
Comments by Subraman (page 115)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    The real TrapBaby
    Wait, so you're saying TrapBaby and IceyLoco are the same person?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    She's Agreed to OTC but Need to discuss details
    -->"I generally agree with what Sub has to say, but I'm not sure I am completely on board with this approach for a guy who isn't used to taking these girls OTC. His first goal for the evening is to have her on his bed naked and preferably coherent. The problem with letting the girl completely lead the charge is that some of these girls lack self control and the longer the night drags on, the more ways that the night can go sideways. Not all girls are pleasant drunks or can resist the urge to overdue it when partying on someone else's dime. " I actually agree with this correction -- when I said "let her play the tune", I didn't mean totally let her dictate the entire pre-hotel activity. To over-generalize a bit, strippers are insanely, impossibly fun buzzed, but mean horrible drunks -- and many of them are incapable of calling the partying to an end when the alcohol is on someone else's dime. I've had some OTCs ruined by not keeping a close enough eye on her. So, by all means, get to the hotel room as soon before she's a mess. Make sure you keep your eyes on the prize, which is sex with an enthusiastic stripper in the hotel room, and she'll need to be no more than buzzed for that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    She's Agreed to OTC but Need to discuss details
    -->"Actually, credit goes to Subraman for this advice, don't be specific about the number of hours it will be. Strippers don't watch the time like escorts do, a lot of dancers will be fine with doing a couple hours in your hotel OTC for $300. Only increase the amount of money if she seems hesitant on doing it for that much." I'll re-confirm that. In my experience, one of the biggest advantages of strippers vs escorts is that most strippers (except those who have very professional business models) don't think in terms of by-the-hour, they think about the final payoff. When I give a stripper $350, she tends not to care if the OTC is 2 hours, or 6 hours, or overnights -- AS LONG AS I DON'T TRAIN HER TO THINK THAT WAY. What I do is just say "we'll grab dinner and drinks, then head back to the hotel". Then I let her play the tune -- and usually, once a stripper starts drinking, she doesn't want to stop so fast; she's usually the one suggesting one more drink or heading to the next bar, and she's the one who will suggest she just crash with me in the room because she's too tired to drive home. Also, don't say "dinner and hang out", specifically mention your hotel if you're too shy to mention the word "sex". If you're not going to be in town for a couple of months, leave her with a final text, "Had a really great time, and looking forward to dinner and fun next time I'm in town!". My thinking is, she'll have completely forgotten the entire conversation by the time you're back in two months, but if that's the last text she has from you, then when you text her you're coming into town, she'll just see that that was the last thing you discussed. I would not discuss pricing or anything else 2 months in advance.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    Warrenboy: you know, any strategy that gets people towards their goals is fine with me, even if it's not my thing. But, assuming you're talking about Planet Fitness or something like it, going to a club where anyone working hard is thrown out, but also they have pizza night, to me is like surrounding yourself with losers and then hoping they don't drag you down. I know the price is right for PF, but damn, talk about a club that celebrates mediocrity; most people will do better with driven people around them
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    Well, fucked that one up royally. "And also, I beg for pussy"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    -->"I dont ask, but if i did i, would whisper in her ear while giving me a lapper, "i pay for pussy."" "And also, I pay for pussy"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    I usually have seen her a few times before I ask, but that's because I go often enough that there's usually no rush. Once in a while I'll ask on the same day I met her, after a few VIP dances -- although it's for a future date, these days I almost never do the post-shift OTC. "Would you meet me outside the club?" or something similar; direct and personal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    Ish: Ya, really personal what anti-craving strategies work for people. Here's mine. Sometimes, I'd get a huge craving to just demolish a whole baguette. I mean, smash the whole fucking baguette, then jerk off on the wrapper package, and do things to it that are illegal in 27 states. My "contract with myself" was, whenever I felt this way, I had to eat a huge salad, in a big-ass bowl. Salad is the last thing you want if you have junkfood or carb cravings, but I'd fill up that bowl and start eating, enjoy it more and more, and by the time I finished, I rarely wanted any baguette after that, or else I was fine with a little piece ("feast food" after all). It's a strategy I need to start using again, it worked well for me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    "Eat fast food and processed food, but exercise strict portion control" is something that works for a small set of lucky people, congrats if you're one of them. Processed snacks and fast food are scientifically designed -- science, bitches! -- to be addicting and to tickle brain centers that make it incredibly difficult for most people to eat in moderation. Different people have different weaknesses, but from everything I've read, the vast majority of people are better off either not eating fast food & processed food at all, or else eating it only rarely as a "feast food"; the strategy of "I'll eat it often, but in moderation" just won't work with most people.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    Warren: plenty of studies correlating diet soda and weight gain. At one time we thought it was just correlation -- diet soda is a bad tasting chemical cocktail that someone with a healthy lifestyle would never drink, thus it's only people with unhealthy diets who drink diet soda, and of course unhealthy diets are correlated with being a fatty. But since then there's creeping evidence that it's actual causation as well through a number of mechanisms, e.g., sweet tastes tickle your brain and make you hungry, which in most cases means you'll eat more. I'm lucky enough not to have much of a sweet tooth, and I mostly don't eat processed food or fast food (haven't eaten at a Mcdonalds/BK/Jackinthebox/KFC/etc in 15 years). I'm pretty much a follower of Pollan's "eat real food, not too much, mostly plants" philosophy. My weakness is bread and it's been a lifelong struggle; swearing off it completely is counterproductive because eventually I give in and binge in a blaze of gluteny goodness, but I have success when I save it as an occasional "feast food" and really savor it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The /fit/ scale for rating girls v2.0
