
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Donald Trump Inflection Point?
    “Jorge Ramos is the Latino Walter Cronkite” pfffttttt! Trump and Jorge are both working for the Clintons and they are both probably high-fiving each other right now. Hillary knows she can never get the Hispanic vote and with Rubio the son of poor Cuban refugees and Bush with his fluent command of Spanish and his Mexican wife as the two most likely nominees her only chance is to get the Hispanics to stay home. so she has Trump run as a RINO to piss off the Hispanics hoping they blame republicans and don't turn out to vote at all. and in the unlikely event Trump gets the nomination well that is a slam dunk for Hillary. she already has more dead democrat voters ready to vote (2 or 3 times each if need be) than there are people who would ever vote for Trump. talk about disenfranchisement, a Clinton v. Trump election would produce the lowest voter turnout since there were only thirteen states. i still wonder what Trump’s price was. is Hillary promising to give him Yosemite? Yellowstone? Canada? idk but i smell a huge real estate development coming soon
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Mutlilevel Marketing
    ^^^^^ so exactly how many crates of Amway are you stuck with in your basement? i don't think i am going out on too much of a limb here but i’d be willing to bet that the anger you have towards your ex-mail order bride goes much deeper than just her getting into YOUR stash of weed. now be honest with us san_jose_guy. did she laugh at you when you signed up to sell Amway?
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ^^^^ @san_jose_guy. still upset your church no longer allows you to be a youth minister? well what did you expect after what you did to those two young sisters. i think it is high time for you to start facing up to what you are and what you’ve done instead of spinning delusional fantasies turning yourself from villain to victim or more ludicrously, hero. the first step is to get back on your meds
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    9 years ago
    @sclvr5005 i see lopaw hasn’t yet had the talk with you about a new master in the house. well i’m going to tell you what she won’t because i’m your bestest friend. okay i’m not really your bestest friend but i am a sadistic fuck and frankly every time you open your yappy rat dog yap i want to drop kick you across the room into the wall so it will be my pleasure to be the one that clues you in. so here goes. there is to be a new lord of the manor and lopaw will soon be taking you on a one way ride to the vet for the needle and the long sleep. still don’t get it do you? can’t you see that the sexual tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife? the mutual attraction is unmistakable. let me put it in terms that maybe you can understand: grinddawg and lopaw sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes marriage then comes sclvr5005 in an urn on the mantel sorry little buddy. no pets at the nursing home
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    9 years ago
    @grinddawg. welcome to the board but i have to say that you and @lopaw sound like an old married couple in the nursing home sniping at each other. that might be entertaining for a while but she has that annoying rat dog that can’t help but yapping thinking it is somehow defending its mistress and omg that is like fingernails going across a chalkboard. (remember folks to spay and neuter your pets – PLEASE). anyway, take a chill pill and enjoy some high-brow philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncbEucjsNFU so again welcome to TUSCL but leave the old battle-ax at the nursing home and do like everyone else here. go to the strip club and enjoy the charms of a YOUNG good looking stripper in the manner you see fit and try to at least be cognizant of those negative waves
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    9 years ago
    negativity? hell you pansy asses don’t know how good you have it. bitching and moaning about trivial shit like the lousy sandwich your woman makes you. that kind of shit is all well and good for the coddled and safe middle classes playing arm chair hero from the comfort of your couch but in my day we were lucky to have a kitchen for the little woman to be barefoot and pregnant in much less any thought of having the fixin’s for a sandwich… we were a lot more concerned with getting back at the damn Nazis for bombing pearl harbor. you all have it too damn good that’s all i have to say about it
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    9 years ago
    Breastaurants ? What is your opinion.
    @jestrite50 you crack me up @Dancer95 we had another psycho poster by the name @alucard who PMed every new female just like @san_jose_guy did to you. you are a big girl now but beware of san_jose_guy going all Andrei Chikatilo on you. you might want to consider getting yourself a gun, a big gun...just saying....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Top Ten clubs that are no longer with us.
    @Subraman did they serve gravy? if they did then that should have been the model for all strip clubs in America. WE need to make this happen
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    9 years ago
    Breastaurants ? What is your opinion.
