
An arrangement....

Avatar for travelguy10

Ok, so I was talking to my new fav last friday in the club. We have done OTC twice already, including a 3some with her gf. She is a hot little 23 year old and seems to dig my 49 year old ass. We had already discussed stopping or curtailing our ITC in favor of OTC.

So, last friday she told me that she prefered to come to an arrangement instead of a strictly pay for play OTC situation. What she proposed was that I pay her cell bill ($150/month) and her car payment ($250/month)and I could come by at LEAST twice a week and have fun. She further stated that she was extremely bad with money (no, a stripper bad with money?) and that she didnt want the money from me, just for me to pay these 2 bills. In addition, when I came by, just bring something to drink and maybe $20 for gas.

So, for $400/month I can go get crazy twice a week which is WAY less than I am spending on ITC right now.

On a technical note, does this arrangement change our play from OTC to sugar daddy?

The only downsides that I see, as I am very satisfied with her sexually, is jealosy in the club. She might start to see us as somewhat exclusive, I will talk to her about that.

So guys, what say you?


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Avatar for Alucard

Well if it is less than your ITC tab & you can afford it, the situation seems ok. Is twice a week good for you? It MUST remain at just these 2 bills. An Escalation would be a very bad sign. Yes you are a Sugar Daddy! And yes, does she see you as exclusive property now. AGAIN avoid escalation to MORE than the two bills.

Avatar for Rod84

Sounds like a deal to me. Just make sure it's month-to-month, so when you get tired, or she gets jealous, or her boyfriend disapproves, or any of a thousand other reasons you know are going to arrive at your door, you can pull the sugar daddy plug with little to no repercussions.

Avatar for travelguy10

That was what I was thinking. It is probably inevitable that inflation will occur.

Avatar for Alucard

A thought, since she is supposed to be "SO" bad with $$$, what is to keep her from "blowing" the Bill money you give her? Or are you paying the Bills DIRECTLY yourself without her handling the cash? Just a random thought.

Avatar for jackslash

$400 a month for 8 OTC sessions is fantastic. I wonder if I can re-negotiate my OTC arrangement with my ATF?

I don't think this makes you a sugar daddy. To me a sugar daddy is a rich older man who showers gifts and money on a young woman. You're just a dude who got a good deal.

Avatar for travelguy10

Alucard, she told me she wants me to pay directly so she doesn't just blow the money.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Sounds like a good deal, but make sure you get the sex before you pay the bills each month. So, don't start paying until after she delivers. If the bills are one at the end of the month and the other in the middle, that gives you the opportunity to fck for two weeks, pay a bill, fuck for two weeks, pay a bill, etc.

If you pay first, you may end up being left holding the bag.

And yeah, that definitely puts you in the sugar daddy category. :)

Avatar for umissedaspot

Can you say too good to be true? Here's how this can play out: You pay her bills, which are closer to $500. You get one session, then she becomes impossible to reach for any more dates. She finally contacts you to say that she'll need you to pay her rent (or car repair, DUI ticket, whatever) before you can see her again. And so on...

Avatar for Prim0

And make sure you don't put your name to any of these bills! Pay them by all means, but don't do anything to become legally responsible for them.

Avatar for Alucard

"but don't do anything to become legally responsible for them"

That's KEY!

Avatar for travelguy10

I agree, she has agreed to call both companies and put me down as authorized to pay, inquire about the account, etc. I will call both and make sure I can't be called when the bills are past due, liable, etc.

Avatar for Clubber

Sure sounds like a win-win situation, BUT I bet it doesn't turn out that way! Best of luck to you!

BTW - $150 cell bill???

Avatar for Alucard

"BTW - $150 cell bill???"

Yes they can be that amount.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Have her give you the bill, you just get a money order and send it in. I would not let her give your name out to anyone. If your name appears anywhere when you stop paying and she does not pay the bill collectors will be after you like stripper perfume on your shirt. I had a bill collector that threated me over a repo'ed car from the deadbeat kid of the previous owner of my house because it was the last known address of the deadbeat. Called at my work, house, etc demanding I either give him info on the kid or pay the loan balance.

No names to her account holders. Pay cash or money order only.

As far as authorization to pay: No company cares who pays as long as it is paid. Why would you care to inquire about her accounts. To much information is a bad thing. You are not her father/baby daddy or husband access to her accounts is to deep at this point.

Avatar for newmark

I don't know how you feel about privacy and remaining anonymous; but for me, anything requiring payment in a form other than cash is a non-starter. Paper trail equals BAD.

Avatar for vincemichaels

I can't add much more than what our fellow TUSCL'ers have said other than to say be careful, but enjoy it while it lasts.

Avatar for steve229

"I agree, she has agreed to call both companies and put me down as authorized to pay, inquire about the account, etc."

She knows your (real) name?

I got a bad feeling about this...

Avatar for Alucard

"She knows your (real) name?

I got a bad feeling about this..."

My ATF knows my real name & I know hers. :)

Avatar for SuperDude

Pay her bills directly in cash or with money orders. Leave no trail of personal information. Say no to any escalation or additional help. Be ready to walk away when she decides to dump you.

Avatar for steve229


You are a braver man than I,

also a little less married, lol

Avatar for jackoff

I've been in the SD scene for almost 20 years.

They all know my real name and I know theirs.

Paying her bills is the best and cheapest way to get a SB.

