
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

the speed force!
There have been a lot of folks talking about the sad state of discourse on TUSCL. often that has been focused on Juice 'cos he posts so many threads, most of which a jokes (some of which are funny as shit!).

But im going to point out the fucked up nature of a couple of threads. RickDugan posted an interesting thread on stripper racism. It is always shocking to me how folks in lower socioeconomic strata can be separated by cultural influences. Here we have a stripper -- a profession looked down upon by many -- looking down on black people and Hispanics (and looking down on other strippers that "dance" for black people and Hispanics). I could get it if she said "personally, I'm not attracted to black guys...so I really don't like dancing for them. But whatever floats the boat of other girls is cool with me". The lack of attraction may (and probably does) reflect some degree of racism in many cases, but there are many reasons we are or aren't attracted to people. That is why I find the phenomenon of folks in positions where much of society looking down on them turning around and looking down on others so fascinating.

Whether you find that interesting (or find other aspects of the discussion interesting) I have one question -- why the fuck did that thread descend into yet another rick-dougsta flame war? Dougster's first comment was on topic -- an insult, but one directed at a member known to use the word "nigger" in like 99% of his meaningless posts. Somehow it degraded at some point after that...WTF was that about?

And Alucard posted a thread about JFK. Almost immediately it turned into a slam-Alucard fest. WTF? Whether you like Alucard or not, whether you liked JFK as a president or not, that was a potentially interesting thread. The Kennedy assassination was a major trauma for America. Why derail that discussion so quickly? Why derail it at all?

As a person who believes that people can regulate their own behavior and act appropriately I find it disheartening. Some of it is the simple fact that the appearance of anonymity on "teh interwebs" can make normal people act like "asswholes"... But c'mon my fellow pervs!!!

Im a strong defender of the "no moderator...folks should joke around" philosophy. But c'mon folks...let's TRY not to take a big steaming shit in the middle of a serious thread. Start a new thread if you want to joke around. Then folks can ignore it if they want or read it if the want some LARFS.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Maybe TUSCL needs a Thanksgiving Accord (akin to Ireland's Good Friday Accord) to settle the peace? Anyone volunteer as mediator?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Pick me Monty.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Why derail a thread with personal attacks? IMHO that appears to be the overriding interest of the Assholes who do that.

    I understand where you are coming from zipman68.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Says alutard who details half a dozen threads a day himself.
  • Bonesbrother
    11 years ago
    Talk about meaningless posts. If it wasn't for guys like you feeding the nigger and the queer, there would be no reason for me to post. I'm not an attention whore. I just want to speak up for those that are too politically correct to get their asses wet speaking what they really feel.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    As a newbie, you just haven't figured it out. Give it another 5-6 years. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    That's it BonedBrother, tell us how the KKK would run things.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Well, with riots in the stores, "Knock Out" game, ten years (or more) of continuous warfare, etc., I think the peace stuff is pretty much over.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @pikey: great scene from a great movie. "Who's side are you on?"
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Because trolls don't have anything to add to decent topical discussions. If they did, they wouldn't be trolls. So instead they get their "lolz" by derailing good threads and burying them with nonsense ones.

    As someone else said, we can't have nice things here. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    It's spelled "lulz", faggot!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^^^ See what I mean? ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Still mad you can't control the manner in which people post to the board, RickyBoy, or you gonna keep attempting to control it? Not a battle you can win. Best not in try and fight in the first place.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Fraudster, I'v long since abandoned any notion that this board will ever be a place where club junkies can share anything interesting or discuss topical issues. As truly sad as this is to say, anyone who wants that sort of thing has to find it at Stripperweb now.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^^^ That wasn't the case when I joined here 4 years ago, but it is what it is. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "I'v long since abandoned any notion that this board will ever be a place where club junkies can share anything interesting or discuss topical issues."


    Boooooom !!!!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    See PM Rick.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @Bonesbrother says "[if]it wasn't for guys like you feeding the nigger and the queer, there would be no reason for me to post. I'm not an attention whore. I just want to speak up for those that are too politically correct to get their asses wet speaking what they really feel."

    Then why the fuck do you post at all? You're not being politically incorrect. You're just being a stupid troll. And you ARE an attention whore. You know you will get attention if you say "nigger" and "queer". You're too stupid to make an actual contribution, either by being funny or saying something interesting. So you drop the n-bomb incessantly. You're just a sad little man.

    @Clubber -- alas, I know why things are the way they are. Call this post a sociological experiment. Outcome was basically as expected... Would have been coo-el if there had been a different outcome, but I wasn't expecting that.

    @rickdugan -- dude, I know you feel I encourage trolls out of one side of my mouth and pretend to be the voice of reason out of the other, but I've consistently (barring occasional lapses of judgement) advocated people just trying to post stuff appropriate for the thread. Don't like joke threads -- don't post in 'em. If you want to be a bit more serious and somebody tries to shit in your thread, maybe try to avoid addressing the shitter and convince others to do so as well. Dougster is right that you can't controll how others act. You can, however, controll how you behave. You want to be able to post things you find serious, I won't try to derail you with jokes. I may disagree with you, but it won't be OT crap for LOLZ (or lulz, as the case may be).

    In that spirit I'm no longer going to say anything to or about that racist asswipe Bonerbreath. I've tried reason, didn't work. I've tried insults and prop-bombing, but the dude is too stupid to do anything that actually gives me the lulz. So I don't think it's worth engaging him any more. The closest I'll come to acknowledging him is to address the rest of y'all with a "c'mon my brothers, more fun if we stay on topic" if he tries to derail things.

    The rest of y'all can do what you want, of course.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "If you want to be a bit more serious and somebody tries to shit in your thread, maybe try to avoid addressing the shitter and convince others to do so as well"

    zipman68, IMO that doesn't work very well. IME the Assholes just keep posting shit posts or attack posts and are not deterred by attempted group influence.

