Hell yeah personality makes up at least 50% of the score, looks are transient, I’ve seen girls that looked drop dead gorgeous one visit look like they died on another but a good looking gal with a good personality wins my money every time.
I like to develop favs which means spending time with and getting to know them. She has to be attractive enough to get things started, but after that it's all personality.
For those that just like variety and action in would assume personality means far less.
there's a dancer at my fav club that i've seen a couple of times recently and she's probably more attractive in my eyes than my CF, but her personality isn't as good. don't get me wrong.......her personality/friendliness isn't poor..........but she's just not as attentive/GFE the way my CF is. its a shame too because this girl is ultra hot and could really do some damage to my bank account.
at a club.....there are multiple attractive/hot women.......but in my opinion.........attitude/friendliness is the main thing that differentiates dancers.
Personality has no affect on my numerical rating scale, which is based strictly on looks, although it has a huge impact on overall satisfaction and my willingness to spend on her. I would rather spend time with a 7 with an engaging personality than a 9 who is a wet dishrag.
Well yeah. Because if you are passing someone on the street you won't know their personality. Looks is all you have to go on when evaluating most ladies.
But personality counts to how I rate the stripper. That's why 10s in my book are so rare. She needs to be a 10 in both.
I concur, the 1-10 rating(which i am less and less fond of and prefer the "binary" yes/no scale more and more but thats beside the point) is based on looks alone. But for me, while a shit personality doesnt make any dancer less attractive, a great personality can make a dancer slightly more attractive. i guess i dont expect world class personalities from strippers and a good personality is just a bonus.
I think you guys are mistaking attraction, for attractiveness, first impressions are important, but after that first impression, if she can't hold your attention, then it's useless, browsing is is fun, but buying, that's the part that matters.
1-10 is supposed to be about pure beauty. That said, once you get to know how, much you like her (or dislike her) will always affect your perception of her beauty to some extent.
The things that impact whether I'll spend time with her:
Sexiness -- that je nais sai quoi that makes her ultra desirable
I honestly think my crowdsourced rating system is the best one! It's actually how I mentally categorize the girls I OTC with (so I can get the crowd's impression)
-->"Personality has no affect on my numerical rating scale, which is based strictly on looks"
I agree that's the ideal, and it can be achieved when you're rating a girl you've never met. But it's a fact that understanding affects perceptions, and I'd bet for all of us, girls become hotter or notter based on how much we desire her; some guys might be better than others at minimizing it.
For my crowdsourced ratings, which of course you have to go OTC with her so that you can judge the crowd, it's:
Whatever: little crowd reaction, maybe a head turn here and there
Head-turner: she turns heads, a bunch of them, pretty consistently (I think this correlates to high-7s to mid-8s.
Wave: If you're in a bar, you can track her by the wave of turning heads and reactions and she walks through the crowd (my previous ATF was here; I think this is mid-8s to low-9s)
Whoa!: She's so hot that you catch guys saying "whoa!" as she walks by, elbowing their friends to look, drunk guys might even say something to YOU as you walk by with her. (my ATATF was here; I think it's mid-9s to 10, especially when they play up the sexiness)
Interestingly, I had an ATF years ago who may be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a strip club, but the crowd judged her as a head-turner or wave at most. I think because she had a girl-next-door countenance when she was out and about, vs my ATATF who commands all the attention in a room as soon as she walks in
I am very visual, the 1-10 ratings are 100% about their looks. A 10 is a girl who is thin but well proportioned, with curves, has model looks, great skin, has a body that looks like she does yoga and Pilates type of workouts multiple times a week, but not overly muscular.
If her personality stinks, though, she could be the hottest girl around and I would no longer give her a second look. When the personality matches the looks, or at least reasonably close, I will not only be extremely attracted but will want to taker her out and spend time and $ on her. This is where I usually get in trouble, fall in love, and get my heart trampled on.
