
Clubbing with a Dancer

Friday, June 1, 2012 12:43 PM
I while back I hooked up with a dancer and when she wanted to go out she always suggested we go to the strip clubs? Are those girls so entrenched in the strip club world that they cannot see beyond it. I have always limited OTC but dealing with the screwed up heads makes you want to be like ALP.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I've said this previously, but I'll repeat it again: I've made several strip club trips with strippers. They're often curious about what other clubs are like. Often, with their busy schedules, they just can't get out to see the other clubs they'd like to. Sometimes they want to check out a particular club for potential employement without calling attention to themselves for that purpose. Some trips are just so they can check out the local competition. In either case, some clubs don't allow unescorted females, so they need a male companion just to enter the club. I've had many great times by taking strippers to other strip clubs. The more they tell me about what they're observing, the more interesting I find it. One was so good at that, that I referred to her as a strip club "play-by-play announcer."
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I haven't made several visits like Club_Goer, but I agree, it can be interesting in many ways. Why not help some of them?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I have only had one dancer that suggested that. Her club and all the others in town were topless. A totally nude club opened up and she thought that I might enjoy seeing that. I assured her that she was the only one that I wanted to see nude. So we didn't go. However, I am currently trying to hook up with a dancer in Atlanta. If I am successful, I want to take her to the Clermont Lounge, just for some laughs.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I've done it twice now, but in all candor I didn't find it to be all that exciting. The dynamic is different when you bring a dancer with you. Some girls won't approach you at all while others simply want to chat with "your" dancer. And I noticed a couple of girls who seemed rather irritated by the fact that I had another dancer in tow. Eh. Whether it is an SO, another dancer or some other girl, in my humble opinion the best time is had when one leaves the women and children at home.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I did it a couple of times with my 2011 ATF just after she retired from Dancing. My eyes were more on her than the dancers at the Club we went to. "but dealing with the screwed up heads makes you want to be like ALP" ABSOLUTELY Never would I want to be like ALP!!!!!!!!! And quite frankly, anyone who wants to be like ALP is IMO NUTS!!!!!!
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    I've been clubing with many dancers on there nite off. One thing is they like to check out the compition from other clubs, steel ideas & trash the compition. I've seen this done when I was working at Folies & Cheatas. The girls from the clubs I just lisred went & check out othe clubs. They came back with lots of ideas they stole from the compotion & also trashed the other clubs while danceing & chating with there customers. I'll be suprised if Shadow hasn't had this happen when he is at Folies.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    bang - I don't know what they could steal from other clubs. I have been to 18 of the other Atlanta clubs and none of them have anything better than what Follies offers. Just about every dancer that I have talked to at Follies has worked at some other club and yes they do talk trash about them but it not a jealousy thing. They know they can always go back to the other clubs but it won't be any better than what they have now. I rarely hear them talk about visting other clubs and I don't see many of them coming into the club in street clothes on their days off.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    I think its more likely she only wanted to go to strip clubs with traveler. If she went out with someone she's actually interested in, she'd do more normal stuff.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "Some girls won't approach you at all while others simply want to chat with "your" dancer" Very true Rick. I've only done it once, but there seemed to be some kind of "dancer ESP" going on that they knew she was a dancer. Odd, because this girl without stripper clothes and make up did not look at all like a dancer. Yet the other dancers knew.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    "some kind of "dancer ESP" going on" Yeah Right! 50-60 yo man shows up at a strip club with a 20-30 yo female. They know it ain't your daughter.
  • bossproducer
    12 years ago
    Shadowcat LOL
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    SC, lol. You don't think I have enough good looks and sparkling personality to date a 20 year old? :)
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Is that like asking a McDonalds employee to go to Burger King for a date?
    12 years ago
    Absolutely no doubt, clubbing with an ATF Dancer is on my to do list....the odd wild night is what it's all about....
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    @ gatorfan: Good one!
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Not yet but it is now something I hope to do with a wild blonde who danced for me (on me!) last night. What a wild woman -- she should be a blast outside her club.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "50-60 yo man shows up at a strip club with a 20-30 yo female. They know it ain't your daughter." There are such things in the real world as "May → December" relationships. LOL
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    True, Dracula. Unfortunately for most of us geezers, it doesn't happen often enough. :)
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