
A job I wouldn't do under any circumstances...

Hypnotized by nipples
Thursday, December 6, 2018 7:03 AM
It has to be the worst job there is — attendant in a strip club bathroom. What sort of bad life choices or incompetence would lead a man to accept this as a way to make a living. You have to sit on a stool inside a small room which invariably smells of shit. You have to "dress up" in a tuxedo shirt and bow tie in the least classy setting imaginable. You have to act subservient to whoever walks in...and I'm guessing they're mostly not movie stars, but fat, drunk, stoned, sticky-pants guys who are NOT happy that they have to deal with you and your dish of mints and your selection of colognes. You perform tasks that require no talent or skill – turning on a faucet, offering a paper towel — and then stand by hoping to get a pathetic one dollar tip.
Is there an upside to this that I'm not seeing. I would rather work at McDonald's and wear a paper hat and a nametag than do this job. How does a guy end up there? And what's the longest anyone has stuck to that job?


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I mostly do dayshift so do not see bathroom attendants very often. I'm under the impression some of these guys last years and years. My general feeling about these guys has, over time, transformed from sneering contempt to "there but for the grace of God".
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    It's not a job I would want to do. However, the bathroom trolls are working and supporting themselves and their families. They must have limited options and are making the best of their circumstances.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That's because you're a soft little self entitled cunt who probably hasn't gotten his hands dirty on a single day of his life.

    Like it or not, it's honest work, such as it is. In a country where attitudes like yours lead too many young men to stay unemployed and live off of the charity of others rather than do something they think is demeaning, it says something when you see a guy willing to work a job like this. For many of those I've chatted with, it was a second job that they worked because they have families to support and the hours and money were better than their next best 2nd job options. They get up in the A.M. for their first job, work the evening hours at the club for tips , rinse, repeat.

    Also, you're as ignorant as you are soft with all of that tuxedo nonsense. I've never seen that anywhere and I'd hazard a guess that I've been in a lot more clubs than you have.

    So shut the fuck up already and you're welcome. ;)
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I've always believed there is a mindset to any guy that wants to work in a strip club that is a little bit different than working at other places.

    I also feel that once there many of them find out it isn't what they signed up for.....

    Over the years I have seen "bathroom trolls" as you call them in numerous places besides clubs but they are for the most part on the decline.
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    Well if you can’t pass a drug test..........
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Total respect for the trolls and especially the ones that maintain a good attitude. There's this one dude in Myrtle Beach that I have seen either at Masters or Doll House for like 15-20 years. Always friendly and respectful and has what I need when I need it. Those guys are invaluable after a productive visit to the VIP in The D as well.
  • Erob
    6 years ago
    There is was extremely nice older guy that was the bathroom attendant in an upscale club I use to go to in NYC. I always tipped him well and treated him with respect. I never forget this one time when this drunk college age idiot was in there harassing him about his profession. Asking him what his kids think about him working in a strip club bathroom and how he lives with himself. Really sad to see, wish I would have said something to that tool, but what are you gonna do.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    In a club I work in, a guy works as a bathroom attendant part of the time and the other part he chauffeurs the girls to and from the club. He is such a nice guy. And he drives a pretty decent 5 series, so it must be an ok job.
  • -me
    6 years ago
    Wonder if they have to pay the house fee lol.

    I don't have any problem with any job someone does, even if I sure wouldn't want to do it. However, I prefer when there is no attendant in the bathrooms. Pretty sure I can figure this faucet thing out myself.
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    Che hit the nail on the head, as long as they are doing an honest job to support themselves I have nothing but respect for them.

    When I was younger I was laid off and took a job cleaning out stalls at a dairy farm because it was what was available at the time. My other option was to be on welfare or move in with my parents so cleaning up shit seemed like the better option.

    Luckily it only lasted a couple of months until I got a better job, but at the time I was thankful to be working.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    rickdugan, I'm sure you view yourself as a Mensa-level genius, but you apparently have not learned what a "discussion" board is for.
    And I've seen bathroom attendants in tuxedo shirts (I didn't say full tuxedo, fuckwad) in at least a dozen clubs. Perhaps you're going to lower-class joints; seems like they would suit you.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    "That's because you're a soft little self entitled cunt who probably hasn't gotten his hands dirty on a single day of his life.

