
...and back to talkin' 'bout naked chicks

Avatar for zipman68
zipman68the speed force!

My GAWD my pervo brothers...how far back do you have to go before getting to some good discussion of strippers or even of women. How about discussing naked chicks? So...Camille Rowe:


Pro or con?


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Avatar for zipman68

C'mon bros...let's get some post turkey day links to hot nekkid chicks posted. I mean really...even the folks who can't find the ignore button are appalled. Let's walk back from the edge and enjoy some boobies along the way.

Avatar for Bonesbrother

Shit zipman, I though that you loved juicebox69's "funny" posts.

Avatar for Dougster

^^^ how about some good ol' fashioned KKK posts, BonedBrother? Those are always a hauler.

Avatar for zipman68

Sigh... OK Bonesbrother. Since this is one of the few times you've posted without immediately launching into racist or homophobic invective I'll explain things to you. Let me know if you have any problems understanding. I can try again with little words if this post exceeds your abilities.

Yes. I like a lot of Juice's posts. Some are very funny. However, I think the "SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT" trope has played itself out. If Juice (assuming SippyCup is Juice) and Dougster want to keep playing with that idea they certainly can. Their prerogative. Only person that can really put his foot down is founder.

So I'm suggesting that those dudes dial it back, perhaps come up with some other routines to spring on us. Unlike you, I'm not going to invade those threads and call them "niggers" or "queers" or create an alias that trolls them. I don't see that leading to anything useful. If I felt I could get a few lulz I'd do so, but I just don't see it being productive.

So, as long as you're engaging here...where is your link to a naked hot chick? Or -- even better -- naked hot chicks.

Avatar for zipman68

Ugh...stupid iPad.

Rose McGowan dancin' all nekkid and shit: www.thenipslip.com

So...would y'all like a Rose McGowan lapper? I bet she'd get dirrrty in the backroom if she was a stripper.

Avatar for Dougster

How about a women of the KKK spread for BonedBrother? Scratch that, better make it men of the KKK.

Avatar for crazyjoe

^^^ displaying his true colors. Now we know what this faggot really likes

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Zip-I'd bang them broads. Rose McGowan danced a nice little ditty in Deathproof.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Last post was @ bonerbreath and not dougster...

Nice thread zip

Avatar for Dougster

Yeah, how come BonedBrorher has links to black gay prim sites so readily handy? Maybe because he surfs them all day?

Avatar for Dougster

prim -> porn fucking auto-correct

Avatar for zipman68

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Bonesbrother. You're not helping. Just stop posting racist shit and maybe people will stop bitching about you. I don't know why I bother talking to a racist moron... Lesson learned. You're incapable of being anything other than a giant douche.

Avatar for zipman68

Right on Slick...you are a groovy pervert my friend. Shit, the reason I watched Charmed was to see witch nipples! That show was like nipples fighting supernatural evil. FUCK YEAH!!!


Avatar for Bonesbrother

Ok we have heard from

The Juice wannbe...Zip

The Juice lackey...crazyjoe

And the Juice's cock sucker...Dugster

So where is the nigger?

Avatar for gatorfan

Where are the naked chicks?

Avatar for crazyjoe

What did you say bonerbreath? We couldn't understand you with that big black dick in your mouth

Avatar for SlickSpic

Bonerbreath is just mad that his Aryan Brotherhood cronies had to ask La EME for back-up since the ABH was getting crushed by the BGF. True talk, too.

Avatar for Dougster

Please don't use extremely, intentionally offensive language like the "n" word on this site, BonesBrotherFaggot.

Avatar for Dougster_Izzakunt

zip: still the same old hypocritical juice/dougster apologist. every time you say you laugh at juice's posts, i'm reminded somebody pays to see a new kevin james movie...now i know who.

Avatar for jester214

Zip you're just another hypocrite like dugly and alucard.

Bonesbrother is no more or less pathetic than any of the other trolls who you support.

Avatar for Dougster

Hear that! If you troll a strip club discussion board just as bad as being in the KKK. Great hyperbole, jestie, and technical name for it is "splitting". I'll just assume you are back to refusing to take your anti-depressants.

Avatar for zipman68

Interesting that only Slick and CJ commented at all 'bout the naked chicks. What's that about.

And new troll...Dougster_Izzakunt...you're not helping. If you're going to troll at least be funny.

Jester, you're entitled to your opinion but I'll point out one major difference between Dougster and Bonesbrother. I've seen Dougster make intelligent comments. I've never seen bonesbrother do ANYTHING except post pointless racist crap. The constant "SLAMDUNKED THAT FAGGOT" stuff has gotten old, in my opinion. But that's my opinion, if Dougster and Juice want to continue they are free to do so. I don't see the point in doing much more than suggesting we focus on something in addition to threads 'bout slam dunking your rivals. Perhaps that something like naked chicks and strippers.

So Jester, if you think that position is hypocritical all i can say is you should consult Inigio Montoya. But if you want to criticize me rather than talk 'bout strippers and naked chicks go right ahead. Free country. Unless founder tosses you I say you (& everybody else) can say whatever they want.

Dougster and Juice...maybe dial it back a bit. Just a little repetitive. Again, do what you want. I just think you're losing fans. I split my side with laughter over old school Juice. The repetitive slam dunking...not so much.

And Bonerboy and Cuntboy...if you really get any LOLZ out of what you're doing you're really sad people. Get professional help.

Avatar for staxwell

Rose is aging well for a 40 year old Italian chick. 8/10 Would bang.

Avatar for Dougster_Izzakunt

Zippy's guide to "being funny"

  1. Speak Klingon. After all, nothing says "I'm not a desperate attention-seeking nerd, I'm hip, I'm with it," like speaking a made up TV sci-fi language;

  2. Overuse the word "groovy" so people will hopefully think I'm ironic and not a needy hopeless fanboy;

  3. Turn cool into a 2-syllable word so people will think I am coo-el and not a sad, passive-aggressive attention whore;

  4. Overuse "shizzle" as if it were still 2002 (and not because I am so needing of approval from the number one fake whigger on this board that I will do anything to get him to post something to get him to pay attention to me);

  5. KFC XXXtra Krispay (now THAT's funny).

Mission accomplished.

Avatar for Dougster


Avatar for 23cambyman

dougster issakunt +1- THAT CRACKED ME UP! HAHA

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