Ok I'll ask you an honest question, and I expect a truthful answer. Why do you keep posting here when everybody hates you and no one cares what you have to say?
There are people who don't want drama so they don't defend me on discussions but agree in dms. I really like this forums and I've learned a lot even from people I disagree with. Like I really love skibums posts on his experiences
I've asked you this many times you never respond except with insults,
is there any subject that you don't have an opinion on, and is there any possibility that some one else might be more knowledgeable on any subject than you ?
^. Yet you continue with insults showing how bigoted your opinions are.
Most folks learn something new everyday contrast that with yourself you think you don’t need to learn anything.
CMI is correct the most common flame war tactics on the Internet are your deflection rather than actually answer any questions.
Unlike you I’ve not only DMed with many other members here I’ve also interacted in person with no less than two dozen and one of the most common conversations I hear is why is that jackass PhatBoy still here after being banned twice
Of course, the bulk of this debate becomes moot once you realize that Icee isn't remotely the persona that is portrayed here. But even in the course of trolling in the guise of this personal, advocating for these types of behaviors is below shitty.
Why did you post here when it seems like half your posts are insulting other members (most often as "tricks")?
.......if some people choose to be insulted that's their problem. Some of the behaviors members brag about are disgusting to me. Like bragging about fucking hookers younger than their kids or grandchildren. Married men pretending they have great lives while fucking hookers. Pretending like getting a hooker to take your money is some great achievement. Putting strippers and hookera down. Fuck tricks like that.
Why can you never give a straight answer in a political debate when someone refutes your central point?
.........by refute you mean come at me with some right wing extremist shit. I'm not here to debate with people like that.
Why do you act holier than thou in your treatment of women when you admit to psychological manipulating them?
.........I gave advice on how to break on hoes. Big deal. I don't have to manipulate women to get them to fuck me. And I'm good at picking up strippers. My success rate is like 80%. And 100% with one's I really wanted.
Why do you claim to be one of the more well adjusted members here when you bought heroin intending to end your life with it? Where is that heroin now?
..........I reached my breaking point. It was too much. I kept so much inside. I just needed to let it out. I felt anonymous enough to do it here. I kept the heroin for a while. Then threw it out. I chose it coz I heard before you black out when you od you have the most euphoric feeling you ever had. I think subconsciously I wanted to feel something. Coz I was numb and tried so hard not to feel.
Question - your husband or bf has turbulent fantasies about seeing u seeded by another man. Then taking sloppy 2nds pounding u as he cries out how he loves us so as he cums in u. Would u accommodate that?
I forgot to mention that the narcissistic qualities displayed by the OP are typical of dancers with innermost feelings of lack of self worth, often caused by childhood molestation and other abuses. Then they inflict it on us. Don’t forget these chicks actually hate us , they just smile when they spread their legs and take our money.
I admitted to being a man who sometimes dances and doesn't have a pimp. That apparently went over your head . Or are you a senile "targeted" person lulz.
Is AOC hot - No politics just strip club do ya wanna fuck hot?
Even my most conservative colleagues think she’s hot. Not me. Too skinny. Y’all know I like ‘me blonde with some meat in the bones. Think Kate Upton as the ideal. AOC is the opposite of what I find sexy. Starts with the hair.
If you work 2ICEE, then in what industry is it that allows you to post on this website incessantly for hours at a time when normal people are working and raising a family?
In my experience I have dancers text me from work when they're bored. Sometimes they need a pep talk. Tell me club drama. Sometimes they drunk text. Flirt. Talk shit about customers. Send selfies. Then I gotta motivate them to hustle and make a bag
@Meat LMAO icee's silence on your question on what she does for work speaks volumes. Methinks she's a drug dealer.
"Will answer every question truthfully"
^^^@icee you forgot the disclaimer when it comes to what you do to make your "nigga rich" money. What's the matter? Can't you admit and answer Meat's question truthfully? Don't be scurred. 😂
Icee is truthful only up until telling the truth makes her look bad. Just as much as her narcissism compelled her to create this self-aggrandizing and attention whoring thread, it also won't allow her admit anything that would portray her in a negative light.
So don't expect truthful answers on what she actually does for income and why she relies on GFE with junkie stripper whores for "relationships".
You can ask her anything unless of course her answer will make her look bad. Bank on it.
2ICEE/IceyDodo/Phatboy whoever the fuck you say you are now, quit being such a pussy! We asked what industry you work in, not even asking specifics and you still won’t state what you do for a living. At least say you’re in pharmaceutical sales and move on, but dodging a straight forward question when you started the thread off by saying you’ll “answer” our questions, even further destroys what minuscule amount of credibility you thought you had. Considering the only member on this site that supports you is SJG, that further diminishes any respect authentic members could show ICEE.
^^^ that’s coz cocaine is a hell of a drug. Keeps you up all night when you’re trying it with a stripper whore just to get her addicted to you, but that’s ok coz 2ICEE is morally superior to everybody. The same mantra that left wing liberals use.
You know IceyLoco is just trolling the board for responses. She hides behind her screen like a keyboard cowboy in between her pharmaceutical sales pitches to addicted stripper hoes.
Come up with some intelligent responses and gain some credibility. Tell us which industry your in! You don’t even have to state your job, like pharmaceutical rep, automotive, law, pimp customer service, or young dude loving service. It’s likely one of those options that allow you to troll the board non stop on a daily basis with your butt Buddy SJG.
Enough with the facade Icee, come clean with your dirt and try to gain some credibility!
Working Friday snd Saturday night. That's on average. There are better and worse nights. Over $800 is a really good night there.
Little darlings attracts younger local guys who don't spend much.
At chicas bonitas there's too much competition from cuban hoes.
It's worse now. Guys aren't spending as much.
Girls can still make a lot at tourist clubs though. Vegas tourists are easy marks. But its hard getting hired there. I only know 1 girl from chicas bonitas who was hired at spearmint rhino for example
The thing is selling drugs isn't like on TV or the media.
You can pay a Dr $150 for a wock script and sell it to rich kids using their parents credit cards for $1500. Sometimes up to 3 scripts a day.
And if you get quality coke like fish scale ...put a few stripper hoes on and have them move it in clubs.
I never touched shit like meth or fentanyl. But the impact it's having is scary. Most low grade coke and fake lean is cut with fentanyl. Fake bars are basically fentanyl. There's coke so bad you can't make crack out of it. They even cut meth with fentanyl. And crack and meth are losing their stigma and you're seeing them becoming party drugs.
Well idk about desperate? I know a dancer here who helps someone sell coke etc and she gets a cut. She doesn't have to though to make enough money.
I just think some chicks have no or few limits to how far they go to make more money. Half of why I'm mostly over this stripping biz rn.
I personally act like I dont know what is white or yay. But everyone thinks I am coked out of my mind every time at these clubs so I get asked constantly 🤷🏼♀️
Tetradon ...nigga doesn't have anything to do with being black. It's just another word for homie or fool. It sounds stupid when used all the time but sounds better when it's just used for emphasis.
Skibum.... you'd be surprised. Rich people in LA have crack at parties. Meth is being sold as a club drug now.
