
The relentless pursuit of favoritism...

Off again on again PL
I have been thinking more and more that I really hate variety and love having long term favorites. I enjoy the experience so much more with someone over time. It is a major turn on for me to have a stunningly gorgeous girl who has spent the time and effort to learn exactly what my likes are and can give me an intense sexual experience that is exactly what I enjoy. Past that over time you can usually cut through the stripper shit and have more genuine deep conversation.

Earlier this year I went to Mons Venus on a business trip and had an amazing time. But it was almost a little frustrating that I can never see that dancer again so I decided to never SC on a trip again. I only want to invest money close to home where I can potentially find a new fav.

Now I think I am going to take things even further. I probably shouldn't buy dances from a traveling dancer. I have even been thinking of feeling out a dancer right off the bat to see how often she works. Or even ask a manager/bouncer/waitress. If a dancer is the type to work a few days every few months that is not a good candidate for a fav and I shouldn't invest money on her.

Anyone have any other ideas on how to vet dancers for fav status?

Thoughts? Am I pushing this too far? Not enough? Overthinking it?

My 2 exceptions to my favs only rule:
1. My fantasy dream stripper: www.instagram.com/tiyanaj/
2. Nicespice


  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    That's a tough one. I prefer OTC with girls who don't normally do OTC. It just feels less slutty and more triumphant. The downside, you could invest a fair amount of money into making the girl feel comfortable with you and then never get OTC. It happens. But the upside, when you score with one of these girls it's an incredible stroke to your ego. So I prefer girls to say no at first, and I'm polite about it when they do. When I finally get their number it's cool if she doesn't text back. The key is not to hound her about it and play like it's no big deal. Other customers might be hounding her. Boys her own age might be hounding her. Set yourself apart. Do come back to the club right away, and when you do act like it's no big deal that she didn't text back and just do a few dances. It's even better if she can feel a huge wad of cash in your pocket, but don't spend it on her there in the club. Just spend enough to make her feel appreciated. Do that a couple time and she'll start asking you for OTC.

    It can be a long process, so I find it's best to play the field, enjoy some variety, and when it happens it happens. I try to keep my spending under control while I play the field, and only do a couple dances per girl until one strikes my interest, and then I gradually up the spending to what I would be willing to part with OTC. If I don't have her attention with that type of spending, then it's a good thing I've been playing the field and won't be starting completely from scratch with the next girl.
  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    should read "Don't come back to the club right away . . . "
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @DC9428 - That is really good advice to not game things. Both in terms of the fact that doing that hurts the potential for genuine connection. And I remember something from Subrabman once about how dancers are super Machiavellian about their strategy and will always be more skilled at it than us.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Am I pushing this too far?


    > Not enough?

    No, the other one

    > Overthinking it?

    What a philosophical question. I'll go with 'yes', but probably over analyzing it (excessive rational thought, ie., "big head thinking") vs. pursuing what you're actually after in the moment ("little-head" or at more advanced levels, intuitive "third-eye" type shit)

    > Thoughts?

    If you ever had a craving for spinach and then ate some, and felt amazing afterwards, maybe you were low on iron or magnesium. Once you have enough iron or magnesium, you won't get that same feeling from having more spinach. Having a CF is like that. If you get in the habit of over-investing in a CF because at one point, having one made you feel good, you could be missing out.

    At a strategic level, I refrained from buying dances from a traveling dancer the other week because I was looking for a low-key chill partner type regular at the time. There are other times, though, where I have been traveling which has made it a now or never type scenario, and I wouldn't trade the memories for sticking to a requirement of having a CF for a month or two.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    What you're looking for isn't going to be found on a first encounter, it takes time to build up that comfort level, on both sides. Depending on how often you go and how much you spend will filter out those who can meet said criteria and those who can't. IIRC you're a once a week, modest spender, so that could limit you from pulling top end dancers regularly. That is unless you counter-balance that with going during HER slower shifts (she may not work slow shifts in general)

    As far as vetting a fave, know what makes one a fave. Looks, personality, mileage, costs, dependability, ROI etc and see if her actions match your budget. But know that you don't get all the above unless your spending matches.

    Personally I have a set budget, and value looks and personality at the expense of premium payment but lower frequency visits.

  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    BTW nicespice was in your area, not sure if she ended up dancing, but there was your chance
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > What you're looking for isn't going to be found on a first encounter, it takes time to build up that comfort level, on both sides

    This only applies if she's a 23rd degree adherent of Hustle Hut. At lower levels, you can lock eyes from across the room and jizz in your pants right then and there.

    > But know that you don't get all the above unless your spending matches.

    This only applies if she's a 23rd degree adherent of Hustle Hut. At lower levels, you can lock eyes from across the room and jizz in your pants right then and there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    As any consumer, one wants the most bang for their buck.

    Strip-clubbing is a fairly expensive enterprise and if one has SCed for a certain amount of time one usually starts evaluating their investment and how to get the most out of it (especially if one has been on TUSCL and has learned the many different types of SC-experiences possible).

