
Comments by schmoe31415 (page 3)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Reliably fun afternoons
    In my few visits, they've never had the TV across from the bar on, just the one behind the bar and the two on either side. Adding another big screen opposite the bar would definitely push things to be too bright. I guess I've been lucky so far.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Monday night visit
    Part of the high cover is the spiff paid to the cabbie. If you take the cab ride to Jerry's Nugget across the street instead, and then tell them that you walked over, you should get a $30 cover price instead (usually still including two drink tickets, though that's been less consistent for me).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Las Vegas visit mini-reviews
    The clubs are definitely high-priced. They're $30-$60 to get in. Water is $10-$12. Standard drinks are $20 (or more). You used to be able to get "standard" dances, for $20, but now that's not really possible either. You either have to pay for a VIP dance at $100-$150+ or floor dances are $30-$50. Chicas Bonitas is a bit of an exception, with $5 cover and more reasonable drink prices, but it's a dive. Palomino has more reasonable drink prices than the other places, but it's still $30 to get in and dances start at 3/$100. During Sunday-night football season, you can get into Sapphire, with two drinks, a ride and a meal, for $25. Post-game in the club the drinks have the usual sky-high prices, and lap dances are still pricey. If you just want to look and do a bit of fondling, fun can be had, but if you want something seriously sex-adjacent you either won't find it or will pay a fortune for it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great
    A few thoughts, from observation only since I haven't clubbed as a couple, so possibly I'm off-base. I haven't been to Tampa quite yet, so I don't have a specific club recommendation. Probably someone else here will, or you can go back through some of the reviews to see if any are more likely to be couple-friendly. Generally speaking, I think dancers sometimes avoid couples because either the woman isn't really interested in being there, so there's drama/tension in the couple, or the woman assumes that because she's female she can be excessively grabby (where "excessively" varies by club/dancer of course). The couples I've seen in clubs having a good time with dancers invariably have the woman taking the lead by tipping dancers at the stage. Even if you're not sitting stage-side, make sure you're the one that goes up and tosses some bills on dancers you like. Make it clear that you're interested and not just barely tolerating an experience your husband dragged you to. Dance locations vary enormously by club. I'd say many have the option for "floor" dances, where the dance takes place right where you're sitting in the main part of the club. Many also have a separate lap dance area. These are usually not private, but they aren't out in the middle of everything. A fair number have little booths that are semi-private - only visible by people coming to take a peek. If the club offers them, that's a decent middle-of-the-road option in terms of privacy. If you want actual privacy, you'll probably have to get a VIP dance, though note that some clubs have "VIP" dances that are still not private. You'll want to read reviews and/or ask the dancer to make sure you know what you're getting. What happens in VIP varies tremendously by venue and dancer. In some the only difference will be the private space. In some the dancers will get fully nude, where they don't for "regular" lap dances. In most the amount of physical intimacy goes up, with more touching allowed in both directions. In at least some the dancers provide everything up to actual sex. I don't know how much being a couple instead of a lone guy affects how much the dancers are likely to do at a given club. The VIP tables typically have a few benefits. The tables are usually reserved for however long you're there, so you can get up (for lap dances, restroom, whatever) without losing your seat. At a busy club, this can be really nice, since standing around because you both got up for a dance can be irritating. The tables usually come with some amount of booze and mixers. In addition to drinking yourselves, you can share with dancers, if so inclined. Getting the table also demonstrates to dancers there that you might have some money to spend, perhaps making it more likely for them to stop by. That said, the costs for these reservations are often quite high. You might be better off spending that on dancers, especially if you're not planning to drink very much and/or seating isn't an issue.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mediocre club, but some high mileage dances
    Sorry, hoosier, I don't remember the name of the Latina. Maybe?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good place to watch stages, quality of dancers/dances not as high as remembered
    I was posting reviews for Dancers and Brad's at (nearly) the same time and munged the title field. The "good place for stage viewing" title belongs on the review for Dancers. Brad's had decent performances, but the stage is hard to see from many places and I didn't intend that for the title of this review. Apologies.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good place to watch the stages, lower dancer/dance quality than remembered
    Sorry for what seemed like a duplicate submission. I was posting reviews for Dancers and Brad's at the same time and munged the title field of the two. The review text should be different on each. For what it's worth, Dancers is the one I intended to remark as "good place to watch the stages". Brad's has line-of-sight issues, so is not as good.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mediocre, but maybe you have to spring for the sex show
    Sorry; I was writing up my Portland club visits and just mistakenly wrote "Club Rouge" in my summary here. Just a typo/error on my part.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Better dances than I remember, but pricier too. Surprisingly good dinner.
