
Comments by Subraman (page 158)

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    6 years ago
    Rate this insta-thot
    Just like the Dushku limit at the top -- any chick beyond it is so hot, it almost doesn't matter how much hotter -- there should be an Uggo limit below which it doesn't matter how unattractive she is. This girl's face is nice with, as Rick points out, "10 pounds of cake batter makeup layered on her", but that ridiculous caricature body is a complete non-starter. Would not.
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    6 years ago
    Rate this insta-thot
    GPS = Ginormous Posterior Syndrome
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    6 years ago
    Clubs with beautiful young dancers
    -->"men put up with butt-ugly cow-sized bloated blimps, and have come to think of waists that are narrower than hips, as a special luxury rarity that can command a high price." Leave Papi alone!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    on SA
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    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Baby Powder
    For quite a while, there's been a huge debate over whether talc (asbestos-free talc, specifically) causes cancer -- it may or may not be slightly raising the probability of various cancers in women who use it (ovarian, etc). More women than men powder themselves, which I imagine is why current studies are specifically on women. In any case, why take chances with your junk? I'd go with a cornstarch based powder, if I were a fancy enough man to powder up my nards
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    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    on SA
    While I think it's important not to underestimate the stupidity of horny guys, the general belief seems to be that the online-only girls, just like the platonic girls, rarely ever find takers, and end up giving up. I hope that's true
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    Hmm, could also explain why they all ghost when I unlock my private pics and see my dick pic
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    -->"I happen to think that Stormy Daniels is an 8, but that's my own idiosyncratic opinion. I also always thought that Julia Roberts, Katie Holmes, and Mila Kunis, for example, are like 6s, at best, especially by Hollywood standards. " I think this is a huge part of it. You might be as picky as any of us, but you're attracted to women that far fewer guys are attracted to. Or, to put it snarkily, you're lucky enough to think Sizzler steaks are better than Ruth's Chris. I think all the things you've touched on make sense, but I have to think the fact that you're pursuing women who don't have lots of options must be a huge part of it -- and perhaps also tied into why you're running into so many women who go the extra mile to please (sex at first meeting, unprotected). I guarantee if someone who looked like Mila Kunis was on the site, none of us here would be getting her, she'd be pursued by guys with girthy throbbing budgets.
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    6 years ago
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    Bj99 status
    BJ, I heard a nasty rumor that you caught an STD by looking at one of Flag's dick pics. Could you comment? It sounds credible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    -->"Takes me weeks to find a good SB. Of course I'm 5' 10" and not 6 4" And I have no desire to sleep with 8 different partners per month, anyway" Same. I'm not looking for anything close to the experience BHo is looking for, but frankly I couldn't pull it off even if I were -->" @Burlington finds Stormy Daniels attractive and is willing to pay for a 40-yr-old divorcee. I wouldn't have the slightest interest in either." Exactly -- that's what I was getting at with the "maybe he's concentrating more at the 5 end of his 5-9 range". Add in the fact that he's making "creative and bold" choices in women :), plus living in a relatively economically challenged area, plus all that 6'4" of daddy, plus concentrating on the kind of girls who will skip the M&G and go right to intimacy, all adds up to more opportunity for him than to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    Ya, my experience -- and the general experience as expressed on arrangement forums I've read -- is more along your (and my) experience -- lots of flakes and fakes. Of course, this could be a combination of BHo being in a particularly good area, luck,maybe he just plain works this all better than you and I (should change his name to NaturalBornDaddy), and maybe he's concentrating a bit more down at the 5 range of his 5-9 where the girls hop-to since they have few options. I will tell you that when I'm in hunting mode, the notion of getting 8 dates in a month is pure fantasy, unless I take the month off from work and SA becomes my fulltime job -- way too much flaking and ghosting to pull off a meeting with a new girl every 4 days, consistently.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    Actually, the numbers are sinking in -- you've had sex with 8 different women in a month, and with three of them, more than once, and thinking about meeting 3 more? You are what juice was aspiring to be, if any of juice's stories ever actually happened in real life :)
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    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    Dang man, deep in the feels (as the youngsters say) already. Sounds like you've had a fun ride!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    Dead Pool - which TUSCL member will kick the bucket next?
