
Whiney little bitch Brady

Brady is at it again. Sitting in the court room sulking and playing on his phone the whole time then is bitching about the sour face drawing a reporter drew of him.
Pete Rose never cheated when he was a player nor when he was a manager and he still is banned for life for betting on other teams.
What does the RKL(Robert Kraft League) AKA NFL do to Bratty and Bellacheat a slap on the hand and a scolding to never do that again or we may get upset.
Bellacheck has been caught multiple time cheating as has Brady.
As soon as the balls were found to be under inflated constituting cheating The Brattriots should have been disqualified then Indy and Baltimore should have played for the Stupor Bowl spot on the open weekend before the game.
I used to follow football and go to games but I will not bother any more. Since now I realize the overall winners are predetermined and are allowed to do what ever they what to get there ... I will won't waste my time and money. These asshole make to much money then bitch poor mouth, beat up women and murder. They then whine, blame and sue everyone because they got a 'concussion' that "made them do it". They know exactly what they were getting paid a ton of money and to bitch and whine about it later is horse manure.
I plan to save my money and go clubbing more.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Anytime you take away from one hobby to fund another is called "consolidation," and I'm sure single moms everywhere will be thanking your continued efforts!
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Damn cheatin' ass Patriots.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Tired Traveler - obviously you have no idea what you're whining and bitching about. What's the REAL problem? Da Bears can't win?
    Brady has said nothing about the artist. Research the amount of fines leveled against each team over the past 5 years to see who's really cheating.
    The Pats draw haters like shit draws flies because your jealous. Let's see what an impartial federal judge says.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Four games isn't enough for the cheating cunt. He should be band for life!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    2 games was what he would have got if he didn't try to cover up the incident. Make no mistake: the penalty is for the cover up more than the crime. If Brady had said, "Yes, I like the balls at X lbs. of pressure so that's what we did" he'd have got 1 game. Maybe. But the fact he fought back when he had broken a rule has cost him.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ voice of reason spoken - thank you
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    "Let's see what an impartial federal judge says." What makes you think a federal, or any judge for that matter, is impartial? Suppose to be, yes, but in reality, no. Just look at the SCOTUS!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^ Will this apply to Hillary also?
  • ime
    9 years ago
    America where with zero actual proof your convicted half you fucks only know you hate the Pats good fuck you too. have you done any actual research on this bullshit ploy the NFL is using to try to flex some muscle based on bullshit with leaks they know are wrong and have gotten caught , same thing they tried to do against the Saints and failed, and they are failing in court because they overstep bounds make shit up and try to pass it off as real and it doesn't work when you look at actual facts. Hat the Patriots and Brady because they regularly beat your team that fine, don't use chicken shit lies to deal with your inadequacy. Lets see the bullshit you faggots cry when its your team Goodell that schmuck goes after. For the record if Indy and Baltimore weren't dickless cunts of teams who were sore fucking losers this crock of shit would have never happened. I know a lot of people can't understand science or choose not to but the whole thing explains why 11 of 12 balls were about a pound low, now get ready for it THE SAME THING WITH THE 3 OF THE 4 OF THE COLTS. Brady is getting no games so go cry about it faggots.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Also Tired Traveler has no idea what he is talking about what a moronic whiny crybaby bitch, must be a Colts fan.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Or perhaps tired is a Denver fan. In what world does a guy get suspended for 4 games when nobody could even prove he did anything wrong, nevermind that a cover-up took place? I doubt that the 4 game suspension will stand. This whole charade is all about a bunch of other team owners putting pressure on the Commissioner to come down on the Pats for the equivalent of a speeding ticket offense.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    the whole thing is retarded but look up your angel team while you cry about it after you keep losing

  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    VINTAGE Rickyboy and IME defending their team with their BIAS views ;-)
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Patriot fans, take a gander....everyone knows what's what........

  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I'm sure his breaking of the phone was purely coincidental.