Blahblah.... they don't do it out of desperation. It's another income stream. Selling bumps to other dancers is a secure income on the slowest nights...even with lkle 4 customers at 4 bumps each a girl can take home $500. A nice tip on the busiest. It makes girls feel better and more in control than hoeing. But prices vary by region and quality. The worst thing I ever saw though was a girl at a club selling fate rape drugs to customers. She ended up getting jumped in the club while pregnant. Ambulance took her away. Manager never called cops and she wasn't seen again. My girl was so freaked out coz she had part of her lips and a tooth stuck to her shoes. She threw them our. Didn't go to work for 3 weeks coz of how bad it was. Like 10 girls were stomping that pregnant bitch with their stripper shoes.
"Tetradon ...nigga doesn't have anything to do with being black. It's just another word for homie or fool. It sounds stupid when used all the time but sounds better when it's just used for emphasis."
And if you aren't African-American, you sound like a poser jerk who doesn't know the word's history or present-day implications.
2ICEE, why should we trust in your judgement on politics as a self admitted drug dealer? Seems like you’re as nutso as SJG, so where do you gain your self righteous views on topics everywhere from law, politics, and dating strippers?
You still never mentioned how you are gainfully employed. You dodged that question until alas, you “dabble” in dealing drugs as you me of your side hustles. Another hustle is exploiting drug addicted strippers for free sex called “dating” them, until your drugs or $$ runs out. Tgen your stripper Joe leaves you for another drug dealer pimp. Remind us why we should be taking advice from you?
"- Turn the conversation to drugs. Hook her up with whatever she’s into. Better yet, get high with her. Downers, weed and coke are OK, ... Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up."
You're an obsessed sick fuck who pulls words out of context from old threads then stalks me and harasses me with them in every thread. Youre the sickest bitch on here. Get help
LMFAO you're supposed to have me on ignore, right? Why do you continue to read and reply to me? Obsessed with my posts much? 🤭🤡
Stop being such a butthurt troll. I'm just calling out your contradictions since you lied about saying you'd answer questions truthfully, my niggette. You're just butthurt coz you are caught in numerous contradictions now.
LMFAO and all you can do is make ad hominem attacks now. 🤭🤡
If I've taken anything out of context, you could easily explain it. Exactly what's out of context? I've quoted your words directly.
Might wanna take a chill pill too, so you're not as butthurt about someone participating in your thread. Clearly ignoring isn't working for you.
Has ICEE told us how he makes a living yet? If you haven’t, why hide what you do?
So far all we know is that you dabble in drug sales, but no mention of any other income streams. Philanderer is not a profession. Yiu said you’d answer everyone’s questions, but you avoid answering what you do for work. Why is that?
ICEYLOCO/2ICEE/Phatboy or whatever handle he goes by now historically uses the deflect and project tactic, i.e. “I’m not a troll, you’re a troll so stop trolling me” after he starts a thread stating “ask me anything”. WHat a fucking troll!
^^^ for whatever reason, she uses TUSCL to give herself a psychological ego boost. She wants to appear as if she knows strippers better than anyone else and is constantly posting with this agenda.
And it doesn't matter to her if she's called out on it. She'll just double down on her position even if it means she's contradicting something she said in the past.
In fact, I think she's to the point that she wholeheartedly believes her own lies to herself that she doesn't even recognize she's been lying. Instead, everyone else is the liar or troll. The issue is definitely not her, coz that would be a blow to her ego and psyche.
What we do know without asking ICEE, is that the person behind the troll account is definitely one of the most insecure bitches on this site. That’s saying something because we’ve had some psychotic strippers and members posting!
She'll continue to read and reply to posts by people she has on ignore because she's concerned about them saying something that puts her in a negative light. It's not enough to truly ignore them. She's compelled to know what they're saying about her.
She's constantly comparing and elevating her methods of paying stripper whores for GFE because she doesn't want to admit that she's just as pathetic as any other TUSCL trick bitch, which really isn't a big deal to anyone except her.
She created an entire thread (/discussion.php) dedicated to "proving" that she's somehow superior to the two-bit loser weed dealer that her coke head stripper whore "girlfriend" chose over her.
These are just examples out of many that show how much of a triggered and butthurt insecure little bitch she is.
Aaaand she'll continue to provide more examples moving forward. She'll likely want this thread to peter out and become forgotten, but, rest assured, she will create other threads to boost her fragile ego, just like this one, moving forward.
Now ICEYLOCO or 2ICEE has moved onto opening another thread topic regarding what you’d rate an instragram hoe, or bitch, or stripper bitch, or stripper hoe. Not sure what the correct terminology is for them anymore these days what with political correctness and all that. Just using the OPs terms describing his selection of women. That’s all.
^^^ and even in that thread she quickly started trying to elevate herself over others by claiming others were being misogynistic and anti whore just because they were giving the woman low ratings.
Again it's part of her overall agenda to boost her own ego. Someone else on TUSCL is being misogynistic, not her. Just like others are pathetic for paying stripper whores, but not her when she does.
It's passive aggressive trolling too.
And she's going to keep doing it over and over and over, as evidenced when she posted as IceyDodo, and now as icee. She WANTS the drama of accusing everyone else that disagrees with her or calls out her trolling as trolls themselves. It happens in essentially every thread she creates. But, no, to her, it's not her trolling, it's everyone else. She WANTS this. She NEEDS it.
All coz she's ashamed of herself for exploiting desperate junkie stripper whores for her sexual and financial gain. And coz of her fragile, easily triggered and easily butthurt ego.
Hey icee just curious as to why you 'like' your own posts? Isn't it a given? Do you feel compelled for insecure and arrogant reasons to find it necessary?
This will be a thread that will never die, as long as IceyLoco/2ICEE is around. He has become the new punching bag of TUSCL, and get this …. HE LIVES IT! That’s sick.
“Hey icee just curious as to why you 'like' your own posts? Isn't it a given? Do you feel compelled for insecure and arrogant reasons to find it necessary?”
I have an acquaintance on Facebook that does the same thing. Every post. He gets all kinds of shit over it.
Hey Icee, I noticed you changed your user name. My question is: Don't you think it would be better to wait until the next time you are banned before using up all your handle ideas?
Maybe the members here could help you come up with some new ideas. I personally like pimpposeur.
I have an in law that likes his own posts on Facebook, too. He has 3 baby mamas and one of his kids is in jail, so yeah there are deep insecurities involved where he needs to constantly validate himself. It’s a sign of emotional trauma deeply rooted in a person’s psyche to constantly seek approval of others, and to be putting on a show like that keeps me thinking “that’s weird” and to stay away from that person.
^^^ She doesn't do it all the time but I noticed it does happen regularly with her. LMFAO like she's finally impressed with something she said.
And yeah it's pretty clear icee has compulsions. Like her obsession with convincing herself that she's not paying her junkie stripper whores for GFE. She'll repeat the same point over and over and over in a thread, even if it is off topic. Same thing goes with trying to elevate herself over PLs that get extras or LDKs. She's constantly looking for posts where she can make a derogatory point about these thing. She's got to take issue with it constantly because it's her defense mechanism against her own fragile psyche and it's exacerbated by her likely autism.
That's her agenda here. Use TUSCL as a means to boost her fragile ego. She does it by boosting herself at every possible opportunity. Besides her arrogant self likes, look at this thread and all her other completely unsolicited advice threads. Like she's an "expert" or something. Being 27 years old and all with not much life experience she does this, and she acts like all other PLs here don't have any experience with strippers. It's a constant pattern with her. Feed her own ego compulsively.