    -->"Not showing 10s makes sense. At that point beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Dushku limit, and all that. The only reason I use ratings at all is to communicate with other guys; otherwise, it's just all about how she makes me feel. I do somewhat enjoy seeing what the rest of the world thinks of my tastes, which is something I get to see first-hand when we're OTC. As I've said before, my three general categories are: 1. head-turner (guys turn their head to watch her, pretty often), 2. wave-starter (so many guys turn their heads, that in a crowded bar, I can see where she is from across the room by watching the wave as guys re-orient themselves as she passes), and 3. Wooo! (decently often, guys let out noises, stop their friends to point her out, or even say things to me as we pass). I don't have a name for girls who don't at least turn heads here and there; I figure that's basically anyone below a 7.5? 7?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Funding
    I hate to say it, but all of this does sound more prostitute-y than stripper-y. A lot of the escorts used to do that, under the somewhat retarded belief that the police had to tell them ... or maybe that they'd be able to read it if they lied. Was she a bit ghetto?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Funding
    -->"So are you okay with showing the money first or do you prefer for there to be a mutual understanding you'll get this and I'll give her what we agreed?" Nope. NEver ever heard of a stripper asking to literally see the money, not me, not any of my buddies, not any OTC story on the internet. I'd take it as a pretty terrible sign. Just seems like a bad idea security-wise in any case. The fact that she's asking you, I imagine means you don't know each other very well; once she eyeballs that it's really there, how do you have any idea who she'll tell? That'd be an automatic stop and move on for me. On the other hand, I don't tend to meet a girl and then move straight to OTC, I like to see them in the club a few times.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the best time go clubing out of time, day, week, month or year?
    -->" My theory is that the middle of summer is kind of dead, things pick up around fall and with school starting" Exactly! That's why middle of summer = best time, fall pick up = worst time. Okay, stepping back a moment, the preferred SC experience is that I hang out with my preferred stripper for a number of hours in a row, and even though she's pretty hot, it's all for a reasonable price; also, I'd like to get her OTC. All of these favor the slowest shifts possible, so she doesn't feel any pressure -- or have any leverage -- to go flitting about the room. So, to me, best times to SC: - Dayshifts, and at many clubs, nightshifts up until 9-10pm. Best chance of a slow shift - Thanksgiving until Christmas, March until April 15th, and mid-summer. Around here, at least, 3 reliable dead periods
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    How Young is Too Young?
    -->"Here is my opinion, if you're nearing or over 40, gals under 21 shouldn't be attractive to you" That's a nice theory, but IMO is practically delusiona and likely millions of years of evolutionl; some guys here may pretend women 18-21 aren't attractive, but they are fucking attractive. Agree with Rando, an anonymous poll will reveal the (incredibly obvious) truth. That said, I am MUCH more like to pick a stripper or SB who is 21 and up because: 1. I want to drink with them, without having to hide it, worry about their fake ID, etc., 2. obviously enough, younger women are more likely to act immature (because they ARE less mature). I do not automatically rule out anyone who is 18+, but skew heavily to 21+, for most often for reason #1, but occasionally for reason #2.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Help me be not weird: tracking a dancer's menses
    I don't know exactly how you stumbled upon the correlation. But, weird or not, if I made some correlation between X and higher mileage with my CF, then I would track X, no matter how weird it is. My main correlation is "super drunk dancer = poor mileage and possibly mean angry dancer", so I avoid that, which is a little easier than tracking her cycle lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looks like Sjg and the trolls have taken over the front room.
    Even before the change, there have been times when 3/4 of the front page threads have been from sjg, nicole, various other trolls; and the few legit threads derailed by iceyloco, trapbaby, txtitty, etc. It's a miracle we get any new posters at all; I would not have joined or ever returned if that's what I had seen a few years ago when I joined here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I am getting too spoiled
    I spent a few years in "the zone" -- I had two clubs wired up wonderfully -- and not coincidentally, those were my most active ever SCing. My advice is, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, indulge and enjoy it while you can. I would love to get back there but both local changes in SCs, and the fact that I'm spending a good % of my time on SA (I found frequency at SCs was part of what got me in the zone) prevents me from re-capturing old glory
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Dancer calls me a pervert as I'm fingering her (front room!). What are some fun
    Cash: ya, I actually second-guessed sharing that story for at least a week... felt incredibly cringey to me. And enough strippers actually think that they're a princess, that saying it out loud practically gives me douche chills. But in the moment -- and as usual, pretty buzzed -- it was funny.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Dancer calls me a pervert as I'm fingering her (front room!). What are some fun
    True, and probably cringey, story. In general I'm not into this type of dirty talk. Some years back, a stripper did the same thing, called me a pervert or whatever. I went the opposite way and told her she was an amazing goddess. She was clearly shocked and surprised for a moment, then lit up... The two of went back and forth, laughing outrageously while I probed her pussy and asshole, her calling me a ho or perv, me calling her a princess and telling her how awesome she is. Like I said, sounds cringey but we were both hysterical, it was just a weird surprising surreal thing. And meanwhile, while it was going on, I had no-holes-barred access to the entire holeyland