
COVID after the vaccines - this year vs last year

Thursday, September 9, 2021 12:13 PM
After the vaccine, how is your area doing this year vs last year? Maryland for Sept. 8th. 7-day average deaths 2020 = 7 2021 = 13 New cases 2020 = 626 2021 = 1026


  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Those numbers are misleading. The average death of 13 has doubled, but how many of those deaths are from vaccinated people.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Correct. Not an identical situation to last year. I can't find the source right now but I think about a month ago when I checked that vaccinated deaths were about 5% of total deaths.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Masks offer a false sense of safety from covid but they help with hygiene overall. Less germs in the air. But unless it's an antiviral mask it's not anti covid. The vaccines were rushed for political reasons due to private sector pressures and obviously don't work like traditional vaccines. But lesser symptoms are worth it. They're trying to normalize covid and give us false hope and security so that businesses can profit off us during the pandemic. Everything is open and we're sold fake remedies so we're calm and businesses remain open ie profits before people.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Vaccines were tested every bit as much as for a normal approval. Pfizer/BioNTech weren't asked to run any more clinical trials for approval as for the EUA. This virus is going to be with us forever, because viruses mutate. Worst case, we need vaccines every year like for the flu; best case, we develop longer-lasting vaccines and eventually get on top of emerging variants. It has a natural reservoir in animals now, so we aren't going to eradicate it. Either way, it's the biopharma industry that's saving our ass.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Well the vaccine is and was free. By now everyone should know that the fed can print money and give it to whoever they want. The pandemic only showed me is that taxes are a joke. Taxes are more suppressive then forcing you to take a vaccine. I wonder if the science used by George Washington [view link] is better then the science used by Biden/Trump
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Bottom line is there are more cases and more hospitalized persons now, than at the same time last year. I believe this is due to the increased infectiousness of the Indian variant, and vaccinated persons/formerly infected persons who no longer wear masks. We can still become infected, albeit be unaware due to the antibodies, but still be spreading the virus to unvaccinated and other vulnerable people. I don't know whether or not COVID can still be beat. It may become as ubiquitous as the seasonal flu and Common Cold. Vaccinations nay or may nit be effective. Masks other than N95 respirators may or may not be effective. Social distancing may or may not be effective. "Reliable sources" give divergent information daily, and often contradict themselves in the same sentence. The only things I know for absolute, incontrovertible fact is #1: The virus leaked from the Wuhan lab, with gain of function research using American tax dollars directed there by Dr. Anthony Fauci. 2) The ChiComms deliberately exported this virus, effectively weaponising it. 3)The WHO should be disbanded as a corrupt propaganda tool. 4)Nothing uttered by anyone in the Biden administration - particularly Joe Biden, Circle back Psaki, or Fauci- ahould be believed.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    I work in hospitals all around the country. No scientific method in my look at it. Just what I've seen in the past few weeks at hospitals is scary with the amount of cases I have run into in these hospitals. At one hospital in the Vegas area, the covid floor was completely full. I also walked through the ER in the morning. Normally, the ER is slowest during the day because the drunks haven't shown up like they do at night. This place was packed. So many patients were lined up in the hallways that traffic by staff in the hallway was one at a time. This is because patients were stacked up in the hallways as all the rooms on the wards and in the ER were full. Another hospital in a rural area was on shutdown from the average person because of the spike in cases. In the parking lot, cars were lined up outside for drive by testing. A few people I work with that were vaccinated also were out with Covid. This is happening in pro sports as well.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    mike710, I am seeing the same thing. How people can still be in denial at this point is mind boggling.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Like I said, just what I see. I think it's a funny coincidence that media outlets like CNN and MSNBC do show running case and body counts now that a Democrat is in office. If we can blame the Orange Man, whey can't we blame Sleepy Joe? I've been out living normal since last May. It is what it is. But the OP's point is it is worse now. I think there is no domestic person to blame but the WHO and China will blow smoke up our ass. Our people in charge now aren't grilled like the Orange Man was. It seems our solution is mandates that will soon be getting stronger as time goes on.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Here's a CDC link for Covid Deaths in the US. Looks the same as when we had lockdowns and no vaccine. [view link]
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    Got my shots but I still wear masks and probably will for years for one reason: to troll mentally ill boomers. There seems to be an epidemic of mentally ill boomers in America today, and they make for some great Youtube videos.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    This time a year ago I was wondering if my life (everyone's for that matter) would return to normal. I got my 2nd shot in April. By June my life was pretty much back to normal. Traveled out of the country this summer, hopped on some planes, dined out plenty of times, gathered in large groups. The thing surprising me is I know several people that have been vaccinated are catching COVID now. Earlier this summer these people just had minor "cold" symptoms but the ones I know now are getting pretty sick. A few have wound up in the hospital. None have died. There were some shows and concerts I was interested in going to later this fall, but those plans are on pause at the moment, waiting to see how some of this plays out in the next month or so. I'm going to live my life like normal, but not so sure about going to an event with 70,000 people in it at the moment. BTW - just about every large business in my area is "requiring/requesting" masks be worn now while in their establishment.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    we are all gonna die. ( sooner or later). maybe i’ll make it out of my seventies.( butt i’m not holding my breath.)
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Don't even bring a mask with me except for appearing in Court. No one pays attention to covid stories here any longer.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Found the percentages of deaths/hospitilizations that are vaccinated: 100 deaths, representing 6.0% of lab-confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Maryland 1,060 cases hospitalized, representing 7.4% of all COVID-19 cases hospitalized Approximately 9.0% of all confirmed COVID-19 cases in Maryland since January 2021 have been among fully vaccinated individuals.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    >Here's a CDC link for Covid Deaths in the US. Looks the same as when we had lockdowns and no vaccine. Thanks for the link. 78% (500,000) of deaths are aged 65 and older. Just 3.2% (20,000) of deaths are under 45. Another interesting fact I found elsewhere is that 35% of Maryland deaths are from nursing homes/congregate living facilities. 2,800 deaths last year and 700 deaths this year.
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