"I know more about strippers than most on here."
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
I don't think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee is autistic. He reminds me of a neighborhood kid with Down syndrome who constantly tried to prove how smart he was, or how much he knew about whatever, then had a tard rage out of frustration when his contradictions got pointed out. Once it was when we pointed out professional wrestling was predetermined.
At the same time, neighborhood kid craved validation. Talked about how good he was at sports (suffice to say he wasn't) or how he got a B on his special ed tests. Pointing out that he wasn't exactly taking AP Calculus got another rage. It was the only way he could process emotions.
I don't think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee has Down syndrome, for one most DS people I've known have a great heart, but his IQ sits within spitting distance and he rages out over the same things.
I've DMed with some of the smart dudes here, and we can talk about where we went to school, business we've run, share club notes etc without needing to seek validation.
Theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee's ego is a bottomless pit. His dad must have been a monger who left his family when he was still crapping diapers (he mentioned his sister became a stripper so it's something of a family business) and this is his way of trying to get it.
I don't mind ridiculing theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, whenever I feel guilty about picking on the dumb kid, he makes some assholish comment that reminds me he deserves it. It lets some bad out for me, and I'm convinced he secretly likes it.
^^^ @Tetra yeah if it's not autism it's obsessive compulsive behavior is what I'm getting at. And her defense mechanisms.
And yeah there's a psychological driver for it for sure. She definitely has daddy issues but she also has a sister that was a stripper and I'm thinking that this has something to do with it too. Like maybe her sister had to whore herself off for money and drugs, so icee rages against that activity but at the same time doing the same exact things with her stripper whore "girlfriends".
And for me too I got no issue trolling her. I'm simple on TUSCL - don't be a troll. If you are and you troll me, expect me to troll you back. It's not complicated.
And yeah she likes it. It's in her nature to be highly passive aggressive. 🤷
"And its crazy how jealous some of you are about my positive experiences with dancers"
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
My 5 year relationship ended because she thought I was too controlling ...
... and would buy her gifts. Dedigner bags. Shoes. Expensive makeup to try to show her this is what she can have instead of snorting it up her nose....
... She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie."
^^^LMFAO this positive experience with a coke junkie stripper whore would make anyone jelly. 🤭😂🤣🤡
Lol theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, jealous of you? I'll admit, there's something attractive about having your lack of self awareness or where you stand in the universe, but until I wash down a bucket of lead paint chips with a bottle of paint thinner, I'll never know.
You have me beaten in number of strippers groveled before this year, drama queen posts, and number of times played the victim.
Go pimp out your sister. It's a Saturday, she might fetch you a fiver.
Im sure some of you guys have more knowledge of tuscl troll lore than me, but I've always felt like the Icee characters have come from the same source as the law student turned stripper hoe formerly known as Nicole94
Of course a stripper hoes will know more about their own kind than the tricks
I think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee is his own character. At least, it would take a normal denizen too much effort to act out (1) that mild-moderate mental retardation, (2) the simplistic sound-bite liberalism that makes the average high school sophomore sound like Plato, (3) the dim-bulb "pimp" persona, and (4) especially the lack of self-awareness of how he comes across to other people...he thinks people legitimately want to hear what he has to say.
Doesn't matter. I like sharpening my wit on him, and he seems to like being used for that purpose.
This isn't a political thread; your politics are just a manifestation of your idiocy.
You claim some special knowledge while cumulatively, the rest of us have dated and even married a million more strippers than you, across the country if not the world. Somehow you also picked up the delusion that we care about your opinion of anything.
That's why everyone on this thread has asked some variation of my eternal question for you, "were you born this much a dumbass or did you have to work at it?"
I recall when the drug dealin wannabe pimp formerly known as phatboy first showed up that someone said he was a Dougster alias. Back then I did not think so but every once in awhile phatty says something that reminds me of Doug but just for the record although it might be possible I'm still not convinced.
Also I'm probably in the minority, no pun intended but even though many hated him I was fine with Dougster.
And phatty you didn't answer my serious questions, I thought we wuz niggaz.
"Yall are out of touch know nothing about the culture and are basically just entitled uppity outsiders who troll clubs for hookers"
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
So you basically admit you're just looking for a right wing geriatric trick echo chamber.
The geriatric trick clique on herebis out of touch with reality. You have nothing in common with the girls you chase around clubs and solicit prostitution from. And you can't stand the fact that I can relate to them and easily pick them up. While you resort to sex tourism and trying to haggle for a good price.
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
Lol theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, you just don't get it.
No one here would willingly trade places with you. You paid more for a stripper than any "trick," you nearly gave your life when a woman who grinds on guys (if not sucking dicks and not telling you about it) who in your own admission you bought drugs, jewelry, clothes, etc for.
I've said many times, dancers are for fun, not to build a life with. You try to make them into housewives with about as good a track record as one night expect.
If I can relate to anyone who has lived your life, it's time to seriously reevaluate my life choices.
I find it hilarious the two guys on this site that try to brag the most about “dating” sex workers for free are ICEE and SJG. It must be true that California is the land of fruits and nuts??!! They enjoy chaos ar part of their daily routine.
^ Theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee claims to be in Vegas. If I ever see a racially confused Mexican working at a gas station, I'll ask.
Much as though I dislike his autistic ramblings, I find CJ's quote about some women for families and others for pleasure to be the most cogent. Why would I try to make a "stripper hoe" into a wife?
"You're jealous you can't relate to strippers and can't be around them unless you're a trick."
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
He links the exact thread where you said something. No denying it, you're a gaping emotional void, the self described pimp who nearly ended it all over a stripper.
Give it up and get your GED. You, too, can have a fulfilling normal life.
He takes words out of context and makes up a story around them. Makes worthless assumptions. Does it in every fucking thread like a psycho stalker. And you just egg him on. Now go bend over for him
I definitely don't do it in every thread, dumbass. I only quote you directly when it's a reply to something contradictory that you said as per whatever the topic being discussed. The reason that it seems repetitive is coz you're being repetitive yourself and saying the same (or completely opposite) things "every fucking thread".
And quit being so butthurt when it's all per the thread discussion anyway. For a supposed gangsta pimp you come across as a whiny bitch.
And LMFAO you can never explain the proper context. Instead you get all butthurt like a whiny bitch. 🤭😂🤣🤡
My standard of living is better than yours. I'm 27 with a townhouse in Santa monica one in Vegas and a house in Santa fe. I work in a field where I help people and strippers love me. I really just laugh at some of the assumptions about me on here.
last commentAre you nigga rich?
Ok I'll ask you an honest question, and I expect a truthful answer. Why do you keep posting here when everybody hates you and no one cares what you have to say?
No one hates me. They don't know me. They hate what they imagine me to be.
I'm here for all the people who dm me for advice. The positive messages. The friendly stripper hoes. And basically the positive interactions I have.
I don't judge the few negative people on here. It's all them
Yeah, okay.
There are people who don't want drama so they don't defend me on discussions but agree in dms. I really like this forums and I've learned a lot even from people I disagree with. Like I really love skibums posts on his experiences
How do you make your money to spend on strippers and Hoes if you’re always spending time posting on this website all day?
