
Comments by kittykate (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far apart are your favorite dancer's nipples?
    The foot binding this is really just a Chinesse Costume. The Japanese weren't that into it, thay had it banned in Taiwan, just a couple years after the Chinesse realized that is was less than a great idea, Japanese had a lot of ideas about how to walk beautifully. Men walked with duck footing, toes pointed outward. Girls always pointed the toes in and took tiny, delicate steps. So, I guess all these countries had foot fetishes. But yeah, I a think your point is that there are huge difference in cultural standards of beauty and in general cultural practices, across the world. But, the nipple meanrment was definatly one that I hadn't hear of before. I told the girls at work, about this. Got a video message from them and measuring each others boobs in the dressing room...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how b
    Estafador Well, you know what they say... Once you go Black... And to explain: He'd left a bunch of awful posts and people had PMed me to ask why this guy hates me so much. So I thought I'd share the source of his hatred and apologize at the same time. Clear it all up. I didn't know it was a bid deal to post PMs, so I guess I shouldn't have done it. But if people can make posts called kittycuntkaty (I prefer KittyCunt--flows better) then my little slip seems pretty minor. I really had no idea that people take this stuff so seriously! But this is your guys bromance website and I really should have upheld the etiquette. I just didn't, and still don't know what that is.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Well, I'm glad that u have some good clubs to go to, jerikson. Sorry for calling u Jerki, before. I misplaced the i. I'm sorry that the girls in the dressing room get u down. Maybe come later in the night, when more girls are on the floor? I know it sucks to come to the club and see a million girls messing around together and ignoring the customers. But, if slow, that's how it goes, in some places. Even if you and 1 others dude had 500 to drop, each, if there are 13 other men, who are freeloaders in the room, the girls aren't going to try. Even if they did, 1000 isnt going to go very far amount 20 dancers. That money will probably go to 2 dancers. The first girl you dance with, will probably lay claim to you and the other ladies will probably stay away, depending on who that initial gal is. I watch the girls that really hustle. If they are getting shut down, I don't try, at all. I've been dancing for a long time. The job works best for me, if I get there early so I can pay the cheaper stage fee. Then, take it easy, eat dinner, have a drink with the girls and get chatty and silly. Then, when the real crowd comes in, I out on my happy face, have fun and make money. Like I said, if I've already dealt with 10 rude, broke creeps and worked my butt off to make $80, I'm going to feel burnt out, when the crowd gets there. For 7 years, I worked 6 nights a week. This is how I learned to survive and keep my job enjoyable. Nothing worse than a miserable stripper. I do everything I can to never let a customer see me grumpy or disengaged. I'm not perfect, but I do my best. So, if my stratagy makes me a bitch, well, I don't really get that. I like my job. My boss loves me becuase I'm consistent and dependable. I have piles of regulars who adore me and I really like most if them, too (not sexually, of course). I'm able to put my self though school without a single student loan. I get to practice my nursing skills out on the dancers who don't have medical insurance... Kinda got off track somewhere. I need to go to bed. Point is, this works for me, but I'm sad if that upsets you and other customers. I just don't see why I'm a bitch just because I only work at night when it's profitable. I'm an independent contracter, so that's allowed. I don't really understand why girls in the dressing room offend you, so I might be answering this all wrong, but I don't think you should take it personally. For me, I can do a mediocre job all night, or be on fire for a few hours when it's busy. I'm not sure why anyone would talk that as an insult. But, like I said. I don't have the whole story and don't know your point of view. A few posts on here, have shown me things that bother people, that I never would have thought of. I like hearing you guys points of view. I don't agreevw ith them all, but I like to hear about what u guys thing. I always complain that so many guys seem to come to the club to mope. It's good for me to be able to see another side. So thanks. Also, thanks for the kind words, a few posts above your last one. Really appreciate that. And in response to that