
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    $$$$$$$ & /in Politics !
    ^^^^so you prefer passive-aggressive name calling. gotcha
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    11 years ago
    $$$$$$$ & /in Politics !
    @skibum609 “Don't be frightened by the well-educated knowledgeable among us.” progressives frightened by the well-educated knowledgeable? let’s review; book burnings, cultural revolution, killing fields. hmmmmm
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For you tatoo lovers
    @alucard “Ban Tattoos! LOL” what? i thought you and your fellow NAZIs loved to collect them for lamp shades.
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    11 years ago
    Please could you tell me if my revenge for an errotic massage is too harsh?
    @Bullwinkle “...killing those who don't (like peaceful native Americans)” oh for fuck sake....more "the indigenous peoples of North America were just innocent little Ewok like creatures before the Death Star and the Evil White man showed up" bullshit. where the fuck did you people go to school?
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    11 years ago
    $$$$$$$ & /in Politics !
    just fucking great. this decision is yet another case of the fucking leftwing supreme court fucking America by aiding their paymasters the leftarded REAL one percenters. http://politics.suntimes.com/article/washington/democrats-are-party-rich-congress/mon-03312014-733am Democrats are the party of the rich in Congress Mon, 03/31/2014 - 7:33am WASHINGTON — Republicans are the party of the rich, right? It's a label that has stuck for decades, and you're hearing it again as Democrats complain about GOP opposition to raising the minimum wage and extending unemployment benefits . But in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California. The richest: New York's 12th Congressional District, which includes Manhattan's Upper East Side, as well as parts of Queens and Brooklyn. Democrat Carolyn Maloney is in her 11th term representing the district. Per capita income in Maloney's district is $75,479. That's more than $75,000 a year for every man, woman and child. The next highest income district, which runs along the southern California coast, comes in at $61,273. Democrat Henry Waxman is in his 20th term representing the Los Angeles-area district. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district comes in at No. 8.
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    11 years ago
    P System Rapscallions... Continued
    @alucard. seriously, get rid of the avatar. it violates your restraining order
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    11 years ago
    P System Rapscallions... Continued
    @Dougster “ tell you what, tard. You start being something other than a fuckin' psycho and I'll prop you with a new comment. Deal?” don’t hold your breath. the psycho is off his meds again. his HATE list is back on his profile page. @alucard. speaking of fixated, get rid of the avatar picture. it was your psycho stalking that drove her into hiding in the first place.
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    11 years ago
    Ft hood. Again.
    @alucard. you are one really stupid, stupid, stupid fuck. fucking moron. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=28399
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    11 years ago
    ot:what the hell
    @crazyjoe “Then he is out there telling his friend…” that definitely eliminates the friendless alucard as a suspect.
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    11 years ago
    @SlickSpic "There's something out there...and it ain't no man." Chris Hansen is on a first name basis with alucard
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    A female president
    that’s a tough one. whether hillary could ever be considered a female is still a toss-up. and after eight years of an effeminate America hating communist destroying the country the electorate just might pull their collective head out of their collective ass and send her back to the old crones’ home. don’t get your hopes up though because the republicans are desperately searching for yet another rino that can deceive enough people to get elected and then proceed to finish the job of destroying what remains of the country. so hillary might have a shot but it will be a tough sell. the effect on strip clubs is obvious though. her number one priority will remain making bill’s life suck so she will either close all strip clubs outright or sign an executive order that only beautiful looking women can work as strippers. i think she will go with option two because she knows bill is ONLY attracted to ugly skanks so he would never join the secret service boys for lunchtime lapdances. *be afraid. be very afraid and buy ammo, lots of ammo
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    11 years ago
    @alucard “Could be a great "Reality" TV show.” you sick parasitic scum getting off on the suffering and misfortunes of others. a real prize you are asshole
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    11 years ago
    Another Waste of Government Time and Money
    heck, me and slickspic are going to get a bunch of our vigilante buddies and go down there and string up these city slickers. these politicians need to be learnt that this is california – the wild wild west of strip clubbing.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Age & sstripclubbing
    getting old is a bitch but i’m not ready for the alternative
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    North vs. South
    @lopaw. you know that i love you in a platonic, non-sexist, non-racist, multi-cultural, eco-friendly and sustainable, community based way old girl but there is absolutely NOTHING wild wild west about california and there hasn’t been for generations. hell you can’t smoke, you can’t drink and god knows you can’t get a decent delta smelt fish taco in california strip clubs. you might just as well be in new york city being played like a clueless fool by all the ROBs there.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    North vs. South
    if the northeast is so great how come there has never in the history of all time ever been a single carpet-bagging yankee who took his loud mouthed ass back north? just saying.
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    11 years ago
    EITHER / or?
    alucard "Trying to impose a bit of structure on a thread of mine." a thread goes where a thread goes. you post it and you immediately give up all control over it dumbass
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    11 years ago
    EITHER / or?
    Smeagol or Gollum? you don’t HAVE to be Gollum alucard. it isn’t too late. well maybe it is too late: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=26604 “when your stretch mark flabby belly hangs half a foot past your flaccid winky” “When you have rotten nubs for teeth,” “and I more than earned it from just being seen in public with you, sweat pants, holy shirt, greasy hair down to your chin that looked like it hadn't.been washed or brushed in weeks, no teeth.”
