
Comments by Subraman (page 121)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Strippers giving their phone # to customers: SW perspective
    Yep, agree Paul. It's just a mismatch. While I believe many SW strippers are just lying and posing, I also think to the extent they're being honest, the reason I (and many PLs) don't run into them is because when we do, we dismiss each other immediately. They're moving through a whole 'nother strip club than us, interacting with guys who are fine with getting asked for a dance after 2 minutes of discussion, who are okay with having to "earn" her #, who are bought into the idea that there's an enormous power imbalance in her favor, and who are easily manipulated with the atrocious hustle techniques described on SW. If there's a PL at the club at the same time, he's interacting with completely different strippers. We might all have different definitions for "pain in the ass" though. I can understand some tentativeness, especially from new strippers; I've seen those types really blossom into YMMV-dispensing girls in short order
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Strippers giving their phone # to customers: SW perspective
    The "I won't give you my # unless you do X dances", yes, very hard to believe that works on any club regular. Newbie RIL or overly-drunk-and-in-lust bachelor-party-guy? Presumably, for the girls who are basically saying "qualify him as a customer first" (which seems like a fine idea to me), I'd think club regulars known to spend are "pre-qualified"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Strippers giving their phone # to customers: SW perspective
    Anyway, just thought the comments were interesting. I don't find this a very complicated aspect of SCing. If I decide I want to see her again, I ask for her #. If she gives it to me, I make appointments from then on out, and she has a good regular. If she doesn't, well, no hard feelings, but maybe I'll see her again and maybe I won't (sometimes they ask "but do you want to know my schedule?" and I usually decline -- if we can't move to appointment-based, I don't really care when she's there)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    That’s what she said...
    "2 is the new 8!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Bad strippers or bad customers?
    Strippers who move to fbsm or escorting often say their clients treat them much better than their SC customers did (as a group). Don't know how much of that is perception that's biased by just being out of the SC atmosphere
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    ->"I know some of the Deja Vu clubs in CA just changed to making the dancers employees and not contractors. Not sure if its all of the CA Deja Vu clubs yet. Dancers are not happy because most are making less money now and have more rules to follow. Some were thinking it would be better getting a steady paycheck, now they're realizing they're going home with less money. Some of the favorites are leaving" Exactly the situation I was referencing. Yes, lots of girls are leaving due to lower paychecks (or perhaps just being annoyed)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking a pornstar, worth it?
    Fucking a pornstar -- at exorbitant prices -- is one of those things that guys who do it, routinely report just isn't worth it, or "hey, glad I did it, but won't repeat". The guys who do enjoy it, are WAY into porn, and have goddess-ified their fave pornstar. I'm not way into porn (I mean, I love porn, but get all my porn in clip form these days, where the constant turnover of gorgeous actresses means there's rarely any star), and I'm not into paying $1K plus to fuck pretty much anyone in the sex industry, plus I find I have a mental ick factor over pornstars in general, so it holds very little appeal to me. IF you told me I could fuck one of the few pornstars I really like for a reasonable price -- say Riley Reid for $500 -- I imagine I'd take it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Does a dancers song they pick influence your interest at all
    Music choice isn't going to totally change my mind about a stripper. But if she plays music I like, and I'm already attracted to her, I'll be more attracted to her
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    ^^^ Exactly. That's how it's working out here, almost to the letter, as explained to me by a stripper recently. They're taking home less money, not more, now that they're employees. I believe the club can also do things like schedule them and hold them to regulations that were in a bit of a gray area before
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Eat my pussy!"
    You guys are dicks for insulting Papi's girl
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    -->"I am definitely not in favor of that. Maybe some lawsuits if clubs are trying to breach independent contractor status, but involving the government is asking for it to go from bad to worse. " Just happened here. As predicted, the dancers seem to be getting fucked; and unfortunately for we customers, a bunch are leaving the clubs because of it. It's not clear to me if it's state-wide, or just in the city; if just in the city, I think the hotties will just head somewhere else
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hypnotized by nipples
    A job I wouldn't do under any circumstances...
    I mostly do dayshift so do not see bathroom attendants very often. I'm under the impression some of these guys last years and years. My general feeling about these guys has, over time, transformed from sneering contempt to "there but for the grace of God".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers want state to regulate clubs. Do you want more regulations?
    Strippers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, the work in clubs run by the bottom-of-the-barrel management and staff types, and are subject to conditions that people in less marginalized jobs aren't. On the other hand, and this is the part they have trouble learning, every time the ask the government to step in they get fucked worse, in some way or other.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Spreading the Homosexual Agenda
    Make TUSCL Gay Again!
    I'm disturbed by the thread title "Make TUSCL Gay Again!"; the use of the word "again" makes it sound as if tuscl were ever not gay
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you broach the OTC conversation with a dancer?
    -->"Sometimes, they’ll answer with something on the order of “I don’t do that with customers,” to which I nearly always respond, with a smile, “I don’t care what you do or don’t with anyone else; I want to know about *me*.”" Yep, I do that too. To bring this point home, all strippers use the exact same tactic. If a hustler stripper is going to ask for a tip, she does not coyly ask, "do you ever tip your dancers?" as if she's afraid to ask the question. She'll confidently ask "would you like to tip me?" or whatever -- she absolutely makes it personal, and it absolutely has a psychological effect on those being asked. All those zillions of scared newbies who tip strippers who they didn't really want to tip, if the stripper gave them an easy out by giving an impersonal, "no, I don't ever tip my strippers", think they wouldn't take it?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you broach the OTC conversation with a dancer?
    I have buddies who just ask the first time they meet a stripper they like, and I know a lot of guys do that here, too. I only like to OTC with my CFs, so I'll usually have seen her 2-3 times at least, before asking here. Basically, I feel like it's "ask whenever you're sure you want OTC". As with nearly all negotiating I do ITC, I like to lead, and make things direct and personal. "Will you meet me outside the club?". I make it personal -- since I've put seen her at least a few times and she knows I'm a good regular, I want to make her answer personal and about me, so it's crystal clear my future patronage is at stake. I don't ask things like "do you meet customers outside the club?" because first, it's none of my business if she meets other customers outside the club; second, if she says "no", she's not turning me down personally, she's making a general statement; and third, I feel like I'm being a little bit of a bitch not asking her outright for what I want. None of this might make any difference whatsoever in whether she says yes or not, but it fits my personal style. Lastly, in negotiating, I never ask her her price or let her name her price first.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Thrill of the hunt
    Do it for tuscl!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Any experience with Rose @ Xposed?
    I was going to take her OTC but bolted when she asked me to take her to see the nuclear wessels
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Getting gifts
    @Rando: I remember you telling that story. I was just joking... if my CF had given me chlamydia, I wouldn't have just ATFed her, I would have married her :) I have not ever gotten anything from a stripper, but I appear to be far more conservative than most on the board as far as safety (recognizing that even a condom doesn't protect against things like HPV).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Getting gifts
    -->"Okay I have to ask, where the hell did this "fuck you jackie" phrase come from lol?" Stop playing around, jackie, we know you know
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Getting gifts
    My CF gave my chlamydia. Now she's my ATF.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Great oral or sex?
    For me, oral is a distant 2nd to sex. Hell, if we're in the club and talking covered oral, I'd choose an uncovered HJ first.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to get an ATF for Christmas?
    I think we're just having fun brainstorming -- hopefully everyone realizes that what the girls really want is cash
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to get an ATF for Christmas?
    Heh, too funny on Olive Garden and Red Lobster. Strippers gotta stripper! Lush bath bombs and Sephora, basically all young women love those. Get her a gift certificate to Lululemon if your ATF is flossy