
Comments by bossproducer (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Yeah gotta admit not a big fan of illegal prostitution just for this reason. Should be legalized
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    We see each other couple times a week. The 4 times I OTC I mentioned were fs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    WTF?: "You can play with my kitty, just don't kiss me"?
    Kissing seems to considered more intimate
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    "If this is true then you're SOL on this one. She is 20, has a sugardaddy and is a college student. The only thing that you will do is spend money on her with no real OTC return. DOA. You will need to find another dancer." Wise Man RickDugan Well this was a prophetic statement……should learn to listen and adhere to others wisdom. I guess I was more naive than I thought I was. I work in the music business and have encountered every type of bullshit artist you could imagine. I can detect the best liars, and lie pretty well myself when called upon. Maybe I was blinded by feelings, but I really thought this one meant the SS. I can't believe how easily I fell for it. 20/20 backwards vision everything was pretty obvious. I admit, Stacy hooked me, put the carrot in front of my face, and I kept chasing it. Some key things she said and did to note for future reference. "Guys my age bore me, I like older guys better and your cute" "I am too busy right now, but I am going to quit my other job in november, so lets set something up for then" -Planning above date down to the very smallest detail while ITC. -texting only on days when she was working at the club -Spending hours with me telling me the whole time "its slow in here tonight, I am going to make no money" She basically stopped working when I came in because she knew I would take care of her. -Pretty much telling me what I want to hear all the time. -"Can you cosign a loan for me?" Not kidding with this... I wouldn't cosign a loan for my brother. This was the beginning of the end. I know the above is pretty obvious for most of you, but in the heat of the moment….. Last text I received she said she is "leaving the club scene" and concentrating on school more. Said she "would appreciate it if I didn't text her anymore." No problem, had fun while it lasted. This PL experience cost me about $1000 all toll. Yeah, I know…. Ironically, this has strengthened my relationship with stripper #1. During my time with stacy, stripper #1 saw us together at the club and I sort of blew her off. Later while Stacy was on stage, stripper #1 sat down by me, asked how I was. I acted pretty aloof because at the time I was planning on dropping her. She pouted and said I hurt her feelings, said "fine, I am just going to leave you alone…enjoy your time with that crackwhore Stacy" Another PL moment on my part, I actually felt bad and spent $200 on a champagne room with stripper #1 a week later. Not a lot of extras at this club, but the make out session we had was pretty incredible. Almost felt like make up sex was imminent if it was the real world. Well that happened the week after, and she didn't ask for anything. ???????????? Now she texts me the same SS that Stacy did…. HMMMMM not falling for that again. I have met stripper #1 4 times since then. I have bought her a prepaid phone ($100 total with minutes) so she can give it out to clients. She didn't ask I just gave it to her because she once told me she hates giving out her personal number to clients. She changed her main cell phone number and gave it to me as well. She asked, and I helped her out with $200 for rent after we met for lunch yesterday. I have no interest in making this girl a sig other BTW. These dates are not the "wham bam thank you mamm" variety, we usually spend about 5 or 6 hours together. She doesn't ask for anything during these dates. I have only given her $300 (including the phone) ????????? For 4 times OTC? Is there some other ROB moment I need to worry about here? I only ask because I fucked up so bad with stacy, and don't' want to be caught off guard again. I also want to maintain this "relationship" with stripper #1. Per dudester's advice I no longer spend any money ITC with stripper #1 except for the occasional lap dance. I also now differentiate between "club world" and "real world" Thanks for the advice, even if gatorfan honestly doesn't give a fuck! LOL
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    Have to admit, the club bullshit is ALOT of fun.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    I am putting dudesters advice into practice on stripper #1. I pretty much have stopped spending $$$$$ at the club for stripper #1. I will go occasionally just to hang out, and get a 1 LD. So far so good, probably will see her next week.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    Different perspectives here, and everyone has valid points. I really don't have any trouble dating women, I am just bored with ordinary females. Strippers add an excitement factor, and party factor I love. Stilletos advice hits pretty hard. Fact is I will never be able to compete with the SD. She definitely is not desperate. My only chance, unless I want to drop 5k. LOL is to rely on my charm, and friendly personality. I am able to make her laugh pretty hard. "Nutrasweet Daddy" I am stealing this line from you if you don't mind. Excellent. Rick your killing me. LOL I didn't ask the dancers directly, kind of got the info from the other dancer I had the OTC experiences with. She was bitching about her "coworkers" and giving me the low down on everyone. Apparently everyone shoots heroin. She occasionally dances at the same club as stacy, so yeah this could be a problem. Like I said, I am a newbie and won't make this mistake again. DOA? You may be correct, but I have to give it a shot to live with myself. How about if I set a limit at 1K? not including OTC. LOL Honestly 1k worth of lap dances from this girl is worth it. Maybe after that I will go with dudesters advice and just ask for OTC? Rick here is the budget breakdown. 10 lap dances @ $20 each $200 2 CR $200 each $400 "Loan" for OTC LOL $200 She didn't ask, but I offered a "Loan" This did not include expenses like dinner, hotel room, gift. So maybe about $350 total for OTC. closer to $950. Now we will probably meet 2 times a month or so. Considering some of the money I have spent on ordinary dates, with potentially months of waiting and achieving nothing, this doesn't seem so bad to me. Each time we spent about 5 hours together. Thanks everyone, appreciate the food for thought and will update as things move along.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A thank you and request for advice
    Point taken dudester, sometimes the lines are blurred, and sometimes you just don't notice. Reading my post back I see what you are talking about. Believe me when I say I would not want a 20 yo girlfriend, way too much to lose. Yeah, I can afford a certain amount of investment, and I am patient to boot most of the time. Still have the other one in the meantime. Unfortunately this is the only decent club in the area. The sacrifices we make. Do I cut off all contact, or just don't go to the club anymore?