    Not a club ad. If I could figure out how to get paid for my reviews, that would be fun. Sorry I had a decent time, I guess. If you want something slightly less positive, you can check my previous Treasures reviews, but I had better dances this time (and a good dinner). At Treasures, the non-dancer staff was all wearing masks, but no one else (dancer or patron) was. At Palomino, it was the same. At Chicas Bonitas, they had a mask-required policy on entry (even asked me if I had mine) and most patrons had them. However, usage wasn't strict, I didn't see any enforcement, and the dancers generally went without. That could all change in a moment depending on various changing mandates, of course. This was from last week (around 8/18). I wouldn't expect any of this to necessarily hold true next month.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mixed experience, but a reasonably good time
    I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I didn't think the neighborhood was "bad" as in unsafe. I walked there myself and didn't feel at all uncomfortable. It seemed perfectly safe. I just thought it was somewhat unpleasant with the highway and factory. My comment in that regard wasn't meant to imply anything more. As for the hit-and-run dancers, I don't mind if one stops by and fairly quickly asks for a dance before moving on. I didn't appreciate the apparent anger one dancer showed at being asked for a single dance. If she didn't want to do that, she should have just told me she only did the VIP dances and we both would have been happier.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A bit pricey, but gorgeous women and quality lap dances
    The regular lap dance areas were separated from the main floor by a wall. They were each a single long bench running most of the length of the main room, on each side. Any lap dances there would be shared by any other people getting them, as well as people occasionally walking through to go to the back. But you wouldn't be observed by anyone hanging out on the couches on the main floor or around the (unused) stage. The VIP area took up the third wall of the main floor. It was behind the stage, separated from it and the room by its own wall. It was slightly deeper. This space was also unobserved from the main floor. The individual seats were divided from each other, instead of sharing one long bench.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    No, the mostly-Latina club is Chicas Bonitas down the street from Palomino. I haven't been back since pre-pandemic but was at Palomino many times before that. The dancer profile was majority white, with a good proportion of black and other ethnicities as well.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bottle service.
    The closest I've come is paying for a package at Palomino in Las Vegas that included a bottle and mixers. I got it for the reserved table, so I was guaranteed a spot to come back to between getting dances, but the package included (and perhaps was intended for) the bottle. I drank very little of the liquor (and presume it was later tossed or maybe some waitress took the remainder home). But it was nice to offer a drink (or one of the water bottles that were also included) to dancers, and I really appreciated having a good seat to myself in an otherwise standing-room-only club. It cost a couple hundred, but I had the table for the entire night, not just an hour.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Need suggestions
    When I've been to Indianapolis, I've had good times at both Brad's and Dancers. Dancers is a nicer club, with much better views of the stages, and the regular lap dances are in separate booths with a little more privacy. Brad's is more cramped and not as good for stage watching, but you get more interaction with tips if you're sitting at the stage. The regular lap dances are much less private on shared benches, but they have better private/VIP options than at Dancers. I had similar mileage in them for regular dances (some touching, decent grind), and somewhat more in a private VIP at Brad's. (I haven't been to either since the pandemic, for what it's worth.) In Madison, there's just Silk on the west side (Visions downtown has closed). Silk is a comfortable club, and I've had some good eye candy there, but dance mileage is very low (often sit-on-your-hands low, though there was sometimes an ok grind). A little bit north of Madison is Club Bristol, which is more like a small neighborhood bar, and the dance spots aren't terribly comfortable, but significantly more touching was allowed than at Silk. However, Bristol closed after several gunshot incidents in their parking lot. I can't find whether they've reopened or not. The last news I saw was that they had an agreement with the town to not sue each other for a couple of years while they looked for another location, but I can't tell if they've opened their doors.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Miss kittys can provide if you're brave enough.
    I was last there almost two years ago (alas Covid). However in that visit they had replaced the stalls with metals chairs in the 3/$100 room, something I noted in my review at the time. I doubt, somehow, that they ripped out what they'd done, got rid of the larger, upholstered seats, and went back to stalls with folding chairs. This review seems like it was made up from other older reviews, and almost certainly doesn't represent an actual visit any time after September 19.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Good to be Inside
    The prices have gone up. Pre-COVID the topless couch dances were $20/song and the nude bed dances were $30/song.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How important to you is stage dancing at strip clubs.?
