
I am getting too spoiled

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I think I'm getting too spoiled by my regular clubs. Simply put, I've got things pretty well wired. Even getting to know girls other than my favorites is not a problem as they've seem me ITC several times and know I usually sit with someone. On any given night, I've got at least one good OTC option and sometimes several to choose from.

I am not on the road and clubbing in an area that I used to enjoy, but it's just not the same now. I had OTC setup last night, but it fell apart when we couldn't agree on some of the finer details. Truth be told, I was not particularly disappointed as I think I'm going to conserve my budget for when I get back home.

Anyone else find this happening to them?


  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That should say "I am now on the road"...
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m three to four hundred miles away from the clubs i prefer... trying to liquidate the rest of my ‘collections’. and stayin away from nearby vegas (which caused me financial problems.)
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Vegas can do that to you Mr. Wonderful lol
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Funny I was in Vegas last week I only went to one casino played a Little blackjack and spent zero. Our dinner was comped and other than the cab I didn’t spend much at all
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Yes every time I leave El Paso/or the Southwest in general it’s always lower mileage or there’s some always dumbass rules thes clubs have. For Example “tip parades” annoying as fuck, pasties, I was at one club “Blush” on Long Island where unless you rent a booth out for $120, the $30 dances the bouncer must be in the VIP observing. What kind paranoid shit is that and downright obscene.

    I haven’t clubbed in Detroit so I don’t know how they get down but everywhere else I go, it seems there always some extra bullshit that I gotta deal with.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Take a break.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I spent a few years in "the zone" -- I had two clubs wired up wonderfully -- and not coincidentally, those were my most active ever SCing. My advice is, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, indulge and enjoy it while you can. I would love to get back there but both local changes in SCs, and the fact that I'm spending a good % of my time on SA (I found frequency at SCs was part of what got me in the zone) prevents me from re-capturing old glory
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I find myself in pretty much the same situation as Subraman. My ATF of 9 years has been gone for 4 years. Follies did a great job of filling in for her but has now taken a nose dive when in comes to my favorite type of dancer. Oh sure the mileage is still there but I can't be satisfied with dancers that don't meet my prior expectations. Not only have I not found a good candidate for OTC, I am having a difficult time finding one for VIP ITC. I have been giving consideration to SA but to me that doesn't seem like a good replacement for what I have enjoyed in the past with strippers.

    Meanwhile I continue to hit my favorite club in search of "The one". At least I am well known there and have a half dozen dancers more than willing to take care of me under the table in the front room for the cost of dance. I do tip them.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    To some extent I feel the same. I'm not sure that I feel I've got the clubs wired so much, but I know I can go have a good time at a reasonable price at any time. When I travel I used to schedule an extra day or even two in some cities, or at least schedule meetings to allow for a trip to a couple clubs. Lately, I think about it and almost invariably come to the conclusion that I'd rather get in and out quickly and hit a local or least somewhat local club instead. I'll still hit up clubs in some areas if I'm stuck and bored, but I no longer make any specific effort to hit up a club in any city.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Yep. When I’m traveling, I find myself not “settling” for much less than I could get at home. For instance, on a recent trip, nobody really wanted to do what I wanted, and when I found someone who’d at least do part of it, the only reason I bothered was because the price was dirt cheap.

    Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    > On any given night, I've got at least one good OTC option and sometimes several to choose from.

    How much money are you throwing around in order to be like this?
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    I hear you loud and clear on that one! Things are too easy here where I'm at (SoCal). Everyone says Vegas, but those are the people who aren't in the know about such things......its so tame compared to COI (Or if you do find it way more expensive). But I do love this site (and others) for when I am on the road..... at least I have some 411 on where the goods might be at.........
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Livet, it's as much about spending smart as it is about spending a lot. Keep in mind too that most places aren't like Vegas, or L.A. or NYC or the other large urban areas with tons of cash being thrown around the clubs. I generally club in smaller market cities, where the deck is better stacked for a customer.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "I can't be satisfied with dancers that don't meet my prior expectations. Not only have I not found a good candidate for OTC, I am having a difficult time finding one for VIP ITC"

    That's basically my current situation, it sucks.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Shadow, have you thought about switching up clubs a bit? Maybe a place with cheap ITC fun isn't necessarily the best place to pick up a good OTC girl, or for that matter to find a good long-term favorite. if memory serves, you met the last favorite at PP, not a lace like Follies. Anyway just a thought.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago

    Yes, I have though about it and I do give some other clubs a try but I can't sit for hours in clubs an hour away trying to be known as a regular. Of the 27 clubs listed for the Atlanta area, 20 of them are black. I don't have anything against black dancers in mixed clubs but I haven't been to any black club that I really like.

    Also I did much better at PP when it came to hooking up for OTC. And If you were a regular it was just as high mileage as Follies ITC.
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    Getting too comfortable there at your home base Rick !
    Get those pickup skills sharpened again - maybe time for that Polyester suit to come out.

    I got comfortable too at my home clubs. But dancers move on (regular job, new city, get hitched, or plain tired of stripping).
    Plus new clubs bring new nuances, new charades, and new adventure possibilities.
    Admitted that can be exhilarating or exhausting - depending on ones viewpoint.

    I read it here on TUSCL last year. There are coffee shops in LA area that open at 6AM and waitresses are in bikinis. They would serve and sometimes sit on your lap (for a tip). Kinda like a hooters or twinpeaks - but at 6 AM. Only sex oriented product I have come across that fills that morning void. When guys are the hardest. Never knew about these coffee shops. Seems like only on southern California.
    Visiting such coffee shop is on my bucket list - with icing being an OTC takeout with a sexy and willing hottie. Coffee and sex - better than Coffee and cake.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    LOL roger. Sadly, I actually had OTC locked up with a hottie from one of the PVD clubs. She even called me when she was leaving the club with the intention of heading to my hotel. But when things got even just a hair more complicated, I just said fuck it. I'm so spoiled now that I'm not even willing to tolerate things that would have been no problem just a few years ago.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Vegas can be pretty cheap, depends on what you do. the clubs there can be clip joints though depending on where you go.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    the bikini coffee and boba places are weird... some have girls in lingerie, they're pretty desperate for tips and will sit their with fake smiles and act like they want to talk to you...some will offer to play board games with you. Usually its Asians and really geeky guys with yellow fever.
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