
Comments by Subraman (page 114)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Letting an older and well versed sugar baby teach me the ways
    Ha, now it all makes total sense!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    LOL, yes, "the strippers all love this law and only right wingers think it's bad" ... except that no one who has actually spoken to a stripper can find one who supports it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    Ya, someone had done a quick analysis for the higher end clubs in my city -- the girls, at least here, are getting a smaller cut of the money the earn now, and paying taxes on top of it. At least in this city, there's no reason to hypothesize that it's good for the girls' income; their income has, factually, gone down per shift. In addition, they are no longer allowed to work more than 32 hours a week, or do doubles, so even their potential for income has gone down. And they are subject to workplace rules they weren't before, scheduling is more rigid, etc. The girls are near-unanimous in being unhappy over the change -- at least the ones I've spoken to, who are admittedly just a drop in the bucket, and only in my city (and one girl in Vegas)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Here's hoping for a quick parole!
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    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    How do dancers think of you...
    The one consistent story I've heard from dancers is, "when we hear you guys are coming the next day, we all prepare ourselves for doing a lot of drinking".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    Just a little extra info -- all anecdotal, but at least I've spoken to actual strippers about this LOL -- I was in Vegas this weekend, and as usual, ran into a lot of strippers from CA. NOthing unusual about that, lots of CA girls strip in Vegas to make more $$$. At one point, like the 4th or 5th CA girl I ran into, I mentioned "so many CA girls here", she shot right back with, "I danced in LA until recently, but a whole bunch of us came out to Vegas because of the changes." Again, just anecdotal, but at least in this early phase -- where they are factually making less $ from their dances and tips than they used to -- the strippers are overwhelmingly not happy with the change in status. We'll see where it leads.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Letting an older and well versed sugar baby teach me the ways
    I don't necessarily think you need any special skillz to use SA the way you and B.Ho and others have in the past -- that is, as just a way to find and bang escorts, or to hit-it-and-quit-it naive SBs who don't know how to identify john behavior and are easily victimized. If you're looking for an actual sugar baby for a regular sugar arrangement, in all honesty the vast majority of what I learned is more around things like: how to quickly identify scammers, escorts, and other wastes of time, how to deal with the insane amount of flakiness. When it comes to the SBs themselves, mostly it's about approaching them right when you messaging them, quickly building trust, and driving swiftly to an initial ** unpaid ** ** platonic ** meet and greet.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    vip room suggestions
    #2 = very good idea
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    TUSCL universal hand signal
    ^^^ Fuck yes. A bunch of guys who manage and pimp girls, definitely need to throw gang signs LOL I think it should be holding up one hand, palm towards you, and then bitch-slapping it with the back of your other hand (aka your pimp hand)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much to you think is a reasonable price for OTC "Outside the Club" in Los An
    You're best off getting your advice from someone who actually partakes in that market, like Jefftuscl, rather htan empty speculation. I'll tell you in SF, which is another hyper-expensive market, $1000 is waaaaay too much; not that there aren't girls asking and getting that at times, from guys who don't know any better or who have enough scratch not to care. Papi Chulpo made a comment with which I very strongly agree -- do not open the negotiation by asking the girl what she charges. If you do, you can just expect to be quoted these outrageous prices regularly. Just like if she quotes $1000, she's depending on you being squeamish about counter-offering $300 since it's so low, generally speaking if you start with $300, she's not going to counter with $1000 -- she'll either walk, or counter with something reasonable. Different people have different negotiating strategies, but for me, that absolute key to getting a fair deal for both sides, is me always naming the initial price, NEVER asking her what she charges. NEver ever ever never.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    It's negatively affecting the customer experience too, at least right now -- a double whammy for the girls, at least those in already slower markets or clubs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    My experiences remain consistent: the vast majority of strippers don't want to be employees and this is something that has been thrust upon them by well-meaning but lacking-in-understanding advocates, and the labor commission. They are vehemently against it, and it impacts their take-home, so far without any payback. It is a fact that there was an exodus of at least a noticeable number of strippers from the clubs I've been to, a number seeking greener pastures in Nevada. The lineups at the clubs I've been to remain as I described: smaller than they used to be, the girls are not allowed to work more than 32 hours a week and are no longer allowed to do things like working doubles. Jury is still out on whether what I thought I noticed about a lower valuing of regulars is really a thing...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    VIP Room? Shouldn't it be VIPL Room?