I work
Icee said "There are people who don't want drama so they don't defend me on discussions but agree in dms."
Lol. You need better, fresher (and more honest) material.
I've asked you this many times you never respond except with insults,
is there any subject that you don't have an opinion on, and is there any possibility that some one else might be more knowledgeable on any subject than you ?
CIM ugh people do support me in dms. Ask for advice...
20fag. Everyone has an opinion on everything. And of course there are people more knowledgeable on things.
Uh huh. Sure they do...
CIM go troll someone else.
^. Yet you continue with insults showing how bigoted your opinions are.
Most folks learn something new everyday contrast that with yourself you think you don’t need to learn anything.
CMI is correct the most common flame war tactics on the Internet are your deflection rather than actually answer any questions.
Unlike you I’ve not only DMed with many other members here I’ve also interacted in person with no less than two dozen and one of the most common conversations I hear is why is that jackass PhatBoy still here after being banned twice
Why did you post here when it seems like half your posts are insulting other members (most often as "tricks")?
Why can you never give a straight answer in a political debate when someone refutes your central point?
Why do you act holier than thou in your treatment of women when you admit to psychological manipulating them?
Why do you claim to be one of the more well adjusted members here when you bought heroin intending to end your life with it? Where is that heroin now?
Tetra ... I think you mean psychological and physical abuse/manipulation...
Of course, the bulk of this debate becomes moot once you realize that Icee isn't remotely the persona that is portrayed here. But even in the course of trolling in the guise of this personal, advocating for these types of behaviors is below shitty.
Why did you post here when it seems like half your posts are insulting other members (most often as "tricks")?
.......if some people choose to be insulted that's their problem. Some of the behaviors members brag about are disgusting to me. Like bragging about fucking hookers younger than their kids or grandchildren. Married men pretending they have great lives while fucking hookers. Pretending like getting a hooker to take your money is some great achievement. Putting strippers and hookera down. Fuck tricks like that.
Why can you never give a straight answer in a political debate when someone refutes your central point?
.........by refute you mean come at me with some right wing extremist shit. I'm not here to debate with people like that.
Why do you act holier than thou in your treatment of women when you admit to psychological manipulating them?
.........I gave advice on how to break on hoes. Big deal. I don't have to manipulate women to get them to fuck me. And I'm good at picking up strippers. My success rate is like 80%. And 100% with one's I really wanted.
Why do you claim to be one of the more well adjusted members here when you bought heroin intending to end your life with it? Where is that heroin now?
..........I reached my breaking point. It was too much. I kept so much inside. I just needed to let it out. I felt anonymous enough to do it here. I kept the heroin for a while. Then threw it out. I chose it coz I heard before you black out when you od you have the most euphoric feeling you ever had. I think subconsciously I wanted to feel something. Coz I was numb and tried so hard not to feel.
^Boo hoo (tiny violins playing in background).
I'm officially tired of this troll enjoy your retirement
Adios loser
^^ Thank you for at least giving straightforward answers
What would ypu do of I dumpa load in your I ur basement. Serious question
I've always been straightforward.
But when im incessantly trolled by the same people like the ones trolling me here yeah ill respond likewise at times.
Come to VA so we can go blow money together
I've never been to Virginia. But blowing money can be fun lol
Who is your favourite dancer and where?
I don't go to clubs as anyone's customer.
But I like a girl at spearmint rhino in vegas
You wrote and I quote:
“... I like a girl at spearmint rhino in Vegas”
Pics and Vids of the girl at the rhino 🦏 in Vegas or she doesn’t exist.
What a homo thread for attention seeking dude for dudes. 2ICEE loves dude attention.
I've had a pic of her up before lulz
Question - your husband or bf has turbulent fantasies about seeing u seeded by another man. Then taking sloppy 2nds pounding u as he cries out how he loves us so as he cums in u. Would u accommodate that?
I am familiar with lol. What is the acronym for Lolz?
Icey dodo u are so obviously a chick and I’m bettin a dancer too, question is : where do you you dance and do you have a pimp?
Are you 25? Coz you wound just like him/her
I'm not a woman. I dance at clubs and bars sometimes. And I don't have a pimp
Lol. I think I nailed it.
^ sounds like icee just admitted that he’s a very conflicted homosexual
Good job Chester
I forgot to mention that the narcissistic qualities displayed by the OP are typical of dancers with innermost feelings of lack of self worth, often caused by childhood molestation and other abuses. Then they inflict it on us. Don’t forget these chicks actually hate us , they just smile when they spread their legs and take our money.
25 go troll elsewhere.
I admitted to being a man who sometimes dances and doesn't have a pimp. That apparently went over your head . Or are you a senile "targeted" person lulz.
This thread is for non trolls
I know what you are so does everyone else LULZZZZZ
ICEY is one of the most interesting people on this forum.
^ That doesn't mean he's not a conflicted homosexual LULZZZZ
Is AOC hot - No politics just strip club do ya wanna fuck hot?
Even my most conservative colleagues think she’s hot. Not me. Too skinny. Y’all know I like ‘me blonde with some meat in the bones. Think Kate Upton as the ideal. AOC is the opposite of what I find sexy. Starts with the hair.
Just going by looks I think AOC is average. I wouldn't go out of my way for her and wouldn't give her much attention
2ICEE, have you ever climbed Mt. Everest?
If you work 2ICEE, then in what industry is it that allows you to post on this website incessantly for hours at a time when normal people are working and raising a family?
I've never climbed Mt everest. Although I've climbed much smaller mountains
Work=waiting in a strip club for the next sucker to walk in. Haven’t you noticed the girls are always on their phones .
What do you think they are doing , certainly not filling in their Mensa applications.
It only takes a few minutes to check the site.
In my experience I have dancers text me from work when they're bored. Sometimes they need a pep talk. Tell me club drama. Sometimes they drunk text. Flirt. Talk shit about customers. Send selfies. Then I gotta motivate them to hustle and make a bag
Still avoiding which industry your work in, Icee. Or maybe that’s too specific for being a wanna be pimp?
@Meat LMAO icee's silence on your question on what she does for work speaks volumes. Methinks she's a drug dealer.
"Will answer every question truthfully"
^^^@icee you forgot the disclaimer when it comes to what you do to make your "nigga rich" money. What's the matter? Can't you admit and answer Meat's question truthfully? Don't be scurred. 😂
Icee why do you always take the PL trick bitch route with women and pay a stripper whore money and drugs for long term GFE?
I'm not doxing myself
^^^ chicken shit. Icee never had the intention of
"Will answer every question truthfully"
I'm self employed
Icee, does it change your routine when the toilet paper breaks?
Just tear more off. I don't get it
Chester already answered the question
25 you used your Chester profile to say I'm a stripper hoe and a gay man. Can't be both lulz. Now go troll elsewhere mr aarp pi
"I'm self employed"
How do you decide pricing for the drugs you sell?
Do you undercut the competition?
Does it depend on how much you've cut them with impurities?
Do you know how many people overdosed from your shit?
Do you ever feel guilty?
I'm not a drug dealer
"Will answer every question truthfully coz yall my niggaz"
Well so much for that, truth in advertising just went out the window lulz.