    Like it or not, it's honest work, such as it is. In a country where attitudes like yours lead too many young men to stay unemployed and live off of the charity of others rather than do something they think is demeaning, it says something when you see a guy willing to work a job like this. For many of those I've chatted with, it was a second job that they worked because they have families to support and the hours and money were better than their next best 2nd job options. They get up in the A.M. for their first job, work the evening hours at the club for tips , rinse, repeat.

    Also, you're as ignorant as you are soft with all of that tuxedo nonsense. I've never seen that anywhere and I'd hazard a guess that I've been in a lot more clubs than you have.

    So shut the fuck up already and you're welcome. ;)"

    ^^^ Well said rickdugan.

    I believe it is more demeaning to live off of welfare when capable of doing something about it. They should send people like the op to work camp and force them to do hard labor.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I was going to use nicer sounding words, like “elitist” and “entitled” and such, but the sentiment was the same as rick’s.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    When I worked in the Shipyard in Jacksonville, we got a new custodian who did a helluva fine job cleaning the yard toilets four times each day. Talking to him, I found out that he had been a captain in the Shah's air Force and had gotten out of Iran just ahead of the Ayatollah's minions. This was the job he was able to get when he arrived in this country, and he had the pride to do it well.

    At night he went to school for an account's degree. Immediately on graduation, he was transferred to our accounting department.

    There are no unworthy jobs, just unworthy people.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    Enough guys will tip a buck to add up. Also, just like with the dancers, you get a few guys that tip more. I have seen guys give two to five bucks. Add in what he makes selling $5 condoms and the guy might pull in $30 an hour, all cash.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago
    There is a interesting movie about a bathroom attendant at a Strip Club: From the Head (2011)


    I used to go this Stripclub that had an older skinny gentleman bathroom attendant with a bow tie and a jacket, that would do shoes shining in there too, the girls seem to like him (grandfather figures?) it seemed to me he was very kind to them. I don’t think he had any chance to score with any of the strippers, but you never know, some girls are crazy, or really compassionate, when he passed away The Strip Club posted the information of his funeral services I believe a lot of people from that side of his life went to pay their respects.

    Some younger bathroom attendants seem to have good access to the girls and I would not be surprised if they get to “date” them for real or even P4P, the bouncers and bartenders and Disk jockeys, and any man working in the club has some access to the girls.

    I agree with @ATACdawg comment:

    “There are no unworthy jobs, just unworthy people.”

  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Its not glamorous but its more respectable than being a bum. Hard to think that more deserving people work for slave wages in other countries but this douchebag thinks he's better than someone else.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    If y’all weren’t such a bunch of slobs maybe the pee person wouldn’t be necessary, and AFAIC if he’s doing his job with pride who the hell are you to denigrate his value, I toss a buck in the jar most of the time, it’s a small price to pay to not have to walk in my nice shoes thro a flood of your piss.
  • Corvus
    6 years ago
    I hope I never need to work as a strip club bathroom attendant, but I can think of much worse jobs. More physically demanding jobs too.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    the worst job is being a sick fuck business owner who profits off exploiting others.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    ^jeff besos???
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Could also apply to the president
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    go wherever the money is homie
  • Westcoastclubber
    6 years ago
    As long as they don't harass you why do you care either way?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I can think of worse jobs.

    Septic maintenance
    Janitor at a porn jack shack
    Personal maid/servant to rich entitled dickwad kid
    Trumps barber
    Hilary’s and Maxine Waters gynecologist
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    I think 25 got it right. PLs are probably more respectful when they’ve got someone in ther with them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    At least it's one step-up from being a stripper BF

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    One of the last clubs I visited (Vixens - Davie, FL) I was impressed at the huge selection of colognes the guy had out - seemed over 20-bottles - was wondering to myself how much $$$ he had invested on everything he had laid out cologne not included
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It’s a rough job - I agree.

    I’ve cleaned toilets in restaurants before - and it’s not fun.

    However, being in a strip club bathroom - and hearing the music - knowing there are hot dancers working outside of the bathroom - and not being able to enjoy that action - would be rough!

    Not to try and one up anyone - but I worked in a parkway rest stop - and when I wasn’t cleaning the floors in the restaurant area - I’d clean the bathrooms. The problem was - local gay dudes used the men’s room as a hookup spot. Cleaning toilets isn’t fun - but when guys are grunting and hiding the salami - it’s miserable!
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