Couples first strip club any SC tips would be great

avatar for Drock918
My husband and i are going away in may for a much needed adult trip. I asked him what he thought about us going to a strip club together and he wants us to go. I have been wanting to go for a few years. Were in our early 30s. We are staying in orlando and were thinking of going up to Tampa for a night specifically to go to "better strip clubs" I have hardly any SC experience and my husband has even less. He wants me to pick the place. So a few questions maybe someone can help. I have read so many reviews and they all seem so mixed as to where we should go.

1.) Does anyone have personal experience with tampa strip clubs and can recommend a fav

2.) Ive read a lot of reviews about strippers treating couples like they are invisible. I want to have a good time im worried this will be akward bc of these reviews . Can you give tips as to how to avoid being treated like we have the plague?

3.) Do most strip clubs only have like lap dances out in open or in vip room? Is there a middle of the road option where you can have some privacy but not go VIP?

4.) If you do go into the VIP room what do you expect will happen in there?

5.) I see some places have prepaid packages you can buy for "couples VIP table" any clue what that would entail and what would be expected (from you as well as strippers) if you reserved one

Thanks for any tips or answers


last comment
avatar for Jasdoit
3 years ago
It’s a love/hate thing with couples. Stripper a wearisome of couple cause some women go into a club judgmental. It could also mean less tipping since the guy will be with you. Some women go in, have fun, compilment the strippers, tip well and get couples Lapdances with the girls. Strippers love love those women (husbands love them too.)You have to decide what kind you want to be.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Yes – couples getting ignored in clubs seems fairly-common and a fairly-common-complaint from couples – one can “assume” there are multiple reasons for this:

+ sometimes it’s the husband dragging the wife/GF to the club and she’s not really down and thus makes it awkward or problematic

+ strip-clubs operate by a different set of rules than the avg setting in society – strippers can get away w/ a lot with guys in terms of behavior or how they act that some female custies would find unacceptable – in general it’s a lot easier for a female custy to get offended at what a dancer does or acts than a male custy

+ in general strippers find it easier to deal w/ men whereas they may feel they have to tread-more-lightly when there’s a female involved and is thus more work for the dancer having to please two different people at the same time that may have 2 different personalities or perhaps two different reasons for being at the club

A rule-of-thumb often given on this site is for the female to be the one being proactive at the club so it comes across as she being there b/c she wants to be and she wants to have a good time vs possibly being there b/c her S.O. convinced her – as a female custy she should approach the dancers on stage and tip them, or be the one to approach a dancer and ask her if she’d like to join you and your S.O. at your table, etc, vs just sitting back quietly waiting for the dancers to approach and dancers not knowing if the female is there to have a good-time herself or just there to be a spectator or b/c her S.O. was the one who wanted to go.
avatar for schmoe31415
3 years ago
A few thoughts, from observation only since I haven't clubbed as a couple, so possibly I'm off-base.

I haven't been to Tampa quite yet, so I don't have a specific club recommendation. Probably someone else here will, or you can go back through some of the reviews to see if any are more likely to be couple-friendly.

Generally speaking, I think dancers sometimes avoid couples because either the woman isn't really interested in being there, so there's drama/tension in the couple, or the woman assumes that because she's female she can be excessively grabby (where "excessively" varies by club/dancer of course). The couples I've seen in clubs having a good time with dancers invariably have the woman taking the lead by tipping dancers at the stage. Even if you're not sitting stage-side, make sure you're the one that goes up and tosses some bills on dancers you like. Make it clear that you're interested and not just barely tolerating an experience your husband dragged you to.

Dance locations vary enormously by club. I'd say many have the option for "floor" dances, where the dance takes place right where you're sitting in the main part of the club. Many also have a separate lap dance area. These are usually not private, but they aren't out in the middle of everything. A fair number have little booths that are semi-private - only visible by people coming to take a peek. If the club offers them, that's a decent middle-of-the-road option in terms of privacy. If you want actual privacy, you'll probably have to get a VIP dance, though note that some clubs have "VIP" dances that are still not private. You'll want to read reviews and/or ask the dancer to make sure you know what you're getting.