Youre not acting like you my nigga, nigga
LMFAO icee still won't admit to what she does for income.
Chicken shit hypocrite. 🐔💩
Icee is truthful only up until telling the truth makes her look bad. Just as much as her narcissism compelled her to create this self-aggrandizing and attention whoring thread, it also won't allow her admit anything that would portray her in a negative light.
So don't expect truthful answers on what she actually does for income and why she relies on GFE with junkie stripper whores for "relationships".
You can ask her anything unless of course her answer will make her look bad. Bank on it.
Icee you’re paranoid I don’t have any other screen names unlike yourself jackass
This is my only account unlike you
^^^ so says the owner of the IceyLoco and TrapBaby accounts. Yet another icee LIE.
^ You're full of shit Phat Boy, how's your Trap Baby alias
^^^ here's icee's IceyDodo account
^^^aaaand here's her TrapBaby account.
It's not my alias.
Ask anything you want though my nigga lulz
^^^ you mean ask anything unless the answer makes you look bad, my narcissist lulz
^ Don’t forget his Geordie alias where he spent hundreds of thousands on a stripper ho
I'm not Geordie. But you're senile
I think there is some truth to his story. He fell in love with Danielle. But the things he says about the club and people there etc aren't true.
If you're curious about that club dm me lulz
^ What an idiot PhatBoy hell thinks anyone believes a word from that account
I'm not Geordie.
But from what he said. Danielle was a dancer there. That's about all he got right.
2ICEE/IceyDodo/Phatboy whoever the fuck you say you are now, quit being such a pussy! We asked what industry you work in, not even asking specifics and you still won’t state what you do for a living. At least say you’re in pharmaceutical sales and move on, but dodging a straight forward question when you started the thread off by saying you’ll “answer” our questions, even further destroys what minuscule amount of credibility you thought you had. Considering the only member on this site that supports you is SJG, that further diminishes any respect authentic members could show ICEE.
So Chester cheetah is geordie... so is 25?
...so icee is still a chicken shit when it comes to truthfully answering what she does for income?
Lol you have it all wrong. I am definitely not Geordie. That story was totally nuts . I knew her but she is no $300 k dollar ho.
Icee never get's any thing right
I think we should call him LULZZZZ
Chestercheetah I can post screenshots of your dms.
Go get psychological help. You really need it.
Go ahead. I admit to knowing that Ho. But I am most definitely not Geordie Boy. I’m impressed your up so early though icee.
^^^ that’s coz cocaine is a hell of a drug. Keeps you up all night when you’re trying it with a stripper whore just to get her addicted to you, but that’s ok coz 2ICEE is morally superior to everybody. The same mantra that left wing liberals use.
I put screenshots proving chestercheetah is geordie in my photos.
This clown needs a gofundme for a psychologist
^^^ icee will do anything to deflect from answering what she does for income.
LMFAO the self proclaimed advocate of not trolling this thread has resorted to trolling her own thread by going at Chester.
Lulz!!! 🤣🤣🤣
"I've always been straightforward."
^^^ yeah sure icee you're not even straightforward on what you do for money.
You know IceyLoco is just trolling the board for responses. She hides behind her screen like a keyboard cowboy in between her pharmaceutical sales pitches to addicted stripper hoes.
^^^ it's called being an attention whore at all costs.
I'm not in sales
Come up with better questions
^ you wouldn't know the truth if it fell out of the sky and landed on you, your original statement "will answer truthfully"
It should have read will dodge any question not so artfully.
Come up with some intelligent responses and gain some credibility. Tell us which industry your in! You don’t even have to state your job, like pharmaceutical rep, automotive, law, pimp customer service, or young dude loving service. It’s likely one of those options that allow you to troll the board non stop on a daily basis with your butt Buddy SJG.
Enough with the facade Icee, come clean with your dirt and try to gain some credibility!
"I'm not in sales
Come up with better questions"
^^^ come up with a better thread that reflects that you're not really interested in answering some things truthfully, my narcissist. LULZ.
You're just trolling as usual.
^^^ you're just attention whoring and self-aggrandizing as usual.
Are you a man or woman?
I'm a man
Do you still have your nuts or have you already had bottom surgery during the transition
I've never been interested in a sex change and yeah I have testicle. Danielle has yours though 😭😭😭🤡🤡🤡
^^^ still can't say what she does for income 🤣🤣🤣🐔🐔🐔💩💩💩
What city do you live in?
Yeah icee what's your address? We niggaz so answer truthfully my nigga.
Do you find it to be the epitome of ignorance to be a self-professed liberal and call dancers hoes and use ignorant words like "niggaz"?
I split my time between los angeles and las vegas. I also spend like a month a year in Santa fe as a sort of get away.
Nigga and hoe are slang words and not pejorative depending on the language register you use.
I'm new in Vegas and hoping to get advice on the best club to make bank. I'm 19 so it's going to have to be an all nude club.
You have 2 options in Vegas. Little darlings ....all nude. Or chicas bonitas....top less. Every other place is 21 and over.
Making bank will be harder. Before the pandemic girls I knew were averaging like $1200 a weekend at either club. It's more unstable now.
The only places to really make a lot in Vegas are the touristy clubs where you can really make bank off dumbass tourists.
$1200 in multiple nights or per night?
Working Friday snd Saturday night. That's on average. There are better and worse nights. Over $800 is a really good night there.
Little darlings attracts younger local guys who don't spend much.
At chicas bonitas there's too much competition from cuban hoes.
It's worse now. Guys aren't spending as much.
Girls can still make a lot at tourist clubs though. Vegas tourists are easy marks. But its hard getting hired there. I only know 1 girl from chicas bonitas who was hired at spearmint rhino for example
Chicas does not sound like a fit for me. If anyone has advice for me for other clubs please contact me via DM, thanks.
I forgot the palomino. But those are the only clubs in town hiring dancers under 21.
How old are you 2ICEE?
Is Danielle still working at Little Darlings?
I don't know. I haven't been back since the reopening
First lie 2ICEE. I have no plans on visiting Vegas or LD.
Already answered that. I pretty much split my time between la vegas and Santa fe
I'm not lying. Idgaf what you do. Youre no one to relevant bitches at ld
Are you a drug dealer?
Why do I Fart so much?
No but I used to dabble in drug sales.
I have so many stories but the point of any hustle is to get to a point where you don't have to. Otherwise it's a trap.
^^^dabbling in drug sales is a euphemism for two-bit drug dealer.
I called it! 😎
Aaaand the former two-bit drug dealer still won't say what say what she does for income now...
... I'm calling it again... let's go with bottom tier junkie stripper whore two-bit pimp.
Bank on it!
The thing is selling drugs isn't like on TV or the media.
You can pay a Dr $150 for a wock script and sell it to rich kids using their parents credit cards for $1500. Sometimes up to 3 scripts a day.
And if you get quality coke like fish scale ...put a few stripper hoes on and have them move it in clubs.
I never touched shit like meth or fentanyl. But the impact it's having is scary. Most low grade coke and fake lean is cut with fentanyl. Fake bars are basically fentanyl. There's coke so bad you can't make crack out of it. They even cut meth with fentanyl. And crack and meth are losing their stigma and you're seeing them becoming party drugs.