post, yes, aside from a few crazies, most of the girls like to help and groom the new ones, after it's been confirmed that the newbies arent awful or anything. There are selfish and selfless reasons for this. Selflessly, they remember what happened to them when they started and want to save the newbie from a similar fate. They also want friends. Another hot stripper to get into the club with! They also want the club to run smoothly. Normally, it's the dancers responsibility to tell the new girl the rules. The club delegates this to us. Selfishly, the girls like to orientate the girls so they have an opportunity to show newbie who the regulars are and inform newbie that she will get knocked out, if she talks to said regular. The girls all tall the new ones that they will get shot, fired, tossed in jail and become infected with syphilis, if so much as expose a nipple/lip/butt crack or whatever isn't technically allowed at that club. Girls don't want more compettition. That's where is starts, but it does on to advice about certain customers,, best shifts, what color to dye her hair, new clothes she should wear. When she doesn't have them, sometimes they are donated from another dancer who wants to be her friend, either because shes cool, or because the girl knows that' if they are friends, new girl won't touch her customer or because new girl is smoking and the other girl wants to hustle doubles with her. So it's not always selfless. It can be selfish. But, I love the girls. Never met a stripper I didn't love. They have the best stories and many of them are just amazing survivors. They appciate the things I do for them, deeply. They are sexy and independent. Love strippers. But, I don't have to deal with them, like you do. If they were after my paycheck, always lying and playing games, I might wanna shake them really hard. I gotta go to bed. It's light outside. I'm deleruos. Thanks again jerickson! I think we'd have some good chats, if we ever ran into each other, at the club!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Web cam fantasies..
    It's a tough call, mmdv. Last night this guy was doing the craziest stuff. I didn't have to get naked. I had to was a load towels and pretend my hair got stock in the machine, and that I guess, was supposed to make me twirl in circles, while I cried about my hair being damaged. This was all directed by this guy. After that, the towels were tossed into the dryer. I had to sit on the dryer and pretend the vibrations were getting me off. This is the weirdest part. Once the towels were dry, I had to sit on the floor abs fold the towels, using only my feet. I had to restyle my hair and put red lipstick on, to do this. The whole time I was thinking, is this guy for real or is he just trying to make a fool out of me? I think he was for real, since he spent so much money. 400 is substancial for me, on a cam site, When you are talking about rejection. Are u talking about a girl booting a customer out of a room or when a customer denies a a show or tip, to a dancers?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Brilliant Idea
    Motörhead--hmm, so if we have sex you'll die faster? Hmmm. Still pretty uncomfortable with the sex. What if I Dutch Ruddered you?! I could totally Dutch Rudder you to death! It might take a little longer than death by sex, but I will really work that arm, baby. : ) Not to Alcuard- this, like my other post, is a joke. So you can skip the whole thing where you tell me that no one is going to give me a million dollars for a lousy, no contact hand job. I'm joking. Sometimes ladies make jokes. Jokes are things you don't take seriously. They are just for fun. Do you know what fun is, honey? Also, if you don't know what a Dutch rudder is, watch Zack and Miri make a porno.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how b
    Thanks doug. I'm sorry if I broke a rule or whatever, but he's just been such a little bitch! I though people might want to know what the conversation was that lead him to leave so many nasty messages about me. Anyone can look at the PM and see that I was not talking about Alcred, or whatever his name is. Just like my other posts. When I talk about customer behaviors, I'm not specifically talking about anyone--just generalizing the whole strip club population together. Also, doesn't seem like many folks here have a sense of humor, here. A lot of dudes take this shit very seriously. That's cool. Just reallly surprises me. Anything can be fun. A forum, a strip club... But if you are always looking for reasons to be miserable... If your so jaded that you've givin up on women and life and maybe yourself, even, well that's your problem. I just can't imagine getting so upset regarding anything that happens on an online stripper