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Adjustment to P System
    and this one: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=26604 ***Alucard DESTROYED on 2Sheds*** Posted December 8, 2013 twosheds.com/clubBB/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=16429&start=15 "Well since you don't want to explain why, then I will, first, I wasn't the red head u expected, but I sent u an up to date photo with my dark hair...deedadee. I WAS slightly thicker, not fat by any means but had curve and still do, but now I'm just a lot more tone, slightly thinner because I refuse to ever be a stick figure, I'd rather eat a fucking steak than a crueton any day. Aww did my driving scare you? Because it was fucking hilarious!!!! Ya, thats right, I have road rage, I drive like a fucking maniac and I drive a stick shift that is also a drifter, so I race my baby any chance I get, you had your own car, you should have took it or deal with how I roll...well with how I go. Now, on to the best part, when we got back to the nasty motel you rented, after your rudeness to the waitress and looking like a fucking bum off the streets, I wasn't very enthusiastic, trust me, I'll proudly say I can suck a dick, I love it and am damn good at it, but I have to be able to find it first, when your stretch mark flabby belly hangs half a foot past your flaccid winky, well what do you expect? When you have rotten nubs for teeth, what do you expect. So ya our time sucked, and I still feel the need to wash my mouth out with a bottle of rubbing alcohol every time I get flash backs of that awful, horrid, terrifying, and flat out disgusting time, and yup you still paid me, and I more than earned it from just being seen in public with you, sweat pants, holy shirt, greasy hair down to your chin that looked like it hadn't.been washed or brushed in weeks, no teeth. Thank GOD I made you shower before I even came near you...fuckin yuck!!!! Dude, really, I got no problem busting myself out, I got no problem calling a spade a spade, like I said before, TELL THESE FOLKS SOMETHING THEY DON'T ALREADY KNOW. Yes I'm embarrassed, yes I put zero and I mean ZERO enthusiasm into our session, but had you met hardforacheapfuck(thanks TS) you probably would have just took the money and run, and please believe, I thought about it on more than one occasion, never ever ever on any date with a guy I have met on here(met a few, all except one were the shit!!!) Did I have to pop a xanex bar, I only take those at night or in majority stressful moments. So go ahead flaccid, tell them, tell them how bad I was, and I'll admit it, I was Terrible, I was humiliated, I was disgusted....oh God I yuck!!!!!!!!"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Adjustment to P System
    @Hotstuff69babi before you open any psycho PMs from alucard you probably want to read this: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=20408 Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how big his penis is. Posted October 20, 2012 This was the exchange. We had over PM: Well I won't be buying what you are selling Miss. You don't seem to be capable of understanding what I am saying. I am far from a typical person that you may service. By the way, the insult at the end of your PM was TOTALLY uncalled for. I almost never use the female dog label in regards to women, but you earned it with the unnecessary insult. - Alucard -Original Message-- Dude. Ur taking this way too seriously! Stop thinking so much! Stop looking for a reason to argue, because its making u miss what I'm actually saying. I have had 50 die hard regs over the years. Every single one if them was just dying for free OTC action. They all wanted something real. But strippers aren't mean to be real. It's not safe or profitable for us to give ourselves away for free to everyone who loves us or has a credit card. When I say "satisfied," I mean a giving a guy everything he wants. Love, sex, real emotion... And maybe not all customers want that, but all regulars do want that. All regulars eventual terminate the arrangements they have with me when they finally realize its not going to happen. This is my job: When ur with me, I will make u smile, stimulate u physically, listen to ur problems and actually care. I'll make you love me, make u happy and be your vision of what all women should be like. Then, at 2 am. It's over. U only get to love me until 2. Then I'll kiss ur neck, walk away and go fuck someone with a much larger dick than u have. --Original Message-- I think the problem is our differing personal definitions of. Tease & Satisfaction. From my end of things our personal definitions appear to be Worlds apart Kittykate. We can further discuss it, or leave it as it stands now. Thank you for your time and kind reply if you choose to reply. Sincerely - Alucard I just want to saw to him and his pals that I do not have any idea how large or small his dick is. I don't plan to find out, either. But, that's besides the point. Just want to say to him and his bros, that I was not talking about him in my message. I was talking about a generic stripper customer, not a real life experience. Unless Alucard knows something I don't, I don't thing, I've danced for him before. Funny thing is, if he had, he'd love me. I'm very sweet in the club. But I didn't come here to please anyone. I just came to be honest and bring a new perspective. Anyway. Sorry buddy. I really wasn't trying to piss you off. I've gotten a pile of PMs from other dudes who know exactly what I mean to say and know that it has nothing to do with bad customer service. I honestly wasn't talking about you, in my little imagined scenio. I was just talking about a generalized version of many other people that I danced for. You are not one of those, so calm the fuck down. And honestly, my man his packing some inches. Your average dude can't compete. : )
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    lets name juices accounts
    oh and alucard, star dust? star dust? really? you and zipperhead crack me up. we are going to have so much to talk about but no rush. eternity is a long time. ROTFLMFAO
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    11 years ago
    lets name juices accounts
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCLer Troop ?
    com’on alucard, you can do better than that. YOU were trolling like the little bitch YOU are and YOU baited doc_holiday who replied speaking of his intimate relations with your mother. YOU had a hissy fit and Troop came to your defense. doc_holiday promptly spoke of having conjugal relations with Troop’s mother and it was on between the two of them with YOU cheering Troop on even after doc_holiday got a telephone call at his home from Troop. and based on your post above YOU are still cheering Troop on. does any of that ring a bell? or maybe none of that ever happened in your star dust universe. dumbass
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCLer Troop ?
    alucard. oh, alucard. paging alucard. care to answer this one?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Nebraska sure does have psychotic people on their stafff
    and then there is Seattle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sayg2Uf0U1Q and oh what about Cleveland? daaaaamn…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6KFWiidiJo if you bus it then Buffalo looks like the place you want to live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9l2TaLb9Xs