    *rimshot* I DO think it should VIPL lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Closing the front room?
    -->"I think the function of front room as a great way to get non-vips to initially visit/interact with the site" But is it really a "great way"? How many first-timers look in on the front room, and depending on how active the trolls are that month, run away screaming? Although I do wonder to what extent the front room is like a honeypot -- as long as it's there, most trolls are content to stay there, rather than spending their energy getting into here. I think tuscl does have a unique problem that I've never seen before: a troll whose life is so defined by trolling this forum, that he or she paid for AT LEAST two of their troll personas to get into the VIP. As I've mentioned before, studies of internet trolls a build a borderline-pitiful picture of what trolls are like in real life -- truly miserable, sadistic, and unable to make connections in real life. They really are terrible, lonely people, but I've never seen one that's quite at the level of tuscl's, they all eventually go away, and they're not buying memberships for multiple personas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Closing the front room?
    -->"Perhaps the two posters you referenced provide motivation for people not to want to only be on the front room page. BF Skinner had some good insight into what negative reinforcement can do. Knowing there is a VIP Room and understanding the value it represents as opposed to being a regular member works as well. " Interesting point! But to know the value it represents, they have to be able to see into the VIP Room in the first place, right? Does the VIP Room run better knowing (most of) the trolls can't see in, or would it run better if non-VIPs could see the discussion and would be motivated to join? Interesting question. -->"Then there is the culture of the site. When I first came here I had been to about six clubs after a long hiatus of not going to any --talking years. and started out with 1 review to see how it would be received as well as a few on the board comments about a second place. It took about 30 seconds before I started getting feedback via DM's about what I shouldn't say. I didn't take offense but I realized the real value of a review is to a large extent what shouldn't be included in them. So I tell people ask me offline and I'm happy to share. Same approach I took in the past with TER, JAG and TBD ( all three as far as I know dead at this point but all at one time were THE board to go to for information) " Agree that backchannel communication is always the most valuable aspect of a review site. It was a culture shock to me how review-oriented the tuscl culture is. But, I also think the reviews are one of the things that draw eyeballs -- and though you don't get the super inside "Porsche will let you lick the back of her knee for $40" type stuff in the review, still valuable to get a feel for the club. But then, as you point out, you can DM review writers directly
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Buffet at follies
    I haven't been to, or eaten the buffet, at Follies . And I guess given the nature of the place, there's an extra ick factor. But I eat the buffet at two strip clubs I go to. I actually watched closely for weeks before I ever did it -- but I saw strippers, managers, & bouncers all eat from the buffet also, and I'm also usually decently plugged into club gossip, and no warning signs at all. Everyone liked the buffet, the strippers ate it without question, every served themselves with the serving spoons. Buffet is pretty good in both clubs I eat it at.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Closing the front room?