forum. Have some fun! I'm yet to see a single positive thread. Every thread is like, "why are strip clubs getting so lame." and "some girl ripped me off and now I think all women are money grubbing whores," "Do you get annoyed like I do, when strippers want your gum?". I'm not talking ship about any of these posts. They are all valid and I have no problem discussing them. But, I would LOVE to see a positive thread! Something about your best night, ever in the SC. Or which hot celebrities would be worth dropping a grand on, for a LD. This place needs to cheer up and take it's stick out of it's booty hole. I think some of these guys just hate ladies. They like them at strip clubs abecauses they can talk down to them and feel superior--something real women do to them, outside the club. Again. Talking about general attitudes. Not talking about anyone in particular. And, buy the way. I don't dislike anyone here. I like a lot of the people here. I've had some fun with a few cool guys over the PM thing (none of those will be posted, btw. I learned that's poor etiquette or something.). I've also enjoyed a lot of the posts. II don't even dislike Alligard, or whatever. Feel bad for the guy, but I don't have bad feelings. Anyway--thanks Doug! Appreciate the support. And I've really liked your posts. Seems like we think alike!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    Dandy! I'm glad you can see what's really going on there. A lot of people can't, I guess. Did you look at any of the links? Girls with pimps are started in the game, at an average age of 12-14. They are pampered at first, then terrorized, until they are so broken, their pimps can trust them to always get the money and be loyal to them. The girl I spoke of, who got her face smashed through the glass table was 11 when she was recuited by her pimp's recuiter. At 16, she tried to run away. She went home and the pimp + his bros, came to her house (these guys always keep records on the girls and their family'/friends, etc) and held a machine gun to her mom head, as her mom was holding my friends baby sister. My friend begged them to stop. She promised to bring the, 30 grand a month, for eternity. After that, she never even though of leaving. When I met her, she was 19. I offered her money. I offered her a place to stay and eat, for free, at my place. I offered to drive her to my parents ranch in TX, where she would be hard to find. She was so messed up, by then. She had PTSD, so bad she could only sleep 20 min in a row. Then she had to listen to find out who was in the house to see if there was anyone there who might rape her. After that, she's sleep 20 more min. This went on all night. She was just broken emotional. She stopped thinking rationally. Another thing her pimp did was to force her to deliver some cocaine for him. He called the cops himself and she was arrests. The guy posted bail and mad another of his girls sign for it. After that , he kept her locked up for 6 months, in the basement and let 8-12 guys sleep with her every night. She missed court. I think this is a big reason why she has never called the police to get away. She doesn't want to go to jail. Her pimp and his friends told her crazy shit about jail, that isnt true. But she's uneducated. She dropped out of shchool in the 5th grade, becuse her pimp convinved her to. Plus, they say that trama stalts emotional, even intellectual gowth. When we hung out. We colored in coloring books, together and she'd tell me how much she loves Belle from Beauty and the Beast. This girl has the mind of an 11 year old. She believes the things her pimps sat. She believes that she can't make it on her own. She believes that she will be anally raped by the guards, before she gets any food, each day. She believes here pimp has her best interest. She's a little girl, abused and terrified of life in the world described by her tormentors and she's terrified for the safety of her mom and her sisters. I think you can see, that it's a lot more complicated than just leaving.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how b
    Doing that. Not going that. Ambien.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how b
    Wow. You guys are serious, about this shit! Are you really not allowed to post PM messages? I'm very new to this stuff. Doesn't make since that some guy can call me every name in the book, all over the forum and I can't post the reason why he's going that... But, if I did something illegal, I'm sorry.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    kittycuntkattty ?
    Also, I think I like kittycunt better than kittycuntkatty. Drop the Katty, at the end. Kittycunt, has a better flow, I think.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    kittycuntkattty ?
