
Can recent reviews still be read without a location filter?

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:38 AM
The "Reviews" link at the top of the new site limits the reviews to a particular location. The "Change Location" button walks you through the region, country, state, city selection. I just want to read/skim "all" recent reviews. Is that no longer possible with the new site?


  • datinman
    5 years ago
    If you click "more reviews" from the home page you link to a list of recent reviews.
  • laplurker
    5 years ago
    When I click "more reviews" from the home page, I get a specific location not the full list. How do you see the full list from across the country?
  • founder
    5 years ago
    cant please everyone... there is a whole big thread of people bitching that it showed too much. So I limited it. Welcome to the thread about people complaining they can't see everything. Where's my weed?
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    "More Reviews" gives you the recent review list. To get to a specific location now apparently you have to go through "listings" and click "change locations" and then where you want to search on the map. I tried to get STL and got Bowling Green, you have to hit the "+" sign a couple of times to enlarge the map.
  • laplurker
    5 years ago
    One of the nice things about the old site was that it was easy to see every recent review in a single list. Now I have to switch locations many times to see all recent reviews which means I never will. I used to live in California and still get there on business. I would have to switch cities many times to follow every club that I want to see reviews for. At least, make all locations in one list an option, please, please.
  • founder
    5 years ago
    It's been added. Knock yourselves out.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    🤗 it’s appreciated founder
  • EastCoaster
    5 years ago
    I like seeing all reviews and though it's showing me reviews from a city I recently selected, I now see that there's an option to see all (which says "Fuck it -- Load up every review!"). But if choose that and I go to Discussions and then go back to reviews, it reverts to a specific location. Is there a way that I can keep "every review" as my default?
  • founder
    5 years ago
    @nicespice, come to Vegas or So. Cal. EastCoaster, you got what you wanted. Everyone happy?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^”Everyone happy” well I need the winning number for powerball this Saturday but otherwise ehh
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    I've never been happy. But hey, thanks!
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    One of the things that drew me to this site was being able to see all the clubs in my city and in other cities. The recent changes to reviews does make it feel a more difficult to navigate.
  • EastCoaster
    5 years ago
    Thanks, Founder. Not just for what *I* wanted but for everything you do for us.
  • schmoe31415
    5 years ago
    @Founder - thanks for the "All reviews / no location" link. Sorry if my question came across as a complaint.
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