
Comments by Estafador (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Taking a one day trip flight to ATL.....for hot strippers! 😁
    So I did some quick scoping of Club Desires in Providence, RI. Unfortunately couldn't input TUSCL reviews in my equation so I stuck with google and yelp. Very mixed reviews of good and bad. Seems to be a club of personal preference with a nice decor. ALSO, it's cheaper and faster to drive to RI rather than fly which could make a trip any ol' day of the week IMO. I personally LOVE road trips, so I'll put that down for sooner rather than later. Since it's a matter costs between gas and tolls (thought about the Ferry, but that was the rather pricey) might consider renting a car just to save miles on mine. EH we'll see about it. Lastly, it's just as cold as NYC which is a minus for me. And I couldn't find a price for Desires VIP but Follies (according to google reviews and yelp) seem to indicate $150 for VIP. Correct me if I'm wrong @shadowcat So I'll just do both, but GA is definitely a planned event. @Papi_Chulo yeah I was shocked too. I think it's because it's in the middle of the week is why. Also not exactly a time people are suddenly stockpiling themselves to the south. Which is why I chose that time of the week. Spirit seems to only be a return trip to JFK @VH_Kicks I didn't know a simple backpack was not considered a carry-on. I have never flown before as an adult. Only like...twice as a child. Neither which were for fun. Might just do both Uber and car as I am not leaving GA on the same day. I'm leaving next day in the afternoon. I might consider making it a 2 day vacay JUST to fully sight see in ATL. It depends because I have to make a time and funds to ALSO visit Texas. Which is a mix of business and pleasure. Lastly, where da weed at in ATL? I can't not go and try some of the south's weed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    U.s clubs
    @georgemicrodong when you put all THAT into perspective, makes me less likely to visit TJ solely for strippers. I'd need a better excuse than strip clubs at this point.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Backup bands
    don't go to many concerts. I probably should before I hit 35 since I'm American and all. But the few I went to, NONE of them were ever upstaged by the opening acts. Guess I got lucky or unlucky
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Taking a one day trip flight to ATL.....for hot strippers! 😁
    according to google flights, EWR was the cheapest. What a major drag. So flipping far. but from what I understand, it's still way better than LGA
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dances in Atlanta
    @Fun_Loving Fella LMFAO shadowcat is NOT amused πŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dances in Atlanta
    @ZKing123 great news. Founder added this legitimately awesome new feature called club discussions. So there's a discussion section per club. And they seem to be pretty updated so I doubt their closed down. Also shadowcat is the King of Follies apparently and he regularly visits, so if he doesn't agree with that sentiment, I doubt it's closed down.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Taking a one day trip flight to ATL.....for hot strippers! 😁
    @gawker I truly LOL'd at that last statement. Nice jab at Atlanteans. But also great point. I really don't know how well they can drive in snow. Hmm, thank you for reminding me about the weather. @Call.Me.Ishmael where are you at with better strip clubs than Follies? I heard you can lappers for $10 a pop, full contact. Don't know how you can beat that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Hypocrisy when dealing with strippers vs. "normal" girls?
    I think the bigger issue here is how YOU the individual thinks. It's as someone said on this website in the past. It's tribalism at it's core. You are treating someone different based on their external factors when everyone is human. they don't fit your narrative so they are not apart of a tribe you approve of, I would try to realize everyone single person, whether a penis licker or a nun is still human and still has their own strife no matter how little of it we see.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Hypocrisy when dealing with strippers vs. "normal" girls?
    I have thought of this (not because of christian ideologies, but because I like to help people natural) and I have come up with a solution. Let a third party help and you contribute to the third party. If the stripper and the poor non-stripper woman both come to the charity in search of good will to humans, then neither will be turned away because their occupations don't matter but their level of need does. I can't vet each person individually thus why organizations exist so they can do that for me. I'm just a helpful anonymous hand that keeps the cogs turning. TL:DR don't play hero when someone more accomplished can do it for you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    What’s Your Poison?
    why didn't you make them all one skin tone?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is the VIP & verified group really better than the Front Room?
    hmm, does any BETTER insight of the adult entertainment world become discussed in VIP/Verified or is it just more of the same just sans the trolls?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much should a LD truely cost
    @nicespice I agree with Nappa
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever decide not to go to the club because ???