    A few random thoughts: 1. I've always thought that tuscl is well-positioned to own most SC discussion. It may be the case that the forum is not driving revenue or reviews currently, but given what a mess it is, that's not surprising. A solid forum should drag in eyeballs, and with them reviews or VIP memberships. I dig tuscl, I want founder to be successful (however he defines it), I still think a high signal-to-noise forum should be driving that -- the way forums have been revenue makers for so many other review sites. 2. I've been on the interwebs since Al Gore invented it, starting with the very first discussion group, alt.sex.strip-clubs. Since then I've been on countless SC forums. With 100% certainty, I can say that there have been plenty of SC discussion forums with high signal-to-noise ratio (though every single on that achieved that did it with mechanisms that have been ruled out here). Still, the view that some people have that we just have to live with a troll-filled shitstorm of a forum and there's no way to address it is nearly delusional and completely out of touch with reality. 3. I don't have an opinion on whether or not we should get rid of the front room, although if we do, we should make the VIP room read-only for everyone -- every eyeball that makes it here, should be able to see the quality discussion going on here, as motivation to submit a review or buy a VIP. In addition, if we keep the front room, perhaps consider changing how rooms are represented on the top line. Change the name of the VIP Room to the High Quality Discussion Room, increase its font size, change its color to gold, make it readable by non-VIPs, and put it first on the menu line. Change the name of the Front Room to Anything Goes Room, let people who find their way there, participate there if they want. Right now, a new person to the site would be motivated to go into the front room -- do you really want iceyloco and trapbaby welcoming them?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    What’s the appropriate response to the L word
    @DC: I don't think "luv ya!" means very much, just a fun way to express affection (or in strippers case, faux affection). I see no reason to punish the stripper for upping her fantasy game. And since I'm not in love with her, and I know she's not in love with me, no reason for the warning bells to start sounding.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    What’s the appropriate response to the L word
    I always say, "Oh! Love YOU!", usually accompanied by a wink (that is, a bit of a corny show). It's just stripper hustle, and fun to handle it with a little humor and corniness.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    founder take notice please
    Agree... it's the guys engaging with the more malicious trolls as if they're legit, just going along and answering whatever ridiculous trolly topics and assertions they have, that I'm referencing
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Having Too Many Favorites a Bad Thing?
    My general approach to this, is the strategy that's worked for me for the past few years in dealing with strippers in general: be transparent (rather than elusive or deceptive), be friendly and warm, and always behave with 100% confidence that you're not doing anything wrong. So, when I have more than one girl I'm seeing: I text one to make an appointment. If she responds back and confirms, then we have an appointment and she's the girl I'll be with (this is the way I like to SC, one girl per visit). If, when I walk in, I see another fave of mine, smile, big friendly hello, "I'm here to see Kinzie today, Porsche, but thanks for saying hi, come by our table if I can buy you a drink! Looking forward to catching you next time!" and that's that. If you want to maximize drama, the best way to do that is to behave like a little bitch. Be too scared to tell the girls what's up. Sneak around hoping that Kinzie never catches you with Porsche or vice versa. When you get to the club, be unclear as to which you're hanging out with today, because you're scared of hurting Kinzie's feelings, so each girl thinks she has a claim on you. Letting the two girls work things out amongst themselves, especially considering the amount of ego and bragging rights at stake, gives the best chance of drama among the girls and you. Being confident, firm, friendly, and direct in telling them what's what with you (and your wallet) today, will yield you the best chance of a drama-free trip (or at least, lower chance of you seeing it). If you're a "hang out with multiple girls per trip" guy, then just change that to "Hi Kinzie, I'm hanging out with Porsche for a bit, then would love to come find you".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    founder take notice please
    -->"Though there is some fuzziness between legit users and trolls." And users who I think are legit, but who respond to, enable, and legitimize the trolls; still don't understand why, or if they realize what harm it's doing to the forum.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    founder take notice please
    -->"I learned yesterday that the trolls actually paid for VIP so that they could be here. Hard to fathom someone paying to troll a place, but there it is." I came down on the other side -- I was surprised it took this long. Studies of internet trolls conclude they really are terrible miserable people, their behavior here isn't an act but a manifestation of their behavior in general, which prevents them from having any actual social life. And that's consistent with the most ubiquitous trolls here: this forum is their life. Almost delusional to think a troll who seemed to be on here 24/7 and whose main purpose was to disrupt the forum and engage in deeply personal insult-fests, would simply disappear; that kind of person would re-invent new fun trolls to come back with. But no such thing as someone whose entire social life and entire source of joy is based on turning tuscl into a shit show, simply going away.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    She's Agreed to OTC but Need to discuss details
    Several people on the thread could argue for the short-dick discount!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ever film yourself fucking a stripper or prostitute?
    I've done it a few times, with both strippers and fbsm girls. In all cases, I was a very good regular before I asked; most just specified that they don't want their face in the video. Never been asked to pay extra (again, probably because I was a good regular anyway)