
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Captain Save-A-Ho Rides Again
    @san_jose_guy “and in maintaining security for our home” and “Also, very rarely are women consistently careful about maintain property security.” hey karl marx quoting commie boy, PROPERTY IS THEFT. fucking leftarded hypocrite
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    9 years ago
    zipman68 unmasked
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are all Liberals High?
    saw a guy in his fifties with a Che shirt on today at starbucks...of course. he's probably one of those canucks that goes to Cuba every winter, sits on his high horse, and berates real Americans. do these pseudo-progressive-liberal-marxists that don't even know why they think the way they do ever grow up? their uniformity and lock-step makes the Nazi's look like anarchists run amok. and for all the dumbass liberals playing along at home in your parents' basement that was a rhetorical question - the answer being "NO"
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    9 years ago
    zipman68 unmasked
    ^^^^^^^ brilliant!
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    9 years ago
    To my ATF: No One Else Comes Close
    @sincewhen5 “Let me just be stupid for a second.” i’m not sure that this is really the place for that. oh who am i kidding. go ahead and take all the time you like
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    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Founder, how about condom reviews?
    @san_jose_guy “I'm completely serious here. Your endorsement is enough to make me never even think about bare backing again.” it should be at least some comfort to your future victims that you put on a condom first you sick fuck. i guess that is something
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    9 years ago
    @SJG: Any Response to IME's Thread?
    well Dougster have you figured out his psychological profile yet or do you need to refer to an FBI profiler? hint: alucard was a light weight psycho compared to this real life sexual predator oh yeah, it almost slipped my mind: TOLD YOU SO!
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    9 years ago
    The Invisible Man
    not this question again. look, face the fact that you are a loser who has to go to strip clubs to be near a woman. if you go into a room full of crack whores and prostitutes who will get a beating from their pimp if they don’t bring home the cash and none of these desperate darlings will approach you then there is a reason. maybe you are butt ugly or hygienically challenged, idk, but considering that your only competition is other losers the reason must be REALLY bad. in that case if you want any female companionship your only option is to throw away any pretense of pride you may have left and try to chase down and corner a slut (preferably in full view of her pimp) and beg her to take your money (note: studies are inconclusive whether groveling on your knees helps or hurts your chances) and don’t worry about that overwhelming and all too familiar sense of shame and humiliation that comes with being a little bitch for some pot-bellied over-the-hill stripper. you can tell yourself later on that you were being a shark while you cry yourself to sleep
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Apologies to my TUSCL friends!
    @zipman68 “Apologies to my TUSCL friends!” sorry to burst your bubble but TUSCL is just like real life in that way, you don’t have any friends zippyboy
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Founder BAN SJG
    @deogol “4got2ask - that's a good one!” i doubt any of his victims would find it very amusing
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    9 years ago
    Any idea on what would cause Stripper to sleep with her eyes wide open?
    “Any idea on what would cause Stripper to sleep with her eyes wide open?” i would bet that she is afraid that san_jose_guy is prowling the neighborhood: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=36316#comment411948 san_jose_guy “What am I the only one who has ever entered a girl while she was asleep”
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    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Founder BAN SJG
    maybe san_jose_guy should do like zipman68 tried to do and reinvent himself with a new TUSCL identity yet still reflecting his true nature. in zipman68’s case it was 4got2wipe. i suggest san_jose_guy go with 4got2ask
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where does the lunacy end?
    for being a middle-aged guy he wasn’t very bright
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    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: 45,000 motherfucking snakes in one place!
    hey zipperhead why don’t you shove another bucket of KFC up your ass, go play with your star trek dolls –excuse me, i mean your star trek action figures and stfu
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    @SJG: Any Response to IME's Thread?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    People think this is a free country............NOT
    @georgmicrodong let's not forget those states and localities where it is illegal to collect or use rain water that falls on your own property oh and btw @4got2wipe, stfu zipperhead you left wing goose stepping george soros' dick sucking loser
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    9 years ago
    rub her nose in it san_jose_guy
    @MrDeuce “I find that not reading his interminable and dogmatically leftwing posts is quite beneficial” fair enough point but i sometimes wonder what might NOT have been had responsible people bothered to read what an interminably and dogmatically left wing socialist blow hard with a funny little mustache wrote in Mein Kampf. in this case when san_jose_guy ends up in the news on his way to Vacaville and the cell next to Charlie Manson i imagine the talking heads will be asking how his sexually perverted, racist, misogynistic, and pedophilia filled rants on an obscure internet discussion board were overlooked for what seems like ever.
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    9 years ago
    What turns on a middle aged man?
    alright, alright i’m getting off your lawn already
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    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Founder BAN SJG
    @shadowcat, you being a font of all TUSCL knowledge should be able to answer this. wasn’t there another sick twisted sexual predator on TUSCL some years back that got deleted after some real life shit?
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    9 years ago
    What turns on a middle aged man?
    @twentyfive “probably wont start collecting S.S. till age 70 so as to collect the maximum” you do realize that you will have to live until you’re almost 90 just to break even with that strategy @twentyfive “you probable are young dumb and full of cum” i wish @twentyfive “…dumbass…” hey i’m not the one here who thinks that 68 is middle aged
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    9 years ago
    What turns on a middle aged man?
    @twentyfive “P.S. I would classify middle age as 40-68” 68? sixty-fucking-eight? news flash for you slick but if you are collecting social security you ain’t middle aged
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Founder BAN SJG
    "isn't consent implied?" her lips said no but her eyes said yes? something like that?
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    9 years ago
    Thought Police .....I'm turning myself in !
    @san_jose_guy over react much? having trouble keeping your urges under control are you?
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    9 years ago
    rub her nose in it san_jose_guy
    "but nobody's making you read them” lol. now that observation practically screams out “cura te ipsum”
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    zipman68 unmasked