Strippers giving their phone # to customers: SW perspective

avatar for Subraman
The question that kicked it off!
SWdancer1: Do we have any dancer advice for keeping in contact with customers to reel them into the club to keep spending?

SWdancer2: Honestly it can be too difficult to stay in contact with all your customers, beyond simply contacting them with a text to let them know when you'll be working next.
SWdancer4: i personally stopped giving my number. i never made money because of it and it just became a headache

Subraman: IME man strippers feel this way, and end up with all kinds of Phone Systems (no leisure suit necessary) to manage this

SWdancer3: I find it easier to use Snapchat as you can just send a story whenever you’re working, plus fun pics or videos in between so it looks like youre fun loving and have a life lol.

Subraman: Lots of strippers have not just a regular snapchat for their friends, but a stripper snapchat we're they're trying to build a "brand" and a following. I often find those brand snapchats a bit disappointing and a bit of a turn-off. Being on her personal snapchat can be great though. That said, that's what SWd3 is trying to avoid: any way for her customers to contact her in a personal way, rather than completely impersonal (a broadcast snapchat).

A whole bunch of SW dancers:
FOr new customers don’t just give it to them say “you can have my number/snap if you buy x dances from me.” Weeds out the time wasters
Don't hand out your # to every Tom, Dick and Harry, even if it is a fake one. I only give it out if they a) do at least an hour and specifically ask about seeing me again, b) come in frequently and spend smaller amounts, but are pleasant and no drama - in this scenario, I have to have seen them at least 4-5 times in the club before I'll give the # out.
Your phone number should be a privilege

Subraman: Seems like it would make sense to qualify customer in some basic way, before risking getting her phone blown up by a guy who spent $80 one night. That said, once she says something like "if you want my # you need to buy X dances from me", I'm out... once her number is a privilege to be earned (with all power residing with her), rather than a tool to use to get together once we've BOTH qualified each other, doesn't make sense to continue. Flushing out the "I dictate all terms, always to my advantage" types quickly is, I imagine, a PL skill most of learn early


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avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Anyway, just thought the comments were interesting. I don't find this a very complicated aspect of SCing. If I decide I want to see her again, I ask for her #. If she gives it to me, I make appointments from then on out, and she has a good regular. If she doesn't, well, no hard feelings, but maybe I'll see her again and maybe I won't (sometimes they ask "but do you want to know my schedule?" and I usually decline -- if we can't move to appointment-based, I don't really care when she's there)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Seems like just another hustle being tried out, I doubt it would work on any but the newest of newbies.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
The "I won't give you my # unless you do X dances", yes, very hard to believe that works on any club regular. Newbie RIL or overly-drunk-and-in-lust bachelor-party-guy?

Presumably, for the girls who are basically saying "qualify him as a customer first" (which seems like a fine idea to me), I'd think club regulars known to spend are "pre-qualified"
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I’d guess there are much better ways to qualify a potential custie, smells like a hustle, I could think of a dozen ways that can backfire on her.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
As someone who only does long term regulars I have the philosophy that if someone is a pain in the ass on day 1 then they will probably be a pain in the ass forever. So I don't mind at all dancers who are weird about giving out their number or try to upsell in a club where that is uncommon. It let's me know they are not a good potential favorite.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Yep, agree Paul. It's just a mismatch. While I believe many SW strippers are just lying and posing, I also think to the extent they're being honest, the reason I (and many PLs) don't run into them is because when we do, we dismiss each other immediately. They're moving through a whole 'nother strip club than us, interacting with guys who are fine with getting asked for a dance after 2 minutes of discussion, who are okay with having to "earn" her #, who are bought into the idea that there's an enormous power imbalance in her favor, and who are easily manipulated with the atrocious hustle techniques described on SW. If there's a PL at the club at the same time, he's interacting with completely different strippers.

We might all have different definitions for "pain in the ass" though. I can understand some tentativeness, especially from new strippers; I've seen those types really blossom into YMMV-dispensing girls in short order
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
One of the reasons I stopped peeking in on SW is because there is really nothing new ever, from the core groups of entitled girls, and truth be told it really boring to listen to these girls pat themselves on the back.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Oh goodness, maybe I should post the screenshots of one of my text logs. One customer only got one dance because he had to go soon, but wanted to meet up again.

So I gave him my number. So then I get pitched on coming to his house for $200, and also a couple of requests to talk on the phone. And other spamming with questions on my personal life. I stopped responding.

