
Compliments, yours!

In another topic, farmerart talked about ones personality in clubs. Made me think of what I hear from dancers. So, my question to each of you is...

What is the number one compliment YOU hear from dancers?

To start it off, I hear most often, that I have soft hands.


  • steve229
    12 years ago

    Who doesn't smile and sit up a little straighter when a hot young dancer approaches them and says "Hi, Handsome!"

    It's one of the best things about strip clubs, isn't it? In real life, you may be an average middle-aged schmoe.

    In strip club land, you're "handsome," "funny" and "in great shape" lol
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "soft hands"

    Me too, Clubber. The dancers all love it and say it. I don't know if that's a compliment though. It doesn't make me a manly man. I'm not a wrench turner. If they wanted ne to fix their broken down Ford Focus and install a window AC, I would fail miserably.

  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    We've all heard "Big Cock". That and $$$ will get you laid.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    @sc, no I've never heard that one

    I get the soft hands compliment and I also get thanked for not making the girls uncomfortable.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I get "gentle" hands a fair bit, and handsome a lot. The former is likely not full on SS, but the latter surely is.
  • Prim0
    12 years ago
    The best compliment I can think of is when the girl doesn't just try to run her lines on you (ie "Vanna Dance"). I like it when their straight up with you (ie "Wanna go back and play with my tits"). When they are all business, it tells me that they respect me. LOL
  • EarlTee
    12 years ago
    I get "You're funny" a lot. However, I can't guarantee that they don't add, under their breath, "looking."
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I get "soft hands" a lot. The main club I go to is frequented by Mexican (I think) landscape and construction workers. They apparently have rough hands and even rougher jeans. Because I work on a computer, relinquished yard tools ages ago (gotta love HOA maintained yards), and wear silky pants to the club, my smooth palms and cushy lap must be a welcomed respite from the chafe of the daily grind for the dancers.

    I also get the big dick-related comments - e.g., balls like Cadbury eggs (one of my favorite images), hung like a black guy, nice shape, etc.

    Most of the comments I'm sure are SS, but it still feeds the libido in the moment.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    You have such a nice dick :)
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    my you certainly have a big ---- wad of cash
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    like 10inches, I get many compliments from dancers about the attractive contents of my wallet.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I've heard all of them. The whores will say anything to anyone to make a buck. (Not only say anything, but many will doing anything too!)
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    Big cock, big hands, are you Brad Pitt's dad? It's mostly SS though.
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    "Who doesn't smile and sit up a little straighter when a hot young dancer approaches them and says "Hi, Handsome!"

    Answer: Me. I hate it when they say that or, "You're sexy." As Popeye says, "I yam what I yam," and it isn't handsome or sexy. My response to the obvious bs is usually, "Yea, right. Who you kidding?"

    I do believe the girls appreciate someone with soft hands being gentle rather than those with sandpaper hands and acting like they're kneeding bread dough. So, when they say, "I love your touch," it's plausible.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Funny and adorable
  • jc8891
    12 years ago
    I often get compliments for being clean shaven. The ladies really appreciate no rug burn when shoving their tits in your face.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Soft Hands, but I expect that due to my position in Health Care.

    A compliment about something that is obvious is better than a compliment that is a Lie.
  • indyslick
    12 years ago
    Agree with Randy on the 'handsome' thing. Anyone who opens up with hi handsome or hi sexy will probably get their feelings hurt because it makes me roll my eyes. But maybe that's cause I'm fugly. Best compliment I get is when they dispense with the SS and let their guard down. That means we're both having fun.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    When I still wore a beard, and it was nicely trimmed and very soft, I often heard how nice it felt on a dancer's skin. My response was always the same: "you should feel it between your thighs darling".
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    The "hands" thing is pretty common. I wonder the percentage of those comments coming in the LD area, as opposed to just sitting and talking? :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I get the soft hands statement a lot and have actually been told this from girls since I was ~13 yrs of age. Like MH commented, it does make me feel kind of less manly and like MH, I am not one to handle tools much at all and not very good w/ them.

    I think perhaps the dancers may mention this because obviously they have guy’s hands on them all the time and women in general like soft things (penises excluded of course :))
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I'm often complimented on my bewbies. Dancers seem to luv 'em.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    ^^^ Most of us can’t match that!!!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Like MH commented, it does make me feel kind of less manly"

    There is nothing unmanly about soft hands. :)
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    I'm complimented for being "mature," a gentleman and I give good conversation. The girls also say they like that I'm not trying to twist their nipples off like I'm tuning a radio.
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    This thread fucked me up tonight. Last week I met a very playful spinner. Had a great time even though I know it's all bs. Met her again tonight. She's all happy and playful and tells me, "I really missed you this week." This thread popped into my head and I, like an asshole, blurt out, "Yea, right." Well, she got this hurt look on her face. She didn't say anything or leave, but the playfulness was gone. She stayed, because she knew I was good for a VIP session, but it just wasn't the same. The hurt look on her face made me feel like a jackass, but I don't believe she actually missed me either.
  • hard10
    12 years ago
    I heard "You're charismatic." tonight.

    They're using bigger words now.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    " like an asshole, blurt out, "Yea, right." Well, she got this hurt look on her face"

    Well you're not a 110% Asshole, maybe 99%. The 1% realizes that a dancer's feelings can be hurt just like any other Human.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    Not sure what your experience had to do with this topic, but that's a bummer of a story.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "A compliment about something that is obvious is better than a compliment that is a Lie."

    I totally agree!

    Perhaps I don't take compliments well - or I just know it's lie - but I really do hate it when they say "Hi handsome" or "you're sexy" or "my you have a big dick" when I know they're all lies. Lol.

    When I go to a club frequented by blue collar workers and the dancer immediately says something about my hands when I touch her, I know it's the truth.

  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Another thing I hear is comments about my nipples. It's sounds gross and it's a little embarrassing, but apparently my nipples are larger than most men. Anf they get extremely hard and erect during a dance.

    The girls that reach up under my shirt always comment on them and proceed to suck and play with them. A lot of them say most guy's nipples aren't hard like my mine. I don't know. That's just the way it's always been. But they seem to really enjoy them.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "It's sounds gross and it's a little embarrassing"

    It is not gross & should not be embarrassing. It is simply human biology.
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    @Clubber - "Not sure what your experience had to do with this topic, but that's a bummer of a story."

    The thread is about compliments received. Well, I was mentioning how I received one and instead of responding with something nice, even though I didn't believe the compliment, I was a jerk. Lesson learned.
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    @hard10: I heard "You're charismatic." tonight. They're using bigger words now.

    That's some funny shit. She might be a keeper. If she can spell that fucking word. PMF.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    "The girls that reach up under my shirt always comment on them and proceed to suck and play with them"

    Yeah - I've had a few dancers do that and I wasn't sure if they did this b/c they liked it, or b/c they though I would like it.

    But my nips are smallish though and don't get erect too often even if I am turned on. I really like big nips on women and I guess women may also like this on men?
  • steve229
    12 years ago

    Oh, brother. First it was who had the softest hands. Now we're comparing nipple size?

    I'm starting to worry about the direction this board is taking...
  • silkypants
    12 years ago
    On my last visit I got "How come your balls are not all sweaty." I think that was a compliment. Maybe the Detroit guys can guess the club.
  • JohnBuford
    12 years ago
    New club/dancer: handsome,funny smart.SS,100%. Regular club/fave:"I've missed you." Worth all the other SS.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    OK, I just don't think her missing you is a "compliment", as such.
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    Isn't "beautiful eyes" the go to of bullshit compliments? I get that one all the time, along with the "gentle hands/touch" one.

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