Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal Edition

avatar for JacksonEsskay
Hottie v. Hottie #4 is here! The twist this time? You have to decide whether each dancer you meet is the one for you or if you will wait for someone better. Only, don't wait too long . . . there are a limited number of dancers in Club TUSCL tonight! at the end of survey, you get to see all the dancers and decide if you made the right choice. All the dancers are from VIP's in Chicago.

<span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Take the <a href="…" target="_blank">Hottie v. Hottie #4 Challenge!</a>


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avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
None of them did it for me. Cheap visit to Club TUSCL for me.
avatar for rikk
13 years ago
Contrary to how I normally operate, I went with the first offer--Anastacia. And I can't say I regret the choice. Not a mind blower but very attractive in any case.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
I would have been ok with just about any of them, but I gave in too early. Should have waited for Elektra.
avatar for bossproducer
13 years ago
I should have gone with the first offer. She was not quite perfect but more my type than the others. Fun survey BTW Good job. Even though I saved money the point is NOT to save money
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I won! I picked Bridget and she was still my pick after seeing them all
avatar for TonyMontana
13 years ago
Toni, asians make me go rawr!
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I picked the right one, I went with Bridget. I'm not even a fan of blondes, but there are always exceptions and she looks pretty good.

After seeing them all, I still would have picked Bridget, though Anastacia is nice too.

I like this game, you should do it again.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I feel the same way. I picked Elektra and she was my favorite as well. I would drop a lot of money on her if she performs as well as she looks. I also liked Anastacia and Bridget. I would have been happy with either, but glad I waited.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I liked this survey, especially the photos with nudity. I picked Katana because she was blonde and I'm not sorry.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Agree with Art on this one....However, in the end - I could have gotten down with a dance from Bridget....
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Picked the first girl, and she ended up being my all around pick too. That was close though. Bridget was right there in the running.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Anastacia was my pick, and as far as I'm concerned, I made the right one.
avatar for Ghosty
13 years ago
Same as GMD.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Anastacia and Bridget the only ones that did not have bolt boobs.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Like Tony "Scarface" Montana, I did just fine. Asian women are so scarce for me in S. Florida, I see one I jump. Toni the Tigress made me ROAR!!!
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I picked Bridget, but Elektra was nice too. However I remained with Bridget for the whole night.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Nobody liked Alexis. I thought she had some great eyes and an intriguing smile, and what appear to be decent fake boobs. Other girls had obvious bolt-ons. I would have taken Bridget--long, long legs and great face. But I would have been happy with Alexis.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Wow! HvH #4 has over 90 responses in less than a day. Best every so far.
Here are the results:
Just shy of 29% went to the VIP with Anastacia, the first dancer to come by the table. My opinion is that this is mainly due to her looks, and not necessarily that those who chose her were just trying to get to the last page quickly to see all the ladies at one :-)
Of the remaining ladies, here are the percentages of customers who invited them to sit down (keep in mind that percentages will go up as the number of remaining customers goes down)
Katana 1.68%
Bridget 25.45%
Brandy 2.24%
Toni 5%
Elektra 13.89%
Alexis 16.13%
Gabrielle 4%
24 customers did not ask any of the eight dancers to join them. That means that just about as many went for the first dancer as those who chose to wait for something better and went home disappointed.
In the final questions, half said they picked the right girl, while just under a third said “I waited tolong” and 20% said (I did not wait long enough).
When given a choice of any dancer, Bridget was the hands down winner.

Anastacia 21.05%
Katana 5.26%
Bridget 31.58%
Brandy 1.75%
Toni 5.26%
Elektra 15.79%
Alexis 14.04%
Gabrielle 1.75%
None of them 3.51%
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I picked anastasia becasue she's my type even though she was first. Turned out it was a good pick because alexis would have been the only other dancer of interest to me.

However, I've been to VIP Chicago. If this wasn't play money, I wouldn't want to get too many dances there in the first place.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Normally, I wait at least one rotation before committing. Now if Anastasia and Alexis worked in a more friendly club (IMO) then maybe I'd be up for more than one round.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

BTW, your best survey yet!
avatar for fructose_father
13 years ago

I prefer blondes so I went with Bridget, even though she was a tad toothpick-ish.
Even though I'm not a big fan of red heads I should have waited for Alexis..
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