
Comments by bossproducer

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another level of crazy
    Well I heard from a little bird that when you left the hotel Juice was seen sneaking into your room.... ;)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best clubs in New Haven Area for Extras?
    Same here Rick. Search the reviews the info is there. Just read between the lines.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubbing with a Dancer
    Shadowcat LOL
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    An arrangement....
    I've been in this exact situation. It morphed into a mistress type of relationship and I can pretty much guarantee inflation will be brought up and exactly before one of your visits where most me are at there weakest. Now we have evened out and now have a more traditional type of relationship. Unfortunately that also includes jealousy on both sides, arguments and so on. Tread lightly as some of these younger 20 somethings can fall I love with us forty somes with cash, cars, and a house. Lol! I'm not kidding.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    Once again guys, thank you all for comin through. I have decided to take a break from both of them for a couple of months. See how i feel afterwards. My wife has agreed to this and as was pointed out before the ex stripper will always be there. my kids are what are most important to me right now
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    Actually it will be my wife getting the masters and making four times as much as me. Sorry for the confusion. This is why I am not too worried about finances
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    Btw sorry farmart for the mix up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    I am shocked and grateful for all the responses. Ohio has made a very strong point about me lying to myself about the 22 yo ex stripper. I need to read the posts and absorb all this good info. A lot of perspectives here and excellent advice will consider all of it. I think divorce is entering my head because of my current girlfriend. Hmmmm very relevent and thoughtful posts from all. Even juices provided a moment of comic relief.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I need your help. Weird discussion for this site Serious replies only please
    Please excuse any typos I am posting this from a phone.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    electric blue
    Assuming it is the one in CT. It is notorious for high contact cheap lap dances and ITC extras galore. Personally I think it is a disgusting shithole and the girls are just a little "too slutty" for me. They do have a mirror on the ceiling in the "champagne booth". Basically a closet with a curtain.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal Edition
    I should have gone with the first offer. She was not quite perfect but more my type than the others. Fun survey BTW Good job. Even though I saved money the point is NOT to save money
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    how common ?
    I had a nice OTC sugar daddy relationship with FS 4-6 times a month with me providing about $400 in monthly help. It has now morphed into a "mistress" type of relationship where I slend a lot less, get the basically the same amount of sex but spend much more time with her an never know for sure if sex is on the cards any particular night. Hey just like a regular relationship. I like her but it used to be all about fun and partying. Now her problems have a way of becoming my problems. I miss our old relationship
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    So,.......What Happened To Tuscl?
    Love the new format. Desktop pcs are going the way of the dinasour. As was stated earlier looks great on a iPhone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OT: Kim Jong Dead
    Burn in hell you piece of shit Kim. This guy is personally responsible for the brainwashing and suffering of millions. Correct nothing will change but as noted before I smell a coup brewin
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Woke up this morning.......
    A stripper party is a goal of mine. Problem is apparently most of these girls hate each other at least at this club
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Woke up this morning.......
    I am now convinced that having some sort of party favor is much. Healer than paying cash for OTC. For having $60 worth of oxy it seems you can get the same result as spending $2000-$300 dollars. I do not use but being in the music biz it makes it pretty easy to score. LE issues and risks aside, this may be the easiest route to a stripper heart. Let's face it, if you approve or not most strippers appreciate some sort of party favor
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Woke up this morning.......
    It is all I can do to keep myself from taking pictures as she is sleeping. Got to have scruples of some sort I guess!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Jessica alba per baby......
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ICE raids NYC club.
    See your point Rick. NY/CT is my home area as well.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ICE raids NYC club.
    Just because your educated does not mean you cannot be coerced into doing something that you may not to. Just ask a few Asian massage girls how much they want to do there job. Listen I am not saying Rick is wrong but I suggest one waits until the particuliars of the case come out. IMO there was this type of thing at this club and many others. If you see a bus pull up and 10 girls get out its a pretty sure bet something fishy is going on. They won't do OTC because they are. It allowed. Working in the music biz has allowed me to see what money can buy, and this type of forced work is common in NYC and jersey unfortunately. These snakes Rick has dealt with we're probably "house moms" for some 3 bedroom place in Brighton beach that houses these girls, and the ones being charged.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ICE raids NYC club.
    Also this takes away the consenting adult aspect of the sex industry. Pretty much the only moral leg it can stand on.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ICE raids NYC club.
    I am glad to see raids like this happen. I may be in a minority and God know I love strippers, but the sex slave thing is unacceptable to me. This is a situation where these assholes are profiting off he work and suffering of others. Fuck that. This is why I almost prefer OTC. At least I know this beautiful creature is gettting the cash and not some mobbed up asshole or club owner.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC confusion
    Wow great advice on this thread. Blue Monday, I am in the exact same type of situation. I have never payed for sex with my current OTC favorite. She never asks for money during or after a OTC date. She describes our relationship as "great friends" who fool around once in a while. The SS has almost left or conversations and I truly believe we are good friends. Of course I have no doubts that if I stopped paying for her cellphone, stopped "loaning" her $400 a month, our 7-8 OTC sessions per month would end. Strictly comparing to market rates this is an pretty good deal for me. I think I have become a dependable "nutrasweet" daddy to her. I could see us being friends if I stopped semi supporting her but the OTC fs would definitely end
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Gifts, the other way.
    A stripper I spent a couple hundred on the week before bought me a drink. Almost died from the shock...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    You're Probably A Slutty Stripper If; ..come on guys lets all play along.
    You smoke menthol cigarettes because you think they don't make your breath stink Supper consists of 2 dunkin doughnuts Even if you take money, gifts, favors for sex you are not a prostitute