    @jestrite50 “First of all I DONT PAY MONEY TO ANYONE FOR SEX….. The money I give them is to help them with expenses. I don't have to ask them for sex it just happens in the course of events.” i laugh so fucking hard every time you trot this out….. @Dancer95 you should be aware that @san_jose_guy knows absolutely everything about everything in his own mind but that is as far as it goes. he literally has zero, none, nil , nada, nichevo firsthand experience with anything and is as uneducated a simpleton as you are likely to encounter in the whole of the Western world
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    9 years ago
    OT: The biggest immediate threat to the US is Trump
    @lone_wolf “If this disaster did happen, it would truly be the end of the US world dynasty.” that boat has already sailed. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the leading contenders. and Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush…???? fuck, just fuck… how in any fucking sane state of consciousness could ANYONE consider any of these imbeciles, incompetents and lying, thieving whores for elected office? i’ll tell you how. because America has become nothing more than a festering toilet of pussified politically correct dinseyland-like entertainment tv shows 24/7 but mostly because the average voter (both right and left) is a complete fucktarded idiot (eg. that idiot and racist piece of shit san_jose_guy).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    You ever start to wonder the next day what a dancer said?
    @san_jose_guy "Dougster and sclvr, that is your view, and you are entitled to your view." how very white of you
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Shakespeare was a PL
    @san_jose_guy “If I had life to live over again, I would have become a monger / PL, at a much earlier age.” don’t kid yourself. yeah i know that would be an impossible feat for you but you were born a pathetic loser and will die a pathetic loser. of course you’re a different type of pathetic loser than other people on this site but you already know that
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    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 “Probably never been west of the Rockies.” whoa!!! are you saying that San Jose isn’t west of the Rockies or are you saying san_jose_guy's mother's basement is east of the Rockies and the fat oracle of gravy drinking has never been to San Jose with their world famous underground Mexican hat dancing circuit and sex-slave free AMPs? dude this is some kick ass weed…look at that cloud…it looks just like Frida Kahlo de Rivera…what were we talking about?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Never thought I would cross THAT item off my perv bucket list
    @Rech "... advocating for sexual repression between two consenting adults." sexual repression? is that a new marital aid? will san_jose_guy be able to use it without a partner? will they accept a return if it is slightly gravy stained? do you have a link to it on amazon?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Not a big selling for marriage
    @lopaw. “The guy's a complete fucking douchebag….” i think maybe you meant to post this in one of the shit on the fucking douchebag san_jose_guy threads. try this one: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=36766
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Evils of Smoking Weed
    does someone need a hug?
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Evils of Smoking Weed
    that's it. go ahead and lash out. those are your repressed emotions trying to see the light of day. it is OK to be angry. you've discovered that everything you've ever thought, believed and worshiped has been one great big fairy tale spun out of hole clothe in a marijuana smoke filled hippy yurt. let it out. smoke another doobie if that will help. it must be devastating to realize your entire existence has been a complete and utter waste. i feel for you dude
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Evils of Smoking Weed
    no need to keep repressing your feelings san_jose_guy. what was it? did your ex-mail order bride get into your stash? is that it? is that why you are so angry at her? well get over it. remember “property is theft”. it never was YOUR weed in the first place.
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Evils of Smoking Weed
    ^^^^^ so you are saying that your mother started YOU on weed to ween you off the breast milk.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    ^^^^^^ how long ago were you there? can you tell us what you saw? did you get any Mexican hat dances? were they hot or watered down for gringo tastes? were there any gravy street vendors in Chicago?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Gary is the place for $100 sex
    hey everybody, san_jose_guy is finally going to get laid. well he didn’t really say that but i’ll bet if he ever did actually go to Gary he could get laid … if he wanted to that is…if someone could spot him $100 that is
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    no underground Mexican hat dancing circuit?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Evils of Smoking Weed
    @mikeya02 “You're starting to sound like Alucard” huh. i hadn’t noticed but now that you mention it…
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Just figured out my next career move...
    @chessmaster “doctorphil, well im young, buff and suave so...” ding, ding, ding! in a few short words you’ve articulated the basis behind the unfinished question. allow me to finsh it: “so” why the fuck do you have to pay skank ass ugly whores in a strip club when you should be spending your virile, buffed and suave youth swimming in young, beautiful, suave women out in the real world? ps. that is a rhetorical question by implication if you know what i mean
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Family Business
    @Diva1975 pardon from the governor?