Yeah, it's about looks - a '9' with a shitty attitude to me I still objectively consider a '9' - a '7' with a great attitude I still rate as a '7' with a great attitude, even though I prefer the '7'.
I only use the 1-10 scale to describe a dancer(s) to others not when I'm looking for a dancer to get with, it's more of a yes/no.
For me, the 1-10 scale is for looks and looks alone (face and body) rather than general or vague attractiveness. I'm not sure exactly where hygiene (BO, bad breath and lady funk) factors in, but that is definitely physical. Personality does count for a lot, but i generally don't go to strip clubs for personality unless it directly relates to sexiness or sensuality. I don't need someone to talk to about whatever for lengthy periods of time or make me laugh or engage in intellectual or philosophical discussions.
Having said all that personality definitely affects attractiveness. A marginal 7 can "seem" like a 9 if she has an amazing and sweet personality. I can definitely overlook a couple points in that case. But if she isn't super sexy as well i still don't want to get dances, emphasis on the plural, with her, let alone dances regularly. Even if she has that super sexy quality as well, sometimes it can't overcome her looks once we're all up and personal. Her dances just won't have an addictive quality to me. Unless i'm literally falling in love (which i never do at a SC), she's never going to be a favorite.
On the flip side, if a 9 or even a 10 has an unpleasant personality or even GPS or strong hustler or even ROB tendencies, my interest wanes almost immediately and she somehow becomes less attractive, sometimes even more than two points. If the girl gives even an average or mediocre or worse lap dance, i also become less interested in her. A girl is more than a body and other things can turn me off to her.
This is mostly theoretical as i've never met a 10 (meeting 10s just by itself is extremely rare) that was rather unpleasant or a ROB. Even the 9+s that i met that ended up not impressing me were usually because of the mediocre dances and to a degree GPS or general tip thirstiness rather than something unfavorable about her personality (besides the "wanna dance") although i think her dancing style is related to her personality. Stripperwebbish dancing (lol) is a personality trait, IMO.
Interestingly, I had an ATF years ago who may be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a strip club, but the crowd judged her as a head-turner or wave at most.
This is how I feel about Agnes, Antonella and Damiana. Don't worry, their skills with machine guns are going to totally fucking mother fuck up other motherfuckers who fucking think they can fucking compete.
Look at it this way, you are in a fairly busy club, there are many beautiful women all over, most are pretty equal in the ratings, but there are one or two that really stand out every time, it’s going to come down to personality, I don’t know why you guys don’t see it, if the girl is beautiful and fun, she will be noticed anyplace, and her numerical rating will be higher. Just think about two identical twins, one is always dominant, it’s personality, that’s where it comes to.
I choose a girl based on two things: looks and sexiness. although I do admit definitely having some trophy fucks and lapdances totally based on her look alone.
Even if a dancer is putting out a persona and not her real personality, I still enjoy a good persona over a flat, cold “wanna dance” type. At least with a persona, she’s making an effort to seem fun.
As to the OP, I’m honestly not sure how I’d answer the question. My best guess is that the personality or persona does influence how I would rate her objectively. I guess I don’t think we are nearly as objective as we may think we are.
last commentHell yeah personality makes up at least 50% of the score, looks are transient, I’ve seen girls that looked drop dead gorgeous one visit look like they died on another but a good looking gal with a good personality wins my money every time.
I like to develop favs which means spending time with and getting to know them. She has to be attractive enough to get things started, but after that it's all personality.
For those that just like variety and action in would assume personality means far less.
personality definitely affects my rating.
there's a dancer at my fav club that i've seen a couple of times recently and she's probably more attractive in my eyes than my CF, but her personality isn't as good. don't get me wrong.......her personality/friendliness isn't poor..........but she's just not as attentive/GFE the way my CF is. its a shame too because this girl is ultra hot and could really do some damage to my bank account.
at a club.....there are multiple attractive/hot women.......but in my opinion.........attitude/friendliness is the main thing that differentiates dancers.
