
China's Brilliant! Market Strategy

Got to love it. People can buy all they want and put their houses up as collateral. Buy if you sell, or, worse yet sell short, you risk going to jail.

Now what could possibly go wrong with that plan?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    China just doesn't get it. They understand that capitalism and free markets lead to wealth, but the government is too paranoid to actually allow it to exist. That why when our markets melt down, they go down just a few % while China's is off 30% in just the last month.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Dougster for president of Chinatown
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    sounds almost as stupid as everyone’s favorite indian “i have high cheekbones” squaw elizabeth warren trying to outlaw corporations from using excess cash for stock buy backs. seems she thinks that is what is responsible for the non-recovery of the US economy. she is of the opinion that government should force corporations to spend profits on capital investments, building factories they don’t need to make products no one will buy and that will create desperately needed jobs and the economy will magically be fixed. what a retard
  • Prim0
    9 years ago
    All I know is I took a beating on wonton futures!
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    Honestly, this is the problem with "communism" - in China and the old Soviet days. It's the governmental seizure of your assets. Here, you buy stocks but you are not allowed to sell them. I don't see any difference.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Aaron: You must be joking. Have you ever travelled to a communist country?
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    @Rock: I was born in a Communist country!
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I know that the "communist" model is everything belongs to the "people." In a true communist nation, everyone should be the same economically speaking. Same tyoe of house, same income, same access to food, healthcare, etc. etc.. (We all know how that works out... It doesn't...)

    So how, in a country like China, can this happen?

  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    @warhawks: People are taking the word too literally. The good old days of Chinese and Soviets governments used "communism" as the excuse to seize your assets.

    For China, the government recently opened up the economic barrier to allow trades. So people with connections (and are smart) can get rich. But at the same time, those rich people are scared that one day, the government will just come in and take their assets (just like in the 60s and 70s). This is why you hear stories about rich Chinese people buying up real estate aboard.

    The Communist governments take your assets but they do so selectively. If you are friends with the government officials who can shield you, you are ok. At the same time, this is why in those countries, one sure way to have a good life is to become a government official.

    This is why Communism sucks in practice. But if you are with me so far, you will realize the reason it sucks in practice has nothing to do with the way Karl Marx described Marxism in theory.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Aaron: Well, if you were old enough to work in one, I can't see how you think our American brand of corrupt capitalism still isn't better than crony communism.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I have a friend who sells luxury goods over there. not him directly but his company does.

    he told me they used to give officials over there all this free shit to get their products in, well those days are over and they found out the economy for such goods was massively over inflated and people over here lost their jobs over it as they were to be the support system for all these new sales. ugh sounds like 2008 all over again jist multiply it by 10
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The direction China is going in is not a good one. Fatalism in living is never good.

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Houston, we have a problem...
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Throw in a little currency devaluation to make it an doubly safe plan...
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Are we admitting that Stevie boy was...

    Gasp.... Right?????
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Lol! Not wrong - just "early".
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    OK now be honest Dougster.

    do you work in a boiler room making cold calls to senior citizens convincing them to "invest" their life savings with you?

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    China is doing it wrong, restricting short selling which eliminates people buying when markets drop rapidly. Who do you think buys stocks after a big drop? It's the short sellers covering their positions unless they are confident it will drop more.

    They just need to use elliotwave analysis and Fibonacci and fractal patterns to understand how the market moves naturally and then their own plunge protection team that can buy trillions of stocks like our government has. Of course if the elliotwave analysis calls for a 38% drop of the entire rise, then time the selling with some major news event so that everything looks predictable to the masses who want to believe the markets move because of the news of the day.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Our SP500 index needs one more rally to complete a pattern so hopefully China holds off letting the currency drop again until our little rally is done. A big boost could come from the Fed announcing no interest rate increase in September. I believe the announcement might wait for their next meeting. 3 month us treasuries won't be high enough to warrant an increase from what I see right now.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Another rout last night!

