How important to you is stage dancing at strip clubs.?

Not important to me. I go for the lap dances and more in the VIP rooms. At the old Follies they had a tough time getting dancers to go on stage because there was very little money to be made. Most of the clubs that I have been to don't require the girls to go on stage. Some clubs make the girls pay a higher tip out for not going on stage. Some owners/managers never want to see an empty stage.
I guess if the clubs are low mileage like the Atlanta Cheetah, there isn't much choice but watch the eye candy on stage. That is why I never go there or similar clubs.
Do you do a lot of stage tipping? I doubt that I have spent more than $5 total for 2020. What I did spend was solely to get the dancers attention and let her know that I'm available if she has the time. I've rarely spent more than $1 at a time on stage tipping. I save my money for the good stuff.
last commentI am amazed at how much the strip club experience has been diminished by the lack of stage dancing. Still getting incredible laps and rooms, but its a far lesser experience than before. Before Covid I had believed stage dancing was meaningless to me. I never go to the stage, but I miss it.
Most of the time it isn't that important but there are a few situations that it is.
when the girls aren't circulating it is a good chance to tip and let a girl know that you want some dances.
at a club I am unfamiliar with it is a good chance to see the talent while you get settled in and decide who you want dances from.
if it is a visit that I don't plan to get dances but still want to see some beautiful naked women. These visits are usually either because I am traveling and in an airdance only city or I am just killing time between appointments and don't want to risk showing up at the next meeting covered in stripper glitter.
Stage dancing is still important to me because I get to see the rotation. It also allows me to gain the attention of a girl by tipping her well. I also still enjoy the eye candy part of the experience and find places where the girls don't go on stage to be boring.
Stage dancing is her audition for lappers/VIPs. It's the best way to see her body and especially attitude under bright lights, or to slip a bill and say "come find me later."
It also gives me something to look at other than my phone or the football game, rather than staring into space or watching a dancer talk to her regular.
I definitely miss it.
It is important to me, especially in clubs where the girls still actually dance as opposed to just wandering around in circles. One of the reasons I enjoy my trips to Canada where the stage dance is very much alive and livelier including the tipping methods.
In the past few years I’ve definitely noticed an increase in guys “making it rain” dropping $20 or $50 or more on stage.
I like the stage dancing. I like pole dancing all by itself and I can get a good idea of the dancers who are there and talk to them a little before asking someone to do dances or a drink.
I enjoy the stage dancing. Not so much because of the dancing itself (although I'm impressed by the rare athletic pole routine) but I like the mechanics of the rotation. I always like to sit and have some conversation before heading back to the private area. To me it's just more enjoyable to get to know each other a little before the intimacy starts. Sometimes after inviting a girl for a drink, I might decide I'm not that into her. When her stage time comes up, it's my chance to try someone else. On the other hand, if I really like her I'll usually agree to buy dances after her next stage routine. Then I really enjoy watching her up there, building the anticipation of what's to come.
Great topic ! It’s very important to me. It’s the best way to scope out talent. Also, I really like when one of my favorites gets up on stage and makes eye contact and otherwise performs for me. I distinctly remember the when one of my ATFs basically stayed in the same place on stage right in front of where I was seated at the bar and locked eyes with me as she performed a really sexy smoldering performance. I got me hard as a rock and had my heart beating out of my chest. That’s the experience I’m looking for.
On the other hand, I have another atf whose a terrible dancer, has no stage presence, but is gorgeous and delivers in the back. If she could put it all together she’d be irresistible.
Sorry for the typos
I too enjoy the stage dancing, especially if it involves girl on girl interaction or something especially sexy. I appreciate the athleticism of some pole dancers, but I'm more interested in sexy stage performances. It is kind of like window shopping and it helps me decide who to approach for a private dance.
