
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 31)

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    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Just figured out my next career move...
    NEWSFLASH, strippers feel the same way about every loser that goes to strip clubs to be near a female as you do about 200 pound bitches. ftfy
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    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Just figured out my next career move...
    @shailynn “Is there like, an instruction manual that shows where to rub them to make they squirm!” you’ve come to the right place here at TUSCL. and yes, you know that this pearl of wisdom comes from that gravy drinking basement dwelling intellectual giant who learned the answer on his make believe underground Mexican hat dancing circuit. it turns out that there is a special nerve in the human female that goes from the bottom of her stripper shoe shod feet, up the back side of her legs straight to her clit. all you have to do is rub the back of her leg directly behind her knee and she will go into uncontrollable orgasmic bliss this information is available only to members of California swinger clubs but good news my friend. you were secretly made a member just last night
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    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    What do you prefer?
    @san_jose_guy “This would appear to be for restaurants which serve beer and wine only. They are not licensed as bars. There cannot be hard liquor.” for fuck sake you are about the stupidest poster to ever post on TUSCL. California liquor licenses are either for limited beer/wine or hard alcohol which allows for the whole spectrum. the same law covers both now this will no doubt come as a shock to you but California restaurants such as HOOTERS that you claim to have actually gone to in real life not only can but often times do have a hard liquor license with full bar service even including Mexican tequila (and btw the Hooters restaurant that you claim to have been to has a hard liquor license with full bar service). and get this the hard liquor license for hotels/restaurants is the exact SAME liquor license that a stand-alone bar holds. as far as state law in California goes the LEGAL ability to bring your own to either a restaurant or bar is limited only by the permission of the license holder, normal drinking hours apply and what is brought in cannot exceed the type allowed by the license (i.e. no hard liquor may be brought in to a beer/wine only licensed establishment). AND THERE IS NO FUCKING MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT WHETHER YOU TAKE BYOB TO THE FUCKING OLIVE GARDEN OR YOUR LOCAL HOLE IN THE WALL DIVE BAR YOU STUPID FUCK. bottom line is as usual you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about and as always you are fucking wrong but that doesn’t even register with you. “alucard of the silicon valley” is a fucking understatement. moron
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    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    What do you prefer?
    ^^^^^^ ...ascertains... should read ...assertions... and .... bicycle looking adolescent girls... should read ...bicycle looking for adolescent girls... i could blame autocorrect but truth is i was out drinking (legally) in public - k sara, k sara
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    9 years ago
    New York
    Advice on Dallas Clubs?
    @rickdugan “Remember that full nude in Dallas is byob, but you can bring any liquor you want and all they charge you for at the bar is ice (usually $1) and mixers/water if you need them.” but aren’t all those private membership only clubs based on the famous California swinger clubs business model? at least that’s what the basement dwelling intellectual giant san_jose_guy told me
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    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    What do you prefer?
    ^^^^^^^ for the love of Mike. look you dumbass, know-nothing assclown you need to stop because now you are becoming alucard stupid. you do not have the slightest idea what the fuck you are talking about (as usual). @san_jose_guy “Also FWIW, about BYOB in a liquor licensed California establishment. Can't do this either. If someone comes into a bar with their own, must ask them to leave, or hold their stuff for them behind the counter.” wrong, wrong and wrong. yes you can do this in California, no they don’t have to ask you to leave and NO the establishment may not store the BYOB even momentarily: http://www.gobyo.com/popup.php?act=regulation&ls_id=21 “CALIFORNIA - BYO REGULATIONS Summary In California, there is no overall prohibition that prevents a business, which is properly licensed, from allowing an adult customer to bring in his/her own alcoholic beverages and have those beverages served to guests. Restaurants who permit this activity often charge a corkage fee, but it is not mandatory. Details Controlling Authority: California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control State Laws Regarding Alcohol: Business and Professions Code Section 23000-23047 Can a person bring wine into a restaurant that is not licensed? • BYO alcohol is allowed only in licensed restaurants. Can a person bring wine into a restaurant while the restaurant is applying for a license? • No, as per Section 25657. Can restaurants store or use the wine brought in BYO? • Licensed restaurants cannot store or use BYO wine. • Unlicensed restaurants may not allow BYO.” and the California State Board of Equalization is clear that “corkage fees” charged for BYOB are fully taxable: http://www.boe.ca.gov/pdf/pub22.pdf “Facility usage Note: The following information applies to restaurants, hotels, and similar establishments. Charges by restaurants, hotels, and similar establishments for the use of premises where meals, food, or drinks are served are taxable, whether or not the charge is separately stated on the invoice. Charges for serving customer-furnished food and beverages Charges for cutting and serving customer-furnished food and beverages are taxable. For example, a “corkage fee” for opening customer-furnished wine is taxable.” despite your ignorant and erroneous bullshit ascertains, BYOB is permitted in one form or fashion almost everywhere in the USA. in some places such as California the establishment must have a liquor license, in some like Alabama the establishment can NOT have a liquor license and in some such as South Carolina it doesn’t matter either way and membership is not a factor at all. and really - California swingers as a business model inspiration? holy shit are you fucking stupid. corkage fees are hundreds of years old, known throughout the world and if anything is responsible for the business model of BYOB it is corkage fees. i’m not even going to start on the ridiculousness of you asinine proposition that drinking in public is illegal everywhere. that is just too stupid… so in sum san_jose_guy it is time for you to get the fuck off the computer and stop spouting crap about shit that you have no experience with, no knowledge of and no basis to even form an opinion on. for real, it is time you stop riding up and down Alvarado on you pee wee herman bicycle looking adolescent girls, grow some balls, buy a bus ticket and go to Mexico. then when they show zero emotion while dousing you with cheap PEMEX gasolina and setting you ablaze for being the racist pederast dick you are maybe you will finally realize that you fabricated a lunatic fantasy about the Mexican culture just like everything else in your psycho fantasy world.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Even the weatherman is a PL
    @SamPepys “I'm a PL for Mexican weathergals.” while JohnSmith69 is enthralled with a phallic symbol over the east coast i’m with you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePG6zUYvUZg
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    9 years ago
    Whiney little bitch Brady
    Motörhead telling it like it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPjkWcNg9DU
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    What do you prefer?
