
Multiple OTC

Saturday, August 8, 2015 6:37 PM
I was reading comments on previous OTC thread and somebody commented that once you do OTC with 2 or 3 girls the word gets around and it will be easier to get other girls to do OTC. Is this really true? I would think alot of dancers wouldn't want to do OTC with somebody they know is already having sex with at least 2 or 3 other girls at the club. My experience has shown way too much jealousy between the dancers.


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Without any first hand knowledge, I imagine once you're tagged as both "in the game" and "safe" it's going to open up the girls who already do OTC. Some girls are going to jealously guard their customers. Others will swap info. And other dancers will gossip.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It can work both ways. On the one hand, there is conflict and drama when you try to OTC with two girls from the same club. I am facing this right now. I've done Otc with one girl in the club and want to do it with another. The first one is pissed and says she's afraid word will get around that she does otc which the club prohibits. But she really just wants to keep my money. I'm going to the club on nights she doesn't work to set it up with the second one. But it can also be positive. The second girl suspects I do OTC with the first one. Hard to know exactly how much credibility this gives me but it can only help. I think the biggest plus is that more success gives you more experience and confidence to increase your batting average. I am much better at getting OTC now than when I started a couple of years ago. This is the point where Dougster calls us faggots because it's easy to buy sex from prostitutes.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    you get entered into a national data base and then you "just ask" and they will discretely check to see if you are on the fly or no-fly list. don't try to make it into some kind of requirement for special experience, skill or talent. basically all you have to do is "just ask" and they will do the rest. they are hookers after all
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've been doing OTC with two girls from the same club for years. I've developed a great situation where I'm honest about what I'm doing with both - in fact talking about the other with both. My ATF and my #2 know each other and know when I've met with the other. They both know what they get with me and I'm the ideal OTC customer. I take them to good restaurants & hotels, I bring wet wipes, massage oil, treat them respectfully and know what they like and they know what pleases me. They "compete" for my business ( which has led to price cuts). My ATF will always be my #1 because she rocks my boat like no other, but sometimes she's not available (i.e. She's currently on a month's trip with her father in an RV - she sent me some bathing suit pics today and called me her favorite sugar daddy forever). The #2 wants to see me this week and if we do it'll only cost me dinner & drinks & $100 - she said she's got credit card points for a hotel). It's a dangerous game but adds a little excitement to the game.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Mostly agree w/ JS69. It can get you credibility that you're kind of already pre-screened. On the other hand, girls either wanting to stay under the radar, or irritated that another girl is getting some of HER money, can cause some drama. If you believe the theory in the other OTC thread, that some girls will OTC on a YMMV basis after they get to know you, my sense is that those girls hate that you OTC with others
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I have wondered the same. one dancer getting jealous can be cured by offering her more $ right?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I should have such problems. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Trying to get into the mind of a stripper has proven a futile exercise for the most part – so best to stop trying and just go w/ the flow and take the ying w/ the yang. I would assume it will get you noticed by the girls that do OTC; just as being a big spender ITC gets a PL noticed by the sharks wanting a piece of the carcass. I would assume it may put you in a bad light w/ the non-OTC so-called “clean girls” (mostly called that by the SW nut-jobs) that may look at an OTCer as a perv just wanting sex – but even then they are more than willing to take your $$$ ITC.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I try to keep it to one girl per club and we keep it on the QT. There is a lot of jealousy between dancers and besides I only can do one at a time anyway. I only have one dick. Even with just getting lappers I try to be a regular of one girl only per club. Works better for me.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    The strippers I've done OTC with don't want word to get around. I sure never tell anyone else who I've done OTC with, and I doubt if they're sitting around together in the dressing room comparing notes. It's not a matter of jealousy, but simple discretion. Not that I try to hide the fact that I've done it. I just never say with whom. Other dancers may think they can guess who, but the truth in some cases might surprise them. Keeping it discrete may help ease hesitations about hooking up with me. And maybe the fact that none of their likely guesses have wound up dead or missing speaks well of me as a safe OTC date.