
Comments by kittykate (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Web cam fantasies..
    Yeah, I guess that makes sense, Doug. Although there's gotta be a few of you with cash for both, I hope. Plus, if you know anything about web cam, you know 90% of those customers are the cheapest dudes on earth. They'll sit in a girls room for hours, waiting for some other dude to tip, so they can see a nipple. Sorry Juice! I don't like the little ones!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    refusing a LP
    There is nothing a stripper hates to hear more is "maybe later." 80% of guys who say it, mean to say "no." But 20% of those guys really want you to come back later and some of them will get pissed if you don't. Every stripper I've ever met, HATES the "maybe later," with fervent passion. The only thing I can think of that's worse is "I have no money." Dude! Then why did you come to the club? To stare my tits on stage and not tip, not buy a drink. Only assholes come to stripclubs with no money, expecting a free show. The best thing you can say is "No thank you." Your not stringing her along. Your not going to waste her time later, if she feels obligated to come back. Your not going to annoy her. We love a simple no thank you. Some above stated that he added "But, thanks for coming buy." That dude is a gentlemen and know exactly how to handle such a situation. There are lots of things to say. Just don't say "Maybe later," or "I have no $" (I'm sorry to the guy who liked both of these. Your cool. Lots of guys say these thing, so your not alone. The reason that dancers hate these 2 statements is because they both are rude, in our minds and we hear them all the time). Don't say "only if I can touch your pussy," or "I'm waiting for that hot girl," either.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far apart are your favorite dancer's nipples?
    That is a really bizarre way to measure beauty! I'd measure mine, but I'm too lazy. That would require me getting out of my bed. All I know about nipples is that I like the smaller brown ones that aren't super flat. I think this is because I like natural boobs and little nipples make boobs look bigger.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    I just took some ambien. Feel lucky that I even included periods. : ) But yeah, wow. I do see what you mean Doug!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    I agree with you, for the most part, electo! Your right about the tip, in most contexts. I think strip clubs tips are a little different from a Denny's tip... It's one thing if you stiff me on breakfast. It's a little more of a smack when you still me after I've rubbed my boobs all over your cheesy smelling crotch... Just a little different. Your right about negotiating things in advance. I definitely always clearly state the minimum tip, before the dance, even though it's also listed on the wall. (That's what I mean. It's different from Denny's. Denny's doesn't have a mandatory tip, writing on the wall, nor does Denny's have a large black man that will toss you out for not tipping...) I also usually collect the tip right when it's been negotiated, too. Some guys whine about that, but if you just agreed to the terms, whats the problem? Most girls collect upfront at my club. our bosses get mad when we don't. If the guy runs out, we are not just out of our tip. We also have to pay the club back for the time/room and tip everyone out, like we did that dance. So, if anyone's reading this, who gets mad about paying up front, it's not so bad. Sometimes I do wait till the end, if the guy is really acting like a baby. Once I offerent to let an extremely irritating man-child hold my shoes as collateral. It was hilarous. He held those heels so tight in his little fists! He held those shoes over his head, to give me access to him, without the shoes getting in the way! It's irnoinc because the guys who are most concerned about "getting their money's worth," always end up getting the worse dances. When a guy won't pay upfront, for example, I'm not focused on the dance. I'm irritated and planning my next move if he tried to stiff me. The guys that just do what they say they are going to and have the balls not to obsess about the payment, end up having a lot more fun. I'm not being vindictive, but it's just way easier and more natural to give a great dance for someone you have some respect for. Same thing with guys that are too agressive when it comes to touching. I spend the whole dance watching where those finders are headed and batting hands away from certain areas of my body. I can't relaze and do my thing. I like to give lapdances. I hate it when I have to babysit rule breakers during a dance. I like to do a slow, sexy, close dance. I like to do the flipping