One little problem RickyBoy - Let's not forget that you were the guy who once stayed at home for months on end on nights when both your favorites were working. After all, I you talk to one that might offend the other. A situation your "manly" self could not handle. Pretty hard to call you a man given that, RickyBoy.
Nice try Fraudster, but the truth is obvious. I can feel that weird man crush vibe coming from you with every fixated post ans you stalk me from thread to thread. I'm sorry, but as should be obvious from my posts, I don't swing that way. I guess we now know why you have nothing to say about clubs, girls, etc. ;)
Actually that incident I mentioned is a perfect example of exactly what a pussy-homo-faggot you are RickyBoy. I'm not the only one on the board calling you out on it either lately! Too funny!
last commentWelcome to the club! LOL
Spoken like a true Faggotassbitch!
*Now* it's a great thread.
Whatever you say you homo/klansman.
Ps - Greased any bouncers lately?
You've mentioned that the strip clubs where you live are not so good. What do you think it would take to improve them?