troop's picture is Doc_Holliday. I remember Doc_Holliday starting a beef with Alucard and troop about their dead mothers and forum decency. I think troop found out that Doc_Holliday was a male dancer at a Fort Worth gay bar called Rainbow Lounge.
And for some reason, alutard who claims himself to be such a big privacy advocate, was actually cheering on troop. As usual, alutard very moralistic about things unless he has his own dog in the fight, then he'll go the opposite way and not even notice the hypocrisy.
Are you talking about your psycho PMs that KittyKate posted? There was no privacy violation because: a) the recipient is the owner and hence free to post; b) nothing in those PMs revealed any real world information about you (unlike in the troop/Doc_Holiday incident) other than you what a psycho you are which everyone already knows.
YOU were trolling like the little bitch YOU are and YOU baited doc_holiday who replied speaking of his intimate relations with your mother. YOU had a hissy fit and Troop came to your defense. doc_holiday promptly spoke of having conjugal relations with Troop’s mother and it was on between the two of them with YOU cheering Troop on even after doc_holiday got a telephone call at his home from Troop. and based on your post above YOU are still cheering Troop on.
does any of that ring a bell? or maybe none of that ever happened in your star dust universe. dumbass
I remember that. I think I also remember troop sending cops to doc Holliday house. Shortly after all of that was over troop left the board and has not been heard from since. Doc Holliday has posted occasionally since. That was some of the weirdest (scariest) stuff I've seen on here.
Apparently he was a cop (or CIA or NSA) because somehow he figured out Doc's real identity and contacted him and presumably made a threat. All over a "yo momma" joke. Turns our Troop didn't have a sense of humor. :)
I remember only a little about the Troop-Doc_holiday freak-out. I would like to forget it all. Two supposed adults escalated insults and let matters get completely out of hand. For me, this forum is a place to discuss a common hobby and enjoy strip-club-related stories. Why ruin a good thing?
Alucard: Explain this to the running wild "persons" who feel the NEED to insult and attack others personally all the time.
Yea, like those guys who like to see the world gun free - except of course for the police and military. Then ya get the Nazi's, the communists, the dictators...
But don;t let reality get into their heads. Only half think through shit.
last comment…
Very sensitive!
care to answer this one?
YOU were trolling like the little bitch YOU are and YOU baited doc_holiday who replied speaking of his intimate relations with your mother. YOU had a hissy fit and Troop came to your defense. doc_holiday promptly spoke of having conjugal relations with Troop’s mother and it was on between the two of them with YOU cheering Troop on even after doc_holiday got a telephone call at his home from Troop. and based on your post above YOU are still cheering Troop on.
does any of that ring a bell? or maybe none of that ever happened in your star dust universe. dumbass
Who is the man who broke Alucard's heart?
(wasn't hear it was way before my time when it happened, but old Al was crying for him a while back while getting his dick kicked in on daily basis.)
Apparently he was a cop (or CIA or NSA) because somehow he figured out Doc's real identity and contacted him and presumably made a threat. All over a "yo momma" joke. Turns our Troop didn't have a sense of humor. :)
That's a good question Jack. I've often wondered about this. And it's just not this board - Stripclublist and TwoSheds are guilty of it too.
And I was just on a Fscebook baseball board and a guy was asking about a more civil board.
Isn't it funny thst people can't get along even when discussing fun topics. Anyway, I got off topic....
Explain this to the running wild "persons" who feel the NEED to insult and attack others personally all the time.
motorhead, do you consider TUSCL "MORE Civil"?…
Yea, like those guys who like to see the world gun free - except of course for the police and military. Then ya get the Nazi's, the communists, the dictators...
But don;t let reality get into their heads. Only half think through shit.