What happens in VIP varies tremendously by venue and dancer. In some the only difference will be the private space. In some the dancers will get fully nude, where they don't for "regular" lap dances. In most the amount of physical intimacy goes up, with more touching allowed in both directions. In at least some the dancers provide everything up to actual sex. I don't know how much being a couple instead of a lone guy affects how much the dancers are likely to do at a given club.

The VIP tables typically have a few benefits. The tables are usually reserved for however long you're there, so you can get up (for lap dances, restroom, whatever) without losing your seat. At a busy club, this can be really nice, since standing around because you both got up for a dance can be irritating. The tables usually come with some amount of booze and mixers. In addition to drinking yourselves, you can share with dancers, if so inclined. Getting the table also demonstrates to dancers there that you might have some money to spend, perhaps making it more likely for them to stop by. That said, the costs for these reservations are often quite high. You might be better off spending that on dancers, especially if you're not planning to drink very much and/or seating isn't an issue.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
w.r.t. which clubs to hit, couples generally do better/get-better-treatment in the more upscale clubs – I’m not too familiar w/ the Tampa area so perhaps others can recommend a good club for couples – Scores in Tampa is pretty-upscale and I believe is a good club for couples; Penthouse may also be a good option – there are also some well-liked clubs in nearby Pasco or Pinellas counties like Club Oz in Clearwater but IDK how couples-friendly they are.

To the best of my knowledge many of the better clubs in the area have individual rooms for lap-dances which usually include topless 2-way-contact – dance prices are $30 to $40 per song – as a couple, the pricing may be a bit more tricky as some dancers wanna charge 2x per song (assuming both of you wanna get dances together) – you should decide on a plan ahead of time w.r.t. how you will handle this if you wanna avoid paying 2x; i.e. state that one of you is just gonna watch, or maybe come to an agreement on paying 1.5x; but if both of you want attention at the same time during the dance good chance the dancer will want 2x/song - some of the clubs also have VIP where you pay for a block of time (15-minutes or 30-minutes); these often have a club-price plus an additional tip to the dancer.

I don’t have firsthand knowledge w/ Tampa and nearby clubs so perhaps others can chime-in and provide more precise info – it may also be a good idea to pay for a 30-day TUSCL VIP and read reviews for clubs in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas, counties, so you can know more or less what to expect – sorting the clubs by “overall score” will often yield the better clubs – some of the club’s TUSCL page will indicate in the description if they are “couples friendly” but this is often subjective.

Most of us on-here are solo clubbers - thus recommending a good club for couples is a bit tricky b/c there can often be some give-and-take - i.e. upscale-clubs are often the best fit, but they can sometimes be a little-tame, and the more-raunchy clubs may often not be a good fit for couples especially if they are inexperienced w/ strip-clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… I see some places have prepaid packages you can buy for "couples VIP table" any clue what that would entail and what would be expected (from you as well as strippers) if you reserved one …”

In general, one has to be wary of “club packages” – they are often poor-value that make a lot of $$$ for the club but don’t really provide much ROI – many clubs have a VIP seating area, this may come in handy on a busy night when seating is tight – it can also be a more comfortable seating area, and often times sitting in VIP may get one more attention from the dancers – but some clubs require buying an overpriced bottle or o/w charge too much or often times they try to take advantage of newbies – as inexperienced clubbers it may be best to go when the club is a little slower vs getting there at peak times when it may be a madhouse and the hustle in stronger (e.g. a Fr or Sat night past 11pm; etc) – getting there earlier allows you to settle in and get the lay-of-land and also have more seating-options available and you can decide whether a regular table is good enough or if a VIP table may be worthwhile – clubs that close late (4am or later) usually get-going later so a good time to get there would be b/w 9 or 10pm – clubs that close early (2am) often get going earlier and a good time to get there would be b/w 8 and 9pm (don’t go by the club-hours listed on TUSCL; the ones listed on Google are usually more accurate).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… If you do go into the VIP room what do you expect will happen in there …”

It usually depends on the particular club’s rules – as was posted by @schmoe, some clubs are 2-way-touching-dances only – and some you can bang in.

