Going to the club with no intention of getting private dance

Question for fellow mongers on this site: do you ever go to a SC with no intention of buying a private dance, but rather with the intention to simply enjoy the club atmosphere and watch the dancers? Do you ever go with the explicit self-control to not buy dances?
I can’t say that i’ve ever done this, but I can imagine I would if there was a club closer to me.
last commentThe only time I EVER go to the club without planning to buy private dances, is if I'm with a bunch of rookies ... e.g., bachelor party, etc. Then I pretty much know we'll be sitting around buying shots, getting other guys lapdances to "embarrass" them, and yelling Ohhhh whenever any stripper does anything super "wild" like twerking or spanking her own ass or shakign her titties at us
yeah, ive done it. im really picky so im not wasting my money on someone i dont find attractive or dont get along with. its not a big deal, treat it like any other bar. some have cheap drinks
No. I have occasionally gone to a club and not gotten dances because nothing appealed to me, but I have never gone with the intention to not get dances.
^ drevil +1
Lol.i do.this!! I think.it is interesting to watch. I only do it like once every 3 months though lol
If I am there I want an LDK.
No. The opposite in fact. I usually go with the intent of buying dances as the main reason.
unless its an air dance club.
"do you ever go to a SC with no intention of buying a private dance, but rather with the intention to simply enjoy the club atmosphere and watch the dancers?"
Yes. But there are plenty of times I end up getting dances anyway.
"Do you ever go with the explicit self-control to not buy dances?"
Yes. But there are plenty of times I end up getting dances anyway.
I rarely buy dances anymore. I used to a long time ago, but they lost their luster for me well over a decade ago. For the most part my activities now revolve around taking care of girls who entertain me barside and OTC. I think part of it is the fact that I can't get off with grinding or even a dry handjob, which is the best that one can get ITC in most of the clubs that I frequent.
With all of that said, I'll do unmonitored private VIP rooms if the price and services are right, but sadly I only visit those types of clubs a couple times per year.
Cue SJG and his 'chums' diatribe.
"I rarely buy dances anymore." --rickdugan
You tell em buddy, buying dances are a chump's game... ;)
I have gone to a SC a few times recently to scout a prospect from SA. Having another "mission" makes me more discriminating about who I get dances with. On one occasion, I went, drank 2 beers, didn't see the girl I was looking for, left without getting any dances, and didn't feel any of the disappointment that I typically would in a situation like that. SA has really helped me develop an abundance mindset with respect to pussy for sale, that has made me a happier and better consumer, even in non-SA contexts.
Now a days, I come by just to see the fave. She doesn't do OTC, and most of the time we're more hanging out than dancing... The longer I've been SCing seems like the more I'm PLing it seems. Supposed to be the other way :)
If I have been recently "satisfied," I know that I'm unlikely to be inspired to buy a dance, but occasionally I do nevertheless.
@phatoy I agree 100%, if a girl is attractive but annoying like this one girl who felt like I was playing her cause I asked about her leaving the game plan., I'm not getting a dance.
@rick unmonitored VIP is the only way to go for a private room, LDK is NOT possible for me takes more than a little rub from a GORGEOUS girl to get one out. Standards have been set pretty high from last experiences.
@guy79, Exactly there is too much fish for sale to just keep getting dances. Mongers need to evolve they can't stay stagnant.
I have to say, if the club has no touch,no extras, air dances, pasties, or any other shit that ruins the atmosphere of a private lap dance, then the only reason to go is to just tip and drink a beer. I am certainly not going to say you ever HAVE to buy privates.
Yeah, sometimes I just wanna get a few drinks, chat with a few girls, and tip them. I’m also heavy into OTC now, so I don’t waste my money getting dances ITC.
our local clubs have little or no private dance offering. Nothing that can't be done on stage. Little or no privacy.
Dance fee just a way to talk to the girl, or to ingratiate yourself with her. Paid the full per song dance fee just for front room sit and talk time.
Underground Mexican Bar circuit much more fun. And we have AMPs.
In San Francisco prices very high, but in the real clip joint sorts, no front room makeout sessions, back room action hence compromised. So rather than LDK, I go for DATYing them. Very responsive, always has big visible effect on girl, really softened up, well prepped for OTC. Best that can be done, and still at high cost, when no front room makeout and back room FS too pricey.
