
Libido decline.

My last few trips to SC havens have been very unsatisfactory. Save for two or three spinners in various clubs around town, most of the dancers really don't inspire that "gotta get dance from her" reaction.

I rarely ever tip dancers on stage anymore (other than the few I mentioned above). And some dancers who were in my ATF corral no longer do it for me. It doesn't help that overall talent has plummeted in recent years. But even some dancers I still think are hot don't propel me to spend money on dances (I have very good disposable income, so its not strictly about money).

For me, it seems the allure of SCs has started to wane off.


  • gsv
    12 years ago
    So, are the girls just not hot enough, or do you actually have problems with libido?

    You could try taking Zinc supplements.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Find something else to do.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    There are many, many, many reasons why you might be losing interest, and only you can figure out why.

    Maybe you're stressed, or not getting enough sleep, or taking some medication, or depressed, or suffering from low testosterone, or a whole bunch of other stuff. Yeah, you could try taking all kinds of supplements that have never been proven to do any good whatsoever, or you could try to figure out what the real cause is and deal with it.

    Or maybe you're just growing out of clubs and getting different interests. Which could be a good thing.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    If you are looking for BBBJCIMWS in clubs VH_KICKS and are only getting a dry hump, WELL you are in the WRONG clubs son! Expand your horizons.

    But to each his own.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I'm with drac baby
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Like anything else I would say you need to take a break. Don't go for awhile and see if anything changes.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I understand what nickifree's saying. I had the same thing happen with Asian Massage Parlors. They were the bomb at one time, but after a while, I sort of lost interest and haven't' been back for years.

    Unless I find a far better strip club experience than what I've recently been getting, I think my SC days will be growing fewer in number. It's mostly due to the irritations I have to endure every time - the loud rap/R&B, uncomfortable chairs, tatted girls, the hustle, surly/rowdy patrons, shot girl pressure, and stressful hit-or-miss VIPs.

    I tell ya, if any club were to deal with these issues, they'd get my business in a heartbeat from places like Follies. I go for the few girls who warrant my attention, and I simply put up with the rest because there's nothing better.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I agree with jester.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    I concur. I have reported that I'm mongering less, and mostly that's due to changes in my psychology, career, pharmacology, etc.. So, I don't want to claim that 100% of my disappointment with strip clubs recently is that strip clubs have been 100% disappointing recently. But actually, it is true: strip clubs have been getting more and more disappointing, in and of themselves.

    I think a little portion of the fact that I'm mongering less, is that I'm simply finding fewer valid opportunities for valid cost. (I can't define what "valid" means in the previous sentence, by the way, but I know it when I see it.)

    Why are clubs less wonderful? The girls seem less beautiful. The drinks have less alcohol but cost more. The lapper experience is less alluring. The opportunity for pay-for-play is extremely unreasonably expensive, and also less enjoyable, and more of a clinical get-to-the-finish experience, than ever before. The buildings are dingy and in unsafe neighborhoods and the whole underside-of-the-city thing is just no longer enticing. It's all on a downhill slope. Where are the super-hot impressionable young thangs of 2003 or 1993, the girlies who needed just a little encouragement to get talked into blowjobs in the back rooms, or fucks in the pickup truck, because they were just thrilled with the idea of breaking the rules and having their nearly-under-age titties fondled? Where, similarly, are the experienced old-expert yoga-instructor-body ladies who could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, named Dallas and Houston and Austin and Texas, and their abs-muscles that you could grate cheese on? Where are they gone?

    I think a lot of it is that stripping has become so "mainstream" in North American culture that it has to some extent the McDonald's of adult entertainment. It's all dime-a-dozen minimum-common-denominator experiences now. Everybody has a gimmick, thought up by a half-wit with a middle-school education. Every girl who dances already "knows what men want" and just goes for the jugular, in terms of making you finish, or making you think she'll make you finish, with whatever aggressive mercenary attitude that she thinks will drain your wallet the fastest.

    Another part of it may indeed be, that sex isn't forbidden any more. In my generation, if a 22-year-old hot female were stripping, it was likely a reasonable guess that she had been regularly sexually active for four to six years, at the most, although she might have had an odd (or negative) experience earlier, and generally it was with a boyfriend or at least a "hook up" dude whom she thought of as "hot" or in some other way desirable. Her high school sexual experiences were within relationships. Now, the 22-year-olds have been at it for a decade, and they've been at it with anyone who asked, as long as he had a car. I guess in some respects it's good that females now will consent to have more sex whenever they think it will be fun. But in other respects it takes away the titillation. They all seem rather vulgar, low-brow, declasse, to me now.

    Strip clubs have become the late-night television advertisement for your town's local electronics-giant warehouse store. Very bright lights, a little too loud, get what you pay for, not get anything more, not get anything related or ancillary or attendant, and boy the sales people are inarticulate!
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    I have long lamented the continuing decline in quality control, but I have not given up--yet.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Read my reviews Son. Do your research. Then PM.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I agree that the LOUD Rap music is something I can do without, ESPECIALLY on the afternoon shift. Right now I just mentally shut it out.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I guess there's an element that enjoys that music, but how some of these places can think that element is in the club during the afternoons is beyond me.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Try dipping your dick in hot cooking oil
  • kittykate
    12 years ago
    When I starts dancing, dancing wasn't as main stream. I'm 29. Started when I was 18. (Luckily for me, us Asian gals age well...). Anyway. When I started, the girls who danced wanted to dance. They loved to dress up and be the center of attention. They were all sex freaks who just loved the job. Now it's girls who are HUNGRY. Like literally. Girls with lots of babies and going throw some tough shit. Girls with men who got laid off. Girls who had houses foreclosed on them and are living in parents basements. Girls that feel they have to dance, but don't want to. I miss it, they way it was when I started, when the girls were entertainers and liked the work. I blame Bush for the decline of the strip clubs.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Seems like I'm the only one fiending to go to the club. perhaps its the lack of club venturing since summer ended and school began that made me hungry for the grinding. Or just hearing everyone else's exploits made me want to get a ld
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