rain out here, but would be considered a shower in most other places). It can be a bit of a crapshot -- far fewer customers, but many of the girls will stay home, too. But if you do find a girl, it will be a high value afternoon.
Best of all is if you have an ATF, and get her to meet you at the club. Some of my most fun stories are from rainy afternoons, where there were so few customers that my ATF and I were joined by as many as 3 of her stripper friends at my table. This is Subraman in full glory LOL ... Slamming shots and talking shit with a bunch of strippers who have given up for the afternoon (except my ATF, who will be making her usual from me). Good times, man. Good times.