    For a hair "doo" yes. I have lo g hair so, I don't do cuts. I've also not gone because I have yet to buy a suit at k&g....or anywhere really.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Good $50 head
    I remember the days when a good ol' bj was $20 and the women were marginally attractive. And I'm still in my 20s. Ah the good ol days
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Examples of AWFUL stripper personalities
    I had something like that once. But her dances sucked SUPER bad, yet she SOOOOO hot. Turns out she was was waiting for a certain customer that wasn't me. And at the time, if she actually showed me any enthusiasm, I would have showered her with dollars all night because I thought she was soooooo hot. But her attitude and dancing was beyond shit. Her terrible attitude is what made me realize that's why I dont listen to you gents here about approaching women. The ones I approach every single time have the worst attitudes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Oddball acts that ~technically~ isn’t cheating
    Wth? Did he initially want to fuck and then got cold feet? Either way he's a weirdo all around. Instead of smashing his fwb or his girlfriend, he masturbates? Your right, he is weird.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    What percentage of your income is dedicated to the hobby ?
    Pre-tax, 1% TOPS or $1K; whichever is lower. That means if I have $120K, then I only hit the max of $1K post-tax. Though I usually never reach higher than $200. Or if I only have $20K (usually that's the starting point for me to spend it on anything that isn't an investment), I spend max $200. I'm not sure if that was the right answer your looking for.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This is why I would never marry a stripper 1/3rd of my age.
    she cheated on him for $55K? Hopefully USD, if not, I hope this "younger" old guy is richer because as far as I can see. Siberian Dinar is .0094 to $1 USD.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Band List
    I believe the founder of Reddit had to eventually go through the same dilemma but on a larger scale. Sometimes creator intervention must supersede some rights of freedoms to maintain a smooth streamline experience. With that said, did I make the cut founder? I been practicing WEAL HARD on my trumpet skills. I'm really for dum line, I sweaR!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    What was the way you developed your wealth ?
    I'll let you know in 10 years. In the meantime, I'm long term investing with dividends in first place and growth very closely behind. Also self business ventures. Someone mark the calander to bump this thread 10 years from now. @SJG I finally read your post (the first one on this thread) and I gotta say, your both right and wrong in my personal opinion. Yes, we are using money to invest invest in businesses we have little control over, HOWEVER, that's not to say their stock worth is based on a fugazi. It's based off the effectiveness of the product and the value the CUSTOMERS deem it by purchasing the company's goods. Not everyone can own a business, but if a poor youth can take advantage of the stock market to get out the ghetto, dont hate him for actively striving for the better things in life.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop picking on people
    If I go on the weekday within 2+ weeks, it's no more than $51 1-way or $102 round trip. From JFK I mean
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I really pissed a dancer off
    who don't you piss off man?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    How Creepy Is This? TUSCL Vote -5 to +5 Rapper T.I. says he takes his t
    I'll change my answer to -2 for blasting the results in the media. We didn't need to know that. But T.I. is not grabbing women by the pussy, so still doesn't deserve a -5. I haven't hit 30 yet, but one day she's going to appreciate what T.I. is trying to do for her. He was a dog, he's been in that life.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    How Creepy Is This? TUSCL Vote -5 to +5 Rapper T.I. says he takes his t
    you all must have had fathers in your lives. I'd give it a solid 0. It could be worse, he could care less, or make her stay on lockdown until she's married...like a mormon. OR he could be absent entirely. This is a very opinionated subject apparently.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Things strippers say: "I need to go make money"
    you know what man, they're right. If their desperate for that dollar, and we're not providing as much as they'd like TODAY, well just let them move on. Act too desperate for their company, and you'll wound up paying more than you bargain for, for less than you want.