Have You Fucked umissedaspot's Mother Yet?

avatar for Dougster
So far zipman68 and I have. Who else is in our prestigious club?


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avatar for nuttingnice
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Lmfao...hope it was a good time
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Did you fuck alucard's mother too?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
When you butted all over her face, did she say, "You missed a spot?"
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
That's nutted. But how was her butt?
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
Naw. I've got standards.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Looks like you've got a club of two who admit to buttlicking a stupid troll. Such prestige.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ just mad because we fucked his mother.
avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Hey loser, isn't it time for you to put on your paper hat and report to work?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ Getting really mad now!

Think I'll just stay at your mother's house and fuck her all day.

Spazz, urpissedonpot, spazz!

avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Those fries aren't gonna bag themselves, tiger.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ look at urpissedonspot completely spazzing out here. Too funny!

avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Apologies to RickDugan, Steve, etc for making Dougster my bitch. I didn't mean to take him from you. Just made fun of his trolling, and now it's ARF ARF ARF 24/7. Lol
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Fuck the shit out of her Dougster... make sure you wrap it so it doesnt fall off
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Poor retardedjoe acts like his tongue is a hammer and every troll's butthole is a nail.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ Keep bumping a thread about how everyone here has fucked your mother, moron! Too Funny!

avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Umissedaspot is just jelous because his mom used to fuck him before she started fucking all of his friends
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
avatar for hotwheels
11 years ago
OK I get it now. I am a troll. ????
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Come on guys! She only charges $30, but you should be nice and tip her an extra $10 so she can feed urpissedonpot in addition to just supporting her smack habit.

avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
^^^ sounds like she is ugly enough it might be worth paying her $30 to go away
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
Friday night while everybody else was out, I see my bitch Dougster and his retarded sidekick stayed glued to the board crying out for my attention. Oh, cue the violins!
avatar for umissedaspot
11 years ago
^^^^^Lol at all-time bumpmeister Dougster not knowing what bumping a thread means. HINT: It's not bumping when it's already at the top of the list, bitch. Stupid troll.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ wow! look how instantly the homo spazzed out! Guess we really hit the mark about his mom!

Spazz, umissedaspot, spazz!
avatar for Bonesbrother
11 years ago
We already knew that Dugster was queer from his constant claims that others are. I guess we can now also add that he is a mother fucker. His own and this is just his way of trying to cover it up.

And now get ready for another of his stupid remarks about me and the KKK. He knows nobody believes it but he has to run his mouth to protect his insecurities.

Don't worry fuck head. Your own mother won't miss you tiny dick.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
BonedBrother: "We already knew that Dugster was queer from his constant claims that others are"

By that logic you are also a queer. But everyone already knew that.

BonedBrother: "And now get ready for another of his stupid remarks about me and the KKK. He knows nobody believes it "

You are really so stupid as to think people here don't think you are a racist? ooohhhhkkkkaaayyyyy...
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Bonesbrother
10 years ago
As was expected, Dougster comes back with his usual broken record. The only thing he did not rebut was the claim that he fucks his own mother. Some things you just cannot deny, eh?
avatar for umissedaspot
10 years ago
BTW, in the unlikely event that Dougster isn't just fantasizing, I've asked the cemetery management to notify me if my mother's grave has been tampered with. Nothing yet.

Keep dreaming, swinger.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Ok, let's me see here. BonedBrother's repertoire consistent of two things - calling juice a "nigger" and me a "queer". And he calls other a "broken record"? Too funny!

@upissedaspot: Actually she staged her death to get away from you and so she could spend all her the money she earns whoring on smack instead of feeding you. You has been duped!

avatar for umissedaspot
10 years ago
Nice try backtracking, creep. Not! You're already on permanent record bragging over and over about having sex with a dead woman. Fuckin' weirdo.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
To be fair, umissedaspot, Dougsta did assert that your mother faked her death to get away from you and become a drug-addicted whore.

Can't we just compromise and simple assume Dougsta fucked a chick that claimed to be your mother? Perhaps a disturbed aunt or cousin.

Inappropriate joking aside, it is frickin' hilarious that you're STILL replying to Dougster on this. I expected to just see some Dougsta bumps. I'll let you in on something - Dougsta wins as long as you keep replying. Walk away from this.

Or don't. Your choice. Plus "don't" gives me the lulz. Also gives Dougsta and CJ the lulz. Thank about that.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for umissedaspot
10 years ago
^^^Like I'm gonna to take advice from troll fanboy Zipman on how to respond to one of his idols. Riiiight. It wasn't by being all Zipman-obsequious that I made Dougster my bitch. Who cares what he "asserts". I assert that he is one sick puppy who is fun to kick around from time to time.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^ Wow! Look at how instantly and angrily he spazzed out just because I bumped this thread.

Spazz, urpissedonpot, spazz!

avatar for umissedaspot
10 years ago
My bitch Dougster soils himself in excitement every time he sees me post. Even Pavlov's dog wasn't that much a slave to a stimulus. lol
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^ What a tough talker! I nearly tremble in fear every time he posts.

What do you think you're up to now? 90% of your posts about me. Good little bitch-boy, good!

avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
@dougster- I've listed some TUSCLers you have problems with. Please rank them on who you hate the most. #1 would be the guy you hate the most.

•Maddog Romeo

avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I forgot Alucard. Throw him in there also.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago

I'd say only txtittyfan was a big enough POS to fall into the "hate" category. So in order of decreasing dislike


Hard to know where to put upissedaspot since he hasn't yet told us which aliases he used before his current one. Right now he's around jester214 level.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Thanks, I thought for sure Rickdugan would get the number one or number two spot. I thought your first three in order would be:

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Rick gets points for his sense of humor. He's also funny in in unintended ways. Compare w someone like jester214 was born with 1/10,000th the sense of humor of a normal person.
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
Hmmm...umissedaspot isn't even on your dislike list Dougsta. That's cold... You spin a story 'bout fucking a dude's mother despite the fact that you don't even dislike the dude. I'm never going up against you in a troll-off Dougsta my man, 'cos you are KING OF THE TROLLS!!!

So umissedaspot dude, take my advice or don't take my advice. I don't care. But "thank" about this. Dougsta is behaving the way Dougsta always behaves. Nobody here is surprised. Dougsta is an oddball -- dude seems to post 24/7 with a lot of trolling but sometimes with serious threads. Threads that even his nemeses engage with (especially RickDuganDude, who seems to have a good sense of humor about all the trollin').

I'm not defending the trolling and I'm not encouraging the trolling. I'm just observing the trolling. And dude...know that you ARE trolling. Just like Dougsta. But that dude is a pro. He is like the world champ of trolling. You're a bush league troll, at best. You lost the troll-off the moment you responded to Dougsta with troll shit. The only question is how deep you're going to dig the hole your in.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Like I said above I'm not sure to place upissedaspot. Very likely he is an alias from the past. But which one? He won't say. Judging from his current alias he is about on par with jester214.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for BlueLion
10 years ago
I herd she loves giving greek
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