
Comments by Bonesbrother (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have You Fucked umissedaspot's Mother Yet?
    As was expected, Dougster comes back with his usual broken record. The only thing he did not rebut was the claim that he fucks his own mother. Some things you just cannot deny, eh?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have You Fucked umissedaspot's Mother Yet?
    We already knew that Dugster was queer from his constant claims that others are. I guess we can now also add that he is a mother fucker. His own and this is just his way of trying to cover it up. And now get ready for another of his stupid remarks about me and the KKK. He knows nobody believes it but he has to run his mouth to protect his insecurities. Don't worry fuck head. Your own mother won't miss you tiny dick.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The wigger troll is trying to take over.
    Well Dugster took over. Juice. is so ignorant he doesn't know what I wigger is. crazyjoe, as usual, is kissing ass because he doesn't have a mind of his own. Where the fuck is zipman? Off crying somewhere because his beloved juice is not sticking chicken bones up his ass. I'm going to go finish cleaning out the attic.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Happy Summer Solstice 2014! Congratulations to Dougster on his 10,000th Post!
    Congradulations on being smart enough to out last the nigger. The LGBT is proud of you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The nigger vs the Queer.
    In my opinion the nigger won. You exist to argue some stupid point with another poster. Without them feeding you, you are nothing. The nigger on the other hand doesn't need anyone to argue with. he will argue with himself. Neither of you have any credibility. It's just sad that there are still a few troll feeders out there who's life is so pathetic that they have nothing better to do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Serious Topic: Open letter to LMN dude...
    This LMN character is full of more bull shit than juice. He kind of reminds me of Dugster.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My First Ignore
    Well I see the obnoxious fucker has cluttered up the discussion board again with his "look at me" bull shit. I hope you all are enjoying the niggerization of TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My First Ignore
    It appears that there is a new man in town calling himself SlickSpick. He is mostly intelligent, witty and well read but he is also trying to make a name for himself on TUSCL by making numerous posts on the discussion board. That would be fine if He hadn't joined the Juicebox69 team. By supporting him he goes against what the vast majority on this board want. He now joins the elite group of Dugster & CrazyJoe in feeding the attention troll. He claims that I am a racist. What makes me a racist? The fact that I call one person a nigger. The one person that is trying to ruin TUSCL by his constant bull shit comments. The fact is I cannot think of a better name for a person that is anything but a role model for his race. Smell the coffee people!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    I think I've figured out who the Juiceman REALLY is!
    Look around you zippermouth. The only support you got was from the usual bunch of retards that think juicbox69 is the king of bull shit. Lets have some more fun. My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily?? on his roasted chicken leg to notice"":? My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" My favorite part was "" Juice is too heavily focused on his roasted chicken leg to notice"" Still having fun?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    I think I've figured out who the Juiceman REALLY is!
    Good. Now shut the fuck up and go suck his dick. Nobody else gives a damn.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    dear yoder
    It's too bad you niggers don't have any money to actually go to strip clubs rather than bore us with posting your shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck That Faggot RickyBoy !
    Damn Dougster. You'll do anything for some attention. Even the nigger and zipperlip are too bored to respond to your trolling.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Da'System by rickyboy
    OK Dougster. You have proved that you are the most obnoxious ass hole on this board. So how about giving the rest of us a break?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I see the nigger and the queer are hard at it this morning.
    juicebox - You couldn't afford a bottle of Champagne. Just more of your bull shit.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The nigger vs the Queer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    ...and back to talkin' 'bout naked chicks
    Ok we have heard from The Juice wannbe...Zip The Juice lackey...crazyjoe And the Juice's cock sucker...Dugster So where is the nigger?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    ...and back to talkin' 'bout naked chicks
    Dugster should like this. http://nudeselfshots-blackmen.tumblr.com/
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    ...and back to talkin' 'bout naked chicks
    Shit zipman, I though that you loved juicebox69's "funny" posts.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
    Talk about meaningless posts. If it wasn't for guys like you feeding the nigger and the queer, there would be no reason for me to post. I'm not an attention whore. I just want to speak up for those that are too politically correct to get their asses wet speaking what they really feel.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    lupDujHomwIj lubuy'moH gharghmey
    No wonder this retard loves juicebox69 so much.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alucard.'s Profile Gone!
    zipman68 - How do you know that I' m a racist? Do you know me personally? How do you now that I am not black? Can a black person use the "N" word to describe a member of his race that degrades it. All I accused you of was being a juicebox69 wannabe. Apparently you find that totally insulting. Now go back to your kids games.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    juicemane is the king of Lady Godivas !
    Nigger - If you think that anybody believes any of your bull shit, you are dumber than I thought.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    sorry boys but ,
    Damn Dugster. That sounded almost conciliatory. Are you getting tired of his bull shit too?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    sorry boys but ,
    BBBJBecky - Just another of the crack head nigger's puppet names. He has to keep creating more to answer himself. In case you haven't been able to keep up with the attention whore, here are his other names: tusclpolice911 KoolAid2 BigTuna1 ShadowKat Juiicebox69 Dracula WhiteKnight BagBoyJames ClassicJuice Juicebox666 MrSystem2 Juicebox68 TheFuture Pootie SnackBox69 LarryBird33 Originaljuicebox69 BossPlayer tityboi BigBadJohhn69 BlankSpace Gucci_Mane BBBJBecky
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Juicbox69 is grasping for straws.
    So the retard that thinks I am a dancer where his girl friend sucks cock has joined the juice crew. The mama's boy will fit right in.