Personality has no affect on my numerical rating scale, which is based strictly on looks, although it has a huge impact on overall satisfaction and my willingness to spend on her. I would rather spend time with a 7 with an engaging personality than a 9 who is a wet dishrag.
^^^ What he said !
I 'm in total agreement with doctorevil.
Personality counts.
I grade on a curve. The curve is my penis.
Drevil is correct here. The 1-10 rating is based on looks alone. Wether I spend much time or money with them is based on personality
Well yeah. Because if you are passing someone on the street you won't know their personality. Looks is all you have to go on when evaluating most ladies.
But personality counts to how I rate the stripper. That's why 10s in my book are so rare. She needs to be a 10 in both.
I concur, the 1-10 rating(which i am less and less fond of and prefer the "binary" yes/no scale more and more but thats beside the point) is based on looks alone. But for me, while a shit personality doesnt make any dancer less attractive, a great personality can make a dancer slightly more attractive. i guess i dont expect world class personalities from strippers and a good personality is just a bonus.
I think you guys are mistaking attraction, for attractiveness, first impressions are important, but after that first impression, if she can't hold your attention, then it's useless, browsing is is fun, but buying, that's the part that matters.
1-10 is supposed to be about pure beauty. That said, once you get to know how, much you like her (or dislike her) will always affect your perception of her beauty to some extent.
The things that impact whether I'll spend time with her:
Sexiness -- that je nais sai quoi that makes her ultra desirable
I honestly think my crowdsourced rating system is the best one! It's actually how I mentally categorize the girls I OTC with (so I can get the crowd's impression)
This is why the hot crazy matrix exists. For those of you that haven't had the chance to watch it, highly recommended
-->"Personality has no affect on my numerical rating scale, which is based strictly on looks"
I agree that's the ideal, and it can be achieved when you're rating a girl you've never met. But it's a fact that understanding affects perceptions, and I'd bet for all of us, girls become hotter or notter based on how much we desire her; some guys might be better than others at minimizing it.
"How do you rate dancers."
Do I want to have sex with her?
0 - I would rather fight her and her pimp that fuck her.
1 - I would rather fight her.
2 - Never. Ever.
3 - Gross.
4 - Meh.
5 - Not really my type.
6 - How bored am I?
7 - OK. That'll work.
8 - Want her.
9 - Prefer her.
10 - Must have her.
"Does personality affect your rating of a dancer?"
Wallanon: heh, I love having the descriptions
For my crowdsourced ratings, which of course you have to go OTC with her so that you can judge the crowd, it's:
Whatever: little crowd reaction, maybe a head turn here and there
Head-turner: she turns heads, a bunch of them, pretty consistently (I think this correlates to high-7s to mid-8s.
Wave: If you're in a bar, you can track her by the wave of turning heads and reactions and she walks through the crowd (my previous ATF was here; I think this is mid-8s to low-9s)
Whoa!: She's so hot that you catch guys saying "whoa!" as she walks by, elbowing their friends to look, drunk guys might even say something to YOU as you walk by with her. (my ATATF was here; I think it's mid-9s to 10, especially when they play up the sexiness)
Interestingly, I had an ATF years ago who may be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a strip club, but the crowd judged her as a head-turner or wave at most. I think because she had a girl-next-door countenance when she was out and about, vs my ATATF who commands all the attention in a room as soon as she walks in
I am very visual, the 1-10 ratings are 100% about their looks. A 10 is a girl who is thin but well proportioned, with curves, has model looks, great skin, has a body that looks like she does yoga and Pilates type of workouts multiple times a week, but not overly muscular.
If her personality stinks, though, she could be the hottest girl around and I would no longer give her a second look. When the personality matches the looks, or at least reasonably close, I will not only be extremely attracted but will want to taker her out and spend time and $ on her. This is where I usually get in trouble, fall in love, and get my heart trampled on.