move, where I'm laying accorss your body, face up, with my hands supporting my weight on the floor. My butt will rest on your chest. I start with my legs oepned up in the splits, then wrap my legs around your neck. Then I pull u down to me, with my legs and kiss your neck. (Yes, I'm very flexible.) Finally, I'll flip 180 degrees and end up between your legs, grinding on you, with my chest. It's a good move! But it's impossible with a grabby dude that you can't trust. When my hands are on the ground, I can't do much, if you decide to dive into my pussy or something. Another example of guys that don't get what they want and have no one to blame but themselves! I'm ranting. I took Ambien, but can't sleep. I'm sorry if you guys are sick of my long, crazy posts! I get really chatty and silly when I take this stuff. Unfortunately, it takes a long time for me to get sleepy... In closing, I would only blow up a dudes house after I clearly stated how my tip works and then he threw me 5 bucks.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    Before anyone jumps on me, I know I'm a hypocrite. Also, I don't judge anyone for going to the club. I really don't. I have no authority to tell anyone what their moral code should be. And I'm not saying that most dancer have pimps. Thankfully, it's a very small population of us. But it does happen sometimes and when it does it's the most disturbing, heartbreaking aspect of my job. It makes me question all kinds of things. I'm not saying that strip clubs need to be shut down or that guys are supporting pimps by buying dances or anything like that. I do think that this is an issue that needs to be acknowledged. I'm surprised that there are so many posters here that seem to believe that strippers ALWAYS dance consensually. But, I guess, when I started dancing, I had no idea that these things were happening. 4 years ago, I met this girl who really seemed crazy and shut down. She would hustle like her life depended on it, every night. She didn't have a drug problem or kids.. I couldn't figure it out. She would lose her shit if she made under a grand. Out of the blue, she called me one night for a ride. I picked her up behind a gas station. Her pimp had shoved her face through a glass coffee table for buying a sandwich at work. (She's not allowed to spend money, ever. If she needs food, tampons, anything, she has to get it though the pimp.) As I cleaned her cuts and pulled pieces of glass out of her body, I realized that she had burns in all kinds of weird places, like the bottoms of her feet and below her bikini line. All places that didn't show at the club. Her pimp wanted to abuse her, but not to the point that she couldn't make money for him. She told me that she used to be in love and that this guy used to treat her like something precious. He'd always had other girls, but treated her the best and promised to be with her after he'd made enough money to take care of her, forever. Now, she said she was just too scared to leave. Even though she denied it, it was clear that she still have feeling for this evil piece of shit. It's a long sad story that gets worse. But after that, I just developed an eye for girls like her. Even though they are few and far between, for the most part, even one girl forced into stripping/slavery/sex work is one WAY too many.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    Didn't read all this--just the post above. There are girls at the club, who are being forced to work there. Not just in the cities. In the little, white bred towns, too. It's not the majority of the girls, but way more ladies than you would think, have pimps. That's my biggest moral issue with this business. People have told me that I should feel bad because there are so many guys who lie to their wives and take money away from their kids at strip clubs. I kinda feel like that's going to happen, no matter what. I don't know why, but that doesn't bother me like the pimping issue does. I work with 3 girls, right now who all have the same pimp. I watch them physically shake when they've had a bad night and then come back the next day with bruises and burns. Once I gave one of the girls some of my cash. Just stuffed it in her bag, so I wouldn't have to put her on the stop or let her know I knew her secret. I'm such an idiot. I don't know what happened for sure. I guessing that her pimp found it before she did. She came back to work the next day limping, looking half dead. I still want to die when I think about that. There are always going to be pimps and hoes, I guess, even without strip clubs. But watching these girls suffer breaks my heart. I know this is extremely hypocritical (and just to be clear, I'm not judging anyone), but I don't know if I could support a strip club, as a customer. I think about