
Comments by steve_ny

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Digging up some information on my ATF
    I don't think you should ask anyone. Never know if you are getting the truth anyway. I agree that you have to have a guy go in there and check it out if you want to understand what other guys are experiencing.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    It really depends on the individual girl. Local laws can have an impact short term but the economic landscape plays a bigger role. I hear NY is low mileage but people seem to find it easy with the daytime girls. Right girl, month behind on her rent, boyfriend late with child support and local restrictions mean nothing.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    For most, it sounds like the bj is just the final part of everything you described. Maybe they experience all of the things you described. Everything can be part of it but each act is part of the whole experience. I also agree that the mental part is what makes the physical intense. If I can add to OP's question. Why do you guys get off on the dollar between the breast thing? When I see this it makes me think the guy hasn't seen or touched one in years.
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    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Stripclub Movies
    1. Natalie Portman in Closer 2. Varsity Blues 3. Kristen Stewart with Gandolfini in Welcome to the Rileys 4. THe Girl Next Door had a great strip club scene Eurotrip also has an Amsterdam sex club scene that is classic. Showgirls was hilarious. She was so bad, during the sex scene I though she got electrocuted or something.
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    12 years ago
    People Watching
    I was in two clubs, one in Vegas and one in NY where they had huge VIP with double glass. Sitting, after a few drinks watching everything was pretty wild
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    12 years ago
    Take the political off-topic shit elsewhere.
    I agree with Vince, there are many threads that I pass on because I am not interested in the discussion.
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    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    VH you are so misguided, not even sure where to start. Obama inherited a mess and instead of focusing on the ecomony, he started on immigration and Guantanamo Bay. He bailed on those two ideas immediately and jumped to health care. Yeah, let's cover kids on their parents insurance until 26 and fuck, re-elect me and we will have to cover them on till 30. The solution is jobs and buisinesses are doing everything they can to not hire so they don't need to deal with Obamacare. Why do you think there was a mini revolt in 2010 with the House elections. THe majority of this country are against Obamacare but weren't willing to deal with Romney for four years to deal with it. They voted for the best, worst case scenario. Ask the middle class, what rewards are you talking about? People working two or three part-time jobs because businesses avoid the benefits. And the wall-streeters that were getting huge bonuses were spending thousands in the clubs and the girls were going out shopping all over NYC, that's true trickle down, douche! We have had two presidents, back to back that have destroyed this country and it will really take awhile for us to climb out, from a $5+ trillion deficit to $16 trillion and climbing..
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    Snowtime - I agree with your comments but not sure of a solution. I am fiscally conservative but not so much on the social issues. I would bet that half the people that voted don't understand the deficit or don't give a fuck about the deficit. They cant think on a macro level and can only see what is going on in their piece of the universe. Most people didn't care about Libya, whether he knew or not, people didn't care. I agree the Republicans need to evolve like the church did and back off on some things, but they risk losing some of the 58 million votes they did get. They are in a tough spot. They will probably go with Rubio, if you can't beat them, join them.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    $6billion dollar Obama stimulus plan. This is a repeat of 04 when someone with a brutal 4 years won. Romney couldn't get past the old, rich white guy image
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    12 years ago
    The election
    Understand, but under the same leader, the market dropped almost 80% and then increased 200%. I believe that while Obama spent two years on health care and the other two years campaigning, the market rebounded. If it was all his policies, we would see greater GDP growth, more jobs created, faster housing recovery.
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    12 years ago
    The election
    Dougster - Fair enough, then Putin gets credit for tripling the MICEX. Makes the Obama recovery look dismal.
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    12 years ago
    The election
    Giving Obama credit for the market rebound off of an almost 40% drop in the market does not make a lot of sense. That's the same as Obama saying gas prices are higher because the economy is doing better.
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    I understand the no harm, no foul defense but don't agree. If you offer extra cash, I'm sure some would agree.
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    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    I agree that the, you need to come back to my hotel, might not be the way to go. It is common for a guy during a dance to be like, I want to take you home with me or other stuff but they hear this every 15 minutes. I think if you seriously want OTC, then the conversation is better when you are both talking, not during the actual dance. Once I was talking to a girl in Ft Lauderdale and mentioned I was going skydiving tomorrow. I had a few drinks and asked her to go with us. She said she needed $1200 to take the night off. I wasn't interested even though I know she thru a crazy number out there. But it was obvious she was comfortable with this kind of thing
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    I think taping without consent is pretty fucked. Maybe pay them extra if they agree.
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    12 years ago
    I agree, the perception that the markets were destroyed by Republicans is misguided. The market was crashing before Bush even stepped foot in the White House, March of 2000, I believe. I am anti government spending so, I want a new POTUS. I also think the health care situation was ridiculous.
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    12 years ago
    I agree, a lot of things don't make sense these days and I saw 2016 and it's scary.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    Stiletto - you are correct, you are in the minority, I was talking more about the girls Rick and Jerikson were debating. Unfortunately, NY clubs have mostly foreign girls, although there are some Americans. If they are not legal, it puts them in an even tougher situation with people depending on the cash back home. As long as you have places in the world where you can live with $5-$10K a year, they will be willing to do a lot to get their hands on some cash.
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    12 years ago
    I mentioned investing because I can work to 70 if I want but a dancer doesn't have that option so it is more important.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    Yeah, LT was a legend in my father's house, but crossed the line in my opinion with a 16 year old that he should have noticed was not there voluntarily.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    I would bet there are many families in Latin America, no offense but this is the situation in NY, that are waiting for funds to be wired home and are in denial regarding where the money comes from.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    I honestly don't know either. This week, we have Lawrence Taylor in court because he called for a girl, when she showed up she had fresh bruises and said she didn't want to do it. He says he thought she was 19, but she was 16 and she says it was her first time and she called 911 from the bathroom. I wasn't there, but it sounds pretty bad to me and I think he's a douche. I don't know how I feel about the somebody else would do it excuse either, I just threw it out there because when talking about two consenting adults, I look to judge the family or friends that let the situation get to this point.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    I understand, but my point was about the support structure that is lacking. I would sell my kidneys on ebay (both) before my daughter would become a prostitute or a whore or whatever. Basically, before she would have to sell herself for money. You could say opportunistic or taking advantage but the point is that if they really need the money, they will find someone to pay them for what they are willing and choose to do. This whole discussion is out the window if we are talking young girls, but adults are different. I would judge the father more than the guys paying.
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    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    jerikson - the one flaw in your research is the assumption that all dancers have "parents and family memebers and friends" that feel the same way. As Rick mentioned, many of these girls have parents that don't give a fuck about them. There are father's that sell their daughters off so it is not the same. I had friends that went to the Dominican Republic and would rent girls for the week. Their father's didn't care or were happy there was some cash on the table when they got home.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    THe girls that save, invest and go to school have a chance. Everyone knows it's like playing in the NFL, you have to save it up while you can because the career ends pretty young. When they come out, they don't have the skills to do anything else. If they have saved, they can go into business but their prospects of getting hired for a good salary is low and it keeps them in the business.