What Keeps You Going to the Clubs?

For me it’s the thrill of the chase. The psychological excitement of finding that right one - mutual attraction and sexual chemistry. It’s just hotter to me when it happens at the club. I’m not into OTC, never done that. I’d rather lock eyes with a sexy, freaky big booty dancer right there at the club and have her walk right over to me and get acquainted.
Only way I’d do OTC is when there’s no more $ exchanged and ends up being a continuation of what went down at the club already! Always looking for those that simply love sex and are just freaks. Doesn’t always happen, but when I find it, it’s fantastic.
What about you gents? What is it about clubbing that keeps you going?
last commentI like to shoot the shit with the bathroom troll.
I go for the food.
I bring drugs and pretend that girls think I'm their pimp.
I get green stamps
what keeps me going to the clubs?
i always perk up when they're charging $7 for bottled water.
keep up to date the latest bops being played by the club dj.
In Atlanta that’s all there is to do, brunch and strip clubs. So I really don’t have a choice tbh. Plus, TITTIES!
Titties and booze, mixed in with some booze and titties.
Hot naked women.
Tits. Ass. Sometimes pussy, or legs. I think you see where this is going.
I'm a touched starved weirdo... that helps.
Convenience. I'm a guy that loves the sugaring game. But I have to go to the website, put in some humorous comments to several girls I like, wait for them to respond, then do all kinds of texting back and forth. Being able to see someone on the same day I start this process is rare. It normally takes a few days to connect if not longer. With a strip club, I have tits in my face immediately.
FlyLikeAPenguin I agree with you, but I learned long ago that if you go in to one of these places looking to see what the girls will do for you, you will be disappointed. You need to go in looking to see what you can do for them.
It gets me out of the house!
I'm a drinker and I like naked women. It's a bar with naked women.
It's everything all mixed together. The clubs are my playground. I get to drink and socialize with friendly hot women, watch them take their clothes off and, if the stars align that night, enjoy a little quiet time with a fav someplace nearby. On many nights I'll also throw spicy chicken wings into the mix, lol.
I'd have an easier time isolating one negative thing that might keep me away from a particular club. Very loud music comes to mind, along with piggish drink pricing (by club standards), girls with bad attitudes and certain other issues more common to tourist trap clubs. For me it takes a lot to completely fuck up a club experience, but there are some motivated club owners/managers out there. ;)
Just getting lap dances while I'm waiting for Jenna Foxx to decide about my marriage proposal. Or return my e-mails.
Beautiful women who are willing to strip down and rub their body against mine.
I go to listen to the interesting political-views of strippers
I go for the articles. Oh, wait, that’s print media. I guess it must be the hot, naked women then.
These days I’m not sure, the clubs in my area never really recovered from covid. It seems better to save my money for occasional trips to the SC hotspots that still exist. Or just pick up chicks the old fashioned way.
The variety of young women that would have been way out of my league even when I was young, who will do dirty shit to me 5 minutes after meetings them. You really can't beat this.
Sucking titties while getting jacked off! Mrs Carey sure isn't going to it, and I can't reach my own titties (yet).
Wait a minute! Wait a minute. I just thought of something……
Yo mama!!
I haven’t in a long while. X stripper housewife whore keeps me busy. I occasionally go back c what’s on roster but don’t want get back where rotating, fuking multiple girls. Covid disrupted it big time.
I will play along and answer your question.
Q: What Keeps You Going to the Clubs?
A: I go to the clubs because I am on a quest for my Holy Grail; OTC with a DS with GFE and PSE, with NSA that we both walk away happy, believing it was a Fair Trade and a Win Win experience.
I go tp get away from my wifes boyfriend. And he makes me go sometimes
Having her walk over to you, does not sound like a Chase. More like lay in wait
Big bootie bitches all in one location already ready to throw that ass in a circle. I like saving time when I'm not looking for sex, but still want erotic behavior
@papi_chulo I see your a man of culture. Nothing better than having a political science discussion with a big booty chick who understands the geopolitical nature of our country and its various political zeigests. Those women sure are articulate 🤓🧐
Sadly, nothing. I don't travel for work much anymore - which had been my primary motivation and opportunity. The local clubs are simply not worth the professional and personal risks if I were seen, and two of them are scanning IDs at the door.
I see the girls at strip clubs as a superior alternative to having a girlfriend. I had girlfriends, one of whom I married for a short time, up until I was in my early fifties. During that period I never went to strip clubs except a couple occasions when I went with friends when they invited me to go along with them. The girls at the clubs were better looking than someone I could get as a girlfriend but not that much better looking.