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I thought you only wanted some Chinese take out
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Looks like China actually was brilliant! this week and stopped trying to support their market at unsustainable levels. Probably why the big turnaround today. If they hadn't I think the selloff would have continued.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Hopefully there will be more "correctives" in the days ahead, amounting to an monumental collapse.

    Sooner the BS economy crashes, sooner people can start employing their own actual talents to do good things.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Dougster wrote on another thread, "@SJG: What do you think of Norway? (Before oil crashed.) A country wealthy enough to pay for "craddle to grave" socialism. Won't you prefer to see an evolution to something like that versus a depression and god knows who could rise up from the gutter to power?"

    That would be interesting, studying the trajectory Europe has gone on, versus the US, and seeing where the departure occurred, and why.

    Certainly the main departure would be after WWII, and I think during the 60's. For one thing, in Europe the Right was discredited, seen a pro Nazi. In the US our Right never has been discredited. It still goes on.

    And then actually in Canada, their single payer health care system was originally modeled on the US Medicare system.

    But anyway, the US is far richer than Norway. We can have everything the European countries have. It is not just higher taxes which are the issue, it is simply that we start using our wealth to create life support. This is what Buckminster Fuller calls it, it is what lets us live.

    We have lots of dollars, but not enough sense. Acting like we are too poor to have universal health care access and a social safety net.

    One thing is different about the US. This is just about the only industrialized nation where a parent can disinherit their child.

    What this seems to rest on is some deep condemnation of some people, or the need to earn approval to have legitimacy. I think there was a time when people were coming to see that this was a problem in the US. But in the years since with the rise of an economic and religious right, the problem is getting worse.

    Now if we can change how we are, of course that is better than being forced to by another Great Depression. But if we cannot change, then there is going to have to be another Great Depression. So I say that the sooner it happens the better. Continuing business as usual accomplishes nothing and makes all sorts of problems worse.

    Financial Parasites, all the growth in the financial sector and for the 1%. The parasites destroy us because they are able to convince us that their way is the right way. The parasite kills the host by convincing the host that it is part of the host.

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Should have listened to Libertarians and Ayn Rand! Now we are so fucked.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    GI Bill, letting an unprecedented number, and often older, go to college

    Eisenhower-Kennedy 90% + taxation and spending levels

    FDR's massive public works, and then rearmament, programs

    These are the things which built the modern middle class. Without them we move towards a nation of very rich and very poor, as most societies have been.

    Dougster's boom and bust cycles, like the one which got him his first job, work to continue the destruction of the middle-class.

    Dougster, whether he understands it or not, is a stalking horse for the Libertarians and Ayn Randians.

    But enough now. Dougster has changed ( I hope ) and he and I are working on our television program, "How to Pay Hookers for Sex".


  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    You're a funny guy @SJG!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm starting to lke China's policy of gradual moves. Let's move the yuan gradually. Each time the US market goes up, they can gradually cut the value of the yuan.

    If the US market goes up longer than 3 days, US 3 month treasury yields go up and then we can worry about when the fed will raise rates.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    China promoted their stock market to local Chinese retail investors and they even borrowed on credit to buy stocks thinking their government wouldn't let them down. oops!
    I heard recently about a farmer losing all his land and his means of living for his entire family by losing badly in the Chinese stock market. He borrowed against the farm to buy stocks.
    Others bought stocks on credit. It sounds like 1929 was last year in China.

    China built whole cities with skyscrapers that are empty. Banks are worried about making bad loans. hmmm, wonder why? It may not be all bad. China has over a billion people and if they tell 200,000 people they have to move to a new empty city, they have to. I think.
    I heard they used more concrete and steel in the last 6 or 7 years than the US used in the entire 20th century. hey, at least they have nice new cities to show for it.

    It might not all be that bad, officially their growth rate is still about 6% I think I heard. slowing down from the former 7 or 8% rate they had. yep china is slowing down. doomsday ahead.

    meanwhile the us needs to cut spending or grow our economy at an 8% rate per year to sustain our debt and liability level or we'll end up like Greece sooner or later.
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