    Oh juicy... I'm sad. I think your one of the cool guys here, with your white, ghetto talk and general offensiveness. I think sarcasm is sexy. I'm new here.. New to the obsene conversations. The profanity. The constant attack on whoevere. Im not irritated by it. But, when i see that going on, unfiltered, I assume it's cool to post a PM, especially when someone had verbally attaked me, unprovoked, many time before this post. Dont dish it if you cant take it. It wasnt like i posted his address or something. I just posted him acting like a man child with a huge hip on his shoulder, always looking for a problem. I've seen others, in the 2 days I've been here, say the same stuff about him. I really do feel sorry for him. Life can't be great with that kind of attitude... Maybe hes mad because he's not proud of what he said. This is my first online forum thing besides stripperweb. And I hArdly every us that one. Probably won't use this one much longer, either. I'm not usually into this stuff. But, I had had knee surgery on Tues, so I have some cabin fever. Been in bed for almost a week... It was good timing because I'm taking a crazy scary test on Wed, but I can only study so much. So I've been breaking up my time by stopping by here. Sorry. Rambling again.. Ambien.. Anyway, sorry if I broke a rule. Don't feel bad if ya gotta boot me. I really could less. Although I did meet quite few really cool guys who gave me some really good ideas to mix it up, at work! Dont worry, i won't be posting PMs anymore, now that I know it's bad...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting paid to marry a stripper
    If this is a fake, business marriage and she's paying u--why would u get to sleep with her? I'm sure if sex was involved, the payment would go the other way around....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mind Fuck
    My work is just that, work. A LD, to me, is just like answering a phone or flipping a burger. I don't go to work to make friends, have sexual needs satisfied or anything but collect a paycheck, as cleanly and wish as little drama as possible. I don't care what you look like. Most of the time, older guys are more respectful and more pleasant to be around than the younger frat boys, so I gravitate towards the older gentlemen. What I like in a customer only has to with his demeanor. I like someone respectly, who asked before touching, who pays for my time without whining and respects my life and privacy outside the club. Guys in their 20s are often incapable. I'm not saying you are incapable, Alucard so don't freak out! Or anyone else for that matter.. Just in general. Olde regulars are the best. Most of them are married. We can have real conversations about out lives. Guys in their 20s get al butt hurt if I talk about the great sex I had the night before or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    chicken soup, stripper poles and godamn cooking oil ?
    Canola oil is good if u wanna make some little juicebox juniors! Fertility specialist say not to use water based lub if u wanna reproduce because it inhibits speamies from swimming around. That say canola oil really gives some strength to you swimmers! Plus, canola oil breaks down latex!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Public apology to Alucard--I want to publically announce that I don't know how b
    I'm imagining someone yelling at me, calling me Kittykate. Kinda funny. I really wasnt talking about you, in my story! I feel bad for you. I think people have shit on you, so much, you think eveyones an enemy. Who cares what I think, what anyone thinks here. This place, like strip clubs, is not real life. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you do, you'll feel dumb when you die.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Web cam fantasies..
    I do want your money without having to touch you!!! : )
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Libido decline.
    When I starts dancing, dancing wasn't as main stream. I'm 29. Started when I was 18. (Luckily for me, us Asian gals age well...). Anyway. When I started, the girls who danced wanted to dance. They loved to dress up and be the center of attention. They were all sex freaks who just loved the job. Now it's girls who are HUNGRY. Like literally. Girls with lots of babies and going throw some tough shit. Girls with men who got laid off. Girls who had houses foreclosed on them and are living in parents basements. Girls that feel they have to dance, but don't want to. I miss it, they way it was when I started, when the girls were entertainers and liked the work. I blame Bush for the decline of the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    http://www.polarisproject.org/human-trafficking/sex-trafficking-in-the-us/hostessstrip-clubs http://www.atg.wa.gov/HumanTrafficking/SexTrafficking.aspx http://www.childrenofthenight.org/faq.html http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/20/u-s-midwest-in-crosshairs-of-child-sex-trafficking-fight/
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you like to pay for VIP?