^^^ LMFAO why did you just answer a question nobody asked?
"put a few stripper hoes on and have them move it in clubs."
^^^ Why do you exploit a desperate woman?
Question: We don't particularly like or respect each other, and I have no African ancestry. How can I still be your "nigga"?
Crack and meth are party drugs for losers ... totally useless losers ....they are a waste of air....
Why do you engage in illegal activities for work?
Why can't you get a legit job?
Do you have even an ounce of guilt when you give drugs to an addicted junkie stripper whore?
Well idk about desperate? I know a dancer here who helps someone sell coke etc and she gets a cut. She doesn't have to though to make enough money.
I just think some chicks have no or few limits to how far they go to make more money. Half of why I'm mostly over this stripping biz rn.
I personally act like I dont know what is white or yay. But everyone thinks I am coked out of my mind every time at these clubs so I get asked constantly 🤷🏼♀️
Why do you care and obsess so much over how a PL spends his money on a stripper?
Who really cares if it's for hookers? Why is that such an issue? Why get butthurt about it all the time?
Tetradon ...nigga doesn't have anything to do with being black. It's just another word for homie or fool. It sounds stupid when used all the time but sounds better when it's just used for emphasis.
Skibum.... you'd be surprised. Rich people in LA have crack at parties. Meth is being sold as a club drug now.
Blahblah.... they don't do it out of desperation. It's another income stream. Selling bumps to other dancers is a secure income on the slowest nights...even with lkle 4 customers at 4 bumps each a girl can take home $500. A nice tip on the busiest. It makes girls feel better and more in control than hoeing. But prices vary by region and quality. The worst thing I ever saw though was a girl at a club selling fate rape drugs to customers. She ended up getting jumped in the club while pregnant. Ambulance took her away. Manager never called cops and she wasn't seen again. My girl was so freaked out coz she had part of her lips and a tooth stuck to her shoes. She threw them our. Didn't go to work for 3 weeks coz of how bad it was. Like 10 girls were stomping that pregnant bitch with their stripper shoes.
^^^ so says the "not" a drug dealer. 🤭
Why do you engage in illegal activities for work?
Why can't you get a legit job?
"Tetradon ...nigga doesn't have anything to do with being black. It's just another word for homie or fool. It sounds stupid when used all the time but sounds better when it's just used for emphasis."
And if you aren't African-American, you sound like a poser jerk who doesn't know the word's history or present-day implications.
At least say "ese" or something like that.
It depends on the context you use it in.
Ese is more aggressive than nigga
What if I were to say, ICEE, you're my African-American?
Makes no sense. Nigga doesn't mean a black person anymore. It's basically the equivalent of homie. Hardly anyone race baits it
Ok, try saying it in the ghetto, or just a black club...
Did the rape drug story happen at Little Darlings?
Tetradon. Why? That's pretty racist.
Geordieboy. No.
From another thread, who are Sean Paul & Bad Bunny?
Is Sean Paul the next iteration of Puff Daddy?
Do you understand what a strawman argument is and can you recognize when you make one?
You seriously never heard of them???
They're famous singers.
Nope - never heard of them
"Tetradon. Why? That's pretty racist."
I rest my case.
2ICEE, why should we trust in your judgement on politics as a self admitted drug dealer? Seems like you’re as nutso as SJG, so where do you gain your self righteous views on topics everywhere from law, politics, and dating strippers?
You still never mentioned how you are gainfully employed. You dodged that question until alas, you “dabble” in dealing drugs as you me of your side hustles. Another hustle is exploiting drug addicted strippers for free sex called “dating” them, until your drugs or $$ runs out. Tgen your stripper Joe leaves you for another drug dealer pimp. Remind us why we should be taking advice from you?
I'm not a drug dealer. We all have our youthful indiscretions.
I've never exploited junkies for sex. I can't stand junkies anyways.
And I don't exchange drugs for sex.
A year relationship is just that. And were working on it.
And yeah I date strippers. Today I had one cook me lunch and bring it to me and we spent time together. She can't stop texting me.
I know more about strippers than most on here.
But you just repeat the trolls lies about me
"Nigga doesn't mean a black person anymore. It's basically the equivalent of homie. Hardly anyone race baits it"
"Why? That's pretty racist."
^^^ LMAO icee do you realize that you contradicted yourself in the span of less than two hours?
'Nigga' isn't racist, yet to say it in the ghetto or an AA club would be racist?
Icee why did you post this?
"- Turn the conversation to drugs. Hook her up with whatever she’s into. Better yet, get high with her. Downers, weed and coke are OK, ... Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up."
"Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start."
^^^direct quote from icee/IceyDodo
Advice on how to break on a hoe has nothing to do with dating.
Yous a stupid bitch
^^^ Title of too stupid to realize she's a PL trick bitch in denial, aka icee/IceyDodo, thread.
Note how 'DATE' is included in stupid PL trick bitch's title. 🤭🤭🤭🤡🤡🤡
"Have her drug of choice or know where to get it."
^^^ yet another direct quote from icee/IceyDodo on "dating" a junkie stripper whore.
"If you don’t take control she’s gon be a loose cannon, spend all of her and your money on drugs and stupid shit, get all self destructive."
^^^ yet another direct quote from icee/IceyDodo on "dating" a junkie stripper whore.
Drugs are clearly part of the process of securing a GFE with a junkie stripper whore, wouldn't you say, my niggette?
"Dedigner bags. Shoes. Expensive makeup to try to show her this is what she can have instead of snorting it up her nose."
^^^ quote from icee regarding a coke junkie stripper whore that dumped her for a better source of coke.
You're an obsessed sick fuck who pulls words out of context from old threads then stalks me and harasses me with them in every thread. Youre the sickest bitch on here. Get help
LMFAO you're supposed to have me on ignore, right? Why do you continue to read and reply to me? Obsessed with my posts much? 🤭🤡
Stop being such a butthurt troll. I'm just calling out your contradictions since you lied about saying you'd answer questions truthfully, my niggette. You're just butthurt coz you are caught in numerous contradictions now.
LMFAO and all you can do is make ad hominem attacks now. 🤭🤡
If I've taken anything out of context, you could easily explain it. Exactly what's out of context? I've quoted your words directly.
Might wanna take a chill pill too, so you're not as butthurt about someone participating in your thread. Clearly ignoring isn't working for you.
Why are you so butthurt all the time? 🤭🤡
Aaaand she still won't truthfully state what she does for income. 🤭😂🤣🤡
Has ICEE told us how he makes a living yet? If you haven’t, why hide what you do?
So far all we know is that you dabble in drug sales, but no mention of any other income streams. Philanderer is not a profession. Yiu said you’d answer everyone’s questions, but you avoid answering what you do for work. Why is that?
It's clear to me that icee is a two-bit drug dealer and pimp, and she fears the legal ramifications of going on record about it all.
Bank on it.
^^^ sorry I meant to say two-bit drug dealer and pimp to bottom tier junkie stripper whores.
My bad. 🤷
ICEYLOCO/2ICEE/Phatboy or whatever handle he goes by now historically uses the deflect and project tactic, i.e. “I’m not a troll, you’re a troll so stop trolling me” after he starts a thread stating “ask me anything”. WHat a fucking troll!