    If Patriots fans close their eyes and scream "hater" do they actually feel like they can ignore the fact that it's obvious Brady cheated?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Can anyone prove that he did anything wrong? Heck, there is even controversy about how much the balls were purportedly deflated. We now know that the original reports from ESPN were flat out wrong.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Zero actual proof? Perhaps, but a boat load of circumstantial evidence. Even if the suspension is reduced, the court of public opinion has spoken and Golden Boy will forever be tarnished just because he's a whiny bitch.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I have already drafted brady on a fantasy team this summer with bridgewater as my back up so I hope brady gets his sentence reduced!!!!
  • ime
    9 years ago
    I love how everyone comfortably forgets how much better he played in the second half of that game and the Superbowl. PSI doesn't matter and NFL never really cared about it until owners got in Goodell's ear and he knows that he is fighting for his job and to appease some owners and fans by going after Brady he thinks he can keep his job. His ass is out of there he fucked everything since Ray Rice until this up and is soon to be shit canned.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    I dislike the Patriots as much as anyone but Belichick learned from the best,Bill Parcells.Parcells would have the ground crew open the the gates at the ends of the stadium when the visiting kicker was attempting a field goal.If anyone has ever sat in Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands in November you know what I mean.Just win baby.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    As you can imagine this whole story has spilled over from sports pages ( oh, I forgot. Some of the morons on this site can't read) and sports talk shows onto the front pages and mainstream news reports all over New England. I've read and heard hundreds of excerpts from the Wells Report; I've heard sports reporters from all over the country put forth their ideas and interpretations of what happened, what could have happened, what might have happened, etc. one of the best questions asked by the Judge yesterday was:" if Brady had a competitive advantage with an under inflated ball, why did he do so much better in the second half of the Indianapolis game & the Super Bowl when the ball's inflation was definately within proper limits?
    Earlier in the season, playing against the Jets, the Pats checked the ball's inflation and it was over-inflated. He allegedly told the equipment people that he wanted at 12.5 lbs in the future. Is it likely that the ball boy let some air out on the way to the field. Sure. Does that mean that Brady was in on it? NOOO. As the judge asked yesterday; where's the proof? Was there a meeting? Did they talk?
    Is it possible that Goodell ( judge, jury, & executioner) came down hard due to complaints from other teams' officials? Probably. Is it probable that these complaints were unfoundered? Certainly. The next couple of weeks will be interesting.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Sure Gawker, a lowly ball boy would fuck with the game balls without Brady or Belicheat knowing about it Sure.
    And to partly answer the judges question, Belicheat is an idiot. He doesn't have to cheat, but he HAS to. It's his nature.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Refs during jets gamein Ny had been over inflating balls o guess the next day they found a bunch of them at 16psi they then looked up rules, during next game Brady had rules sentto refs requesting 12.5 i dont buy he ever said put balls below 12.5 especially after sending the rules to ref
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Mikeya your so full of shit it's hilarious the NFL has even ruled out Kraft or Belichick, keep believing what you want and enjoy the LA Chargers.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    *gawker posted: "Is it possible that Goodell ( judge, jury, & executioner) came down hard due to complaints from other teams' officials? Probably.*

    Probably? Undoubtedly. It is all about bitterness and rivalry, nevermind four teams who would very much like not to have to face Brady during the first four games of the season. What they can't accomplish on the field they try to accomplish by maneuvering off the field.

    Honestly, long before this I have been tired of Brady haters. It's not the Pats fault that many of the teams have quarterbacks that suck ass. Brady has been a class act throughout his career, always humble and always accepting blame for team losses. He also still plays with fire in his belly, unlike all too many of the undeserving prima donna QBs in the league.

    If the other teams want more wins and deeper playoff runs, maybe they should beat the Pats on the field rather than this cowardly backdoor shit. 4 games for an offense they can't even prove he did or that mattered. Please.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    @Rick and IME, I understand. How dare the NFL punish your FAVORITE team. How dare the NFL punish a GREAT team. If the NFL punished a crappy team, even their fans would be like...oh well. The Pats cheated and got caught. It's all on Belicheat, he should be in court.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    So, let's forget about THAT game for now.

    Since 2007, the Patriots lead the NFL in fewest fumbles per carry. By a fairly wide margin. Anyone who has ever carried a football knows that a smaller, softer football is easier to hold on to.

