
avatar for loper
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tell a hot dancer, whose services you really want to avail yourself of, that she's wearing too much perfume? I really hate to come home and have do do a load of laundry right away so the wife doesn't suspect anything.


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avatar for nicespice
4 years ago…

Probably just before getting a dance, “massage” her (or she can do it herself, whichever) with hand sanitizer, especially around wrists and collarbone. She can always go back to the dressing room to spray herself again.
avatar for elmer
4 years ago
Tell them they smell great but you're can't buy dances because you can't risk smelling like a SC.

Explain that just like wearing glitter they could be losing out on dances (money) because most likely the majority of customers likely have a SO to go home to.

I know for a fact I've changed several girls way of thinking.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
Put it on you and just say you have an excessively sensitive nose. That should diffuse it (so to speak). Except you may find put why she does it and there is no going back...
avatar for dtek
4 years ago
Just be straightforward and tell her what the problem is and why. Say something like you said here: "I want to get dances from you but I'm afraid my wife will smell your perfume when I get home. Can you do anything to reduce your scent?"

I occasionally had that conversation with dancers back when I was married. Most were unaware that their perfume might be a problem and happy to know what I needed before I would buy a dance. As long as you're not a dick when you tell her, it won't be a problem.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"I really hate to come home and have do do a load of laundry right away so the wife doesn't suspect anything."

Does this actually work? Walk in the door and immediately do laundry and that's not out of the ordinary?
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
Back in the day when I was married, I would always keep a change of clothes and baby wipes in my car. I find a dark spot in an empty parking lot to change and freshen up. And sometimes I’d take my shirt and pants to a $1.99/piece dry cleaner. $4 to potentially avoid difficult questions: cheap insurance.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Dammit man that's just what I was thinking coming home and doing a load of laundry isn't suspicious to his wife wow, just wow.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Many years ago at the now closed Crazy Horse Saloon in Atlanta I ran in a dancer from the Czech Republic that was covered in glitter. Other than that she was quite attractive. I didn't have an S/O or any one else to answer to but I thought that I should tell her that wearing glitter was a no no and why. So I did and she told me that it wasn't her problem. Needless to say she didn't get any dances. Another dancer came by and helped me brush the shit off of me. No I just say "NO".
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
I notice less perfume in recent years on dancers. It seems like more know about customer concerns related to this these days but maybe its more the experienced dayshift ones who are aware of the issue.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
+1 Wall. Walking in late at night and suddenly running a load of laundry would scream guilt, lol, even if the guy normally did his fair share of laundry duty. For someone like me, who normally doesn't do the laundry, I might as well just confess and get it over with.

To the OP: Just be blunt. That's what I do. I won't let a girl get within a foot of me if I can smell her coming and I'm not shy about telling her why. I have no interest in a multi-visit development project for a girl that doesn't know better.

As most here know, once upon a time it was common for girls to wear perfume and even glitter in the clubs. But over the last several years they learned to stop doing so to the point that now it is almost Stripper 101 type stuff. Nowadays I just assume that any girl who stinks of perfume is either a baby stripper or is doing so maliciously to screw with guys who have SOs - likely not much fun anyway.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I would just tell her. I wouldn’t be harsh. I would let her know that you want to get dances, but her excessive use of perfume is going to cause issues.

This is a business, and her use of perfume may be hurting her ability to sell dances to other customers.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
Older dancers know this, younger ones really don’t. I had an occasion years ago where this really hot dancer had on bright red lipstick. When she inquired about a dance I declined telling her that there was a good possibility I’d be covered in it and didn’t want to risk it. She excused herself for a while and came back showing me she removed it in the dressing room. I got a great VIP from her and she never made the mistake again.

Just tell them flat out that their perfume, glitter or lipstick is too much and politely decline. Eventually they will figure it out.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
As others have said, be polite but tell her straight out what the problem is. It’s a service business and she probably appreciates knowing as long as you are decent about it. And if she doesn’t rectify the problem, decline her services just as you’d do in any other business setting.
avatar for loper
4 years ago
First, I actually just put my clothes in the hamper and then ran a wash the next day -- my duty anyway. Didn't think I needed to tell the whole banal story.

A couple of years ago I was straightforward with a regular who started using a lot of perfume seemingly out of the blue. She didn't spend any time with me for months after. She was not inexperienced. She later told me she was masking the smell of pot.