    mdb was quite a specimen. I figured he must be an alterego of some tuscler, having a little fun with us. But, I also thought that about other members here who turned out to be real
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some final thoughts on SA
    -->"Every one of them has been willing to accept PPM, but I'm sure that they really want an allowance." The good news is, you don't have to feel bad about this part. Everyone, even long time "high end" sugarbabies, expect PPM to start. They know it's not fair to ask you for a month allowance up front, before you even know how compatible you are or have any trust built up -- just like they wouldn't accept your offer of "I'll give you the allowance at the END of the month", for the same reasons . No one needs to feel bad about PPM, 100% of the girls I've spoken with find it acceptable, and many feel it's preferable at first -- the legit girls don't want the pressure of HAVING to perform for a month. On the other hand, I *would* feel bad about using these girls for one-and-done, if there were explicit or implied understanding about wanting an actual arrangement. Arrangements don't have to be exclusive, but do imply something ongoing. Have you seen any of them more than once? -->"I can't speak for everyone but whenever I'm with an escort or a stripper, their snatches are usually as dry as the Sahara." I find the experience with escorts in general is just not really satisfying. I'd pick SA or stripper OTC 1000 out of 1000 times, over an escort, even having to deal with stripper flakiness, SA scammers, etc -->"- One thing to keep in mind: I live a little over an hour north of Atlantic City, which is an area that has been very slow to recover from the Great Recession and the housing crash. So for the rest of you guys it's 2018 and the economy is strong, and the SBs can afford to be selective. But down in Atlantic City, it's still 2011 and everything is still shitty, and lots of sluts are in need of assistance. Think about it." Lucky bastard. At least in this case!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    SS for PLs
    lol on the id! ... you obviously have never posted a "I met 4 girls in the past 2 weeks, fucked them all, they all looked better than their pics" story. I still can't figure out why you would remotely think that was a reference to you. You and I both look for a more regulation arrangement, rather than using it as an escort site. I obviously enjoy SA, so it wasn't a backhanded slap at SA in general. This thread was about over-the-top unbelievable stories -- there have been plenty of those about SA on this forum, although since this is an SC forum, there's more about SCs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    Bj99 status
    Shockingly, she got it from just LOOKING at one of flag's dick pics
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    SS for PLs
    -->"I don't specifically know why I'm struggling with SA. Perhaps it's the area (but that feels like a cop out), or perhaps I'm just not very good at this for whatever reason. I have run into a lot of the flakiness cited by Subraman. " Of course. People are looking for different experiences, are in different regions of the country, have different means, etc., so they'll end up having different experiences overall. But the one constant on SA is that there's agreement that there's a lot of flakes and fakes, it's just a matter of degree. You don't have to take my word for it -- go through a week or two of the reddit sub, for example. Notice how often people express frustration with fakes and with flakes, people ask how to deal with these problems, people complain how bad it's gotten. RM's overly-idealized experience is just as much an outlier on an SA group as it is on a SC group, so no rationalization about "you guys are just hostile to SA" is remotely applicable. Seriously -- check that sub out, or find yourself some other arrangement forums, there's no reason to guess about this. Ironically, as I've posted in other threads, I've spent more time and $ on SA in the past 8 months or so, than at SCs. But I don't have any delusional views about SA being some transcendentally superior format with no issues, it's just another way to get pussy that has its own significant challenges ... challenges that no one in most arrangement forums would deny
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Pimp or Rentboy?
    Stripper boyfriend: why you gotta put limits on me? Why do I have to be one or the other, why can't I be both? You hate me cause you ain't me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    SS for PLs
    RM, you must have some weird guilty feelings here -- that obvious-caricature "I've met 6 girls in one week, all 9s" description wasn't referencing you; as far as I can tell, you've never posted such a thing, why get defensive over it?. You and I use SA similarly, and while your experience is a good deal better than mine, nothing about it really rings as "I met and fucked 3 9s this week" horseshit, but several posters HAVE posted those types of stories, which is why Shailynn referenced it in his first response. That said, I certainly stand by my overall summary: the handful of discussion forums I've read on arrangements, the stories are pretty consistent -- flakes, ghosting, scammers, if you're not running into them, you're the only one. I skimmed the forum joc13 referenced a few weeks ago -- same thing. This is an accurate description of not just what I've experienced, but what others complain about, across the country, online. Your take on this that "strip club guys find SA threatening", appears to be you rationalizing why not everyone has the same experience you do, and being irritated that we haven't all mindlessly adopted the same outlook. . Yes, SA is an interesting place to play; no, it's not the "slam dunk obvious better than SCs, for everyone" you present it as. Some of the guys here like strip clubs better, or the same as SA, not because SA is threatening, but because 1. their experiences are different than yours, 2. they are looking for a different experience than you are. Shouldn't be hard to understand, nor a positioning that's threatening -- you can like SA more than strip clubs even if the rest of us don't. Though I wonder why, if that's the case, you don't just spend more time on arrangement forums.
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    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    SS for PLs
    -->"I'm glad that these stories are (likely) horseshit. I'm still struggling with SA." This is literally the only forum about arrangements I've ever read, where these types of stories are happening. Every other forum, there of course are differences in experiences, but it's a matter of degree, and the general themes of flakiness, ghosting, scammers, rinsers, not looking like pics, etc. are very consistent. On the other hand, the big difference is that every other forum I've read about arrangements is for actual SDs & SBs, whereas many of the guys here are basically bottom-feeding SA, as johns or "salt daddies"; no problem for me, makes me look better :) But while all the "I met 5 girls last week, they were all 8s and looked as good as their pics" are guaranteed horseshit, it *is* possible to meet 5 girls in a week if you're concentrating on escorts, the escorts are the least likely to flake
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    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    SS for PLs
    There are obvious serial bullshitters, including several frequent contributors who I feel are almost always making things up. That said, I've experienced some things that I don't even bother to write about here, because they are so penthouse forum letter-ish or fantasy-like that people would (rightly) tell me it's PLS -- but I've lived it. So I do allow that in the case of some things I think of as PLS, sometimes a PL just gets outrageously lucky and it might have actually happened, and the real mistake the PL made was sharing it here without considering the believability factor. Agree with Shailynn that it's particularly difficult for me to believe the "I've met 6 girls on SA in teh past week, all turned out to be 9s, two didn't ask me for allowance". This forum is the only arrangemetn forum I've ever read where people (multiple people) have claimed these types of stories
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    LGBTQ+ Terms For Straight People
    -->"Shits gone too far, and I’m usually pretty open minded" There are issues where I have traditionally been very liberal, where my positions haven't changed at all, and now my exact same view outrages progressives. This is, to an extent, one of those topics. But have to admit that I follow the general guideline of "just use whatever pronoun someone wants", the same way there's a guy at work who used to be Dave and now we all have to call him David for some reason. Whatevs. Even if this bothered me (which it doesn't), I live by don't sweat the small stuff.
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    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    LGBTQ+ Terms For Straight People
    -->"I usually ask what the tranny wants to be called. If the tranny says Sir - I guess it’s a pitcher - and move on..." Is this conversation before or after you've blown him?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Okay, but I'm taking one of these gowns home. Y'know, for a friend.