    Getting the most out of one's SCing/investment is different things for different PLs - it's similar to different PLs being attracted to different types of dancers instead of one specific type - but for many it seems that just focusing on a particular fave is how they enjoy SCing the most and feel they are getting the most bang for their investment - there really isn't a right or wrong way to SC as long as one is enjoying-themselves/being-satisfied and not being ripped-off/severely-overpaying.

    Anything one does repeatedly for a period of time one will usually refine to try to get better outcomes - for those that like favoritism the pros def outweigh cons; for those liking variety/some-variety then they'll likely choose differently and what works for them.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    I prefer the known commodity as well. I feel as though you still have to try other dancers because you might find someone who you like as much or better. You don't have to spend a lot but if there is a dancer you find attractive, you should at least give them a spin. Especially because dancer turnover can be so high.

    Depending on your money situation, if you have to be careful with finances, I can understand wanting to stick with the known commodity.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm a variety-guy and I think it can be a more-expensive way to SC than just having a fave - when I SC, if I see 4 or 5 girls I like, I wanna get w/ all 4 or 5 - or at least I have a hard-time telling them no if they approach me b/c I wanna try them out.

    I recall once early-on in my PL-career that one night at an Arlington, TX black-club, I got dances w/ 3 different girls back-to-back round-robin style - all 3 were hanging w/ me - I would do one song w/ one; the next song w/ one of the other 2 girls, then the next-song w/ the 3rd-girl, then repeat - I did about 3-dances w/ each back-to-back round-robin style (total of 9-songs in a row @ $20/song) and at one point another dancer joined in towards the end but only did one song w/ her - I likes me variety the more girls the merrier is how I'm wired.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    I prefer having 5 favorites at one or two favorite clubs. Attractive. Customer oriented. Sensual. No BS or drama. That’s enough variety for me.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    papi. yes.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and mark. good strategy.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake, I can relate, somewhat.
    I just spent two nights in the Toronto area. I had an absolutely mind-blowing, off-the-charts girlfriend experience the first night at a high-end erotic massage place. I can't get this lovely lady out of my head, she was just phenomenal all-around (looks, personality, service). It was the best I've ever had and I know it'll never get better.
    The second night, I was planning on hitting another massage place and/or a strip club or two. But I wasn't feeling it. I knew the experience couldn't compare to the night before. I stepped into a SC planning on getting a few dances (I'm not into extras), but my heart wasn't in it, and neither was my cock, so I left after one beer and no dances.
    I thought about hitting a different massage place (my gal wasn't working that night, and even if she was I wouldn't have seen her two days in a row for fear of looking even pathetic than I am), but I figured I'd just be flushing my cash down the drain because the experience wouldn't compare. So I just went to Hooters for a couple of beers, checked up the T and A, and went back to my hotel and went to bed.
    Once you've experience what you think is the best, it's hard to go back to the rest (for me anyway).
    Unfortunately, Toronto is a four-hour drive for me, so I can't see this girl regularly. But I'm looking forward to my next visit, be it in a few months or next summer, but only if she's still working there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ what was the name of the massage place and how much did it set you back?
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @ppwh - Love the spinach analogy. Definitely some truth to that for me. I went from seeing my ATF twice a week to twice a month. So I think that has made me desperate and frustrated to try and find something as good. However I don't think it changes my preference for favs. I just don't tend to really relax at the club until I have one.

    @stripfighter - You are correct that I am a modest spender. However I generally haven't run into my budget being a problem in getting what I want. I tend to prefer girl next door types and strippers that are on the lazy end of the hustling spectrum. But even with higher demand dancers it still hasn't been an issue as I go to the club super early, I don't spend a long time there, and the club takes zero cut and has cheap fees.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @Papi, it was Allure in Mississauga, near the airport. Cost was $160 Canadian for 40 minutes ($100 goes to the girl) and I tipped her $30, so $190 Canadian, or roughly $150 US.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake as long as a stripper is delivering you the experience you want then absolutely keep going to her. I have been going to my ATF DS for over two years now and it is always an awesome experience with her. And then I have also been seeing her backup CF for a year and also with her it is great. Both of these strippers know me well and know exactly the things that will make me rock hard and LDK. Hard, like toe-curling hard. Also they give me a full slut tease experience as soon as they are sitting with me. I have maximum and extended time with a raging boner with them. And for all this they are my favorites.