Multiply a customer like that a few times, and I can understand the mentality. Not saying it’s the best reaction tho.
I do find the “I dictate all the terms” comment interesting though. If you’re making the first move to the customer, messaging him to ask him to see you again, it seems like the balance would be more in his favor?

avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
If a dancer told me I had to do x to get her number, I agree, I'm out pretty much immediately. It's indicative of an attitude I don't want to deal with on a regular basis. I'd like to think I'd pick up on that vibe before asking for her number and never find myself in that situation though.

I'm not sure I'd be totally turned off by a "no, but I'm here on Thurs-Mon" kind of a response. It does put her in the "maybe I'll see her, maybe I won't" category. I'm not really going to "plan" on going to see a stripper who may or may not be there and may or may not be available. At best, she may be a consideration to go to one club over another or maybe make a stop on my way back from somewhere kind of thing. If I do go, and she's there, and we have a good time, and she gives me her number, I may text her next time I'm looking for a good time.

I don't do snapchat/facebook/instagram, so I can't really comment on those. A few girls have asked me to add them on those platforms, but mostly after we've been exchanging texts for a while. Very few have offered it up initially as an alternative to txt.

In any case, it is interesting to see the SW thoughts. As I initially suggested, its probably selection bias on my part but the vast majority of the money I've spent on strippers has been a direct result of me having her number. In some cases I initiate, in some cases they do. But in any case, most of my SC $ are spent after a txt exchange. So, those strippers are definitely making money because of giving out their number.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"I'm not sure I'd be totally turned off by a "no, but I'm here on Thurs-Mon" kind of a response. It does put her in the "maybe I'll see her, maybe I won't" category. I'm not really going to "plan" on going to see a stripper who may or may not be there and may or may not be available. At best, she may be a consideration to go to one club over another or maybe make a stop on my way back from somewhere kind of thing. If I do go, and she's there, and we have a good time, and she gives me her number, I may text her next time I'm looking for a good time. "

That's pretty much exactly where I am. Knowing her schedule is of little help. First, strippers miss their scheduled days very commonly. And hey, even if I tell her, "Oh, you're workign next Wed? great, see you then", well, things come up at work and I might have to change days; if I don't have her number to text her, now I'm the flake. She's opportunistic until she gives me her #. And there are so many strippers who give their #s, there's a pretty good chance I'll already have an appointment with someone else, when I run into her next.

-->"I don't do snapchat/facebook/instagram, so I can't really comment on those. A few girls have asked me to add them on those platforms, but mostly after we've been exchanging texts for a while. Very few have offered it up initially as an alternative to txt. "

Seems to be more common in places like Vegas, where every hot girl wants to "build her brand". But I do run into it even out here. I'm fine being on her brand snapchat or whatever; but the real dividends come if she promotes you to personal insta/snap.

-->"the vast majority of the money I've spent on strippers has been a direct result of me having her number. In some cases I initiate, in some cases they do. But in any case, most of my SC $ are spent after a txt exchange. So, those strippers are definitely making money because of giving out their number."

Me too, but definitely selection bias for me -- I've specifically consciously chosen to run my PL life via appointments; so nearly every $ I spend money on is a stripper whose number I have, and I rarely spend money on a stripper who doesn't give me her number when I ask.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think the SW hoes are trying to sound smart by acting like its so complex. Plus I think the bitches on there are all liars.....most come across as delusional hookers trying to overcompensate for the fact that they're just paid cum dumps, rather than strippers.

Just use a text free number and change it frequently or block numbers you're not making money from.

Using a stripper persona snapchat isn't worth the low returns. Instagram is better for that. It lets people think they have some sort of connection and emotional investment in her when they comment on pics and she gives them a like or a generic response once in a while.

The big downside is when men misunderstand what's going on and think her trying to get them into the club, or asking for money, is a sign that she likes them.They act like its a form of affection then end up calling the girls thieves and manipulators when they finally realize it isn't.

avatar for PhatBoyHell
6 years ago
^^^ this is all my meth talking. I really am not as smart as my last post
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
WRT the “only after VIP” hustle for the phone number, it’s usually only after a “successful” visit that I ask for a number anyway. The other time is when I’m not doing a VIP visit that day (whether because I’m tired, out of cash, already nutted, she’s getting ready to walk out the door, whatever), but we’ve *talked* about what would happen and I’m interested in Nanking sure she’s there next time I’m visiting.

I can absolutely see why a girl would use something like that to “vet” a customer though, and I can’t blame them a bit. Since most of them don’t seem to comprehend the advantages of a burner number.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Yeah, I'm with you GMD -- I don't ask until at the end of our first visit, so if she's refusing after we've done VIPs, etc, it's a different ball of wax. I don't blame the girls for doing some basic qualifying first
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
*Note to all those who complain about me being a whale bogarting the hottest dancer in the club, in this case she wouldn’t even be in the club if I wasn’t there.)