Yeah, it's about looks - a '9' with a shitty attitude to me I still objectively consider a '9' - a '7' with a great attitude I still rate as a '7' with a great attitude, even though I prefer the '7'.
I only use the 1-10 scale to describe a dancer(s) to others not when I'm looking for a dancer to get with, it's more of a yes/no.
^ There is no objectivity. By definition it's subjective.
For me, the 1-10 scale is for looks and looks alone (face and body) rather than general or vague attractiveness. I'm not sure exactly where hygiene (BO, bad breath and lady funk) factors in, but that is definitely physical. Personality does count for a lot, but i generally don't go to strip clubs for personality unless it directly relates to sexiness or sensuality. I don't need someone to talk to about whatever for lengthy periods of time or make me laugh or engage in intellectual or philosophical discussions.
Having said all that personality definitely affects attractiveness. A marginal 7 can "seem" like a 9 if she has an amazing and sweet personality. I can definitely overlook a couple points in that case. But if she isn't super sexy as well i still don't want to get dances, emphasis on the plural, with her, let alone dances regularly. Even if she has that super sexy quality as well, sometimes it can't overcome her looks once we're all up and personal. Her dances just won't have an addictive quality to me. Unless i'm literally falling in love (which i never do at a SC), she's never going to be a favorite.
On the flip side, if a 9 or even a 10 has an unpleasant personality or even GPS or strong hustler or even ROB tendencies, my interest wanes almost immediately and she somehow becomes less attractive, sometimes even more than two points. If the girl gives even an average or mediocre or worse lap dance, i also become less interested in her. A girl is more than a body and other things can turn me off to her.
This is mostly theoretical as i've never met a 10 (meeting 10s just by itself is extremely rare) that was rather unpleasant or a ROB. Even the 9+s that i met that ended up not impressing me were usually because of the mediocre dances and to a degree GPS or general tip thirstiness rather than something unfavorable about her personality (besides the "wanna dance") although i think her dancing style is related to her personality. Stripperwebbish dancing (lol) is a personality trait, IMO.
It's objective when it's solely one's opinion - it's subjective when it's multiple people's opinion
If she's a '9' to you she's a '9' to you, could be something else to someone else
A dancer's looks determine if I wanna get with her - her personality/attitude determines whether I wanna be with her
This is how I feel about Agnes, Antonella and Damiana. Don't worry, their skills with machine guns are going to totally fucking mother fuck up other motherfuckers who fucking think they can fucking compete.
Subjectivity is objective.
Look at it this way, you are in a fairly busy club, there are many beautiful women all over, most are pretty equal in the ratings, but there are one or two that really stand out every time, it’s going to come down to personality, I don’t know why you guys don’t see it, if the girl is beautiful and fun, she will be noticed anyplace, and her numerical rating will be higher. Just think about two identical twins, one is always dominant, it’s personality, that’s where it comes to.
ditto jeff!
I choose a girl based on two things: looks and sexiness. although I do admit definitely having some trophy fucks and lapdances totally based on her look alone.
I choose them based on their SAT scores
^I choose them based on the angle of my dick
Personality matters, but it's a sliding scale and not as important as physical attraction.
Also, most dancers are putting forward a personna, and not their real personality. So, it's hard to give it that much weight.
"Also, most dancers are putting forward a personna, and not their real personality. So, it's hard to give it that much weight."
Good point. thats another reason its not as important unless shes a bitch.
Even if a dancer is putting out a persona and not her real personality, I still enjoy a good persona over a flat, cold “wanna dance” type. At least with a persona, she’s making an effort to seem fun.
As to the OP, I’m honestly not sure how I’d answer the question. My best guess is that the personality or persona does influence how I would rate her objectively. I guess I don’t think we are nearly as objective as we may think we are.
Who cares if it's a persona or real? It's all Fantasy Land anyway. All that matters is how she makes you feel.
Agre with doctor evil and Shadowcat.