that, sometimes. I guess I can't really answer my question, since I'm a chick who has absolutely no desire to have a stranger grind on me. But sometimes I really get mad at the clubs, because they know what's happening. They know that these girls are getting beaten by pimps after having every penny taken from them. Half the times the pimps are in the clubs, collecting their cash as it comes in. As a customer, you wouldn't know it, in some clubs. It's not something even the girls usually talk about. The actual victims never talk about it. They are instructed on how to act and they take their instruction very seriously. The pimp thing is so weird to me. Just like a normal abusive relationship, many of the girls think they are in love with their pimps. They call them daddy and really believe they can't make it without them. Anyway. It's sad and it happens more and more these days. I've been a circuit dancer for years, all over the country. It really does happen almost everywhere. Maybe not in every club, but in every area of the country. Last time I danced in NYC I worked with some girls that were straight up trafficked slaves. It's a nightmare. It's the ugliest thing in the world.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Brilliant Idea
    How old are u? If the policy isn't reversible and you are at least 109, I'd consider your proposal. Except for the sex part.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sugar mommas
    I can't deal with the swinger regulars. Women are SO grabby. And dancing for chicks makes me uncomfortable anyway. I know lots of my stripper sisters love to dance for chicks. But, it's just not my thing. I get self conscious and worry that I smell bad. It's all I can think about. The other big reason I can't stand swinger regulars is because the girl things she can go anything, because she's a girl, then the guy things he can do whatever because he sees the girl grabbing everywhere! They are always SO liberal about sex and are always genuinely confused when I don't want to go home with them, even if they are both in their late fifty's and wasted on ecstasy. Have had a lot of bad experiences with this. But, some dancers are into it. And that's great because then I have someone to introduce all my creepy couples to, at the end of the night.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    $ out weighs being a jerk... true story
    Right. That's exactly why girls strip. To get their emotional needs meet. That's why I do it. Has nothing to do with money. Just really need a bunch of perverts to meet my emotional needs because they are so good at doing that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Thanks Vikings! You got it. I wasn't talking about taking a dump on you and insulting your mama. I just meant that I can't ever give you the attention and physical affection that most guys want. If I did, I'd be out of a job. I've had a lot of regulars over the years. Once they realize that I'm never going to sleep with them, meet their families, or run away with them, they go away. They usually throw a fit, call me a money grubbing hoe bag, then go away. But it's the nature of the business to leave guys wanted more. If I had slept with any of those regulars, I would have lost them sooner. Who's going to pay for pussy they can get for free and have it be "real." Yuck. Anyway, form an economical standpoint, it's my responsibility to leave a customer unsatisfied. (I'm not saying miserable and abused. I'm just saying that I'm never going to sleep with them, hang with them, tell them my name, be a real person in their lives.) My responsibility it to the club. I worked at McDonalds when I was 14. My responsibility was to make a profit for Ronald, not to give the customers fulfilling, healthy meals. If you can't understand, still, read Vikings post. Far more concise.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    It's just a big mess. Honestly it's worth the $40. I don't know how that lady does it, but she makes my hair look normal! And I know my stage fees are pretty high, but I guarantee that the girl this dudes complaining about did not get to keep that $60. Maybe half of it, if she's lucky. Dancers don't get to dance without paying the club, anywhere anymore. I work in a nice place now, but I've worked at some serious truck stop dives, as well. The whole reason people open strip clubs is to make money from dances, not to give strippers a nice place to make a living. When he said that he already paid her, he really hadn't. He'd paid for the time, not for the girl. But, if she didn't make that clear, I guess that sucks. Still, I think most guys know how this works...?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is some of that "Human Trafficing" that we have been hearing about. LOL.