Do not give the utilities your name for any reason (no need too).

Pay her bills by cash or money orders.

Communication is key! Make sure you both agree that you can walk away at anytime.

If you're a Daddy be prepared for her to maybe want gifts.

Be sure you both set your limits.

I don't know if your getting a one pop shot twice a week or extended time. If she's just coming over and getting you off and no personal time. It's really an arrangement. If she's staying the night, you're going to dinner, drinks, movies, etc... Then you have become a Daddy!

Either way you look at it, it's a great a deal.

Avatar for BadBitchesOnly

Have the bitch sign a contract!

But seriously, understand what you're getting and what the arrangement will be. For example, what is the arrangement the week she's on her period? How are you going to react when you get full access to her phone bill and find out she's banging 10 other guys?

Avatar for rh48hr

Everyone has provided good advice. I will just say good luck and hope it works out.

Avatar for Clubber


"BTW - $150 cell bill???"

I really don't see how. My TWO phones are less than $60, and I never go over the minutes. I guess if she never hung up, she might get to that, but even then, every month?

Avatar for Alucard

Different Plans Clubber. :)

Avatar for Dain

It'll last a little while. Then you'll get tired of the drain on your money. Think ahead, man!

Avatar for steve229

"BTW - $150 cell bill???" I really don't see how. My TWO phones are less than $60, and I never go over the minutes. I guess if she never hung up, she might get to that, but even then, every month?"

I've known dancers who didn't have a home phone (landline) or computer/home internet, so their cell is their life line.

They need a plan with unlimited minutes/texts and lots of data (for email, Facebook, etc.). The real killer is data.

Avatar for Clubber


Now were are at a different level. When he mentioned "cell", I think of phone since that is what I have and use. Land line is only for the computer. If he meant text, data, and everything other than phone, I can see where it could be costly.

Avatar for travelguy10

This is why i love TUSCL! Thanks to all you guys for the help/suggestions.

No, she does not know my last name but she has my cell number so with Google, she can find out.

I agree with the suggestion of money orders for all payments. I don't want to pay from my joint account with my SO.

As to the sessions so far, she actually had me come to her house and asked me if she could draw it out. We actually talked and teased each other for an hour before multipop really hot sex. The second was a 4 hour session with her gf. She also alluded that if I just wanted a quick bj, it was ok with her.

Again guys, thanks for all the suggestions!

Avatar for steve229

"No, she does not know my last name but she has my cell number so with Google, she can find out."

See GMD's primer on Goggle voice, it's here on TUSCL somewhere. Very usual for staying anonymous.

Not that I would know anything about that personally, of course.

Avatar for Dougster

Do some international roaming and you'll see how high your cell bill can get.

Anyway, just a few words as my opinion:

Good deal! Fuck that whore!

Avatar for HonestT

Good luck TravelGuy!

@Clubber: it's easy to have a $150 cell phone bill.


2 iPhones

700 minutes a month $60

Unlimited data $60

Unlimited texts $20

$15 in taxes

Avatar for Clubber

As I said, PHONE is what I use. 2 PHONES and 700 minutes, less than $50.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

One problem with living in the Detroit area is that a quick trip to Windsor can rack up a big roaming charge.

Avatar for m00tpoint

Uh, ya all are gettin ripped off on your cell phone bills. I have unlimited text, data and 500 min per month in calls for $40 a month and that is 4G service where available 3G where it is not.

If you are not hiding anything a paper trail is no big deal. However, I would be very leery about paying with anything that gave her much info on you at all. Checks have name, address and phone on them. They also have your bank account and routing number which can, and has, been used to set up auto payments on other things. Also, if you agree to paying the "phone bill" what happens if she racks up overage charges? Does she expect you to pay those too since they are part of the "phone bill?" Same if her rent goes up .... I would set a dollar amount and simply say, "Here is the amount we agreed on. I will teach you to manage your money if you want but you need to do this yourself. What you pay with it is up to you."

What I wanna know is, if you have a significant other why you need sex with this woman twice a week? Get yourself a new SO!

mrs m00tpoint

Avatar for rickdugan

Idk, but it sounds like it is too good a deal. However, it sounds like you should have enough precautionary ground rules in place (including the money orders).

Avatar for Alucard

"What I wanna know is, if you have a significant other why you need sex with this woman twice a week? Get yourself a new SO!"

Quite a VALID point! The story I keep seeing is a NEED for variety. Just avoid Significant Others & be a "Free" Hunter 100% of the time. There's the variety. LOL

Avatar for georgmicrodong

"What I wanna know is, if you have a significant other why you need sex with this woman twice a week? Get yourself a new SO!"

I'll freely admit that I'm shallow, but I'm not so shallow that I'm gonna dump my wide because she doesn't want to have sex. Sex wasn't the reason we married, and it sure as hell isn't a reason to kick her to the curb.

Avatar for bossproducer

I've been in this exact situation. It morphed into a mistress type of relationship and I can pretty much guarantee inflation will be brought up and exactly before one of your visits where most me are at there weakest. Now we have evened out and now have a more traditional type of relationship. Unfortunately that also includes jealousy on both sides, arguments and so on. Tread lightly as some of these younger 20 somethings can fall I love with us forty somes with cash, cars, and a house. Lol! I'm not kidding.

Avatar for steve229

"Get yourself a new SO!"

Ah, that would cost a lot more than $400/month, lol

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