    ^^^^^ hey dumbass. at the risk of being redundant i'll repeat myself: why don't you stick to searching google for the ideal Denny's parking lot that you can live in under the radar instead of pretending you know anything about anything.
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    9 years ago
    I want to add some reviews so that the trolls on here won't be so upset....
    @newreqs “Why are there so many sad fucks on here who get upset if a new person asks a question?” “NEW” posters who ask question are understandable being ignorant and all but retarded trolls fixated on butt holes and saying things like “Stay Crispy, drac/Alucard!!!!”, well not so much dickhead https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=36642#comment415899
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    9 years ago
    China's Brilliant! Market Strategy
    OK now be honest Dougster. do you work in a boiler room making cold calls to senior citizens convincing them to "invest" their life savings with you? cool....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    What do you prefer?
    @san_jose_guy "As I know, a BYOB clubs is probably a members only club" no you fucking dumbass a BYOB club is not a members only club. this is yet another in a long, long list that includes everything you've ever posted which has no basis in fact. why don't you stick to searching google for the ideal Denny's parking lot that you can live in under the radar instead of pretending you know anything about anything.
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    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How about outside the US, anywhere in the world, and doing what with your time?
    ^^^^^^^ hey simpleton. you have been snorting too much gravy. that post is another fucking retarded smh san_jose_guy special. can there be any doubt why your mail order bride dumped your dumbass?
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    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Book Review
    @Rech “you're the most unstable mother fucker here.” and the most dysfunctional as well. i'll bet even that mentally defective psycho alucard would be saying "WTF?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    attractive dancers letting you lick their pussies and assholes in the VIP
    ^^^^^ like a rat to cheese, someone mentions butt holes and zipman68 shows up as usual - still unwiped
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How about outside the US, anywhere in the world, and doing what with your time?
    you’ve never had sex with a grown woman have you? not even your ex mail order bride would be my guess. what was the problem? was she already out of puberty? just fyi but in many places around the world – like Mexico for instance – they deal with pederasts through extra-judicial justice. not that you would have anything to worry about now would you
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    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    The Vanderbilt athletic association needs a new advertising consultant!
    so who is going to explain to san_jose_guy why their slogan is “a little bit rapey”?
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    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Mexican state of Coahuila
    ^^^^ bullshit. Juarez is the safest place on earth and there are streetwalkers everywhere wearing little school girl uniforms and big high-heeled stripper shoes just waiting for someone from EE.UU to drag them into a filthy alley and forcefully have his way with them so they can get off like never before. and they all dream about finding a macho gravy drinking leader who never asks for their permission for anything who will make them join his revolution against “Customer Only” parking signs in Denny’s restuarants yeah it really is paradise on earth. oh yeah i forgot to mention that 2 AM is the magic hour when all the women come out into the streets looking to DFK any gringos that know about this very secret Juarez tradition. it's paradise i tell you
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    9 years ago
    zipman68 unmasked
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    9 years ago
    Donald Trump Inflection Point?
    hey Dougster if Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner disappeared do you think they would put his picture on a carton of Half & Half?
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    9 years ago
    Multiple OTC
    you get entered into a national data base and then you "just ask" and they will discretely check to see if you are on the fly or no-fly list. don't try to make it into some kind of requirement for special experience, skill or talent. basically all you have to do is "just ask" and they will do the rest. they are hookers after all
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    9 years ago
    Donald Trump Inflection Point?
    ah come on Dougster. you knew he was never a viable candidate long before this whether he runs on either major party's ticket or as a ‘Ross Perot’ third candidate. he's just an ass clown in the big entertainment freak show with the likes of other notable ass clowns such as Bruce Jenner and Al Gore. doesn’t anyone ever pay any attention? he is a spoiler working for the Clintons. i do wonder what he wants and what they promised him. THAT is the really interesting question
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Captain Save-A-Ho Rides Again
    @JohnSmith69 “…she is totally unlike any dancer I can possibly imagine. But the job is slowly but surely having an impact on her. The changes are very subtle so far, but I recognize them. How much strip clubs will change her eventually remains to be seen.” and so it begins... spoiler alert: she isn’t the one who is changing. the fog of John’s dream is beginning to lift. if he is lucky he will awake relatively unscathed. if not his dream stripper may become a nightmare he is unable to ever awake from. be sure to tune in next month for the latest twists and turns of yet another PL drama brought to you by TUSCL
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too bad you can't see Ladies Only at Stripperweb
    @tempest666 “I want to strip trip to North Carolina but not sure where yet.” most anywhere in Fayetteville would seem the natural choice but you do have a tendency to go your own way. just watch out for the snakes in the grass @JamesSD rant? you think that was a rant? well vata loca, you need to take a valium, lie down, and dry your fucking eyes.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Too bad you can't see Ladies Only at Stripperweb
    hey tempest666 long time no hear. you didn’t really miss much. the typical: “does she like me?” “how long should i expect to wait for her to repay the money i loaned her?” “i date and have sex with hundreds of strippers for free” “how much should i pay for sex?” “my dream stripper may be an ugly crack whore to everyone else but she’s a 10 to me” and of course the standard left wing racism, misogyny, and class warfare schtick…. you know the regular shit oh yeah i almost forgot. we do have a new psycho rapist but enough about us, how are you doing?