An additional tidbit of Florida clubs is that they are often filled w non-English-speaking Cuban-girls and thus communication can be a problem especially when a couple is involved – would be a good-idea to get familiarized w/ the Google Translate app.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Going to a strip club as a couple is definitely different.

If you want dancers attention it's better for the woman to take the lead in calling them over and tipping. Many will ask if it's okay to dance for your guy at the stage or sit on his lap in the front room. If the guy takes lead girls are more hesitant. But still a lot of girls don't like dancing for couples.

As for what happens in vip depends. Most girls aren't hookers. When we did vip we had a bottle of champagne and strawberries. My date and the dancer sucked each other's tits. We drank the girl danced. It was a lot more raunchy than the front room. It was just very playful fun.

I'm not really into it though. I knew it was always one step away from making my date jealous and I felt like I was walking on glass trying to balance enjoying myself but not too much. And the dancer was careful as well.

Strippers are very aware of territorriality.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
As far as club packages go. Some are a good deal. Just read the details and the price. If you plan on drinking a lit a bottle may be worth it at a strip club
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

Why are you doing this for?

Do you want to have a no strings attached threesome with your husband out of your own curiosity?

Most strip clubs do offer “full service” under the radar, but they are careful and do it “discreetly” and some of the dancers are “gay for pay” and some really like to play with men and women.

In my humble opinion and limited experience you will be better of hiring an escort that offers services for couples, you can find them advertising in Tryst, Eros, P411 etc.

Miami also have a good porn industry and I am sure the “pornstars” that work and live there do “escort”.

I think you can make things a lot easier if you hire a “pornstar” and act as a director/producer and tell her what you want her to do with you and your husband. You can even film it and take pictures.

Going to a Strip Club will be more of a gamble and you can get “lucky” or not

I would advice you to not do drugs, alcohol or any stimulants and play safe, everything covered every time.

Alternatively you can visit the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty)…

Where all of what you want is “legal” and a lot easier to arrange even if you don’t speak Spanish, because plenty of people there speak English.

In any case like they said decide what you want, find the price and pay the price.

Good luck on your “much needed adult trip” and remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
Thank you these comments are all very helpful. I have read before that the girl should be the one asking for the dance and make sure they know I am interested in being there. I usually do not have a hard time being assertive but am nervous bc i know i have no experience doing this I've read the strippers are usually really good at reading people so hoping they will be able to see that i am there bc i want to not just because my husband is there. I plan to tip well. I told my husband i want us to have a good time so we better plan on being gracious tippers especially being a couple. My husband told me he has seen woman being super obnoxious with the strippers but we both know that will not be me. I think it is so odd a woman would be territorial of their man in a atrip club. Why even go then? I assume its the ones tagging along and don't want to be there. Should we consider going on Thursday versus Friday or Saturday? Wondering if itd be better with a less busy day ? I read about going on friday or Saturday so its busy and less akward. I am wondering if we'd be happier going on a weekday. Do you guys feel like your competing for the strippers attention when your there and its busy? Or do you find they are good about making it around to everyone?
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Recommendation on a club. In Tampa, you should go to the Penthouse Club. Newly remodeled. Has food. Full bar. Probably the highest quality of girls in the Tampa area right now. They do have private VIP rooms that would be big enough for 3 people. And there will be other couples there. Penthouse Club is a favorite in the area for the Tampa Swingers clubs.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ I have twice taken dates to Penthouse Club in Tampa with two different girls. Both girls loved it and both wanted to go back.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@Warrior15 thank you I did notice the girls at penthouse looked like better quality but wasn't sure how couples friendly it was.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@cjkent_band i want to do this bc I think ill enjoy watching the dancers. I think the atmosphere seems exciting. I have always fantasized about watching a stripper be all over my husband so I'd like to see it in real life. But as far as threesomes and escorts go never say never but not at this time.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Drock918. Dont worry about feeling like you're competing for attention. They're working and will take anyone's money. Just be assertive and get them over to you. That's it. Dont assume they can read younthough. You really do have to take the lead tobmake it work as a couple. Also discuss your limits with your husband before you go. And a few drinks can help.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The days you go can be a hit and miss. Generally weekends are busier but not always.