    How is this related to trafficking? Did those little girls have pimps or were they just entrepreneurs?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying LD
    Not to hijack the post, but a lot of girls I work with do dance with earphones on, so they can listen to their own music. I haven't done this, because I'm disorganized. (It's not like I have pockets in my lingerie for my iPhone, so I'd have to buy a shuffle or something...) Anyway, that really pisses you guys off? Do you guys want to talk during a dance or does it make you mad for some other reason. If it's a good reason, I won't do it. But I kinda want to. My club plays awful music.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    I'm really long winded today.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    Sorry if I was rude. I don't think anything bad about anyone here or any of the other advice given. In general, I like almost all individual customers (aside from the guy I wrote about--I will hate that dude eternally). I really dislike groups of customers. And when your dancing, your not dealing with an individual. Even if you are in the back room, you are still dealing with the guy you had before and the guy who is waiting for you. You're always dealing with a huge mass of people and some of them are jerks. Others are whiny babies. Some are great. Some are vulgar. Some are sexy, while others are just disgusting. All of them have something nice about them, but that's impossible to focus on when your are dealing with everyone at once. So, while everyone is a beautiful, unique flower (except for the guy in my post) the overall group always sucks. Someone is always pouting. Someone is always complaining. Someone is always demanding the most unreasonable things. Then your regular comes in after some creep has left bite marks on your boob and you want to kill someone. Your regular can tell something is wrong, immediately thinks you don't like him anymore and runs off to a girl that he knows you dislike. There's never enough time to make everyone happy. Which means that a lot of people are going to lash out at you. Just from wandering around this site, for the last couple hours, it's clear that a lot of guys are really bitter towards dancers and their jobs. We have to take your money. It is our job. It's not our job to make you happy. Even if we wanted to (and sometimes we do) the business it not set up that way. I've had SO many regulars tell me that they would never be satisfied until we fucked, hung out outside the club, dated, etc... If I did any of those things, I'd be out of a job. My job is dependent on the premise that the customers will be left unsatisfied, so that they'll come back. So that's what I mean when it's out job to take your money and leave you unhappy. It is out job to pay our fees and make the clubs happy. We also have to pay our bills and take care of our families. Lots of guys do treat dancers with respect. But if the other half of the room is just consumed with "getting their money's worth," we are not having the time of our lives. A lot of guys come to the club just looking for a reason to be miserable or feel short changed. (I'm not saying that anyone here is like that.) It's easy for the customers just to see how I'm acting. They can never see how the room is treating me. I'm pretty tough, but I'm still a girl and we are emotional beings. Anyway, all I wanted to say is that there are a lot of things to learn to be successful as a dancer. It's totally valid to listen to the customers. This site is a great place for that. The reason most dancers succeed is because they've talked to so many customers, they've learned to read them really well. You gotta know what people want before you can sell it. But, you also have to talk to fellow salesmen to decide how to sell it, much to sell it for, when it's time to take the merchandise off the shelf.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    You guys do realize that most dancers give at least half their money back to the club. The VIPS at my club cost $65. The min tip is $150. Anything less than that 150 is a huge slap in the face. Of that 150, I tip out 40, so I make 120 on a dance that costs 215. On top of that, I have an $85 dollar house fee that I have to pay at the end of the night. And because I look like a hot mess, when I do my own hair, my club requires me to pay the club hairsylist another $40, per shift. There are girls at my club who go home $100 in the whole, at least once a week. If someone paid my club for a room (Which does requires me to spend 20 min in the room with the dude, although I don't have to dance. If he don't tip, I can just call him names for 20 min.) than threw me 5 bucks, I'd blow up his house. : )
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Oh Sweetie... Just give her the gum/cigarette and don't worry about it. Don't sweat the small stuff, in life. Yeah, when I'm at the club, the girls are always borrowing my crap/stealing my gum. But when I'm sitting with a customer and he sees me smacking away, he asks too. (Which honestly is a little annoying, because I have to get up, go to the dressing room, where there will inevitably be pizza. Then I have to open my locker, get the gum, bring it to the guy, then go back to the dressing room to eat the pizza that I swore I wouldn't eat that night.) But that's life. Seriously, don't let it get you down!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    possibly ripped off
    As a dancer, I would never give change unless I was asked for it. Just being honest. But, if I were given $50 for a $20 dance, I would def assume it were a tip. And yeah, dancers expect tips. For every $20 dance I do, I give at least 10 of it back to the club. My club takes 7.50 for every dance, then my house mama and both bouncers each expect 1. So, for each dance I'm only getting 9.5 of that 20. Trust me, I expect a tip, unless I broke your dick/nose/something.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another brilliant idea
    I typed that wrong.. 2 thousand a year, is what I meant to say. 167 dollars a month.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another brilliant idea
    So, 2 grand a month for an all you can fuck, stripper pass? Hummm.. Sounds pretty cheap. Plus, you can't put drugs on a credit card. Other than that, flawless plan.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    I've been dancing for 9 years. I know this is an online forum and NO ONE has to take me seriously, but I just thought I'd try to help a fellow stripper out. I think I said that there was some good advice from other people here. Yeah, I agree with your points. Good not to rip folks off and be relatively clean. But, I do think those are small, small points in the big game. Those are the basics. If she really wants to make some cash, keep safe and drama free, she's going to need to talk to other dancers. You had some good points, jester! But, there's a lot more to it, from a female perspective!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, fl
    dancer preferences?