    But also that said I would say about every 3-6 months you should at least test the waters and scout out new potential faves. I have two other backups that I have just established as faves in the last two months. And even though neither is quite at the level of my ATF DS and her backup CF, both them are getting better and better with each visit and for sure could be long term faves.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Thanks @frock
  • dr_lee
    6 years ago
    I prefer variety. I used to like the favorite thing, but I found out the hard way most dancers will dump you for the next best thing. It’s not worth getting hung up on certain girls. My motto is there’s always a better girl around the corner.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    The summer is almost over, so you will find new potential soon enough.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    "The summer is almost over, so you will find new potential soon enough." --nicespice

    Code word for 'someone' enjoyed Dallas so much, she's deciding to move there hmmmmmm??
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ I assume that to mean girls will be getting back to their regular routine in their regular clubs and there will be more choices
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    @ papi

    yeah you're right, just a little teasing of nicespice to get her to move to the Big D... but in defense sometimes her fortune cookie accent makes it hard to understand what she's saying (again just teasing ya girl) :P
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I’d love to play with nicespice’s fortune cookie ;)
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    ^^ haha

    be careful, she'll tell you this


    or maybe this


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lol stripfighter! I don’t think the Detroit people here would would like calling Dallas the big D.

    Were it not for school, I wouldn’t mind moving to Dallas. I’ve always heard this city highest income potential for dancers in Texas. Maybe the odd ass scheduling rules do help out after all.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm all about the faves, love the experience they provide. For that reason, faced with the choice of, head to Phoenix for a couple of days for SC fun, or stick around at the shittier local cclubs with a fave (or trying to find a new fave), I always choose the latter. I do sometimes SC when I'm traveling, but I just think of it as some light fun drinking beer with girls in lingerie around :) Also have no use whatsoever for traveling dancers.

    I agree with the advice above that having a few faves is best. Not only does it give you options when your fave isn't around, but keeps you from getting too wrapped around the axle over one girl.

    Respectfully disagree with DC -- the girls can fake chemistry and connection, it's their job and they are *professionals* at it. I'm sure it's harder with a customer they dislike vs one they like, and there may be genuine connection sometime, but most assuredly, a good professional stripper makes every guy feel like he's got a connection with her. It isn't that she might not genuinely like you as a customer -- it's that I am not smart enough to tell which is which, unless she's giving it away for free. That's why I think it's so important to follow the code instead of your gut, she can fool your gut, but even if your gut is fooled, the "no, don't gift her $300 for whatever random bill she claims she can't pay" rule is not

  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I agree with Subra. It's funny that it's the admitted young 20 year olds here who are 'in love with their ATF' or believe that 'good chemistry cant be faked'. Like Subra said, these girls are masters of faking lots of shit. But I've seen it before on here and we'll see it again. The young guys that don't wanna heed warnings and believe 'but our relationship is different!'. No matter how many times we post the age old sure fire test of if your relationship with a stripper is for real: stop paying her and see how far you get.

    At this point I just watch the stories and hope they stick around to tell how it ends. The last guy I remember on her talking about going on dates with his ATF disappeared after awhile. Think his name was Titus23 or something like that. I always wondered what happened with that relationship of his.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    ^^ I always roll my eyes at the guys who have to add in, "Oh, I'm only 29 and really in shape, and some girls say I'm handsome" -- as if this is the critical missing piece that makes their "does the stripper really love me" story more plausible than the other zillions. Plus, okay, you're so young and handsome that you can pull 23-year-old 9s at will, that's why you're choosing a stripper instead of a civilian, right?
  • TFP
    6 years ago

    My friend told me he just came back from Vegas and while out there he lucked out and sat at a crap table with Raiders owner Mark Davis. He said no one even recognized who he was, but he was with a drop dead georgous young Asian chick who was just stroking his back the whole time. Have you seen what Mark Davis looks like? He could be a fucking stand in for Lloyd's father in the movie Dumb and Dumber. Shitty bowl cut and all. Yet here he is with this hot piece of young ass. So fuck your 'I'm 29 and workout shit'. It's about money, plain and simple!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    My ATATF's story is so unbelievable I dont' even bother posting it here, but in her early days in Vegas, she and her friends would dress to kill, head to the casino, find the big spenders at the craps tables (always the craps tables), and just start playing with little stakes next to them, starting up casual conversations. VERY often, the big spender would slide her $1000 to bet with, she'd surreptitiously pocket $400 of it, bet with the rest, keep any winnings she had, then go party with him the rest of the night for a fee. If he wanted to hang out the next day -- and he almost always did -- well "I'm working at the strip club tomorrow but you can buy me out for $X000".

    Craps table is a good place to be if you're rich and want the hotties to come to you :)
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Wow! I believe it. Must be nice. Something I'll most likely never experience. Le sigh.

    At the least, I can fly to TJ and act like a big shot for a couple days lol.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    It's not even the craps table story that's unbelievable, that was like her training wheels hustle for what she's doing now. But there are definitely not just escorts but strippers on patrol (SOPs! lol) out at those tables
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago

    I feel like you guys are indirectly talking about me :D

    That's right I'm in love with my ATF and it's real!!! (It'll probably end in flames and failure. Just let me have my fantasy fun! It'll be tomorrow's problem! )
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago

    I know the Tuscl line is to prefer faves but having tried that I find that juice isn't worth the squeeze. I'm not trying to tell you aren't having fun wrong. From my POV, they all work for tips and are largely interchangeable with one another on any given night.
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