Women get territorial in clubs nor feelings come up depending on the situation. You never know how you'll react til you're there. That's why it's better to talk before and set limits etc
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior15 have you ever been to 2001 odyssey in Tampa? If you have what was your experience there vs. Penthouse.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@ceoaticeysangelsllc yes its true thinking about it is different then actually being there im sure. We should discuss maybe closer (going in may) what i would not feel comfortable with.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And maybe have a safe word too to avoid misunderstandings when there
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Some great questions.

I'm not totally clear what your dream scenario is. Like are you hoping to get a few couples dances where you maybe touch her body a little? Or are you a Mff fantasy couple?

Strippers will see couples and wonder the same thing. A lot of couples are tourists. They pay their fee, sit far from the stage and watch, soak up the show and go home and fuck.

If you as the woman want to buy dances and get handy with a stripper, you need to be a little clear about that. If you see a girl you like make eye contact during her stage show, throw a few dollars to stage tip.

You need to make it very clear to the stripper what you are looking for, especially with regards to her contact with him. Understand couples run everything from "don't touch him" to "it would be cool if you sucked his penis"

Weekdays you will be able to spend more time chatting with the dancers. Weekend nights it's easier to be anonymous. For a lot of couples the best game plan is to go on a weekend night with the idea of just being a tourist the first time then returning during the week for a more intimate experience.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
One thing you need to know about Tampa. You either choose nude or your choose alcohol. Nude clubs dont' serve alcohol. Clubs that serve alcohol, the girls have to wear pasties. 2001 is nude club. They do have the "spaceship" where I have HEARD that extra things happen up there. They do have some nice girls. It just does not have the same atmosphere as Penthouse.

Do NOT go to Mons Venus. It's reputation is in the past. Used to be one of the best clubs in the country. Is no more.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
2001 is fairly-popular - I've never been but suppossedly it's pretty-small so if going on a Fr or Sat best to get there by 10pm
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
Me and Ricky always go to the gay bar first. 😉
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior15 We dont need alcohol so thats not a factor for us. Originally we were going to go to a sc in orlando but I read that they just do air dances and wear pasties. I wasnt sure how i felt about that sounds boring but maybe a good place to start for a first time couple visiting. We only have thurs, fri and Saturday night then were flying out Sunday. i thought maybe orlando Thursday night and if we liked it but it wasnt wild enough then go to tampa Friday night. the condo we bookee is in orlando but willing to grab a hotel a night in tampa if its worth it.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@jamesSD i dont know what my real dream is honestly. Just definitely like the idea of going and thought of my husband getting a lap dance. The idea of sitting at the bar watching leaving sounds too boring to me. The only person in my life i feel comfortable talking to about this SC plan is my friend who goes to do just that. watch from bar have a few drinks.
avatar for ancientlurker
3 years ago
My current favorite loves couples. The price is double, the man is going to be very well-behaved (I'm not saying always, but her experience so far), and she is happy to play with girls. This is a non-extras club nowhere near Tampa however, maybe it's different in an extras club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Yeah Orlando is a no-touch-area (I guess Disney doesn't want the area to have a seedy rep) - the little I know of Orlando, Rachels is a nice club w/ nice looking girls - post Covid there seems to not be as stringent enforcement of strip-clubs and in some previously low-mileage clubs a little more can be had (touching dances, etc) but IDK how much of this applies to the Orlando clubs.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior15 or anyone who would say.. if location was not an issue and you had to choose between going to the penthouse or oz ladies and gentlemens club which would you pick. I know you probably havent been to both of them but just curious and if youd say why. What do you look for in a sc when going to new cities? Do you rely heavily on reviews?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Reviews are a great way to narrow down or zero in on a club(s) - sorting by "overall score" and "# of reviews" is a good way to narrow things down; and then reading the reviews narrows it down even further - but one will not know for sure till they visit and why it's a good idea to have a backup club or 2 to visit/recon vs spending too much time in a club that's not a good fit
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi_chulo thank you that sounds good
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Oz or Penthouse ? For what you want, Oz might be a good solution. It's not that much farther over to Clearwater from Tampa. Oz will be very female friendly. You have a party atmosphere and no pasties. All dances are done in private booths with curtains. I haven't been in a while but I seem to remember the cost of a dance was high.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ There will be female customers there that are not necessarily with husbands or boyfriends at Oz. Last time I was there, a very attractive lady sat next to me at the bar. At first, I assumed she was a dancer that was on the older side. We started chatting and I find out she was just there to party. Then a dancer comes and sits in my lap. I could tell that the lady customer liked the girl in my lap. So I suggested we all go to the booths. That was fun !!!! Now that I think about it, I may go back there soon.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior15 thats good that oz is female friendly. I was reading the google reviews and its just tons and tons of positive reviews from both men and women so that is promising. Can you say how much cash you'd recommend a couple bring? Maybe you cant as I realize everyone's ideas for what they want differ. We don't drink alcohol. We'd like to get a few private dances. I see the pricing is clear for how much dances cost. When you get a private dance you pay the fee but then do you also tip the girl and if so how much? How much money should we bring for the stage dancing?
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
The numbers on the website aren't necessarily correct. Both Oz and Penthouse, the individual dances are like $35-40. Penthouse has VIP rooms that you do by the 30 or hour. I think 30 minutes is $300 but that includes the dancing for that time. I don't think Oz has timed rooms. Oz does do a Parade every couple of hours or so. All of the girls come out on stage at once. You get to see all of them this way. They they offer 2 for 1 dances. You can tip the girl afterwards, but it's not customary. You just handed them $35 for maybe 4 minutes of work. The club does take part of that dance cost. I'm not sure how much though.