In the past I sometimes would go to a club out of boredom to kill some time but either was not in the mood to SC or not in the mood to spend $$$; but even then on most of those few-visits that I went just to hang I would usually end-up getting dances; I think all the naked--women walking around may have had something to do w/ it.
These days if I don't feel like SCing or not spending $$$ I usually will not go b/c I'll probably end-up spending $$$ anyway and getting dances.
I won't go to a black-club to hang b/c no-way I can turn down the chocolate all night long (especially w/ the dances just being $5 and $10) - if I plan to just hang and not buy dances I usually go to a large mixed-club (e.g. Tootsies, etc) where I can kinda blend into the woodwork.
Sometimes. I may think the club price dances are way overpriced or offer little to nothing in terms of touching the dancers which isn't much more than watching the stage show. I'm not loaded with money so blowing a bunch of money with nothing in return is not something I'm interested in. Although I am making more money now on my job but my investments are still way down. Maybe if I start feeling like I'm on a millionaire path again I won't care how much money I'm spending but that's not where I am right now.
Usually... The objective is LDs. However, my local club is low mileage. It would be a waste of money to buy LDs there, but sometimes I go with a like minded friend just to check out the locals.
There are clubs where I don’t think the lap dances are worth it but the girls are friendly and attractive. If I’m passing by and feel like stopping, that would be a situation where I would go just for eye candy and flirting, having no intention of buying dances.
Private dance to me indicates VIP. There are plenty of times I've done this. If you are just talking a lap dance, most of the time I go, I go with the intention of getting lap dances on the floor. I can recall one time i went and knew i wasn't going to be getting dances but that's rare. There have been times I haven't gotten dances when I haven't been approached or no dancers appealed to me.
I have done it in years past when traveling just to escape the boredom of my hotel room and having already been taken care of earlier in the day but I rarely travel anymore. So now I say no.
I can’t recall a time when I went to a club and didn’t get at least one lap dance.
I used to frequent a club where I may have been the only customer tipping at stage and buying dances during the time I was there. This was a club that draws a big college crowd, and a lot of college students can’t afford to pay for much more than the cover charge and drink minimum.
I follow the system® and it does not allow me to partake in dances.
There are two instances when I will go and not intend to buy dances.
As mentioned previously - if it’s a bachelor party - I might buy the bachelor dances from a girl (to embarrass him).
Or, if I’m going out with business clients, and they think it might be fun to hit a club. I’ll usually tip the dancers to be polite, but I won’t explore the real club offerings.
Unless, as Subraman said, I’m going with people without a clue, which is very, very seldom, no, I’m always going with the intention of, and prepared for, getting dances, leading to VIP.
That said, it doesn’t always work out that way. This past weekend was a case in point. Slow week, girls doing other things, and nobody really appealed to me. So, blue balls and plenty left in my wallet.
No. I go looking for extras ITC. This is the advantage of living near Detroit. Where else can a 66year old man enjoy a hot 24 year old?
Always go with intention of buying dances. If it's a club I frequent and girl(s) I already like are in club I'll often just get dances with them but always scoping new talent for a test drive. Only once in past year I haven't gotten dances and that's because talent that visit was subpar and I left after seeing only 2 girls on stage.
Have never gotten a floor dance, never will, mileage too low and not interested in other PLs observing the activity.
I never go to the club without the intention of spending money, I always make sure I got a roll if the right girl comes along. However, some clubs just don't have the talent and I'll leave without spending.
If a club is known for low contact or even air dances but has good eye candy, i'll go with the intention of not getting dances. Sometimes i'll still get a dance or more, but usually from a girl that give much more mileage than the standard there.
Back when I lived in Omaha, I would play designated driver for my buddy Kurt and we would go on his Council Bluffs pastie bar tour. I never much liked any of the clubs there, but once in a while, one of the clubs there would have a girl who appealed to me and I would buy a dance. I have never gone alone without intending to buy dances.
“Going to the club with no intention of getting private dance”.
many times.
usually that doesn’t work when my preferred sexy type is there.
I go to my favorite club to eat a meal and watch a game on TV all the time. only time I go to a sports bar any more is the 1pm ET NFL games if there's more than 2 games I want to keep an eye on.
now, going with the intention of not getting dances, and ACTUALLY not getting dances depends on who is there.