
Captain Save-A-Ho Rides Again

Detroit strip clubs
My ATF's cable was cut off for non-payment, and ComCast required a credit card payment to resume service. Since she does not have a credit card, she asked if she could give me the money and I would pay with my credit card. So I paid the bill, which was over $200. She has a more expensive cable subscription than I do.

I called the cable company myself, and my ATF does not have my credit card number. Nothing could go wrong here, could it? Will all kinds of purchases start showing up on my credit card?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    LOL it's ALWAYS around $200 isn't it!

    I guess she was too tired to blow some old man to pay for it herself.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I recently made what I feared was a huge mistake. I got a hotel room just for the OTC date. Afterwards she is talking about how nice the holiday inn is, how fun the pool looks, and how great it would be to have the free breakfast for her kids. So in an act that can only be explained by my state of post orgasmic bliss, I gave her the room keys and said go get your kids and have fun. She has 5 kids, and I just gave her a hotel room that has my name and credit card attached to it.

    I worried all night about all of the nightmare scenarios, expecting a call from the hotel at any minute. But there was no drama. The next time we hooked up she said thanks and she and the kids really enjoyed it.

    Occassionally I think we worry too much about how strippers are going to rip us off.

  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I once did the same thing JohnSmith69, and got hit with a $300 charge for smoking in the room. Never again!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'm with gawker. I don't even trust my ATF. If I ever met a dancer I could trust, I'd probably have an actual relationship with her. I call my ATF my "pretend girlfriend" because while she fulfills many g/f functions, I do NOT trush her as I do my real girlfriend, who I would trust with my life.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    You guys are playing with Semtex.

    gawker escaped a conflagration and was just barely singed.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    JohnSmith, while its possible there are some decent strippers, I think most would agree they shouldn't be trusted until they prove trustworthy and even then I would still be weary.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Most women can't be trusted much less a stripper.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    Generally, I'm with JS69. I think we worry a bit too much about that, not that a high level of distrust isn't warranted but sometimes its over the top. However, in this case I'd call and cancel the card. Comcast is as or more prone to lying/cheating/stealing as these girls are. They'll almost certainly bill your card again if payment is late again, or even just start billing it regularly. I'm sure they'll promise not to, and sound real convincing, but I wouldn't trust them.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    My policy is to never lend any amount of money to anyone that you need to get back. I treat all loans as gifts.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    My mama told me this when I was eight years old and I haven't forgotten it since: NEVER trust a ho.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    jack: it was a one-time payment, not putting your CC on file?

    Regarding letting your OTC/escort/crackho/etc have your hotelroom for the night, reading hobbyist boards, this is one of the surefire sources of incredibly bad things happening to clients. It's one of those things that, it's so obvious you should know better, I have very little sympathy when things go horribly wrong. Which they do. Often. I'd make sure you know your OTC **VERY** well if you're going to play with fire this way.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    @ JS69 - "She has 5 kids"

    Holy shit! I thought you liked them young and fine. Five kids? Wow.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    lol. Yeah, it's always around $200 isn't it?

    I used to pay my ATF's Verizon bill. (What a PL I was).

    Never again. Live and learn.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    This was a one-time payment that I made over the phone, but I may call my credit card company and ask for a new number--just in case.

    When a hot girl acts like a damsel in distress, I act like a white knight. It feels good to be the strong male who solves the problem, and strippers know how to take advantage of that.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    If we can stay among the tree-tops, stripper shit can be fascinating.

    Once, after enjoying a spirited OTC session, I get a call on my cell 30 minutes later from her. She's on the phone crying that she can't locate the cash I left on the nightstand. She initially questions if I even left it. With that route being unsuccessful, and being convinced that both she and I knew exactly where I left it, she admits she invited her neighbor in after I departed and now it is gone. She asks, "would I give her more?" Uhh, no. She asks, "would I come back for another session so she can have more?" Yikes! Fairly convinced now that she is unbalanced, if not tweaking, I sadly reply that "I am already 30 miles away on an Interstate Highway and unable to be of assistance."

    That was the last time with that one.

  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Lol there's one (or many) born every minute.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Most women can't be trusted?

    You're talking to someone who was married for a long time. My wife was never someone who lived like these strippers do, but it did take a very long time to get her to conduct herself the ways that I wanted, particularly when it came to care in handling automobiles and in maintaining security for our home, and especially in dealings with members of her family.

    Eventually the problems were solved, but not until after many many angry disputes where she was infuriated because she felt like I was looking down on her. Most women are careful about avoiding things which might make them look bad in public, like showing signs of being poor. But they still sometimes feel that the laws of our society don't apply to them. Also, very rarely are women consistently careful about maintain property security.

    You know those toys, the wooden paddle with the rubber ball connected by a long rubber band. Eventually I started to feel like I was the wooden paddle, to her being the rubber ball. She was just raging at me because I was there, and I was always having to try and keep her from going too far. I saw that if it were just she alone, she would not be trying to act so irresponsibly in so many situations.

    But I also saw that I had paid a huge price for the arrangement, in getting a girl who would be seen as stable and responsible, the sexual component of the relationship had been destroyed.

    So while on the one hand I would have zero tolerance for stupid stuff being done in a hotel room which was in my name, or with an automobile I owned, this doesn't mean that I want to restrict myself to sex neutralized women. The best way is to set up the situation so that safety from financial liability is built in from the start. So then of course marriage is ruled out, and women are on a kind of probationary status.

    The ones I would be willing to have a long term and broader partnership with are the ones who have a commitment to continuing education and to things which go beyond consumerism. They fight real political battles, not nonsense ones inside the realm of the bedroom and interpersonal relationships.

    But for just sex, safe arrangements can be set up. Those committed to acting screwy are always going to be obvious.