It all depends on how much FUN you want. When I go with a girlfriend, I always want her to have a good time. So I might take 400-500 each time. You might have more discipline.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@warrior15 that is what i was thinking 400 to 500. It seems like alot of money for 1 night but I want to make sure we have a good time. You as well as everyone else have been very helpful. I am probably overthinking this whole thing but i know we are both looking forward to this night and would hate to have it go wrong.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
What is the difference between paying for labeled "private dances" vs 15/30 minutes in the champagne room" ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I'd say it takes about $200 to have a decent time - but experience has taught most of us that it's often better to take extra $ and not end up spending all of it vs not taking enough - also know that most clubs' ATMs charge super-high-fees and most of us avoid using them - most of us also avoid using credit-cards in clubs especially for dances or private rooms since the clubs often tack on fees, and in some clubs bogus charges - and also know drinks are usually expensive (and often watered-down) in clubs so you may want to pregame if having a buzz is important.

Also - Google reviews are often written by amateurs - TUSCL reviews is where one usually gets the-real-deal about clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Dances go by different names:

+ floor dances aka table dances - these are done in the main seating area - are usually the cheapest - mileage/contact may vary - some clubs this is the only type dance they have, and some clubs don't have any

+ lap dances aka private dances - this is the typical lap-dance - often done in a separate but communal/shared area and in some clubs you get a small room/dance-booth to yourself

+ VIP AKA Champagne Room - these are often lap-dances for a block of time (e.g. 15 or 30 minutes) - and in clubs where extras are available people usually do VIP/CR to have sex o/w they just stick to individual lap-dances

The terms above are often interchangeable and can mean different things in different clubs - e.g. in some clubs a VIP-dance a lap-dance and a private-dance are the same type of dance (usually a lap-dance).