    Still, if its so easy to get cheap dances, then I really wouldn't care if those individual customers came back. Sounds like at this imaginary club u made up (that doesn't exist) it's easy to get dances, all night long. I don't care about anyone who pays 10-40, even if there is a room full of people doing the same. Especially if there's a room full of people doing the same. Ur situation sounds great for me--bad for u. I still would only give special attention to guys who are springing for a larger wad of cash, at once. I do not care if u spent $30 and might come back on payday and spend $20 more.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    I've never done a single extra. Make great $. Never had a legal issue. Also never felt like worn out crab meat. The girls who do extras get burned out. They make good money for awhile, then that have to take pills to get through the night and start hating themselves. If u want to last in the game, u got know where ur line is and never do anything u don't want to, for $. I'm 29 now. Started when I was 18 (although u wasn't full time for a couple more years). I make the same money then, as I do now. Recession and all. Very few girls make it this long and if they do, their money crashes when they burn out from letting creeps that don't deserve to talk to them, use them up and toss them out. If u wanna do extras, do it. Everyone will find out and girls will be horrible to u, so be ready for that. But, to each their own.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you like to pay for VIP?
    In all the clubs I've worked at. Ok not all but almost all, the mileage is a lot higher in rooms that go by time blocks than by the dance. I don't ever put the same effort into a 10 dance than I do into a 150+ room. I don't really care if I guy comes back to spend 10-40 bucks. I will try to get a guy to come back who spends 150+.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    chicken soup, stripper poles and godamn cooking oil ?
    Just don't put anything sweet up there. Yeast grows on sugar, u know...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying LD
    I'd never keep my cell phone on the floor. But the music thing--just during the dance--not while we are chatting, obviously, doesn't seem that terrible. Our dance area has very bad, quiet music. I think I'm going to try the music headphones (did not get the longhorn analogy). But, ill ask custie if its cool with him and give him a set of earphones too (I'll get a splitter on my shuffle). So many of the custies have told me that is awkward to get a LD in a room where u can hear everyone breathing. Music is a big deal to mr and affects the way I move. I really think some good tunes would enhance the experience for everyone. Only while we are dancing. I'd never wear headphones at a table. I just (still) don't see why it's such a crime during a dance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    U are right, no one needs or wants a fucking pimp. I really can't believe I have to explain this. Go watch msnbc. Every night it seems like they have a new special. Anyway. Most if these pumps find these girls when they are young, make them fall in love, even though they do the sand thing to 10 other girls in the same house, at the same time, whore them out, beat them and control every aspect of their lives. They threaten to kill them if they leave. They threaten and do beat their family members, if the girls even have them. And they pimp them, like this for years. If the girl is in ok shape, by some miracle, they are put into the clubs at 18. These girls are terrified, broken, broke, abused, uneducated people. They can't just say, "later pimp, I'm going to go start my own thing now." They'd be beaten or killed. Happens everyday. This is not consensual. They only way out is to get arrested for a long time or to get so strung out that they are worthless. The girls are totally controlled by violence and drugs. Drugs they were held down and injected with. If u think its easy to walk away from a situation like this, than u are either really dumb or have led a very blessed life.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Jerki That was the first advice I got when I started dancing--stay on the floor, be nice to the assholes. Just because some dancers give up and get lazy, that doesn't mean they are retarded. We all know there's no money in the dressing room. We have bosses that yell at us, night after night for sitting in the dressing room. I spend a lot of time there, myself. And I get yelled at. And I know I should probably go talk to someone. But most of the time I stay in there. After so many years of this, I can ID a cheap crowd from a mile away. I'd rather hang with the girls, find out who's fucking who and watch the young ones who are always making out with each other or doing something else that's ridiculous and stay in a good mood. At 11:30, when the cash has arrived, I'll go out to the floor and play. If u can make more than what I need between 11:30 and 2, why not? If I beg for dances from a bunch of cheapies, I'll be cranky by 1130 and have a bad night. While its slow, a few girls will go out to make boss happy. That will come back to report if its worth it. And we all know which girls to trust. You said if we don't want to do the job, we shouldn't work. But, if I'm doing my job for part if the night, making $ that I'm very happy with, than why would I quit. What I don't understand is why u go to the club? It sounds like its often a terrible experience for u.