If you're not crazy about stage dancing, why not just go to a brothel or AMP? To use a steak restaurant analogy: Just because I go there for the steak doesn't mean I'd want a meal without the wine or the appetizer(s). As other posters have mentioned, I see stage shows as an audition for the "main course" (ITC), or the dessert/nightcap (OTC). Has anybody ever seen an uptight, or lame stage show dancer turn into a sex freak in the VIP ? As for stage tipping, I'm not a tightwad, but I'm not a make it rain kind of guy either.
It’s good to see who is working and to invite someone over. I do hate the making it rain thing where a customer tries to make a scene. I’ve given large tips but not in ones. If I wanted to tip 20 or 50 I’d just use the appropriate denominations. The girl would know but I don’t care about being watched by the whole club.
I have pretty much only gone for stage dances. At the club I most frequented...pre-covid...the dancers gave mini-laps for a $2 tip, and I really enjoy those. Years ago I had a friend, now deceased, who couldn't believe I'd never had a private. He told me they were the only reason to go. The next time I went, I picked out a beautiful black dancer with a fine round ass. As my friend had suggested, I asked what she allowed and what she didn't, so I knew what I could do, which was almost anything (now I know she probably would have done even more if I offered her a larger tip). Truth is, her private was honestly better than most actual sex I've had. She was hot and into it, with her ass stroking and bouncing amazingly. Only my ex, who was a total cumslut, was in her league. (eventually she became a dancer after we broke up) The only downside was she started counting the first song a few seconds before it ended, but for two songs I was in heaven.
Since then I've gone a few times, and now I've always brought enough money for a private if I find someone stunning, either physically or flirtaciously. Last time I went one 6 made it clear to me FS was available, but I passed because she really didn't do anything for me, however the last dancer before I left was the most amazingly perfect dancer I've ever seen, and her mini-lap was a 10++++. I needed to leave, but I told her I'd be back soon and wanted many privates. She gave me her schedule and I was looking forward to it tremendously...and then came covid. I hope she's still there when this is all over.
^^ boomer - I agree 100%. Ironically, as financially helpful the "rain" may be to the girl, I think it's demeaning when she has to crawl around picking up singles, which is probably the motivation for those attention-grabbing assholes to do it in the first place. Any halfway decent bartender will collect the bills for the girl to avoid the pathetic optics of the whole thing.
On another note, I'm no sucker and I don't fall for stripper sob stories that end with them asking for a lump sum of money. However, there's been a few times that, for one reason or another, I've been inspired to tip a large amount. I always do it discreetly without any expectation of getting something back. In fact, I usually do it as I'm leaving, with a simple "Thanks, you made my night." or something like that.
I really like clubs with good stage dancing. When the performers are good, it's a pleasure to watch beautiful, naked women in motion. I like seeing the different lines of their body in different poses, and the performances can vary from sultry to acrobatic to slutty. When dancers aren't as good on stage, it's still useful to get an idea of what dancers are in the club. And if I'm interested in a lap dance, they're by definition not with another client when they're on stage, so it's a decent time to go up, give them a tip, and tell them I'd like them to come by.
I also like having something to watch when I'm not getting a dance. It's a rare treat to have enough dancers in a club to get semi-continuous lap dances or other attention. When I don't have a personal lady to focus on, I like to enjoy the stage performances. I've occasionally watched whatever sporting event is on the TVs, but I'd rather have something connected to the club (i.e. half-dressed women) to watch.
Low-mileage/air-dance clubs are definitely not my favorite. But if I had to choose between a club with a really good stage show and decent dances or a club with no stage show at all and extras, I'd generally take the former. Follies was sort of an exception because they had really good "regular" dances, not just extras, and enough dancers giving them that I didn't miss the stage show so much. My favorite clubs all have good performances, and they're part of why they are favorites.
It's not at all. It might just give me a gauge of how flexible she can be but no I really don't care.
Not important, but I do like it. Gives good opportunity to see all of the talent.
For the most part, I feel like the stage dancing is an opportunity to inspect the goods. Like many others, it provides a good opportunity to introduce myself and indicate interest and availability. I have on some occasions gone to clubs to watch the hot naked chicks on stage, but those are usually outings with friends or clubs where dances are lame.