    Is this "proof" that the Pariots cheated? No, but it does make any unbiased, intelligent football fan say "hmmm" and makes one realize the underinflated balls in the Colts game was NOT an isolated incident.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ easier to catch also

    I agree with Motorhead
  • ime
    9 years ago
    First of all motor has his stats wrong they fumbled the average amount they recovered slightly above average. Anyone who watches them knows you fumble you sit.

    Easier to throw and catch,hmmm so Aaron Rogers must be a moron because he tries to sneak over inflated balls by refs, thank you fir giving the dumbest answers motor and mikey maybe you gurls should watch soccer.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    Motörhead telling it like it is

  • gawker
    9 years ago
    So, Motor, help me understand. Because a team has done a better job at one of the fundamentals of the game ( hang onto the ball) it's evidence of cheating? Over 9 years Brady's got the best completion %age. What's that prove? That he's better than most? All? What a crock.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    For those of you who keep claiming that Pats fans are biased, let's be clear that we are not the ones overcome by emotion here. This frothing at the mouth, hang Brady crap is coming from frustrated fans of other teams. Even if everything had been true, this would normally be the NFL's version of a speeding ticket offense. But instead the Pats haters are looking to hang a guy for a minor rule violation, all based upon (1) questionable evidence as to whether, or how much, the balls were even deflated; (2) no direct evidence that Brady was even involved; and (3) little evidence that it would have mattered even if everything alleged was true.

    C''mon guys. I understand that some of you are frustrated. Your teams have been taking it up the ass from stronger/better men for several years now. But don't pretend that you are the voice of reason and Pats fans are the emotionally biased ones. ;)
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    Actually I agree with all three of your points. But you know as well as I do that the reason Brady is getting so severely punished is his unwillingness to cooperate with the investigation and obstruction.

    Destroying his cell phone just before meeting with the Commish? That's arrogant and childish behavior. Richard Nixon all over again.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @motor: The difference is that they had evidence against Nixon, most notably a recording. They have nothing against Brady and a missing cell phone is not evidence of a crime.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I thought he threw his phone away !
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    And that was his private cell phone. There are many good reasons why he wouldn't want strangers going through his private communications. Maybe his wife sent naked pics. Maybe he has girlfriends on the side. Maybe he has unusual hobbies or habits that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Would most of the dogs on this board want their cell phones examined by strangers?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Has there been any strippers that have deflated their boobs? :)
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It's weird to me that teams, not the league, supply game balls.

    My mind was blown when I learned kickers and QBs use different balls. Wtf is that bullshit?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Things aren't looking very good for the NFL's case right now, lol.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Brady is being punished for the coverup more than the crime. If he had said from the start, "Yes, I like softer balls" he wouldn't have even got a game suspension.

    The other point is the culture of cheating by the Patriots organization is pissing off the other owners, and that's where the real power lies. The owners don't care about the Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson violence outside of a public relations issue, but they do care about all the incidents the Patriot's front office have done, from the snow plow, the doors to block the wind, the spying...

    This is the final straw with some of them, so they have put the pressure on the Commisioner to take a stand. I agree with those who think 4 games for soft balls is silly, but in the future we may see less overt cheating by the Patriots organization.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Rock, the snow plow thing was in 1982 for fuck sake and what are you talking about wind blocking? The Pats have taken advantage of a lot of rules over the years and sometimes a lack thereof, but they are far from the only ones. The other teams are not exactly immaculate virgins here. The reason that the Pats come under a microscope is solely because they have been wildly successful for so many years now.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Rick, they used to open the huge endzone door when the other team was attempting a field goal, and close it when the Pats were kicking. I used to live outside Boston and I was a Pats fan for years; I found their cheating rather endearing. But like I said, the culture they have for bending/breaking rules is wearing thin with some of the other owners.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    So did other teams, including the two using the Meadowlands. Other teams also designed their stadiums to be so loud that some opposing QBs can't even hear their helmet headsets and one was even accused of pumping in more noise. Multiple teams were historically accused of providing bad locker room facilities to the opposing teams so that they would be less fresh than the home team. And so on, and so on...

    All of that type of stuff was chalked up to home field advantage.

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