My First Ignore

avatar for SlickSpic

It's been over a year since I've joined this mystical, mythological, and magical site. During this time, I have yet to place anybody on ignore. Alas, somebody has to be the first.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's put your hands together for Bonesbrother. Whether this chap is a troll or is a genuine racist matters little to me. I have yet to laugh at anything he has to say, and I laugh at some pretty racist shit. Adios, muthafucka.


last comment
avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

He's been on my ignore list for awhile now.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

And BonedBrother. 2 for 2.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

Bones went straight to my ignore list (now around 50 members), as soon as I saw his post the other day. I don't have the patience for those who continually post off-topic material and mostly perpetuate flame wars.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

I dont blame you. Whoever that us useless

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Lol! Nah-nah-nah, hey-hey, goodbye!

avatar for GoVikings
10 yrs ago

I'm black and I don't like some of the terms Bonesbrother uses, but his complaints are legit and I agree with them 100%

This message board is out of control and I'm starting to wonder if crazyjoe is a troll.

I usually just ignore the non-sense threads, but when TUSCL becomes littered with those type of threads, this board just becomes a waste of time.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago

My list of flamethrowers and accelerants is up to about 25 now.

Even if they do occasionally post something of value, I just don't have the patience to wade through the bullshit.

avatar for ButterMan
10 yrs ago

yea I'm going go ahead and ignore this racist dickhead too. A troll for sure. There is no room for shit like this here. Can't founder just block his ass?

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

I am racist against racists

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Sippy: "Yes my list is up to 653 ignored faggots if you can believe tuscl is that big lol"

Agreed! I'm just amazed that some juvenile minds would rather post total non-sense from their scores of multiple aliases rather than use TUSCL for what it should be - RickyBoy telling how to run a system to pay hookers for sex, and alutard explaining how he is a paragon of virtue, how immoral everyone else is, and how the government should simply ban guns to prevent mass-murdering rampages.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

Congrats on popping your i"gnore" cherry, slick

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

My first ignore was by accident. I wasnt familiar with the site and I accidentally hit the x button on someone. I didnt bother to figure out how to take them off for a while.

avatar for chessmaster
10 yrs ago

Fuck him. I haven't seen anything useful or productive from him at all. At least juice is humorous sometimes. This guy bone brothers is a troll and adds nothing of value. Then comes on here talking bullshit about "nigger this, nigger that". If I see him I would slap the fuck out of him. I love when people talk shit on the Internet. Just proves how much of a pussy you are. I bet any amount of money he wouldn't have the balls to talk like that not on the Internet.

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago

In the 7 years I've belonged to TUSCL, I've only put 2 people on ignore. Both of them made nasty but clueless comments about my postings for months without any provocation from me. I have no desire to engage in flame wars, and so I put the retards on ignore.

The ignore button is effective. But maybe I should have gotten Troop to go after them instead.

avatar for sclvr5005
10 yrs ago

As long as there are retarded people here with many many aliases my already large list of ignored assholes will continue to grow. I add a new one almost once a week now.

avatar for rockstar666
10 yrs ago

I haven't participated here very long, and I still have no one on ignore. I believe all wayward souls can find redemption...although I did have to drop a childhood FB friend when he turned out he was a Neo-Nazi and so were his friends. I've yet to be that offended here and I hope I never am.

avatar for joker44
10 yrs ago

I have over 50 on my list, most were added over the last year. A few are obvious shill advertisers, the rest trolls.

In addition to the likely suspects mentioned above who get ignored for offensive content I add members who post multiple successive comments whose content lacks any meaningful value to me.

Some of these frequent serial posters are part of troll/multiple alias flame wars. Others like LDK earned a spot on my ignore list after continuing to post multiple, serial inane discussion topic questions.

I welcome humorous posts here but someone who has contributed little of value in my opinion but posts frequent attempted funny comments gets ignored.

If I want humor there are many other sites with better overall humor. Daily Show or Colbert anyone!

gmd +1. Why waste time finding a tiny diamond in a hugh pile of shit.

avatar for Dolfan
10 yrs ago

Congrats! It took me a while before I hit that first ignore, but once I got started the bar to get ignored dropped pretty quick. I'm up to around 45 names now, but I suspect its maybe only 3 people or so.

Coincidentally, I removed my first person from ignore today - ranukam. I apparently inadvertently ignored him a while back and didn't notice. Not that I think he noticed or cared, but my bad...

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

I think joker44 has alot more than playing cards up his ass! Lighten up, old man!

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

@dolfan- I had your ass on ignore too lol. Just kidding.

I wonder which TUSCLer shows up the most on the ignore lists? A. Juice, B. Dougster, C. Alucard, D. Bonesbrother, E. Other

I think Juice wins that HANDS DOWN, second place is not even close.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

The order probably is

A, B, C, D.

Me, juice, and alutard all have rather high posts counts, however. BonedBrother probably has the highest ratio for ignores divided by post count.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

@ranukam - if you count all the aliases, he's probably A thru Q, lol

avatar for lopaw
10 yrs ago

It's pretty bad when your ignore list is bigger than the posts that get thru. And that is pretty much the case now.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

I don't have anyone on Ignore. I know who the trolls are and it's easy to just read what you want and ignore the rest. Just don't feed the trolls. It's that simple.

avatar for chessmaster
10 yrs ago

Lol. Seriously what did alucard do?

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

This was a related thread from 2011:

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

That's okay Slick,you can eat your lunch at my table.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

Thanks Dice!

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

De nada.

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

@chessmaster- I'm going to assume you're black. It's good to see a fellow black guy on here. As far as black guys that participate on the discussion boards regularly, it's me, you, Staxwell, Estafador, GoVikings, Rell, Nickifree, superdude, mmdv26. I hope I'm not missing anyone.

@steve229- Lol, you're probably right.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

I think that you missed juicebox69, et al.

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

Shadow- Juice is not black, he just tries to act black.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"Juice is not black, he just tries to act black"

If I was black, I'd be offended, lol

avatar for Bonesbrother
10 yrs ago

It appears that there is a new man in town calling himself SlickSpick. He is mostly intelligent, witty and well read but he is also trying to make a name for himself on TUSCL by making numerous posts on the discussion board.

That would be fine if He hadn't joined the Juicebox69 team. By supporting him he goes against what the vast majority on this board want. He now joins the elite group of Dugster & CrazyJoe in feeding the attention troll.

He claims that I am a racist. What makes me a racist? The fact that I call one person a nigger. The one person that is trying to ruin TUSCL by his constant bull shit comments. The fact is I cannot think of a better name for a person that is anything but a role model for his race.

Smell the coffee people!

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

^^^ shaddup already, ya stupid faggot!

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Im blaker dan u rancam n im much mor handsom !

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Lol !

avatar for 23cambyman
10 yrs ago

Juicebox are you infatuated with ranucam? You cannot stop talking about him

avatar for Bonesbrother
10 yrs ago

Well I see the obnoxious fucker has cluttered up the discussion board again with his "look at me" bull shit. I hope you all are enjoying the niggerization of TUSCL.

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