
Nebraska sure does have psychotic people on their stafff

Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:20 AM
So I recieved this video of a particularly disturbing video about a beatdown from a bus driver towards a passanger on my facebook feed....bet you this wouldn't go down in NY. But what really got me was that I haven't seen anything about him getting a public arrest, instead just getting a probationary period and termination..... [view link] What I don't get is how a man of 4 years bus driving experience suddenly explodes...when I'm sure he's asked questions all damn day. Thoughts?


  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    I'm curious too, about what brought on the assault?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Gee, Estie, I seem to remember black teenagers knocking people out in NYC. What brought that on?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    OOh wah, ooh wah, cool-cool kitty, just messin with the boy from New York City. :)
  • looneylarry
    10 years ago
    The guy asked the driver why the Huskers haven't been in a BCS bowl lately. Seriously. Fucked up. Even if the passenger had one other friend with him, would have been a different story.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Mikey,LMFAO.The passenger looked like a threat to me.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Crazy bus driver. Normally it is crazy passengers... but that was definitely a crazy driver.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    "What I don't get is how a man of 4 years bus driving experience suddenly explodes...when I'm sure he's asked questions all damn day. Thoughts?" Probably kicked off [view link] by Yoda.
  • TortillaChip
    10 years ago
    So the guy got probation for an assault. That NEVER happens!!!!! This is racial injustice bring in AL bring in Jesse!!!!!!!!!
  • ime
    10 years ago
    what would be different if it was in NY? are all the drivers the professionals who take their jobs seriously and would never hit a customer?
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    and then there is Seattle [view link] and oh what about Cleveland? daaaaamn…. [view link] if you bus it then Buffalo looks like the place you want to live [view link]
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    @Mikeya02 Gee Mikeya, way to bring race into this. I didn't say anything regarding race, yet you just got to bring it in. And you wonder why people still complain about racism. Why are you singling out the black teens playing the knockout game where there are far more other races than just blacks doing it? Matter of fact, why bring THAT up? None of those kids even have a job let alone work for the government? @deogol welp, his fat ass got plenty of time and some dollars to blow at real strip clubs before he must resort to cheap beer. @ime if a bus driver tried that, the passenger would no doubt be fighting back tipsy or not. These NYers do not like to have hands put on them. This is from living day to day in the hustle and bustle of NYC. Generally the majority of passengers you see or middle through lower class citizens as opposed to those with a higher paying salary in Wall Street for example would ride public transport....or at least take the bus. And a lot of people are not afraid to get their hands dirty in a fight...before you start asking for evidence. I was hoping to avoid a racial argument but somebody had to do it I suppose.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Sorry Estie, I thought you brought it up. You've used the words black and white in several of your posts. I never took offense
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Esta you need to get out more. no one from anywhere likes having hands put on them. Don't give me the tough NY bullshit people aren't that different and guess what people from NY,Chicago, Boston, LA aren't any tougher than the guy who grew up on a farm, just because they are from a city. You may be too young to realize this or still feel you need to rep your city which is fine but all that shit is fake.
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