That changed around the age of fifty. Same age females started looking much worse than the girls down at the strip club. They also often had health problems, psychological problems, financial problems, and problems with their children or other family members. They wanted to move in with me and once they moved in with me all their problems would become my problems too. I had made good decisions over the years and had a problem free existence as long as I stayed unattached. I also had the freedom to do what I want if no one was living with me. I found that strippers had no interest in pressuring an old guy like me into living together, as a girlfriend would. I could go to a strip club and see the girls when I felt like it. No one stripper had everything I wanted but neither had any of my girlfriends and with strippers I could go visit whatever girl I thought I might like the most that day.
Sign me up for "I love everything about it". I love being in the club. I love the atmosphere, great music (kill me, I like the music), half naked chicks bouncing around, alcohol, food. I love finding a girl who has CF potential, drinking and carrying on with her at the table, and if she becomes my CF, becoming a regular and reaping the YMMV rewards. I love pursuing it to OTC. Half or more of my SC trips are with one or more buddies, so it's somewhat social time as well.
A '99 Camry.
Willie Sutton when asked "Why do you rob banks?" Famously said "because that's where the money is."
Same answer but substitute pussy.
I like to talk to girls far too young and pretty for me.
To paraphrase Ron White
'If you've seen one pair of titties...
You want to see the rest of them.'
I just love finding the biggest booty and getting a lap dance from them. Finding the ones that will try to get you off while grinding their ass in my crotch is the best for me . Just the thought of them trying to get me off is enough for me to pop
I love the validation I get from picking up strippers. Its an ego trip getting girls that men pay for fantasies. Although the fantasy is better than the reality in most cases....
Better eye candy than regular bars and clubs.
Some of the best people watching .
Getting drunk and just watching the toxic beauty of it all.
What they were was just a way of learning to appreciate women when they are presenting themselves in an open and available mode, and in high heels and makeup, and of learning how to talk to them.
Then later they were a way of trying to survive a completely unworkable marriage. In that condition I was a Pathetic Loser. What they will be is a way of meeting open and engageable young women in high heels and makeup, when I am far from home.
Jeff Healey - All Along The Watchtower
TJ Street
OMS Martinists
Where else can you go where you have half-naked-women telling you how big your dick is and how much they want it
I keep getting paid! 😉
Women at civvie night clubs and other venues don't dress and paint up like strippers, and they don't have hair like the women at strip clubs. They keep it moderated. They don't want to be seen as sex objects. And for the most part they are not planning on fucking.
More about declining sexual capability and ED
Texas Abortion Ban
TJ Street
Farting dancers
I’ve always liked variety and getting w/ as many women as I can that I find desirable, and strip-clubs are a good fit for me for this.
Also – by age 30 I had decided I did not wanna get married, not that I have anything against marriage, I actually feel it’s a good thing, it just didn’t feel like a good-fit for me personally – by age 40 I had decided that dating wasn’t really what I wanted to do anymore either – but, I still like women and wanna have access to them, thus a strip-club is a good fit for me in giving me access to women w/o having any type of commitment other than paying for their time which for me feels like less of a cost in multiple-ways.
I’ve being SCing for 2-decades-now and especially-hard in the last-decade – but for the last couple-of-years I’ve had a “been there done that” kinda feeling and SCs don’t have the same pull/enjoyment/rush for me that they used-to – these days I often go as a way of killing some time when I’m bored buy I don’t get the same rush or feeling-of-anticipation I used to get in years past - I still mostly enjoy them but not like I used to in the past where I couldn't wait for my next-visit.
I do have to say that there is an advantage to civvie night clubs.
In our local no touching strip clubs, kissing occurs, but it is very rare. Strip clubs are highly controlled places. But at a civvie night club, there usually is not that much of it either, but no one is trying to prohibit it. The operators would love it if there were more makeout sessions. So that is an advantage of the civvie venue. Mostly you just need to learn how to make it happen. And fortune does favor the bold.
I'm a fashion reporter for a major national fashion magazine. Strip clubs are at the very forefront of avant-garde fashion, so naturally, that's where I go to suss out new trends. Most of the current fashion trends started in strip clubs, and I've scooped every other fashion reporter on all of them.
Or it could be the naked women.
Sometimes civvie night clubs can have an advantage. In your tamer strip clubs, DFKing a girl will be rare. Where I am it happens, but it is rare.
In a civvie night club there never will be am restriction.
Only in your wilder strip clubs, will things commonly go beyond a civvie night club.
It's just fun.
Strip clubs are different than regular bars and I've meet some of the coolest, craziest, wild people there. And here's something I've noticed with women that have stripped that I don't see with a lot of other people even other guys. They're so unafraid of the world and I find that confidence incredibly attractive.
And here's something I've noticed with women that have stripped that I don't see with a lot of other people
Oh my God... Time for another visit!