    My own experience also is that most of the time the white strippers are more screwy. They live the way they do because they are the family blacksheep. Whereas with those of other colors, they do what they do because they want to earn a living, and so they tend to be more sensible and more responsible.



  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    I had an ex CF ask me to pay her car payment over the phone for her using my credit card. I wanted to help but ended up saying NO which made her my ex-CF.....haha. I pay too many of my own bills where I call in to make a payment and the automated system says last time you used your credit card ending in ____ would you like to use that card again to make this payment? That is why I would cancel that credit card because she could do that.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My ATF has never hit me up for money in the 4 years I've known her. Sometimes I wish she would!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Although I may be naive; I think what JS69 did was a nice gesture especially w/ kids involved.

    But many a stripper does shit after shit to screw up their own lives and in the process the lives of those around them and/or those trying to help them – that's why it's often futile to get involved or “help out” a stripper.

    When living in Dallas and pre-TUSCL (a bit after I started SCing regularly), I tried to be a young stripper's savior. Among many things I tried to do for her; she had gotten thrown out of her apt and supposedly nowhere to go. I put her up in a hotel for a night to see what could be done – around 5 a.m. in the morning I get a call that they were throwing her out of the hotel room (and she didn't have a car at the time and 2 small kids) – she was about 30 minutes away from me – I get up (on a workday) and go tot the hotel 30 mins away and try to talk to the manager – apparently this hotel was in not so great area and they had strict security especially overnight and did not allow people to be wandering the premises whom didn't stay there.

    The stripper was a young light-skinned AA chick with natural-Ds (that's my PL defense) – she had a AA baby-daddy w/ a criminal record and she had called him letting him know where she was staying (e.g. the hotel room I was paying for) – baby-daddy comes over in the wee hours of the morning w/ one of his AA homeboys and security does not let them on the premises b/c they are not guests of the hotel – anyway baby-daddy and his homeboy get into it w/ security and everybody gets thrown out of the hotel – of course the dancer at the time did not tell me it was her baby-daddy – she claimed it was a case of mistaken identity and it was some dude looking for somebody else.

    So that is my dancer+hotel story.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “and in maintaining security for our home” and “Also, very rarely are women consistently careful about maintain property security.”

    hey karl marx quoting commie boy, PROPERTY IS THEFT. fucking leftarded hypocrite
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I don't know why some of you guys treat strippers like they're your girlfriend of wife. The only time you should give them money is for lapdances/VIP, or a OTC session.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    ^^^Exactly Ranukam. It never ceases to amaze me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Did Comcast require a *credit* card or just payment via a card (as in a prepaid card would do). Walmart has pretty inexpensive prepay cards that only have a $3 monthly maintenance fee plus $3 every time one reloads – perhaps your dancer can get one of those for those times payment is required via a card (such as an online payment).
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I once bought my DS a hotel room for five nights, three of them without me. Long story but she needed a place to stay. Nothing bad happened. No extra charges, not even a room service order. You can trust a few of them.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    LW, yes I like em young. The one with 5 kids was a one time thing who I mostly enjoyed smoking weed with. That girl coukd smoke weed like nobody I've ever seen. I'd be unconscious for 24 hours if I smoked what she did our first night ITC.

    As for trust, I trust my DS with my life. I've already driven with her high a dozen times so I guess I already have trusted her with my life. But she's incredibly unique and, for reasons that are too personal to share, she is totally unlike any dancer I can possibly imagine. But the job is slowly but surely having an impact on her. The changes are very subtle so far, but I recognize them. How much strip clubs will change her eventually remains to be seen.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You're dumb. Have her suck your dick or fuck you for the 200 bucks.

    Speaking of phone related PLs, I had a "friend" who admitted her ex boss was still paying for her phone bill more than a year after she quit to go back to school. She was tall, blonde and had naturally huge tits. I'm pretty sure that old PL just liked having her number and being able to text her. Don't actually think he ever fucked her.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Papi, the Walmart prepay card is a great idea, but why does my ATF need one when she has me?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    When you live in NY for a long time you understand who should get free money and who shouldn't. Strippers dont get the type of monetary sympathy the rest of you show them. They have a job. Who's fault is it that they choose to blow their money on stupid shit? Real homeless people have all types of horror stories that deserve my dollars. Tell those hoes to be financially smarter than the average bear
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 “…she is totally unlike any dancer I can possibly imagine. But the job is slowly but surely having an impact on her. The changes are very subtle so far, but I recognize them. How much strip clubs will change her eventually remains to be seen.”

    and so it begins...

    spoiler alert: she isn’t the one who is changing. the fog of John’s dream is beginning to lift. if he is lucky he will awake relatively unscathed. if not his dream stripper may become a nightmare he is unable to ever awake from. be sure to tune in next month for the latest twists and turns of yet another PL drama brought to you by TUSCL
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @ranukam: "I don't know why some of you guys treat strippers like they're your girlfriend of wife."

    Because in *some* cases, they treat *us* like we're their boyfriend or wife. In my case, better than I ever expected to be treated.

    If my ATF, or frankly, even the MILF I'm seeing, called and said she needed money for something, and I had it to spare, there wouldn't be any question about sending it, no questions asked. They've each earned enough of my trust and respect that I wouldn't have any qualms about doing it. Neither of them has ever done anything like that.

    Now, if the, now 201year old, "fuck machine" called, the answer would be quite different. Something along the lines of "how long will your lips be wrapped around my dick?"

    It's not a question of "do you trust strippers enough to give them money?" The question is, or should be, "do you trust the *person* who's asking?"
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    "201year old" above should be "21 year old."

    Stupid fat fingers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Papi, the Walmart prepay card is a great idea, but why does my ATF need one when she has me ...”

    I can only aspire to see things as clearly as you jack :)
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