    Thanks for your opinion. Have a nice Sunday.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "^^^ That wasn't the case when I joined here 4 years ago, but it is what it is. :)"

    Ok, let's get one thing straight here. What you are looking for, what the board would degenerate into without some hard "steering" in the other direction is one giant circle jerk. Like the following -

    [Begin TUSCL RickyBoy dreams of]

    RickyBoy: Hey, everyone! Checkout this system I discovered to pay hookers who happen to work in strip clubs for sex! Took me ten years to figure but the key is you have to be the only one wearing a suit in a dive club

    TUSCL Member A: Oooooh!
    TUSCL Member B: Aaahhhh!
    TUSCL Member C: Wow! That is really clever! Thank you for posting that along with your great reviews!

    RickyBoy: No problem. Glad I could be of help.

    Alutard: I agree that this is a major discovery, but object that "hookers" is not a very respectful way to describe women who happen to sell sex in strip club.

    RickyBoy: Yes, alucard, you are right. I apologize. I will henceforth simply refer to them as dancers. Besides if they were mere hookers not much of a "system" would be required would it?

    Alutard: Thank you, Rick. I find that by referring to them as "dancers" instead of "hookers" they see that I truly respect them and what a nice guy I am.

    RickyBoy: Yes, alutard, I am sure you see you for the good guy you are, and reward you with the validation you crave.

    Alutard: Actually, I don't care what anyone thinks of me!

    RickyBoy: Oh, right you are, sorry about that alutard. Hey, you wanna go 69 with me sometime?

    Alutard: Of course, I am not homophobic after all!

    [End RickyBoy's vision of a better TUSCL]
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    A boring hallucination you're having there Dougster.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Alutard freaking out after that. Looks like I hit a bullseye there!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I have to admit that this was funny. I am still chuckling as I type this. If this was normally the caliber of your input then I, for one, would bitch a lot less.

    My only issues are with the high intensity volume and cheap satire. By using "steering" the board in this way, you are dis-incentivizing people from posting what I consider to be the good stuff that I first came to this board to read.

    Anyway, I am just a broken record now. You don't care about the trip reports and stripper related stories that used to be posted on here. Why would you? Some time back you slipped and exposed your disdain for people who frequent strip clubs. So for you this is just a dirty play pen anyway. ;)

    C'est la vie.


  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    But Rick...my point is that you control your own behavior. If you don't like what Dougster says, don't respond to it. You want to give a trip report? Try giving it. Respond if and only if somebody says something funny. If you dig what Dougster say ('cos that shit he posted above was funny) respond. If you consider it cheap satire then don't respond.

    Now I'm being a broken record, but I don't see why people don't try. Personally, I think we could have laced off with the JFK thread. Just not conducive to humor. The racism thread...potentially interesting but folks were going to be sarcastic. Try steering if but realize it will evolve.

    Most of all, have some friggin' fun with the shit on the board!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Zip, a discussion board is like a public pool. When the water is green and there are shits floating in it, it becomes unpleasant for those already in the water and others are not going to jump in. I don't believe that asking someone not to defecate in the pool, at least too much, qualifies as trying to control his behavior. ;) Now we all know that there will always at least one ignorant child who will use it like a toilet anyway, but when it is discreet and limited we can all pretend that the warm spot was from the sun.

    Unfortunately, our trolls don't even really jump into the water. They just stick their asses over the edge and let loose in a constant stream, all the while sitting back to see how the other kids react. :)

    Anyway, I do post my stuff, or at least some of it, but few others do anymore. It is too bad, but c'est la vie. Clearly the owner of this site is getting what he wants now. I am also being a broken record, so I'm going to leave off with this.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Dougster is not funny zipman68.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Interesting point. For some time now, I have been trying to figure out whether this is nothing more than an accumulating pile of random ass-wipery, populated by clueless misanthropes who post at rates far beyond what the usual TUSCLer does. . .or if there is more going on. I don't know how traffic is measured on the site and whether founder can show advertisers the number of logins or the number of clicks or what. If driving traffic is the name of the game, meaningless threads just talking shit may be pushing the site further into the black.

    But what about the possibility of something else, and I'll use the readily-available analogy of dancers talking shit in the club about other dancers because there is only so much money to go around and they want a greater share and they need to take it from somebody else if it is going to happen. Could there be competitors who have found that crapping in this pool will drive most people away eventually? If so, I would think that founder may be concerned with the bottom-line. I don't buy that the site needs to continue to be a bastion of free speech. BS, it's an economic endeavor and it is a private venture and profitability is the sole consideration. If the nitwits and mind-numbing troll activities haven't been cleaned up yet, it is either because it is impossible to do so, or it is preferable the way it is. Which must mean that all the trolls are somehow making somebody some money.

    But it still doesn't do anything to change the simple fact that a large share of what is posted on here is no better than a pack of eighth-graders gathering behind the school and hurling poorly-formed insults at each other. Juvenile? Yup. Homophobic? Yup. Xenophobic? Yup. Knee-jerk? Yup. Simple-minded? Yes. Grating, repetitive, and inconsistent? Yes. Illogical? Of course. And the reason it doesn't change is because I don't think it was meant to change. Idiotic food fights evidently serve some purpose.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Speaking of poor logic. The reason founder has appointed a moderator is because the question has been asked several times and the membership has been strongly opposed to it. IP bans are also impractical in world of ubiquitous mobile devices and proxies. All the conspiracy theories of various natures (e.g. competitors trying to hurt traffic here) are a little bit, what's the word? Looney.

  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Then if it's not a conspiracy, then it's a loose band of dumb-asses, isn't it?
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