^^^ for whatever reason, she uses TUSCL to give herself a psychological ego boost. She wants to appear as if she knows strippers better than anyone else and is constantly posting with this agenda.
And it doesn't matter to her if she's called out on it. She'll just double down on her position even if it means she's contradicting something she said in the past.
In fact, I think she's to the point that she wholeheartedly believes her own lies to herself that she doesn't even recognize she's been lying. Instead, everyone else is the liar or troll. The issue is definitely not her, coz that would be a blow to her ego and psyche.
What we do know without asking ICEE, is that the person behind the troll account is definitely one of the most insecure bitches on this site. That’s saying something because we’ve had some psychotic strippers and members posting!
She's absolutely insecure. To an extreme.
She'll continue to read and reply to posts by people she has on ignore because she's concerned about them saying something that puts her in a negative light. It's not enough to truly ignore them. She's compelled to know what they're saying about her.
She's constantly comparing and elevating her methods of paying stripper whores for GFE because she doesn't want to admit that she's just as pathetic as any other TUSCL trick bitch, which really isn't a big deal to anyone except her.
She created an entire thread (/discussion.php) dedicated to "proving" that she's somehow superior to the two-bit loser weed dealer that her coke head stripper whore "girlfriend" chose over her.
These are just examples out of many that show how much of a triggered and butthurt insecure little bitch she is.
Aaaand she'll continue to provide more examples moving forward. She'll likely want this thread to peter out and become forgotten, but, rest assured, she will create other threads to boost her fragile ego, just like this one, moving forward.
^^^ ain't that right, my niggette?
Now ICEYLOCO or 2ICEE has moved onto opening another thread topic regarding what you’d rate an instragram hoe, or bitch, or stripper bitch, or stripper hoe. Not sure what the correct terminology is for them anymore these days what with political correctness and all that. Just using the OPs terms describing his selection of women. That’s all.
^^^ and even in that thread she quickly started trying to elevate herself over others by claiming others were being misogynistic and anti whore just because they were giving the woman low ratings.
Again it's part of her overall agenda to boost her own ego. Someone else on TUSCL is being misogynistic, not her. Just like others are pathetic for paying stripper whores, but not her when she does.
It's passive aggressive trolling too.
And she's going to keep doing it over and over and over, as evidenced when she posted as IceyDodo, and now as icee. She WANTS the drama of accusing everyone else that disagrees with her or calls out her trolling as trolls themselves. It happens in essentially every thread she creates. But, no, to her, it's not her trolling, it's everyone else. She WANTS this. She NEEDS it.
All coz she's ashamed of herself for exploiting desperate junkie stripper whores for her sexual and financial gain. And coz of her fragile, easily triggered and easily butthurt ego.
^^^ ain't that right, my niggette?
Hey icee just curious as to why you 'like' your own posts? Isn't it a given? Do you feel compelled for insecure and arrogant reasons to find it necessary?
Asking for a friend. 🤭😂🤣
This will be a thread that will never die, as long as IceyLoco/2ICEE is around. He has become the new punching bag of TUSCL, and get this …. HE LIVES IT! That’s sick.
LMFAO icee has put her own thread on pretend ignore for now. 🤣🤣🤣
As I stated earlier, her narcissism won't allow her to answer any question that makes her look bad. It's all tied to her insecurities n' shit.
Aaaand she still never truthfully answered what she does for income. 🤦
“Hey icee just curious as to why you 'like' your own posts? Isn't it a given? Do you feel compelled for insecure and arrogant reasons to find it necessary?”
I have an acquaintance on Facebook that does the same thing. Every post. He gets all kinds of shit over it.
But he’s on the spectrum. Hmmmm?
Hey Icee, I noticed you changed your user name. My question is: Don't you think it would be better to wait until the next time you are banned before using up all your handle ideas?
Maybe the members here could help you come up with some new ideas. I personally like pimpposeur.
I have an in law that likes his own posts on Facebook, too. He has 3 baby mamas and one of his kids is in jail, so yeah there are deep insecurities involved where he needs to constantly validate himself. It’s a sign of emotional trauma deeply rooted in a person’s psyche to constantly seek approval of others, and to be putting on a show like that keeps me thinking “that’s weird” and to stay away from that person.
^^^ She doesn't do it all the time but I noticed it does happen regularly with her. LMFAO like she's finally impressed with something she said.
And yeah it's pretty clear icee has compulsions. Like her obsession with convincing herself that she's not paying her junkie stripper whores for GFE. She'll repeat the same point over and over and over in a thread, even if it is off topic. Same thing goes with trying to elevate herself over PLs that get extras or LDKs. She's constantly looking for posts where she can make a derogatory point about these thing. She's got to take issue with it constantly because it's her defense mechanism against her own fragile psyche and it's exacerbated by her likely autism.
That's her agenda here. Use TUSCL as a means to boost her fragile ego. She does it by boosting herself at every possible opportunity. Besides her arrogant self likes, look at this thread and all her other completely unsolicited advice threads. Like she's an "expert" or something. Being 27 years old and all with not much life experience she does this, and she acts like all other PLs here don't have any experience with strippers. It's a constant pattern with her. Feed her own ego compulsively.
"I know more about strippers than most on here."
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
^^^ ain't that right, my niggette?
I don't think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee is autistic. He reminds me of a neighborhood kid with Down syndrome who constantly tried to prove how smart he was, or how much he knew about whatever, then had a tard rage out of frustration when his contradictions got pointed out. Once it was when we pointed out professional wrestling was predetermined.
At the same time, neighborhood kid craved validation. Talked about how good he was at sports (suffice to say he wasn't) or how he got a B on his special ed tests. Pointing out that he wasn't exactly taking AP Calculus got another rage. It was the only way he could process emotions.
I don't think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee has Down syndrome, for one most DS people I've known have a great heart, but his IQ sits within spitting distance and he rages out over the same things.
I've DMed with some of the smart dudes here, and we can talk about where we went to school, business we've run, share club notes etc without needing to seek validation.
Theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee's ego is a bottomless pit. His dad must have been a monger who left his family when he was still crapping diapers (he mentioned his sister became a stripper so it's something of a family business) and this is his way of trying to get it.
I don't mind ridiculing theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, whenever I feel guilty about picking on the dumb kid, he makes some assholish comment that reminds me he deserves it. It lets some bad out for me, and I'm convinced he secretly likes it.
^^^ @Tetra yeah if it's not autism it's obsessive compulsive behavior is what I'm getting at. And her defense mechanisms.
And yeah there's a psychological driver for it for sure. She definitely has daddy issues but she also has a sister that was a stripper and I'm thinking that this has something to do with it too. Like maybe her sister had to whore herself off for money and drugs, so icee rages against that activity but at the same time doing the same exact things with her stripper whore "girlfriends".
And for me too I got no issue trolling her. I'm simple on TUSCL - don't be a troll. If you are and you troll me, expect me to troll you back. It's not complicated.
And yeah she likes it. It's in her nature to be highly passive aggressive. 🤷
Tetradon you're not smart. You just post right wing drivel and qanon weirdo shit then play with semantics and troll people.
No one with half a brain will entertain your bs. Now go on and keep acting butt hurt.