    This isn't the place to get good info, if you want to be successful at stripping. I'm not saying that anyone who posted above is wrong or that these guys don't have good ideas. But, you will get the best info from the other girls at the club where you work at. If your are a newbie, you will need to get on the ladies good side, first. If they think you are annoying, dirty or dislike you in anyway, they won't help you. So, be sweet, humble and don't drive them crazy. Don't ever ask them how much they make or ask to borrow their stuff. Once you've made some friends, it will be well worth it. The girls can teach you how to make money, regardless of what you look like. Honestly it doesn't matter, aside from your actual audition. Some of the homeliest dancers make the best money and have the most loyal regulars. The guys here can give you advice about their fantasies and what they would like to see, but no necessarily what your average strip club guy is going to pay for, night after night. To make money, you do need to have a good attitude, make people comfortable, be a good listener and carry yourself well. But, it's just as important to be able to identify the guys who will suck your time or disrespect you. You don't only need to learn what to give. It's more important to learn what to withhold. You also need to learn how to develop regulars who won't get crazy. They all have the same warning signs, for the most part. When I started dancing, I did had not learned this lesson. There was a guy there who spent piles of cash, but everyone avoided him. I stupidly felt bad for him, not realizing that a room full of recession strippers must be avoiding this dude for a good reason, and starting spending all my time with him, at work. For the first month, he made it worth my time. But, at the very beginning of month 2, he went nuts. He started calling my work line at 2 am with suicide threats and general insanity. He stopped tipping and buying dances. When I stopped sitting with him, he tried to blackmail me spread rumors about my around the club. He told other dudes there that I drugged him in the backroom and stole his credit cards and purchased a car. He told my boss that I was a prostitute. My boss tole me not to worry because he did this to the new girls on a regular basis. But with all the rumors flying around, I had trouble making money and eventually went to another club. Long story, but the point is it that you have to be smart. You will not succeed in this industry by doing everything you can to make customers happy. This isn't like working at the Olive Garden, where the customer is always right. In our industry the customer is rarely right. I'm not saying that there aren't some really nice guys that come to clubs. But, it's just impossible for them to understand what the job is like for us, even if they used to "date a stripper" of have "lots of stripper friends." It's hard for a man to understand what it takes out of us, to be in a room with a guy that we aren't attracted to and treat him like the man of our dreams for 20 min at a time, while he gropes us like a blow up doll. It's not always bad, but when it's bad, it's terrible. We earn that money. The average customer thinks that don't. They think that we should HAPPILY ignore their bad breathe, laugh at their stupid jokes, and have theatrical orgasms, while we grind on their pencil dicks for $20 bucks. And you probably know that it's not always like this. I've had some fun in the backrooms, with the sweetest, sexiest guys. I've made lots of great friends and met some amazing people over the years. But those events are rare. Pencil dicks are common. I don't dance to interact with the customers. I deal with the customers, because I love to dance, love the music, love the girls, love life that only exists once the suns gone down... Anyway, sorry for the rant, everyone. Just wanted to tell the poster to make some stripper friends and get advice from them. Stripperweb isn't terrible, but it's SLOW and can be pretty negative. Always listen to your customers, but don't get invested in their happiness. They'll never be happy, for the most part. Make yourself happy. Carry yourself with respect and be smart.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Right or wrong
    What kind of idiot really thinks that he can get 7 dances for $20. Obviously this guy was trying to rip off the dancer, so she def has a right to be pissed. Just because some strippers rip off customers doesn't make it ok for the customers to take advantage of the girls. Poor girl. Next time, I bet, she'll get that money upfront.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    $ out weighs being a jerk... true story
    Maybe I misunderstood something... But this post is about a guy who was rude, but the dancer still hung out because he was throwing out a few hundred dollar... Unless I'm confused, then I think it's clear that the dancer didn't hang out due to "bad boy" attractions or fear, but just to collect that money. I'd put up with some jerky banter for a couple hours for $300. I might feel a little cheap, if he were grabbing my butt or my friends butt.. But really, no dancing for enough money to cover my cell phone and Comcast bill for a month, would be worth it to me.