I don't think I've ever not gone to a club because the stage dancing wasn't up to my standards. I've not gone to clubs because the lap dances weren't.
oh, and I also am not a fan of the whole make it rain thing.
It’s a good way to see who is working. Plus, it gives a little glimpse of who might be fun versus gals that seem disinterested in being at the club.
Also clubbing in low mileage places, I go in with expectations set accordingly and hope there is a good state show. I don’t mind tipping for it.
Gives me something to watch while I"m trolling for a girl to take to VIP. Plus that is where I make my initial contact with the girl a lot of times.
RE: making it rain. I was at a club and apparently it was a thing for some guys to just drop their 1's one by one on the dancer's back. Of course they fell off on the stage but the manager came up after the dance with a broom and dustpan to pick the bills up for the girl.
The first couple times I went to Follies, there were always dancers on both stages, sometimes more than one. I did enjoy that better than them just doing a drive by and grab your junk to gauge your interest.
Making it rain is a weak man's way of showing he's scared of dancers and/or his wife. "Icky, imagine touching a girl" is the motto.
I like the stage dancing for all of the reasons others have posted. I admire the skill, athleticism, balance, flexibility and confidence of really good stage dancers. And naked tits.
On making it rain, it’s not my thing but dancers have told me that stage tipping in general and making it rain is good for follow on business. If one guy is up there tipping, other guys do it and it increases their earnings and improves their mood, and thereby the vibe of the club. I won’t ever be a rapper and shower the girls with bills, but I’m not down on anyone who does. A lot of girls welcome it.
If the club doesn't have fully nude lap dances it's nice to see her shake her ass nude on stage before taking her to the back
Stage dancing is of minimal importance to me.
It gives me a nice view of the dancer - and that’s great. I can evaluate the dancers body and decide if I might want to buy a dance. But, I’m looking for girls who offer more than good looks.
There are old clubs in my area of northeast NJ - and the stages can be small. The small stages don’t offer a proper setup to show dance skills. Some girls don’t dance much - as they know the stage is just a spot for guys to get a look at them before asking to buy dances.
i enjoy a good stage dance. ( especially if she involves me.)
I like it. It would be really weird and boring if there were no stage "dancing" and it was just a bunch of girls wandering around or sitting at the bar. I don't care for actual dancing or athletic moves, I just like to see them showing off their bodies.
I also prefer seeing a girl showing off on stage before going for a lapdance. Even if I already know her. It's more fun that way.
I'll watch and tip my favorites on stage but only out of courtesy. Really could care less about the stage show.
I have found in the club I have been going to for 30+, that without stage dancing the club is deader and the focal point of the club is gone. Its like grabbing a table in club; you might not use it, or use it very little, but its still your focus point there.
Stage dancing is something to pass the time between dancers, to get a word in edgewise if the guy she's with doesn't skip her in the rotation, and to have an excuse to walk away from a dancer who's not figuring out it's time to go. If it's a club that's new to me, I also use it to scout talent. Other guys have said this, so I'm just agreeing on the points.
"Making it rain is a weak man's way of showing he's scared of dancers..."
I wish that were true because 99.9% of the time, these guys have no interest in private dances. (Usually it's someone that gives me a single $50 bill on stage that wants a dance, not someone that gives me 50 $1 bills to grudgingly pick up off the stage after my set)
But, 99% of the time they'll try to talk me into going home with them and/or their friends, and 50% may get bothered if I try to talk to any other customer for more than 10 minutes.
So no, I wouldn't call it scared because they approach and touch me first. Their logic is just wack.
Before the covidverse, I'd throw a bit of money up on stage to bring attention to a dancer I liked. The most I'd do was $100 in ones, because anything more than that to me was overkill. Typically when I've done that it was already her money for dances, it's just before I'm walking out the door, and we'd talked about it. If I feel like she earned a tip I'd round up, or if she was due more than $100 I'd tuck the difference in her outfit and throw the ones. I wouldn't throw a bunch of bills at the stage if I'm staying.
