Comments by dtek
review comment
a year ago
The one time I went there, not only was "no hands" enforced, a bouncer posted up outside the dance booth to do the enforcing. I'll never be back.
review comment
4 years ago
There's nothing objectively wrong with Diamonds if it has what you're looking for. It's not like it's a rip off joint. They're very (VERY) clear about the rules. It's just that they enforce their rules where other clubs will wink at the rules. In any case, it's not what I'm looking for in a club.
I'll have to check out the new club when (if) it opens. And, if what I've seen in other cities is any indication, so will half the dancers in the Dayton area. 🤣
review comment
4 years ago
Homestead Florida L
@minnow Yes, Cheeks scans your ID on entry.
review comment
4 years ago
That was my experience too on a Sunday evening a few weeks back, except the big guy was standing by the door so I didn't need to go inside to find out they had no girls.
review comment
4 years ago
I'll have to check out Lexington. It's a far piece to go, though. Indianapolis is clearly better than that dive, though
review comment
4 years ago
@trapdoor While I agree that Local Hick should name the ROB, the more important point here is that the club backed her up. I'm sure the dancers love it when the club backs them up, but it shows that as far as the club is concerned it's open season on customers. To my mind, it doesn't matter much which ROB Local Hick encountered. If the club took her side, stay away from Kittens.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Just read the transcript. Her side of the transcript reads like she had someone from law enforcement coach her on what to say to gain leverage over him. She was clearly setting him up with her repeated requests that he tell her exactly what she had to do while pretending not to know what he wanted. The guy was a moron for laying it all out in what amounted to an explicit solicitation of prostitution.
discussion comment
4 years ago
just looking for a little human contact along the way
Just be straightforward and tell her what the problem is and why. Say something like you said here: "I want to get dances from you but I'm afraid my wife will smell your perfume when I get home. Can you do anything to reduce your scent?"
I occasionally had that conversation with dancers back when I was married. Most were unaware that their perfume might be a problem and happy to know what I needed before I would buy a dance. As long as you're not a dick when you tell her, it won't be a problem.
discussion comment
4 years ago
@gammanu95 is probably referring to the brothels outside Carson City. But I think they're currently closed too. Even if they're not, they're hugely expensive.
No comparison to TJ.
review comment
4 years ago
NOTE: The review says they're open until 3AM. That was true on the night reviewed. Due to Ohio's COVID curfew, they now close at 10.
review comment
4 years ago
I used to be friends with one of the Sunset Strip bartenders. You can believe me when I say pdx1994's one and only review is the shilliest pile of horseshit I've seen in quite some time.
discussion comment
4 years ago
The view from the other side of the room
“Pornography, nudity and illicitness is wrong,” community member Barbara Evans said to the council. “It’s a sin and, I’m sorry, but it is not good for our community in any way shape or form.”
Funny, she doesn't *sound* sorry. :)
review comment
4 years ago
How does a dancer say goodbye?
"I'll be right back." :)
review comment
4 years ago
I don't really know why, or really even if, there's a no touch rule. But if there is, I'm sure it's COVID related. OLCC got their hand slapped hard by the Oregon judiciary the last time they tried to regulate dancing, and they haven't tried since. If they were in the club, it was probably related to liquor law enforcement or COVID restriction enforcement. COVID restrictions are legal, but will go away once the pandemic passes (though probably not until there's a vaccine).
review comment
4 years ago
"I wondered why Portland was not doing lap dances way back in the 80's"
Yeah, OLCC used the threat of a club losing its liquor license back then to regulate dancing to stage and air dances only. The Oregon Supreme Court eventually ruled that nude dancing is a protected form of free speech under Oregon's constitution and that dancers may do whatever they want while dancing. I have read that the ruling is so broad that even live sex shows on stage are a protected form of speech in Oregon.
article comment
4 years ago
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
There's a really divey club (more divey than average) in Portland where mamma stripper dances. She was in her mid 40s last time I saw her, and was pretty popular at this particular club. The first time I met her, she introduced me to her daughter who had just turned 18 and was also dancing at the same club. Daughter was pregnant. Later, I learned that grandma hung out at the club all the time as well. Mama's brother was also in the club on a regular basis.
The club is the Dream On Saloon. Any Portlanders know who the mama is?
review comment
4 years ago
OLCC's no contact rule was what kept me out of Portland clubs when I was young. It's hard to believe Cab II's owners would voluntarily institute such a rule. I'll guess the county gave them a choice between that and closing down again. If true, the dancers are probably going to get a lot hungrier. On the other hand, as long as the bouncers aren't checking...
discussion comment
6 years ago
Thanks. I looked, but I guess I missed the first one. :/
I'd delete it if I could, but now it'll just sit here like a steaming turd.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Knight of the Round Table Dance
Does being over 50 years old count?
discussion comment
7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Public officials and media outlets will sometimes overstate the effects of contraband substances. Fentanyl is deadly, no question. But it's not nerve gas deadly and not usually found in aerosol form. As contraband, it's mostly used to enhance the potency of other street drugs; most often heroin and fake oxycodone pills.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Good to know that TUSCL will "tattle" on you if you reject somebody's poorly written review. :/
discussion comment
7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Yikes! This is probably what much of Portland (and the rest of the country?) thinks the average PDX Stripper looks like. It's not. There are a few clubs where these "girls" would look right at home (lookin' at you, Kit Kat), but the vast majority of dancers in Portland are more girl-next-door-with-few-marketable-skills.