Paying for her time

avatar for Damazing
I was bored last night so I went to my favorite club. I was just in the mood to have a few drinks and wasn't really in the mood for dances. My semi-regular girl comes up and immediately asks if I want a dance because I walked in during the 2 for 1 special. I told her no maybe later. She came back a few minutes later and sat and talked with me and we had the typical SC convo (I'm not making any money tonight, my car payment is due, etc.). The next 2 for 1 started and she offered again and I said no thanks but I gave her money for the dance anyway. I didn't feel sorry for her complaining about money, I just realize that her time is money and I was going to blow it on something anyway so I just gave it to her. This shocked the hell out of her. She acted like she didn't want to take the money at first and she just left it on the table forever before finally putting it away. Maybe no one has ever done this for her before but instantly her attitude changed. We went from having typical SC conversation to normal, everyday get to know someone conversation. It doesn't happen often but I have done this before with regular girls when I'm not in the mood for dancing and I usually get the same reaction. They all seemed so shocked but then seem to become more relaxed and some refuse to take the money because they feel like they're taking advantage of me. Does anybody else just give money for a girls time at a club without getting a dance? If you have what reaction did you get?


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avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
Columbus Gold has the drink hustle. Drink prices for a dancer range from $20-$500. They get to keep half. This is similar to the pay for her time system but the club is getting a cut from it. A lap dance at Columbus Gold costs $25, so I figure it would be better to just sample a $25 lap dance with her instead of buying her a $20 drink and tipping the bartender.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
"some refuse to take the money because they feel like they're taking advantage of me."

It is obviously just acting to them and they are playing you. Of course they are going to take the money. Until you find one that will actually refuse the money just keep in mind they are actresses.
avatar for Damazing
13 years ago
I've had girls refuse to take the money before and they've given it back to me. Regardless of whether the girl is acting or not I don't really think I'm being played because I'm not expecting to gain anything from it, I just do it to be generous. It's not like I suspect that any of the girls are secretly falling in love with me, I just find it interesting that some dancers are shocked or refuse to take money if they haven't done a dance for you. Maybe they think I'm trying to lay the groundwork for extras but that's not the case. They're there to make money and I'm there to spend money, bottom line.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
I'm not a big fan of lap dance grinding so I do that not infrequently. Strippers appreciate it but they don't go goo-goo-ga-ga unless it's in a dive and their take home pay is on the low scale. Alucard might say strippers are human which certainly will apply in some cases w.r.t. their motivation. More often than not, I'd go with what samsung1 said.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Paying for lap dances is one thing paying for her to sit at the bar is insane
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Did not we just have a long thread about this subject. USE the SEARCH function please!
avatar for Damazing
13 years ago
I'm so sorry for littering the message board with topics that have already been discussed. PLEASE FORGIVE ME OH GREAT ONE!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Topics repeat here nooo way
Other topic wasn't about girls being reluctant to take money. USE your READING COMPREHENSION please!
yes, i've tried that, but didn't really have any effect
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
Yes, I've done the same thing - Given the girls money for shooting the shit instead of a dance. No one has ever said, "no thanks." It was always, "Thank-you, honey."

Not only do topics get rehashed, but sometimes the topics are really retarded, such as, "Am I a Toff?" Who the fuck cares? If you don't like the topic, just don't read it. First, it's not costing you any money and second, maybe someone has a different take on the subject. So, lighten up.
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
The reaction I've always received when I gave money without getting a dance is like when you're walking down the street and find $20 on the sidewalk. I'd much rather give them the money than the people on the street corner with "give me money" signs. At least they're doing something for the money.
I've done this, not frequently but a few times. Never had a girl turn down money.
avatar for FA
13 years ago
Not my deal at all. I still always prefer the standard quid pro quo. They grind, I pay.
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