Not in Kansas anymore
Comments by datinman (page 24)
discussion comment
3 years ago
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
"What we need is 1. UBI, 2. Strong public housing offering, 3. Medicare for all, 4. Free college. These will make our economy work."
Free housing, free healthcare, free access to college campuses, and a bit of spending money just because. Make our economy work? Hell, no one would be working. Look what a temporary unemployment boost did. Companies still can't find workers. There might be an initial spike in weed and video games, but soon there would be no one to produce, distribute, or sell those either.
btw none of that shit is free. The productive members of our society end up paying for it.
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3 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Yes, staying at home is the responsible thing to do. But I suggest you try to get a poker game up with Dave Anderson, SJG, rickdugan, and any of the others on this site that know there's nothing to worry about.
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3 years ago
Willie Sutton when asked "Why do you rob banks?" Famously said "because that's where the money is."
Same answer but substitute pussy.
discussion comment
3 years ago
"I propose that founder put a "Driver License Scan", Y or N section on basic club profile. "
I requested this very thing a few years ago because scans are a deal breaker to me and knowing this would save me the trip. Founder added it to the club overview section back then, but this was several versions ago when there were a list of checkboxes to allow for easy editing of club information. Now that we just have one big box it says "Suggested Update", it is much harder to make timely corrections.
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3 years ago
<strong>Bombshell! Mind blown!! I've just learned about a secret cabal led by R who was the puppet master behind Q! It's a deeper deep state conspiracy to utilize gullible conservatives to kill off other conservatives by propagating misinformation! Don't do it!!!!</strong>
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3 years ago
Laurence Olivier as a Nazi dentist in Marathon Man. That scene still haunts me twice a year when I get my cleanings.
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3 years ago
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
I don't have a problem with boyfriends in the club. One time in Las Vegas some pimp/lawyer wanna-be dude kept my seat warm and held my beer for me while I got head from his girlfriend in VIP. She claimed he was a weird little dude that had offered her $5K to watch him cry, but what do I care? At least I didn't lose my seat.
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3 years ago
Purity Ring and Parquet Courts are both supposed to be touring locally in the coming months. I can't wait to enjoy live music again.
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3 years ago
However long it takes me to walk to the parking lot.
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3 years ago
Z is for Zebra
I imagine Desertscrub as a deranged screaming In Morton Downey Jr. RacialSlurfkaIC as a scrawnier Eminem with a thin sad mustache he has been trying to grow for years. SJG as a less attractive Bill Gates with Tourette’s and a pronounced facial tic.
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3 years ago
Thick and fit , wett and wild
Herpes? That’s a virus, so according to Sanctimonious Jerk Guy you should be able to sleep it off.
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3 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
"The cure for COVID is sleep" continues to be the most asinine thing you have spewed on this board. And coming from a delusional guy that wants to start his own cult, that's saying something. Having seen far too many Covid deaths in the past year and a half, this pisses me off. You pride yourself for being well read. Show one peer reviewed paper that supports your position or STFU with this nonsense.
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3 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
I am a fairly decent cook. I am amazed at the number of adults I know that are clueless in the kitchen and have no interest in ever learning how to cook. They exist through take-out for every meal. I am sure Delta variant has hurt the industry, but I doubt long term there is going to be a sea change in behaviors.
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3 years ago
If you got all of TUSCL together for meet up...
Could we have it at Onyx Centreville Il? I want to see how freely RacistSlurfka2IC drops the N-word in that environment.
I want to see what happens first; our resident Casanova gets a FRMOS or he gets bounced out on his ear for attempting to get a FRMOS.
I want to see if the right wingers and left wingers can quit ragging on each other long enough to enjoy the titties.
I want to see if Blah is as scary in real life as she is on the board. (We definitely need to go somewhere with a metal detector to screen for knives.)
I want to see if DesertScrub actually looks like Morton Downey Jr. (because that's who I visualize whenever I read his posts)
I want to see how many tables get filled up by Juice and Spice aliases.
And most of all... I want BJ99 to be there.
discussion comment
3 years ago
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
I was a little buzzed and bored last night. I wasn't trolling. Just curious why this board always seems so vanilla. Most message boards are less uniform. This board has no variation in font, size, color. No memes(and yes memes can get old fast), but occasionally are spot on.
As far as trolling goes, I am going to start responding to SJG posts with white text on the white background that can only be seen when you highlight the area. <p style="color:White;">Like this</p>.
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3 years ago
Wanna go clubbing?
Definitely seems like a dated list. I've been to about 20 of these; some used to be good, but haven't been good in years. Looking at you Blue Moon and Industrial Strip.
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3 years ago
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Ignore this post. Bumping an old thread because it isn't worth a new one. I am just curious if html text formatting works in the message board.
<del>DELETE</del> <ins>INSERT</ins>
<p style="color:DodgerBlue;">Dodger Blue</p>
Sorry, bored and stuck in a town without clubs.
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3 years ago
mike710, I am seeing the same thing. How people can still be in denial at this point is mind boggling.
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3 years ago
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
RacistslurFKAicee, you definitely seem to have a type. Lip enhancements, breast augmentations, BBL / butt implants. Do women really need 10k of cosmetic surgery to be attractive to you? I love women that look like women. I like a variety of body types, but these cartoonish proportioned ig models just seem deformed to me.
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3 years ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
"Anyone who types on the internet with their caps lock on rarely says anything worth reading."
~ Justin To Look
discussion comment
3 years ago
In order of preference: Bald, landing strip, well trimmed bush, OMG it's a jungle down there, and the absolute worse... shaved it 4 days ago cactus stubble. But, ultimately,if it's wet, tight and clean, I'm not turning down good pussy.
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3 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
I guess a small heart or butterfly lateral to the eyebrow might be cute. If she has 3 black teardrops on her face or a 5 pointed crown, I'm running toward the door.
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3 years ago
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Hey Icee, I noticed you changed your user name. My question is: Don't you think it would be better to wait until the next time you are banned before using up all your handle ideas?
Maybe the members here could help you come up with some new ideas. I personally like pimpposeur.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
"I think she's close to perfect"
Don't like her face. Don't like her body. She wouldn't interest me in the least if I saw her in a stripclub. And that's why smart club managers hire a variety of body types. I'll take the spinners and leave you the Kardashian wanna-bes.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
As a Boomer, I want to personally thank 48-Cowboy. You see, in less than 6 years the government is going to start sending me a little over $3k a month. This is money I don't really need so I plan on blowing it on top shelf whiskey and strippers. So Cowboy work hard, pay your taxes, and I'm raising a glass of Sazerac 18 y. o. rye to you.