And its crazy how jealous some of you are about my positive experiences with dancers
"And its crazy how jealous some of you are about my positive experiences with dancers"
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
"Last night I came close to killing myself.
My 5 year relationship ended because she thought I was too controlling ...
... and would buy her gifts. Dedigner bags. Shoes. Expensive makeup to try to show her this is what she can have instead of snorting it up her nose....
... She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie."
^^^LMFAO this positive experience with a coke junkie stripper whore would make anyone jelly. 🤭😂🤣🤡
^^^ ain't that right, my niggette?
Lol theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, jealous of you? I'll admit, there's something attractive about having your lack of self awareness or where you stand in the universe, but until I wash down a bucket of lead paint chips with a bottle of paint thinner, I'll never know.
You have me beaten in number of strippers groveled before this year, drama queen posts, and number of times played the victim.
Go pimp out your sister. It's a Saturday, she might fetch you a fiver.
"Go pimp out your sister. It's a Saturday, she might fetch you a fiver."
Serious questions phaticey, why is your sister worth 5 bucks more than you are?
Is it because she's not a whiner?
Hey icee is your next username "theniggaformerlyknownastheniggaformerlyknownas2iceeformerlyknownasIceyLocoformerlyknownasPhatBoialsoknownasTrapBaby"?
Im sure some of you guys have more knowledge of tuscl troll lore than me, but I've always felt like the Icee characters have come from the same source as the law student turned stripper hoe formerly known as Nicole94
Of course a stripper hoes will know more about their own kind than the tricks
I think theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee is his own character. At least, it would take a normal denizen too much effort to act out (1) that mild-moderate mental retardation, (2) the simplistic sound-bite liberalism that makes the average high school sophomore sound like Plato, (3) the dim-bulb "pimp" persona, and (4) especially the lack of self-awareness of how he comes across to other people...he thinks people legitimately want to hear what he has to say.
Doesn't matter. I like sharpening my wit on him, and he seems to like being used for that purpose.
This is a forum about strip club life and the stripper hoe subculture. Not about right wing politics.
Yall are out of touch know nothing about the culture and are basically just entitled uppity outsiders who troll clubs for hookers
This isn't a political thread; your politics are just a manifestation of your idiocy.
You claim some special knowledge while cumulatively, the rest of us have dated and even married a million more strippers than you, across the country if not the world. Somehow you also picked up the delusion that we care about your opinion of anything.
That's why everyone on this thread has asked some variation of my eternal question for you, "were you born this much a dumbass or did you have to work at it?"
I recall when the drug dealin wannabe pimp formerly known as phatboy first showed up that someone said he was a Dougster alias. Back then I did not think so but every once in awhile phatty says something that reminds me of Doug but just for the record although it might be possible I'm still not convinced.
Also I'm probably in the minority, no pun intended but even though many hated him I was fine with Dougster.
And phatty you didn't answer my serious questions, I thought we wuz niggaz.
"Yall are out of touch know nothing about the culture and are basically just entitled uppity outsiders who troll clubs for hookers"
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
So you basically admit you're just looking for a right wing geriatric trick echo chamber.
The geriatric trick clique on herebis out of touch with reality. You have nothing in common with the girls you chase around clubs and solicit prostitution from. And you can't stand the fact that I can relate to them and easily pick them up. While you resort to sex tourism and trying to haggle for a good price.
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
Lol theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee, you just don't get it.
No one here would willingly trade places with you. You paid more for a stripper than any "trick," you nearly gave your life when a woman who grinds on guys (if not sucking dicks and not telling you about it) who in your own admission you bought drugs, jewelry, clothes, etc for.
I've said many times, dancers are for fun, not to build a life with. You try to make them into housewives with about as good a track record as one night expect.
If I can relate to anyone who has lived your life, it's time to seriously reevaluate my life choices.
You're just quoting sircumsinhispantsalots lies.
You're jealous you can't relate to strippers and can't be around them unless you're a trick.
And he's quoting your exact words.
I'll ask again, we're you born this dumb or did you have you work at it?
I find it hilarious the two guys on this site that try to brag the most about “dating” sex workers for free are ICEE and SJG. It must be true that California is the land of fruits and nuts??!! They enjoy chaos ar part of their daily routine.
^ Theafricanamericanformerlyknownas2icee claims to be in Vegas. If I ever see a racially confused Mexican working at a gas station, I'll ask.
Much as though I dislike his autistic ramblings, I find CJ's quote about some women for families and others for pleasure to be the most cogent. Why would I try to make a "stripper hoe" into a wife?
LMAO icee since I am copying and pasting your direct words from your own posts as either IceyDodo or icee, exactly how is it that I'm the one lying?
Aaaand she still doesn't truthfully answer what she does for income. 🤭😂🤣🤡
"You're jealous you can't relate to strippers and can't be around them unless you're a trick."
^^^ this self-aggrandizing post by her says it all about her. She really needs to believe this because she's the ultimate PL trick bitch that can only get a woman that's a desperate sex worker in need of drugs, and icee is her only option. Deep down she knows this and loathes herself for it, so to cope with it she has to try and make herself look good and better than others as she does it.
No he's misquoting and you're egging him on.
He links the exact thread where you said something. No denying it, you're a gaping emotional void, the self described pimp who nearly ended it all over a stripper.
Give it up and get your GED. You, too, can have a fulfilling normal life.
He takes words out of context and makes up a story around them. Makes worthless assumptions. Does it in every fucking thread like a psycho stalker. And you just egg him on. Now go bend over for him
No context can make your attention whoring, drama queen, racially confused ass look like anything else. Not enough lipstick for that pig.
LMFAO it doesn't get any better than icee claiming that her direct quotes are made up stories and worthless assumptions. 🤭😂🤣🤡
"Does it in every fucking thread like a psycho stalker."
^^^ @icee FYI you should fact check this.
I definitely don't do it in every thread, dumbass. I only quote you directly when it's a reply to something contradictory that you said as per whatever the topic being discussed. The reason that it seems repetitive is coz you're being repetitive yourself and saying the same (or completely opposite) things "every fucking thread".
And quit being so butthurt when it's all per the thread discussion anyway. For a supposed gangsta pimp you come across as a whiny bitch.
And LMFAO you can never explain the proper context. Instead you get all butthurt like a whiny bitch. 🤭😂🤣🤡
My standard of living is better than yours. I'm 27 with a townhouse in Santa monica one in Vegas and a house in Santa fe. I work in a field where I help people and strippers love me. I really just laugh at some of the assumptions about me on here.
LMFAO yeah icee you sure did help a coke junkie stripper whore choose this over your loser ass ...
"... She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie."
^^^ And there's no assumptions made here. This is all fact. Ain't that right, my niggette? 🤭😂🤣🤡
Aaaand she still doesn't truthfully say exactly what she does for income.
"I really just laugh at some of the assumptions about me on here."
No need to assume, your behavior speaks for itself.
@biggdumbass my niggette can you answer for ICEE on what she does for a living?
She said she'd answer all questions truthfully.
That icee nigga hacked my profile. Fuck that jive turkey whipper snapper
Uh yeah sure whatever.
You never intended to answer anything truthfully.
But we all know this.
Hello Mr Bubby N!gger.
Is it true you let your whoes keep half the money.
I know you can’t fuckie your whoers with a bad tickie tockie