This latest incident is with a very experienced dancer also, and I'm pretty sure she's trying to mask tobacco. I actually love the smell of her perfume, but it's too risky. Since she's wearing it for a reason, and she probably already knows that makes her a no-go for some people, I doubt anything I say can change the situation.
avatar for loper
4 years ago
Sounds like a plan, Nicespice, but, I swear, some girls spray that stuff all over their body.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I agree in principle with the notion that being polite is always preferable to sniping at a girl. Unfortunately with the perfume issue sometimes it isn't always possible. When a girl approaches me preceded by the stink of cheap perfume, she often intends to make some type of immediate physical contact, such as a hug for a stage tip or because we've interacted previously. Some simply intend to wrap an arm around my back when they introduce themselves. A quick and somewhat defensive response is almost unavoidable in these situations if one wishes to avoid getting skunked.

Now sure, I'll try not to be too harsh about it if I have a little lead time before she gets to me or too rude in explaining it, but I have yet to meet a dancer who likes hearing a customer tell her that he doesn't want her to touch him any any way. So be it. I don't care what her excuse is, she should have known better, ESPECIALLY if she is not a brand new stripper.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Another alternative I’ve considered is to carry my pressure washer with me. Bear spray can be an alternative if the pressure washer is frowned upon in any given club. With some of the cow pasture clubs and north woods dens I’ve been in, these seem like reasonable precautions.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Did you steal the power master from desert scrub lol
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
25, I just jerryrigged some shit I had in my tool shed. I’ve had some issues with my settings being too high. I’ll work out the bugs eventually. I haven’t sent any dancers to the hospital although one bouncer needed some medical attention. I’ll fine tune that once the pandemic is done.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Or you can buy some of this:

Alibis: A Cologne for Cheating Men (Now Available at the Strip Club)…
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Loper it seems that this dancer won’t be changing her ways. You clarified her motivation, and it makes sense, even though it’s disappointing.

Aside from wearing a hazmat suit - I’m not sure if there’s a way to not get the smell on you.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Totally agree with dtek, this is handled incredibly easily with the kind of language he used. And if she won't comply, moveon

Ifigottabedamned: "Back in the day when I was married, I would always keep a change of clothes and baby wipes in my car. I find a dark spot in an empty parking lot to change and freshen up."

Exactly the same for me. I always had a change of clothes. If my wife was going to be home when I got home, AT MINIMUM I changed and baby wiped. If I were worried it had gotten into my skin and not come out, I'd go to the gym and shower before I got home. Since I went to the gym regularly anyway, coming home freshly showered didn't raise an eyebrow.

The saving grace of most of the girls is that the "perfume" they use isn't perfume, it's a cheap bodyspray from somewhere like Victoria Secret that fades fast on skin (don't ever assume it will fade fast on clothes). I've met girls who use actual EDT or even perfume strength fragrances, and that shit is going to stick to even your skin for a while, baby wipes be damned. There was a pretty hot girl some years back who I couldn't let even touch me -- once she barely touched my arm and I stunk like cheap perfume for the rest of the day

avatar for loper
4 years ago
Saw perfume girl again -- this time she wasn't wearing any. Had an awesome time with her.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
When a dancer I like is wearing too much perfume I tell her the truth: II find you desirable, but your perfume is a turnoff. It has nothing to do with my wife who knows where I am and all about not liking perfume.
avatar for rockie
4 years ago
Loper: Congrats on the positive change!

It depends on my situation, but my modification efforts ITC usually target a spray tan user or the glitter offender first. I always wear golf attire when clubbing and usually have a pullover or an extra golf shirt available for the perfume issue. If a dancer I know (and like) does it, I'll address it fairly nicely. In 2 cases, 2 separate dancers suggested it was improper attire on my part and I suggested that they should do what they wanted, but stop asking me for dances. Funny thing (kudo's to both ladies), future interactions between us began with both noting a modification of their behavior.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Just be honest with her. Its not a big deal and uou have a legit reason.
avatar for prevert
4 years ago
I don’t have a wife anymore so I don’t really care if any gets on me but some of the scents are pretty irritating. Even though I don’t have anybody who would care I just say I can’t afford to go home smelling like I’ve been at the club. Only one dancer ever got pissed off when I did that.
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