    I really like clubs with good stage dancing. When the performers are good, it's a pleasure to watch beautiful, naked women in motion. I like seeing the different lines of their body in different poses, and the performances can vary from sultry to acrobatic to slutty. When dancers aren't as good on stage, it's still useful to get an idea of what dancers are in the club. And if I'm interested in a lap dance, they're by definition not with another client when they're on stage, so it's a decent time to go up, give them a tip, and tell them I'd like them to come by. I also like having something to watch when I'm not getting a dance. It's a rare treat to have enough dancers in a club to get semi-continuous lap dances or other attention. When I don't have a personal lady to focus on, I like to enjoy the stage performances. I've occasionally watched whatever sporting event is on the TVs, but I'd rather have something connected to the club (i.e. half-dressed women) to watch. Low-mileage/air-dance clubs are definitely not my favorite. But if I had to choose between a club with a really good stage show and decent dances or a club with no stage show at all and extras, I'd generally take the former. Follies was sort of an exception because they had really good "regular" dances, not just extras, and enough dancers giving them that I didn't miss the stage show so much. My favorite clubs all have good performances, and they're part of why they are favorites.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    There was a dancer at the Palomino in Vegas a couple of years ago with very differently sized breasts. She was very self conscious about it, and kept her long hair pulled over her shoulder to cover the smaller breast, even when doing a lap dance. I told her everyone was asymmetric in one way or another (true) and that she was beautiful (also true - lovely fit body and a pretty face). She gave me a nice dance, but stayed pretty shy, which was unusual for dancers at that club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Quick visit to Chicas Bonitas
    FWIW, every time I've been there the dances in the back were $25 each but you could get 5/$100 instead of four.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Gorgeous dancers
    Papi, that's a good question. I think so. When I went upstairs the right side was full and I was offered the opportunity to wait, to go to the left, or to go downstairs. The dancer suggested downstairs (which I didn't know about as a VIP section beforehand). I haven't tested it, but my guess is you could choose that space if it's available and you prefer it, even if the upstairs is not full. They always have hosts on the main floor, so I don't think there'd be an issue with not having someone to manage things during quiet times.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A bit of a dive bar, but some friendly, pretty chicas available
    Really? Of all the clubs in Vegas, Chicas Bonitas is one of the least likely to bother having someone post an online ad. It's far from a fancy club, and the dancer quality isn't as good as other clubs, as I tried to indicate in my scores. But it's low cost, and I had a good time. I don't see how my review reads as an ad.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Gorgeous dancers
    I realize the unpublished reviews are anonymous, but I'm clearly not a promoter. Palomino is in fact one of my favorite clubs, and definitely my favorite in Vegas. The dancers there are beautiful, every time I visit. It's not a place to have quick, cheap sex, but it can be enjoyed in other ways by people not looking for that. You don't need to be a promoter to speak highly of it. You're right, though, that things are a bit slow in Vegas this time of year. I had more than one dancer at more than one club comment on both the relative low numbers of customers and the low amount they were spending. I think it's one reason I had more of them willing to hang out.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Club Ratings
    You could just string each of the parameters together to get a weighted rating and then take the median of those. So for each review, sum something like rating * (recency_weight * 1/days_since_rated) * (reviewer_count_weight * num_reviews_by_reviewer) * (reviewer_discussion_weight * num_discussion_contributions) * (reviewer_count_weight * total_number_of_unique_reviewers) Then you can just fiddle with the weights to decide how much emphasis to give the number of previous reviews vs how much to discount older reviews, etc..
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Can recent reviews still be read without a location filter?
    @Founder - thanks for the "All reviews / no location" link. Sorry if my question came across as a complaint.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    St Louis Clubs
    As @nicespice pointed out, if you just want "high mileage", and not necessarily extras, you'll have decent luck at most of the Washington Park clubs (next to/across the river from St. Louis proper - they all come up with a search for "St. Louis" here at TUSCL). Hustler has good stage shows, hot dancers, and only $20 lap dances. Miss Kitties is lower end, but not completely sketchy, with fewer dancers, some offering extras. PTs is smaller, more black, and smokier, and the dancers are a bit more aggressive than at Hustler. Scarlett's, which has been closed since May or so due to a fire, looks to actually be re-opening. They posted about a "friends and family" party on Nov. 22nd. I presume they'll be open for normal business some time shortly after that.