I’ve had the exact same thought, difference being I prolly texted her to tell her that I would be coming in to see her, I don’t like to ask anyone on the club to let my CFs know I’m there, I prefer to contact her myself, and usually I do before I’ll head over to a particular club.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I have a burner app on my phone now and I just give customers that I think will be seeing me again that burner number instead of putting them into my contacts, they can just text me to ask when my shifts are. It also helps to know whether someone is going to be coming in so I have a better idea before I go of how much money I could make that night and I don't have to work the floor with as many customers who aren't interested in getting dances.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I can accept a dancer not wanting to give out her # for w/e reason; but the dancer trying to hustle me in order for her to give me her # will make me not wanna deal w/ her at all - unfortunately there are many inexperienced SCers that are easily hustled and thus not a huge incentive for hustler-dancers to change their ways (there's a new sucker to be hustled walking in thru the SC doors all the time).

But as a custies, most of us don't deal w/ other custies on a regular basis as the dancers do and most of us are not purview to the kinda characters many dancers have to deal with on a somewhat regular basis whether it'd be stalkers or supa needy/clingy PLs - I imagine there are certain PLs that once they get a dancer's # they wanna treat it as if she was their GF texting her all the time and wanting to talk to her as if they were some kinda couple; whereas for the dancer, giving out her # is about business and having the PL spend $$$ on her, not having to be constantly answering his texts/calls.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
che, you're preaching to the choir. You aren't thinking that tusclers are the guys blowing up strippers' phones? I imagine most of us find it the best way to get the experience we're looking for (in my case, to the point that I'm not interested in building up a stripper/regular thing with a stripper who won't give me her #)
avatar for GeneraI
6 years ago
Get snapchat! I never take pictures of myself, but I've got several shower nudes, the random boobie flashes, and numerous other sexy pictures from my CF. She sets them to private so you can only view them twice, and you can't save them (without her knowing you took a screenshot), but hot damn, talk about marketing. Getting these in the middle of the week make me look forward to seeing her on the weekend.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
If you have a strippers number and text her about meeting ITC, how quick do expect a response? Do you take crickets as her being too busy?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ for me pretty quickly usually within 15 minutes, but as Subra and Che pointed out I’m not the guy blowing up her phone and I am the guy who’ll spend a decent few bucks.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Papi posted: "I can accept a dancer not wanting to give out her # for w/e reason; but the dancer trying to hustle me in order for her to give me her # will make me not wanna deal w/ her at all - unfortunately there are many inexperienced SCers that are easily hustled and thus not a huge incentive for hustler-dancers to change their ways (there's a new sucker to be hustled walking in thru the SC doors all the time)."

Idk. For reasons already discussed in this thread, I can understand why girls would limit this to guys who have already spent money on them ITC.

Idk. I can understand a dancer wanting to earn something from a guy before giving her number out. If they gave it out to every dipshit who wanted it, then I'm guessing that some of these girls would be flooded with guys wasting their time.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"If you have a strippers number and text her about meeting ITC, how quick do expect a response? Do you take crickets as her being too busy?"

I think "Expect" is the wrong word, it makes it sound douchey. My experience is that it varies by stripper quite a lot, some just in general respond to customers more quickly than others. If it's crickets, it could be because she's busy, or because she can't be bothered right now, or because she checked the text and decided to respond later but then forgot about it (and because she's a stripper, her phone is always getting blown up, so by 6 hours later your text is 3 pages down in her text app and she never sees it). In the case of ATFs where there's a long time confirmed business relationship, they tend to either respond very quickly, or else it's a crapshoot as to whether they respond hours later or not at all. With strippers who I've only seen a few times, it's all over the map

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Also keep in mind they usually work at more than one club. So she has no reason to respond to anyone at one club if she's working at another for a while. And they also try to distance themselves from guys at times so as not to lead them on or encourage them to text more.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
But overall, the phone thing isn't a big deal. With burner numbers now, its not a big deal to get a number.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i have not called a dancer yet...
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"i have not called a dancer yet..."

Good, no dancer in the universe wants you to call her. Text only, heavier on business to set up ITC or OTC
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
With one of my last favs we made a deal. As long as I never texted her about anything but business she would always text me back ASAP.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
I have no expectation that any given stripper will *ever* answer. Ever. Sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well, cell phones and caller id are the reason that stippers and all women are much looser with their phone numbers.

But if you are going to ask for the number, best if you have made clear your specific intents, like seeing her outside, and exactly when.

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