In some clubs if one arranges for extras, you just pay the dancer - in other clubs one has to pay the house a room-fee upfront and then negotiate with the dancer for her services - and this is where TUSCL reviews come in so one knows how to navigate a club and know what things cost in part to avoid overpaying or getting ripped-off
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
w.r.t. Oz - it's a popular club and suppossedly seating is limited - per Google the club closes at 3am so probably a good idea to get there by maybe 9pm and get settled-in
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi_chulo thanks for the info i appreciate it. I was thinking maybe wed go on the Thursday arrive at 9ish. I know people say if you have money you'll get attention but i have read many people's reviews of various clubs saying they could not get anyone over even when being proactive bc there were so many people. Hoping if we go at 9 on a weekday itll be better for us i hope im not wrong.
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
@Drock918, you've been given a lot of great advice here already. I'm a bit late to the discussion, but I think your plan to go on a Thursday at 9:00-ish is a good one -- kind of the sweet spot when there should be enough dancers to give you some choices, but not so many customers that it'll be hard to get the attention you want.

I want to circle back to reinforce what others said early in the discussion about the importance of you being the one to approach the dancers. In my experience getting couples' dances, this is absolutely essential. Be sure to explain what you'd like to do or see happen, and don't be shy. The girls have heard (and/or done) just about anything you might propose, so don't worry about the risk of shocking anyone. Be sure to discuss prices in advance, both the fee for the room and what she expects in payment for her. You may be able to negotiate a little, but if you agree to pay her well, your chances of getting what you want are likely to improve.

Some girls may turn down your request; I've had that happen, and it's certainly their right to refuse for whatever reason. Some dancers hate doing couples' dances; others love doing them. Even if they turn you down, if you have approached them nicely, some may actually suggest another girl or two who might be willing to provide the fun you seek. I've had that happen, too.

And yes, this is an expensive hobby, but just go for it. You've read the reviews and gotten some good advice here about spending. Once you have your first experience under your belt, you will have a much better idea of how you will approach it the next time. And the next. And the next!

Best of luck to you. You sound like a great gal with a good head on your shoulders. Your husband is a very lucky man.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@EastCoaster thank you for your advice. I found out this particular club has couples night saturday but we decided Saturday night would be hard with a Sunday morning flight. So pretty sure well go with thursday. Hoping since they have a couples night that means the girls are couple friendly not sure if that is true though.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
A lot of people in Orlando head east to Cocoa Beach to club; depending on where one is in Orlando it can be a shorter and less-congested drive and not that hard to make it back to Orlando that same night.

Cocoa Beach (CB) has 3-clubs and they all close at 2am – also no private-rooms in the CB clubs but dance-contact is usually pretty-good (2-way-contact topless dances) – dances are $20/song and the CB vibe is more laidback compared to Tampa.

The 3 clubs in CB are Lido, Cheaters, and Dancers Royale – these days for most people the best one is Lido followed by Cheaters – Lido can get pretty-busy on Fr/Sat eves - Cheaters has a small parking lot but one can park in the business next door after it closes at night – dances are done in a shared communal room – the Cheaters dance-room is big, whereas the Lido one is small and a bit harder for a couple to be in but not impossible.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi_chulo yes i did look into cocoa beach and Lidos. I thought it looked good with lots of positive reviews from couples. But then I found out tampa had alot more options. I can see how Cocoa beach would have a different feel then Tampa area. I think this oz one in Clearwater is a solid option but did read how incredibly busy it gets in there.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I mention Cocoa Beach in case u were planning to club multiple nights and wanted to experience different scenes
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@papi_chulo yeah I wouldn't mind doing that but with time constraints it'd be hard to squeeze that in with the Clearwater plan. We will be staying in orlando 2 nights so we could do an Orlando sc visit. I dont know if its worth it though doing Orlando from what I read.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
My advice, based on some of what my ATF used to tell me, is to make it <em>all</em> your partner, at least to start with. Many dancers seem to avoid couples because the perception is that the woman is being "forced" to be there, and could resent dancers paying attention to her man. Making it all about her could alleviate some of those concerns.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@georg its actually me the woman. My husband wants me to pick and plan this but it was my idea. I will try to be assertive about it but definitely feel out of my element going in.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Well, I'm a dumbass.
avatar for Drock918
3 years ago
@georg no haha it was good advice either way
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