Meaningless at the old Follies, fairly important in an unfamiliar club, especially when the girls aren’t circulating. I will tip a $20 if I’m interested in her coming to see me after her set.
If da flappers jack tiddys are flapping we got to have stage shows
If they have flapper Jack tiddies - keep a few feet from the stage - those things can catch you in the eye!
I saw a group of white players from the Eagles “making it rain” one time during the day at Cheerleaders Philly. It was in the afternoon in a mostly empty club. I thought they looked like douche bags but they’re young, have plenty of cash and seemed to enjoying themselves.
Stage dances are a nice way to see what talent is in the building and gives me something else to watch besides the game. Plus there's nothing like eye fucking while she's on stage and that electricity starts to build up.
My golden rule - Never take a lethargic stage dancer to VIP. If she's going through the motions on stage she probably won't deliver in the back.
"My golden rule - Never take a lethargic stage dancer to VIP. If she's going through the motions on stage she probably won't deliver in the back."
Spoiler Alert - I'm gonna need to disagree with you there lol.
At the clubs I frequented the most, tipping more than a couple of dollars and asking her to come dance has a low percentage of actually working. The usually return to a regular (or the drug dealer at the old Follies).
shadowcat mentioned not stage tipping at Follies. I tended not to do that for a very different reason. More often than not if you got up to tip some asshole would have pushed your drink aside and taken your seat.
I was always passing through Follies once in a blue moon, so I tipped at stage if there was a dancer who was a must see and then figured out where to sit.
Dudes were cool the couple of times I asked them to hold a seat for me. When I needed to test drive a dancer for VIP I always found a way. But if you were in a hurry at that place the priority for me was to prioritize the right girl over the right seat until it was VIP time.
Hell, on one visit I hit up a dancer on her way from VIP at Follies because I knew she wasn't going to make it more than a few feet after she freshened up. She was asking me where to meet up as her previous customer came stumbling out from the back lol. Valentine. Jackpot.
Yeah I'll say there is a strong correlation between lazy stage dancing and high mileage.
When I started to go to Strip Clubs in the early 70’s there were only stage shows. There were no lap dances or table dances. As table dances came into play and then private lab dancers I still think of the stage dances as auditions. Especially if I am traveling to an unfamiliar area. In my area the lap dances are so expensive ($45) that to take a chance with someone you haven’t seen dance is risky.
$45 is really excessive. I could see if one upscale club charged that much to attract only a certain clientele, but is the whole area really that bad?
I live just outside NYC and read an article once about "pizza parity." It showed statistics that since the NYC subway system opened (1904) a ride always cost about the same as a slice of pizza. I wonder if there's anything like "lap dance parity?" As I remember, LDs became popular in the early 90's and they were $10 back then. I think a case of domestic beer (Bud) was about the same. So at $20-25 per dance that still holds true. $45 is really out there.
It is the local rate. Sometimes you can negotiate a lower price for multiple dances but some dancers won’t budge. Timed dances of 15 minutes for $100 or $140 are a better deal. However, you can pay $100 for a 15 minute air dance. I don’t like it but it’s what is charged in the local area.
Dont care about pole tricks. At all. Only tip side stage, never main stage and have cut back on that. Useful to see who's there but usually will go tip out of boredom more so than getting her attention to come over afterwards nowadays.
I like good stage dancing. For most of my career, that's all there was. A good, sensual stage dance with good eye contact adds a point or two over their looks towards getting asked for a dance.
"Yeah I'll say there is a strong correlation between lazy stage dancing and high mileage."
Ding ding. Winner. YMMV of course.
It makes it easier to see the talent working the shift and allows me to tip. admire, and perhaps inquire about a dancer's availability to entertain me. It is more important to me in clubs where I don't know who is working.
I like pole tricks. I like to see the strength and flexibility of my future VIP dancer.