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Agree with Chandler most that I have done OTC with want to keep it a secret. But they sure are curious about who else at the club i have also hooked up with. I tell them I don't kiss and tell. In my case I think it comes down to them feeling like I'm safe and have "hung out" with other girls even if they don't know exactly who they are.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Ya, totally agree-- just keeping your mouth shut is rarely the wrong choice, especially when it comes to sexual activities. On the other hand, I've found **socializing** with the dancers outside the club -- even during working hours -- DOES get you "in the club" to some extent (I've joked about it being like that Seinfeld episode where George is dating that model, and because of that, all beautiful women like him). I've seen this happen multiple times, but one of my best examples: some of the non-alcohol clubs here give the girls 30-45 minute breaks during their shifts, and during those breaks, there are two local bars the girls flock to. In addition, night shift starts at 7 but they don't have to check in until 10, so those same bars see little packs of strippers coming in to liquor-up before they check in for nightshift between 7-10pm. My ATF used to invite me to the bar (obviously, I'm buying) during her breaks. When we'd get there we'd see other girls, who would come by and hang out. Then, sometimes when my ATF wasn't around, those girls we saw at the bar last time would see me in the club, and say "hey, going to the bar tonight? I'm off in 15 minutes". And so it went, it got to the point where every single SC trip, I KNEW I'd be invited out once or twice, just didn't know by whom. I bought the drinks, obviously, but I enjoy drinking with strippers, and more importantly, I absolutely got paid back in the VIP, including a free BJ once (this was back in my extras days), which given SF prices, was very generous.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I think Papi nailed it. Trying to understand a women's thought process is difficult, understanding a stripper is futile at beast. In my experience, it does seem to be that once you've taken a girl OTC and returned her safe & sound other girls notice and quickly warm up to the idea. At least that's the general tendency I've seen. My explanation, and obviously this is speculation, is that just like we incur some risk taking these girls OTC, they do as well. And again, just like us, the knowledge that others have done it before and came out okay tends to lessen the perception of risk. There may be a few girls who are seen by others as dirty or possessive or whatever, and if you're thought to be with them there's probably a subset of girls that will be less likely to join in. However, I tend to think this is less common than the first scenario. I see the same thing with even simple lap dances, there's some girls who see you coming out of the dance area with another girl and think "oh, he buys dances, I should go over there and get some" and others think "oh, he got dances from that skanky whore, I'm not going near him." it probably depends on the philosophical leaning of the dancer & the reputation of the girl you're associated with and maybe the general club attitude towards OTC. Jealousy is a separate issue, there's multiple approaches to dealing with that too. The first is obviously to avoid the issue by pairing up with a dancer. You both get some loyalty benefits there and that works for some. The other approach is to spread it around from the start. The benefits there are obvious as well. I think both approaches work; the problem comes in when switching from one approach to the other & as far as I can tell there's no easy way to do that without a little cost, be it drama or time off from that club.
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    Some of you have said that the girls don't sit around and talk about who they do OTC with either because they don't want to get in trouble by the club or whatever. Others have hinted that they obviously talk and the word gets spread around that you do OTC......you guys saying that the girl coming back safe proves you are safe OTC customer but if nobody else knows you or her did OTC they won't know you are safe OTC customer....haha. I would never tell anybody else myself that I did OTC with a certain person
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Jayhawk, sorry to spoil your "gotcha", but as I said some guessing is involved. And I was being facetious about a lack of murders proving me to be safe. When I've heard gossip about who other dancers have done OTC with, it's typically been because the guy bragged about it to another dancer, and she passed it on, because the guy was such a gross slimeball that you had to wonder how she could go through with it. Sure, there's some jealousy involved, but it's more for the morbid shock value than "that bitch is stealing my regular". Either way, nobody comes out of it smelling like a rose, so I also question the premise that it gives you OTC credentials.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    if a girl ask's me if I've done this with anyone else I'll say yes but won't tell them who. I usually say " you wouldn't want me dropping your name". I think they have an idea based on who I hang with in the club. It works for me. They know i'm not gonna hurt them or drop there name.
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